Rabu, 04 November 2015

Deranged - Morgue Orgy EP 2013

Deranged - Morgue Orgy
Sevared Records EP 2013

01 Morgue Orgy 03:03    
02 Symphony of Screams 04:17    
03 Machine Built to Kill 04:24    
04 Hello from the Gutters 05:09    
05 Milk (S.O.D. cover) 02:28

Andreas Johansson - Bass
Rikard Wermén - Drums
Thomas Ahlgren - Guitars
Anders Johansson - Vocals

Mengalami Evolusi Musik yang semakin signifikan, Salah satu Veteran Brutal Death Metal Asal Swedia ini terus eksis sejak band ini dibentuk tahun 1991. melejit untuk pertama kalinya lewat Album CD pertama mereka " Rated-X " tahun 1995, band ini sempat disebut sebagai salah satu band " Paling " Brutal di Jagad metal saat itu. telah beberapa kali mengalami bongkar pasang formasi saat ini hanya menyisakan Rikard Wermén sebagai frontman Orisinil dalam band dianggap sebagai salah satu pemicu beberapa perubahan gaya bermusik Deranged. meskipun terdengar semakin matang, namun sentuhan2 karakteristik yang begitu mendarah daging satu persatu mulai tertinggalkan. It’s got a little groove here and there, and it’s at least little catchy and memorable. A few of the riffs that you can actually pick out on some other songs are a little groovy if not the least bit technical. Overall though, the album is just brainless blasting alongside generic death metal riffs with cookie monster vocals. apalagi gw terkejut mendengarkan materi Mini Album ini, Deranged lebih tampil simple death Metal dengan sentuhan dominan Catchy Headbang part, sehingga jangan terlalu berharap banyak jika band ini akan tampil meledak ledak seperti sebelumnya meskipun EP ini masih menyimpan kadar Brutality-nya. " Morgue Orgy ", masih membuka penampilan band dengan hentakan hyperfast snare standard dengan sayatan simple Riffing Harmonizing dan breakdown Stomp ! dengar bagaimana gitaris Thomas Ahlgren akan lebih banyak menyematkan permainan Thrash Catchy Riffing dengan sentuhan Harmonizing Solo Gitar-nya. Sound Snare Drumming-nya masih mempertahankan karakteristik drummer Rikard Wermén. Part awal " Symphony of Screams " lumayan memberikan Teknikal Riffing dengan Sweep Picking Style ciamik ! dan kalau elo demen nuansa yang Headbanging banget, kayaknya track " Machine Built to Kill " lebih banyak menaburkan elemen kekerasan pada beat-nya. delivers slow to mid paced riffing that’s simplistic yet effective. Ahlgren creates a violent, grim atmosphere, while Rikard Wermen’s steady drumming reminds me of a machine gun blasting through your speakers. You can hear how he’s changing up the tempos numerous times on many songs. Wermen may be categorized as just a blast beat drummer, but his ability to become artistic with the brutality is refreshing. apalagi " Hello from the Gutters " pembawaannya masih ingin terus menawarkan Headbanger part yang terasa Stoner metal banget sentuhan Gloomy sludging-nya. dan yang keren lagi, pada akhir track, Deranged coba membawakan track lawas kembali " Milk " nya S.O.D dengan gaya Deranged tentunya. menjadi komponen tersendiri bagaimana adrenalin Deranged begitu Terkuras Powerfully membawakan kembali Gaya Thrash Cross Over S.O.D menjadi lebih cepat lagi aransemennya. Artwork Kover garapan seniman extensive gruesome yang terkenal dengan gaya Black & White nya ini sangat dikenal dengan beberapa lukisan Tangannya menghiasi Cover EP ini. meski tidak ada yang lagi (lagi) baru dalam konsep bermusik Deranged di EP ini, fans blastbeat dengan hentakan Catchy Headbang Beat Park, akan menyukai rilisan ini untuk kalian coba sendiri. Certain parts of the album have an old school Swedish death metal vibe circa 1992. showcases a melodic side to the musicianship and especially the drumming. The guitars groove while the drumming and bass grind endlessly, destroying all that listen. Beneath the brutality of these songs, there are so many hooks that are real infectious. Using pinch harmonics throughout the album, this adds further interest to these songs. Deranged balances technicality, aggression and fiery energy that gives their macabre, gory lyrics a different perspective is a milestone of brutal death metal for all you sick bastards who enjoy exhuming the tombs and smelling dead bodies decomposing. It may work for normal people with serious jobs too, the only requirement is the inconditional love for grinding savageness herein included.

Experienced a significant evolution of the music, One Veterans Brutal Death Metal Origin Sweden continues to exist since the band formed in 1991. jumped for the first time through their first CD album "Rated-X" in 1995, the band was known as one of the band's "Most" Brutal metal in the Universe at that time. have several times experienced assembling the current lineup, leaving only Rikard Original Wermén as frontman in the band is considered as one of the triggers several musical style changes Deranged. although it sounds more mature, but sentuhan2 so ingrained characteristics one by one starting forgotten by. It's got a little groove here and there, and it's at least little catchy and memorable. A few of the riffs that you can actually pick out on some other songs are a little groovy if not the least bit technical. Overall though, the album is just brainless blasting alongside generic death metal riffs with cookie monster vocals. moreover i was surprised to listen to this album Mini materials, Deranged more simple look with a touch of death metal Headbang Catchy dominant part, so do not expect much if the band will perform explosive as before although the EP is still keeping its levels Brutality. "Morgue Orgy", is still open to the beat of the band's performance with a standard snare hyperfast simple incision breakdown riffing harmonizing and Stomp! hearing how the guitarist Thomas Ahlgren will be more pinning Thrash games Catchy riffing with a touch of harmonizing his Solo Guitar. Sound Snare Drumming it still retains the characteristics of drummer Rikard Wermén. Part early "Symphony of Screams" middling provide Technical riffing with Sweep Picking Style ciamik! and if elo Amendment Headbanging feel really, I think the track "Machine Built to Kill" more violent elements sprinkled on the beat. delivers slow to mid paced riffing that's simplistic yet effective. Ahlgren creates a violent, grim atmosphere, while Rikard Wermen's steady drumming reminds me of a machine gun blasting through your speakers. You can hear how he's changing up the tempos numerous times on many songs. Wermen may be categorized as just a blast beat drummer, but his ability up to become artistic with the brutality is refreshing. especially "Hello from the gutters" demeanor still want to continue to offer Headbanger Stoner metal part that feels really touch her Gloomy sludging. and cool again, at the end of the track, Deranged try to bring back the old track "Milk" with his SOD Deranged style of course. a separate component of how adrenaline Deranged brought back so drained Powerfully Thrash Style Cross Over SOD becomes faster again arrangements. Coverage Artwork Gruesome extensive arable artist known for his style of Black & White is very well known with some hand paintings adorn this EP Cover. even though no one else (again) in the new musical concepts Deranged in this EP, fans blastbeat with Catchy beat Headbang Beat Park, will love this release for you try it yourself. Certain parts of the album have an old school Swedish death metal vibe circa 1992. Showcases a melodic side to the musicianship and especially the drumming. The guitars groove while the drumming and bass grind endlessly, destroying all that listen. Beneath the brutality of these songs, there are so many that are real infectious hooks. Using pinch harmonics throughout the album, this adds further interest to these songs. Deranged balances technicality, aggression and fiery energy that gives their macabre, gory lyrics a different perspective is a milestone of brutal death metal for all you sick bastards who enjoy exhuming the tombs and smelling dead bodies decomposing. It may work for normal people with serious jobs too, the only requirement is the love for grinding savageness inconditional Herein included.

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