Rabu, 04 November 2015

Eyeconoclast - Drones Of The Awakening CD 2013

Eyeconoclast - Drones Of The Awakening
Prosthetic Records CD 2013

01 Proclaiming from Dead Dimension 03:56      
02 Rise of the Orgamechanism 03:33    
03 Dawn of the Promethean Artilect 05:23    
04 Anoxic Waters 04:47      
05 Sharpening Our Blades on the Mainstream 03:23      
06 Obsolesced 05:48    
07 Hallucinating in Genetic Disarray 05:36    
08 XXX - Manifest of Involution 04:19    
09 Mother Genocidal Machine 03:51    
10 Invoking Carnage (Racing Blind) 04:34    
11 Executioner (Slayer of the Light) 03:41

Paolo Ballarotto - Bass
Mauro Mercurio - Drums
Alessio Cosenza - Guitars
Stefano Morabito - Guitars
Giuseppe di Giorgio - Vocals

It doesn’t hurt to have an extremely competent drummer absolutely nailing the tempo changes and fully handling both the slower and punishing breakdowns as well as the merciless grinding. Both the guitars and bass have a full and very heavy sound, and at times the guitars can do marvellous things. Vocal wise it goes from a harsh thrashy screaming to, well pretty much harsh thrashy screaming. cukup menjadi gambaran awal Gw menulis Stuff full CD ke-2 Extreme Death/Thrasher asal Rome, Lazio, Italy yang menambahkan banyak sekali sentuhan Grinding, sehingga Karakteristik Musikal Band ini terdengar Liar dan Brutal ! menampilkan drummer cepat dan Skillfully Mauro Mercurio " MM Noisetech " adalah mantan Drummer2 Brutal Band Italy Berbahaya seperti Hour of Penance, Hideous Divinity, Benighted serta Fleshgod Apocalypse dan ditambah dengan Gitaris Berbakat Stefano Morabito yang juga pernah bermain untuk Chthonian Nemeton, Rust of Reason, dan Hour of Penance rupanya menjadi Poin menarik gw merekomendasikan Rilisan ini buat kalian coba sendiri Kedasyatannya. Ledakan Full Blastbeat Rapat kerap mengguncang dan menerjang disetiap sentuhannya. Nuansa Album Gress kali ini seperti Bagaimana Growl Harsh Vokill-nya David Vincent seperti sedang bernyanyi di Deru Cepatnya gaya Origin ! Mungkin Album ini semakin lebih menggigit dari CD pertama " Unassigned Death Chapter " tahun 2008 atau EP " Sharpening Our Blades on the Mainstream " tahun 2011 lalu, dan mungkin terlalu Sweetly jika hanya Gw kategorikan dalam genre Death/Thrash, karena ledakan blastbeat bertubi tubi menjadi bagian paling Dominan disini, dan serta tentunya karakter Sound2 Band Brutal Daratan Italy yang Raw As Fuck saat ini begitu populer di eropa menjadi kekuatan Handal Gitaris Stefano Morabito sendiri yang menggarap sendiri materi ini di 16th cellar studio dan sukses menggarap masterpiece album2nya Fleshgod Apocalypse, Flesh Consumed, Beheaded, Gory Delivery, Hour of Penance, Hideous Divinity, Inherit Disease, dan masih banyak banget Band2 Brutal Sukses Karakter ditangannya. While taking the energy from thrash metal they take the brutality of death metal, but as I said it doesn’t stop there. Tons of melody gets a play, and some times too melodic and I get a scary In Flames vibe (and since I pretty much despise said band it’s not a good thing), but for most parts they manage to keep the melody vs. brutality drama at a good level. " Proclaiming from Dead Dimension " cukup rasanya mewakili Karakteristik Musikal Sophisticated Album ini, dengan Teknikal Riffing cepat dan Rumit diselipi dengan Harmonisasi Gelap dan Elemen Melodius semakin menambah hitam atmosfir yang diciptakan disini, ditambah dengan Pukulan Kejam drummer Mauro Mercurio adalah komponen pelengkap luar biasa untuk Eyeconoclast merobek robek telinga dan irama detak jantung kita saat menikmatinya. semakin melaju super cepat dengan " Rise of the Orgamechanism ", Eyeconoclast makin menampilkan Imej Berbahayanya. offers both heavy churning with a Soulfly twist as well as highly energetic death-thrashing the following Overload 5790 goes off in such a blistering speed with riffing reminding me of Emeth. Even the older works of Impious comes to mind at times. I have absolutely no idea of these guys are inspired at all by the previously mentioned bands!!! sajian 11 track berdurasi total 48:51 akan sangat memukau telinga dan memanjakan mata dinamika imej kita tentang sebuah Kualitas, perpaduan skill diatas rata2 untuk memainkan konsep mengagumkan ini senantiasa akan menggoncang Pikiran kita untuk terus berubah dari statis. bener2 sajian luar biasa pada setiap sentuhannya, dimana Thrash Riffing bertemu dengan Death Metal Modern sound dengan hentakan kejam Hyperblast Fast Drumming sana sini. Sangat Gw Rekomendasikan banget untuk dicoba sendiri deh, sangat tidak mengecewakan buat kalian Fans bengisnya Hour Of Penance bertemu dengan Gayanya Dark Angel atau Exodus lama. " Drones Of The Awakening " ini bisa menjadi Ancaman serius dimasa depan. serve as an effective figure riding high on the wave of savage riffing. While the tonality and tempo remain much the same throughout, thus innately blending a lot of the less vibrant riffing patterns, they’re universally effective as a means of conveying the Eastern-tinged leads, which are both fun and delectable. Some of these progressions really stick to the ribs, while others simply blast by with the force of a stampeding unit of legionnaires, but you can be rest assured that Sedition never even comes close to boring. It’s one of those records that works in a very narrow field of appeal, but does what it does so well that anyone that could conceivably enjoy it based on predisposition to music of this nature most certainly will. The aesthetic here is just so dark, celeritous, and downright hateful that a good portion of the death metal populace will definitely want to take note. anyone who has enjoyed them in the past, or just likes the newer breed of brutal death metal in general (this is a pretty far cry from throwback cavern-core or old-school Swedish) will find this a dense, satisfying record. It’s great to see this type of riffing, fundamentally rooted in the precepts forged by Morbid Angel, and tempered in the steel of strong modern brutality, being so widely utilized, and so well, at that. As this trend (and I mean that word in a good way, for once) continues, we should be seeing even more punishing !!!!! BUY OR DIE !!!!

It does not hurt to have an extremely competent drummer absolutely nailing the tempo changes and fully handling both the slower and punishing breakdowns as well as the Merciless grinding. Both the guitars and bass have a full and very heavy sound, and at times the guitars can do marvelous things. Vocal wise it goes from screaming to a harsh thrashy, well pretty much harsh thrashy screaming. enough to write a preliminary picture Gw Stuff 2nd full CD Extreme Death / Thrasher origin of Rome, Lazio, Italy which adds a lot of touches Grinding, so the band's characteristic musical sound Wild and Brutal! Skillfully displays quickly and drummer Mauro Mercurio "Noisetech MM" is a former Drummer2 Brutal Bands like Italy Dangerous Hour of Penance, Hideous Divinity, Benighted and Fleshgod Apocalypse and coupled with Stefano Morabito Talented guitarist who also played for chthonian Nemeton, Rust of Reason, and Hour of Penance seems to be the interesting point i recommend this release for you try it yourself Kedasyatannya. Full blast Blastbeat Meeting and crashing often shake every touch. Gress Album shades this time as How Harsh Vokill his Growl David Vincent as he sang in the roar of the rapid Origin style! Maybe this album is getting more bite than the first CD "Unassigned Death Chapter" in 2008 or the EP "Sharpening Our Blades on the Mainstream" in 2011, and perhaps too Sweetly if only Gw categorized in the genre of Death / Thrash, because the explosion blastbeat insistent insistently into Dominant part here, and the character and course Sound2 Brutal Bands Mainland Italy Raw As Fuck that is currently so popular in Europe became guitarist Stefano Morabito Reliable power itself is working on his own material in the 16th cellar studios and successfully worked masterpiece album2nya Fleshgod Apocalypse, Flesh Consumed , Beheaded, Gory Delivery, Hour of Penance, Hideous Divinity, Inherit Disease, and still so many Successful Character band2 Brutal hand. While taking the energy from thrash metal they take the brutality of death metal, but as I said it does not stop there. Tons of melody gets a play, and some times too melodic and I get a scary In Flames vibe (and since I pretty much despise the band said it's not a good thing), but for most parts they manage to keep the melody vs. brutality drama at a good level. "Proclaiming from the Dead Dimension" feels fairly represent the characteristics of musical Sophisticated This album, with fast riffing and Technical Complex Harmonization inserted with the more melodic elements of dark and black adds to the atmosphere that was created here, plus drummer Mauro Mercurio Cruel Blow is a remarkable complementary component to Eyeconoclast rip torn ear and rhythm of our heartbeat while enjoying it. increasingly moving super fast with the "Rise of the Orgamechanism", featuring The image Eyeconoclast danger is increasing. offers both heavy churning Soulfly with a twist as well as highly energetic death-thrashing following the 5790 Overload goes off in such a blistering speed with riffing reminding me of Emeth. Even the older works of Impious comes to mind at times. I have absolutely no idea of ??these guys are inspired at all by the previously Mentioned bands!!! serving 11 tracks 48:51 total duration will be very spectacular feast for the eyes and ears of the dynamics of our image of a quality, skill mix of the above rata2 to play this awesome concept will always unsettle our minds to keep changing from static. bener2 incredible dish at every touch, with Thrash riffing met with Modern Death Metal sound with the beat there Drumming Fast cruel Hyperblast here. Highly Recommend Gw really tried alone for me, very disappointing for you fans ruthlessly Hour Of Penance met with style old Dark Angel or Exodus. "Drones Of The Awakening" this could be a serious threat in the future. serve as an effective figure riding high on the wave of savage riffing. While the tonality and tempo REMAIN much the same throughout, blending innately Thus a lot of the less vibrant riffing patterns, they're universally effective as a means of conveying the Eastern-tinged leads, roomates are both fun and delectable. Some of these progressions really stick to the ribs, while others simply by the blast with the force of a stampeding unit of Legionnaires, but you can be rest Assured that Sedition never even comes close to boring. It's one of those records that works in a very narrow field of appeal, but does what it does so well that anyone that could conceivably enjoy it based on predisposition to music of this nature most certainly will. The aesthetic here is just so dark, celeritous, and downright hateful that a good portion of the populace death metal will definitely want to take note. anyone who has enjoyed them in the past, or just likes the newer breed of brutal death metal in general (this is a pretty far cry from throwback cavern-core or old-school Swedish) will find this a dense, satisfying record. It's great to see this type of riffing, fundamentally rooted in the precepts forged by Morbid Angel, and in the tempered steel of modern brutality strong, so being utilized, Instant, and so well, at that. As this trend (and I mean that word in a good way, for once) continues, we should be seeing even more punishing!!!!! BUY OR DIE!!!!

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