Senin, 07 September 2015

TON - Bow Down To Extinction CD 2015

TON - Bow Down To Extinction
Ossuary Industries CD 2015

01 Severed 03:58
02 Condemnation 03:56
03 Burned To The Truth 04:05
04 Propaganda Machine 05:01
05 The Flood 04:13
06 Self Indulgence 03:32
07 The Patriot 04:01
08 Oblivion 03:35

Jeff Shepler - Bass, Vocals
Dan Gates - Guitars, Vocals
Kevin Kraft - Drums, Vocals

Guitar playing leading or falling behind, churning, grinding, the bass taking the initiative, Pulsing, Gurgling, and the drums sound like they are either trying to play catch-up or run far ahead, Well three excellent musicians Are Back Equals 666 Pounds of Mayhem each now !!! ... Memang sudah sejak lama banget Band Asli Canton, Ohio, Amrik ini mengusik Ingatan memori Gw dengan Kombinasi Permainan Death/Grind sinting-nya. Band yang lebih pertama mengenalkan Gw dengan Typical Multiple Vokill sejak mendengarkan materi 4 Demo lawasnya " What Is Heavy?, Crushing Design, Point of View dan Blind Follower " yang klimaks-nya Gw dibaptis menjadi Fans band dengan nama Simple serta Unik TON ketika mereka mengemas 2 demo kaset Independen terbaik-nya menjadi 1 Album Kompilasi " Blind Follower / Point of View " Tahun 1998 via Pathos Productions dalam 2000 Kopi yang menggambarkan memang jika Album ini seperti bermuatan Musikal Extra Cadas 2000 pounds !!! dan Untuk pertama kalinya juga Gw memang disuguhi dengan Komposisi Death Metal yang lebih gila lagi. Komposisi Musik yang Kompleks dengan Pattern Vokal multiple saling mengisi menjadi Pemandangan mengerikan memang saat mengenalnya. And I so believe TON are firmly in the tradition of that great band !!! kemudian cuman selang 1 tahun saja, TON Berhasil memuntahkan Full Album pertamanya " Plague " via United Guttural Records, Album pertama TON dengan Formasi Trio tanpa Kehadiran Paul Bennet sekaligus menjadi Rekaman Terakhir yang terdokumentasi, karena diketahui kemudian band ini kemudian Mem-vakumkan diri dalam waktu yang tidak ditentukan terbukti Nama TON seperti Hilang ditelan bumi. masih terbesit Jelas memang, sejak membuat Gw Jatuh cinta dengan " Blind Follower / Point of View ", Debut " Plague " membawa sedikit " perubahan " secara Konsep, " Plague " banyak mengerahkan Partisi Musik yang cepat dan Menghantam dengan Teknik-teknik yang mengejutkan, Meski lebih mudah dicerna, Gw masih belum bisa Move On dengan Materi " Blind Follower / Point of View " sekali. dan terhitung Sejak tahun 1999, inilah Kali pertama untuk Karir TON kembali Serius Membantai Fans-nya setelah tertidur selama hampir 16 Tahun lamanya, sejak TON digagas kembali tahun 2008, Tanggal 12 Juni 2015 menjadi Catatan Sejarah Karir Baru TON dengan " Bow Down To Extinction " yang mereka percayakan kepada Ossuary Industries untuk menggarapnya. inevitable collapse was to metamorphose again and again, becoming always more complex, more technical, more self-referential Are Coming !!!

Track " Severed " sudah beberapa waktu sebelumnya dikenalkan secara Streaming akhirnya menjawab Penantian Panjang Gw serta TON fans kembali mendengarkan Ereksi Kuat Kembali-nya Trio Barbar TON ! masih lengkap formasi-nya seperti era " Plague ", segudang kejutan bakal tersajikan biadab disini, well segera saja kita akhiri rasa penasaran ini dengan " Severed ", rupanya Semangat Gila mereka mengkomposisi Materi yang kompleks dan teratur menjadi Amunisi matang tersimpan sejak kembalinya TON. Aransemen yang lebih menggambarkan Suasana yang Chaotic dengan Mood yang meledak-ledak lagi. Mungkin akan sangat sulit bagi TON dapat mengkombinasikan karakter mematikan era " Blind Follower / Point of View " tanpa kehadiran Paul Bennet, Materi baru ini memang lebih tercium aroma era " Plague " banget memang. Intensitas Power musik yang masih seberat Ribuan Pound tetap menjadi Bobot Musikal Pembunuh-nya. Pummeling Riff Konvensional memang tidak dapat ditebak progres Lick maupun Bar-nya, seperti memainkan Aransemen yang Spontan Berdasarkan Feeling tatapan Mata untuk melakukan pembantaian. Dominasi Struktur Beat yang cepat dan Kompleks dengan Pattern Multiple Vokal saling mengisi masih segar terasa sebagai Konsep " Unik " TON sejak band terbentuk tahun 1993. Skill permainan Drummer Kevin Kraft tetap Clicked banget dengan Riffing Dan Gates. their songs were labyrinths of cruel riffing, all thorns and barbs and fragments of tossing melodic fragments, a veritable whirlwind of shards, cymbal crashes, and muted downstrokes. Meski deru terjangan Hebat Tempo yang cepat, beberapa kali kita dibuat Headbang dengan Slam Groovy Beatempo ajojing, sehingga ada Rasa " Tersendiri " memang jika saat ini Dominasi Booming Blastbeat Band terlalu menjadi Mimpi Buruk yang Membosankan, TON Hadir tetap membawa Era Kejayaannya sekali. " Condemnation ", Struktur Riff Pummeling downstrokes yang terdengar lebih rumit adalah salah satu Kharakter Band yang melekat kuat bagi kalian yang masih terhipnotis dengan materi " Blind Follower / Point of View " pokoknya. Pola Musik yang tidak beraturan namun masih terkonsep rapi menjadi Sebuah Harmonisasi yang sama sekali tidak terfikirkan banget di Otak kita saat mendengar-nya, sekilas kita seperti mendengar Deru Hebat Musik yang cepat, namun setelah itulah ada Tantangan tersendiri, jika kita begitu menikmati-nya, komposisi yang TON tawarkan itu adalah sesuatu yang Menampar, Yeahh ... Some sections are simply inspired !!! ... Tarian lebih Liar semakin membakar Adrenalin Skill kemudian pada Track " Burned To The Truth ", Lagi-lagi Komposisi sebelumnya dikembangkan menjadi semakin Menendang sekali aransemennya. riffs are begun, spun about, changed, variations are spat out only to sink back, screaming, into the main melodies, rhythms erect themselves, collapse, change shape, combine into new forms, and this band marches on, swirling, pointing, and lurching attack ! " Propaganda Machine " dimulai dengan Bass section Jeff Shepler dan Drummer Kevin Kraft yang lebih Free Styled dan disusul dengan Pummeling Roll on Riff Dan Gates yang leading falling behind mencerca dengan Tajam Lick-nya. beberapa Downtempo yang semakin asyik ternikmati Pada 1 menit pertama. Meski Ketukan yang Simple Catchy namun tidak serta merta banget kalian bisa Mencerna Progress Liar Riff Gitar yang seperti-nya terus dimainkan dengan Downstrokes, Track yang Begitu menyita Perhatian Gw sejenak Lebih menikmati Sajian Nakal TON. seperti Air Bah yang menyerang, " The Flood " pembawaannya kembali meledak setelah sejenak Agak Cooling Down. Sebagai Vocalis Utama, Jeff Shepler dengan Low Growl-nya terus memimpin Pattern Multiple-nya mampu mengendalikan sambutan Vokal lainnya (Dan Gates lebih ke Low Grunted sedangkan Kevin Kraft Ke Middle Growlscream .Ed) seperti pada " Propaganda Machine ", Jeff memainkan kembali Part awal-nya dengan Betotan Bass untuk " Self Indulgence " yang disambung dengan Chaotic Part Kompleks-nya. all whirring, clashing, spinning, crushing guitar work, an overdose of bruising bass additions, and some seriously schizophrenic stop-and-start blasting skin play, this is easily one of the most impressive death metal albums I have heard lately rising from the underground, and it impressed me all the more as I hadn't heard of this band before at all. " The Patriot " tetap tidak menyisakan Breakcoolingdown, gempuran Harmonisasi yang menyiksa dan terus menyiksa kayaknya menjadi Pemandangan yang terys mengerikan hingga pada Klimaks Track " Oblivion " telah menyelesaikan Siksaan Sempurna untuk Membuat Punah sebuah Populasi. The sophomore is a tense, explosive manifestation which follows rather closely in the footsteps of its predecessor, while upping the level of sheer speed and discord woven through the puerile battery.

Overall, Secara Keseluruhan TON Masih menampilkan Progres Permainan yang lebih matang sejak tanpa Paul Bennet Era " Plague ", ya Meski jangan terlalu berharap banyak kalian akan lebih mendengarkan Materi era " Blind Follower / Point of View ", ada banyak kejutan Sensitif memang sejak " Plague ", nah menyambung Kekejaman yang belum terselesaikan, nampaknya " Bow Down To Extinction " siap Menjadi Part ke-2 dari " Plague " yang lebih Menghancurkan lagi ! Aransemen dan Komposisi semua Track-nya masih Kental banget dengan Kegilaan awal TON yang tetap terjaga. Sehingga sekali lagi Gw Rekomendasikan kembali sebelum mendengar Materi ini, Kalian harus lebih Openminded dengan perkembangan Death Metal cepat yang Kompleks. Secara Kualitas Materi " Bow Down To Extinction " Tetap Awesome dengan Intensitas yang lebih Menggilas. Hasil garapan Troy Shaffer di Sounds Like A Plan Studio yang ending-nya di Mixing & Mastering di Tsun Tsun Productions menciptakan Masterpiece sejak kembali-nya TON menumpahkan Amarah Baru. Sementara Artwork serta Layout Cover-nya dikerjakan oleh Seniman dan Ilustrator dari Indonesia, Bahrull Marta dengan Abomination Imagery Art-nya. Everything is so Blatantly similar that it makes it a bit difficult to Enjoy with Tremolo Picking, Multifarious Vokill, Blastbeat and High Voltage Intense Death Metal Brutality in Ton Pounds ... BEWARE THE EXTINCTION !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Guitar playing a leading or falling behind, churning, grinding, the bass taking the initiative, Pulsing, gurgling, and the drums sound like they are either trying to play catch-up or run far ahead, Well three excellent musicians Are Back Equals 666 Pounds of Mayhem each now !!! ... It has long buildup Original Band Canton, Ohio, this bothered US My memory Memory with Combination  Death / Grind her crazy played. The first band to introduce more I with Multiple Typical Vokill since listening to the material 4 Demo lawasnya "What Is ?, Heavy Crushing Design, Point of View and Blind Follower" the climax of his I baptized into Fans band named Simple and Unique TON as they pack 2 demo tapes of her became the best Independent 1 Compilation album "Blind Follower / Point of View" 1998 via Pathos Productions in 2000 Coffee describe it if the album is like a charged Musical Extremely 2000 pounds !!! and for the first time also I was treated with the composition of Death Metal are even crazier. Music composition are complex with multiple Vocal Pattern complementary indeed be terrible scenes when knew him. And I so believe TON are firmly in the tradition of that great band !!! then only interval of 1 year only, TON Successfully spewing Full first album "Plague" via United Guttural Records, first album TON with Formation Trio without the presence of Paul Bennett as well as a recording Lastly documented, as is known then the band later vacum in time unspecified proven Name TON as Missing swallowed by the earth. still terbesit Clearly indeed, since making I Fell in love with the "Blind Follower / Point of View" Debut "Plague" bring a little "change" as a concept, "Plague" a lot of exerting Partitioning Music fast and Hit with techniques that surprising, Although it is easier to digest, Gw still can not Move On with Matter "Blind Follower / Point of View" once. and countless Since 1999, this is the first time for Career TON back Serious slaughter Fans her after sleeping for nearly 16 years old, since TON initiated back in 2008, dated June 12, 2015 became Note History New Career TON with "Bow Down To Extinction" they entrusted to Ossuary Industries to work on it. Inevitable collapse was to metamorphose again and again, becoming always more complex, more technical, more self-referential Are Coming !!!

Track "Severed" has been introduced in some previous time Streaming finally answered Waiting Me and a TON of fans back to listen to his Erectile Strong Back Trio Barbar TON! still complete its formation as the era of "Plague", a myriad of surprises will tersajikan savage here, well soon we end this curiosity with "Severed", apparently the spirit of Crazy them rearrange material is complex and organized into mature Ammunition stored since the return TON. Arrangements that better describe the atmosphere Chaotic Mood explosive again. It may be very difficult for TON can combine character lethal era of "Blind Follower / Point of View" without the presence of Paul Bennett, the new material is more scent of the era of "Plague" really does. Power intensity of the music that is still weighing thousands of pounds remains the weight of his musical Assassins. Conventional pummeling riffs indeed unpredictable progress and Bar Lick her, like playing a Feeling By Arrangement which Spontaneous Eye gaze to carry out the slaughter. The structure of domination Beat rapid and complex with Multiple Pattern Vocal complementary fresh still feels as concept of "Unique" TON since the band formed in 1993. Skill Drummer Kevin Kraft still really clicked with dueling Dan Gates. Reviews their songs were Labyrinths of cruel riffing, all thorns and barbs and fragments of tossing melodic fragments, a veritable whirlwind of shards, cymbal crashes, and muted downstrokes. Although the brunt of the Great roar fast tempo, a few times we made headbang with Groovy Slam Beatempo Ajojing, so there feel "Admitted" indeed if the current dominance of Booming Blastbeat too became Nightmare Band Boring, TON Present Era still brings glory once. "Condemnation", Structure downstrokes pummeling riff that sounds more complicated is one Kharakter strong band attached to you who are still hypnotized by the material "Blind Follower / Point of View" anyway. Pattern Music irregular but still terkonsep neatly into a Harmonization totally unthinkable buildup in the brain is the time to hear her, at first glance we like to hear the roar of the Great Music fast, but after that there are challenges of its own, if we so enjoy it, TON composition offer was something Slapping, Yeahh ... Some sections are simply inspired !!! ... More Wild Dances getting burned Adrenaline Skill later on Track "Burned To The Truth", Again composition becomes increasingly Kicking previously developed once arrangements. riffs are begun, spun about, changed, variations are spat out only to sink back, screaming, into the play melodies, rhythms erect Themselves, collapse, change shape, combine into new forms, and this band marches on, swirling, pointing, and lurching attack! "Propaganda Machine" section starts with Jeff Bass and Drummer Kevin Kraft Shepler more Free Styled and followed by pummeling Roll on Riff Dan Gates leading to sharply falling behind railed Lick her. some are more intent upon Downtempo Relish At 1 minute first. Although Simple Beats Catchy but not necessarily really you can Digesting Wild Progress guitar riff as its continues to be played by Downstrokes, Track Once seized momentarily More Attention I enjoy Serving Naughty TON. Flood attack as, "The Flood" demeanor returned to explode after a short bit Cooling Down. As the main vocalist, Jeff Shepler with its Low Growl continues to lead its Multiple Pattern capable of controlling other Vocals welcome (Dan Gates over to Low grunted while Kevin Kraft Into Middle Growlscream .Ed) as the "Propaganda Machine", Jeff plays back the initial Part with betotan Bass for his "Self Indulgence" connected with its Chaotic Part Complex. all whirring, clashing, spinning, crushing guitar work, an overdose of bruising bass additions, and some seriously schizophrenic stop-and-start blasting skins play, this is Easily one of the most impressive death metal albums I have heard lately rising from the underground , and it impressed me all the more as I had not heard of this band before at all. "The Patriot" still not leaving Breakcoolingdown, Harmonisation torturous onslaught and continued to torture seems be a terrible sight terys until the climax Track "Oblivion" has completed torture Perfect for Creating a population extinct. The sophomore is a tense, explosive manifestation rather the which follows closely in the footsteps of its predecessor, while upping the level of sheer speed and Discord woven through the puerile battery.

In Overall TON Still featuring Progress played more mature since without Paul Bennett Era "Plague", yes Although do not expect many of you will be listening to the material era "Blind Follower / Point of View", there are many surprises Sensitive indeed since the "Plague "nah connect Cruelty unresolved, it seems" Bow Down To Extinction "ready Become Part-2 of" Plague "Destroying even more! Track arrangement and composition of all its still Condensed really the beginning Madness TON is maintained. So again I Recommend this back before heard material, You should be Openminded with the rapid development of Death Metal Complex. By Quality Materials "Bow Down To Extinction" Awesome Stay Grind with more intensity. Results arable Troy Shaffer at Sounds Like A Plan ending his studio in Mixing & Mastering in Tsun Tsun Productions created a masterpiece since its re-TON New Anger spilled. While Artwork and Layout His cover was done by artist and illustrator from Indonesia, Bahrull Marta with Imagery Abomination Art. Similar Everything is so blatantly that it makes it a bit difficult, to Enjoy with Tremolo Picking, multifarious Vokill, Blastbeat and High Voltage Intense Brutality Death Metal in Tons Pounds ... BEWARE THE EXTINCTION !!!



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