Minggu, 20 September 2015

Alea Jacta Est - Vae Victis CD (Asia Pressing) 2014

Alea Jacta Est - Vae Victis
Samstrong Records CD 2014 (Asia Pressing)

01 A Sword Called Revenge 01:23
02 From Silence I Rise 02:21
03 Bullets Are Loud 03:29
04 2 Words 1 Finger 02:00
05 Row 03:02
06 Hostility 02:22
07 Harder Than Nails 03:22
08 #gofuckyourself 03:06
09 Your Silence Is Our Defeat 02:38
10 Nothing Calls Me Back Home 03:03
11 No Pain No Gain 01:52

Vincent - Vocal
Laurent - Guitars
Olivier - Guitars
Pierre - Bass
Eric - Drums

Beatdown Hardcore masih menjadi Opsi Prioritas Beberapa Penikmat enerjik untuk melepaskan Ekspresi Emosional lewat balutan Ritme musikal Menghantam dengan Beat-beat yang sanggup memprovokasi secara responsif Adrealin Hardcore Kids cukup hanya dengan Mid-tempo krusial. It’s anthemic, full of sing-along choruses and lyrical declarations, chunky riffing, battering ram drumming and more breakdowns than an insane asylum. It’s a totally moshable affair, comprised of tight, efficient and make-their-point-and-move on songs. Especially banget buat kalian yang begitu menikmati sekali In The Vein-nya Hatebreed, Terror, 25 ta Life, Trapped Under Ice, Kickback atau Icepick, gw jamin akan menikmati sekali Debut Full keren band asal Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, Perancis ini. We're spreading passion so open your mind, this scene if full of great people, bands and ideas, don't let shit enter your heart ! en Beruntung sekali beberapa waktu yang lalu Alea Jacta Est pernah Singgah dikota Gw dalam Rangkaian Tour Asia-nya, dan Kebetulan Band gw menjadi salah satu Opening-nya hehehe, sehingga gw menyimak sekali compare antara materi rekaman Album mereka nyaris Persis dengan apa yang mereka maenkan diatas Stage lalu, With The Maximum Attitude to Play ! Sedikit menambahkan aja, Jika Beatdown Hardcore bukanlah Genre baru saat ini, karena Beatdown ini masih menjadi Subgenre dari Metallic Hardcore yang berkembang sejak era 90-an yang dipelopori oleh Bulldoze, Next Step, etc. Pengaruh Death Metal dengan Root Hardcore/Punk didalamnya. The main idea behind Beatdown is to keep hitting the crowd in the mouth with an auditory assault of chug heavy riffs. Breakdowns are the name of the game but unlike a lot of bands out there just writing breakdowns for the sake of writing them, this core element sets the standard for the rest of the music built around it. " Vae Victis " menjadi Full album Ke-2 Alea Jacta Est setelah " Gloria Victis " tahun 2010 membuat mereka lebih serius menapaki karir Musikal-nya sejak terbentuk sekitar tahun 2006. Menawarkan Komposisi yang selalu ingin terus melakukan Interaksi Responsif dengan Moshpiter, Hampir Keseluruhan Konsep Beatdown Hardcore mereka adalah Materi yang Enjoyable banget, construct a deep groove and a catchy chorus ! " Vae Victis " hadir dengan Kualitas yang semakin lebih matang dan Baik, siap menjadi Mortir Anthemic Pride !

" From Silence I Rise ", Jadi Opening yang Seketika langsung Memecahkan Moshpit area ketika dimulai lebih dulu dengan Track Foreplay Intro " A Sword Called Revenge " . Step By Step Otot kita akan dilemaskan lewat Struktur Lagu dengan singing along serta declaring. Masih menjadi Susunan Karakter yang begitu gampang ditangkap apalagi buat kalian yang lebih terbiasa Enjoy mendengar Familiar style-nya Hatebreed, Terror, 25 ta Life, Trapped Under Ice, Kickback atau Icepick, Beatempo Alea Jacta Est siap menggiring Hardcore Kid tetap merapat dalam rapatnya Moshpit Crowd. have been delivering choppy, boot-to-the-throat moshcore for nearly two decades and they have returned to their signature, simple but slaughtering hardcore style, with an uplifting message on the Track ! tidak banyak melakukan Kombinasi yang Berarti kecuali Blocking Rythym Kompak antara Gitaris Laurent dan Olivier yang kemudian match tempo sekali bagi drummer Eric untuk meracik Pukulan yang Full Beatdown Groovy HC ! Beberapa waktu sebelumnya kalian sudah melihat Video clip " Bullets Are Loud ", berikutnya tentu track tersebut siap Menggoyang kita kembali dengan Moshtastic Beatdown Hardcore Rage lengkap dengan Memanasnya Sing A Long Anthemic Track. Gaya Bernyanyi Vincent yang Jamie Jasta-nya Hatebreed Banget menjadi Kekuatan tersendiri untuk konseptual Materi. meski tidak terlalu menawarkan warna yang orisinil, setidak-nya Kita akan lebih terhibur dengan Sambutan Musik Enerjik Alea Jacta Est  yang terus membakar ... And pits erupting with fists in the air, karate kicks being thrown and every person, Hmmm... mengusung Beatempo yang lebih Nge-Punk, simak " 2 Words 1 Finger ", besutan track yang powerfully lagi dari sebelumnya. a relatively unchanging, traditionalist template it's probably not a bad idea to step away for a few years and allow things to freshen up again, it's certainly possible to overstay one's welcome. Selalu Vocalis Vincent beberapa kali Memprovokasi aksi Sing A long Hardcore Kids selalu larut dalam suasana Mereka di " Row " dan " Hostility ". Menarik Sekali bagi Gw untuk Track " Harder Than Nails " yang terdengar lebih Menggigit sekali Aransemen Musik-nya, More seemingly written with the self conscious purpose of maintaining a tightly flowing concert experience, this stuff by intent exactly multifaceted. Begitu juga dengan " #gofuckyourself ", Kuping dan Adrenalin ini terbakar tiada henti untuk merespon Tempo Ajojing mereka, rasanya mustahil jika kita tidak merespon otomatis untuk beatdown tempo yang mereka sajikan apik disini. " Your Silence Is Our Defeat " mengingatkan juga dengan sentuhan proposional ala Madball serta Biohazard. Bagaimana? masih ingin terus larut dalam Moshpit Crowd? Tenang masih ada 2 stock track terakhir yang mampu menjebak kalian dalam Hipnotis Alea Jacta Est dengan " Nothing Calls Me Back Home " dan " No Pain No Gain ", keep the fists pumping and the spirits high !!!

Sebagai Salah satu Penikmat Genre Beatdown, Gw begitu merasakan sekali Komposisi pemanja telinga serta Adrenalin Moshpit Alea Jacta Est sebagai salah satu Orientasi Ritual Penghantam Hardcore kidz. And In many ways, this posse-minded bastardization of straight edge lost its impact once many of the teenagers buying into the precept grew up and out of hardcore. Meski tidak Orisinil konsep yang mereka tawarkan, setidak-nya ini akan menambah daftar panjang Instrumen pemanja Moshpit area. Dalam Rangka rangkaian Tour Asia Alea Jacta Est beberapa waktu lalu, Useless Pride Records memberikan lisensi resmi-nya kepada Samstrong Records untuk Pressing Ulang Rilisan ini yang sekaligus menjadi Pengenalan Beatdown Fans tentang musik Alea Jacta Est, Meski fenomena di Scene HC tanah air, Para Hardcore Kidz disini lebih menikmati Ritual Sing Along dan Moshpit Crowd. " Vae Victis " adalah Amunisi Mematikan Ke-2 yang Wajib Hardcore Pride Koleksi. Pride and veracity are the implied tangibles and you either have it or you preach it before hitting the bong at the after-party !

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Beatdown Hardcore is still a priority option to release some energetic lover Emotional Expression by wrapping musical Rhythm Hit with Beat-beat that could provoke a responsive Adrealin Kids Hardcore enough just to Mid-tempo crucial.It's anthemic, full of sing-along choruses and lyrical declarations, chunky riffing, battering ram drumming and more breakdowns than an insane asylum.It's a totally moshable affair, comprised of tight, efficient and make-Reviews their point-and-move-on songs.Especially really for you who so enjoyed once In The Vein its Hatebreed, Terror, 25 ta Life, Trapped Under Ice, Kickback or Icepick, i guarantee you will enjoy once Debut Full cool band from Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France this.We're spreading the passion so open your mind, this scene if full of great people, bands and ideas, do not let shit enter your heart!en Fortunately some time ago Alea Jacta Est never Transit city of Gw in Circuit Tour Asia her, and Incidentally my band become one of the Opening of its hehehe, so i listened once compare between material recording their album almost exactly with what they maenkanover the last Stage, With The Maximum Attitude to Play!Little added wrote, If Beatdown Hardcore is not a new genre today, because this is still a Subgenres Beatdown of Metallic Hardcore growing since the 90s pioneered by Bulldoze, Next Step, etc.Root influence of Death Metal with Hardcore / Punk therein.The main idea behind Beatdown is to keep hitting the crowd in the mouth with an auditory assault of Chug heavy riffs.Breakdowns are the name of the game but unlike a lot of bands out there just writing breakdowns for the sake of writing them, this core element sets the standard for the rest of the music built around it."Vae Victis" into a full-length album The 2nd Alea Est Jacta after "Gloria Victis" in 2010 to make them more seriously treading his musical career since formed about 2006. It offers a composition that always want to keep doing Responsive Interaction with Moshpiter, Almost Overall ConceptBeatdown Hardcore Enjoyable The material they are really, construct a deep groove and a catchy chorus!"Vae Victis" The quality that comes with getting more mature and good, ready to be Mortars anthemic Pride!

"From Silence I Rise", So Opening the direct Instantly Solve moshpit area when it starts first with Foreplay Track Intro "A Sword Called Revenge".Step By Step Our muscles will be soothed through singing along with the song structure as well as declaring.Still a composition of characters so easily captured especially for you who are more accustomed Enjoy hear the familiar style of his Hatebreed, Terror, 25 ta Life, Trapped Under Ice, Kickback or Icepick, Beatempo Alea Jacta Est ready to lead Hardcore Kid remain docked in meeting moshpit Crowd,have been delivering choppy, boot-to-the-throat moshcore for nearly two Decades and they have Returned to Reviews their signature, simple but Slaughtering hardcore style, with an uplifting message on the Track!does not do much except Blocking Means combination Rythym Compact between guitarist Laurent and Olivier then match the tempo once the drummer Eric for dispensing blow Full Beatdown HC Groovy!Some time before you've seen the video clip "Bullets Are Loud", the next course is ready to shake our track back to the Beatdown Hardcore Rage Moshtastic complete with anthemic Warming Sing A Long Track.Singing styles that Jamie Vincent his Jasta Hatebreed Banget into separate Strength for conceptual material.although not too offer color original, at his We'll be entertained with energetic music Speech Alea Est Jacta which continue to burn ... And pits erupting with fists in the air, karate kicks being thrown and every person, Hmmm ... carriesBeatempo more Nge-Punk, see "2 Words 1 Finger", made by track powerfully than before.a are relatively unchanging, traditionalist template it's probably not a bad idea to step away for a few years and allow things to freshen up again, it's certainly possible to have overstayed one's welcome.Always vocalist Vincent several times Provoke action Sing A long Hardcore Kids always dissolve in the atmosphere They are in the "Row" and "hostility".Once attractive for me to Track "Harder Than Nails" which sounds more biting his once Arrangement, More seemingly written with the self-conscious purpose of maintaining a tightly flowing concert experience, this stuff by intent exactly multifaceted.Likewise with "#gofuckyourself", Ear and Adrenaline burning relentless Ajojing Tempo to respond to them, it is impossible if we do not respond automatically to beatdown slick tempo they serve here."Your Silence Is Our Defeat" remind also with a touch of style proportional Madball and Biohazard.How?still want to continue late into the moshpit Crowd?Calm still 2 stocks last track that is able to trap you in a hypnotic Alea Est Jacta with "Nothing Calls Me Back Home" and "No Pain No Gain", keep the fists pumping and the spirits high !!!

As One Genre Connoisseurs Beatdown, I so feel completely Composition Lovely ear and Adrenalin moshpit Alea Est Jacta as one orientation Ritual Hardcore Penghantam kidz.And In many ways, this posse-minded bastardization of the straight edge lost its impact once many of the teenagers buying into the precept grew up and out of hardcore.Although not Original concept they offer, at it will add to the long list of instruments pemanja moshpit area.In the framework of a series of Tour Asia Alea Jacta Est some time ago, Useless Pride Records provide officially licensed her to Samstrong Records for Pressing Reset This release of both the introduction Beatdown Fans of music Alea Jacta Est, Although the phenomenon in Scene HC homeland, The HardcoreKidz here enjoy Ritual Sing Along and moshpit Crowd."Vae Victis" is Ammunition Deadly 2nd Compulsory Hardcore Pride Collection.Pride and veracity are the implied tangibles and you either have it or you preach it before hitting the bong at the after-party!


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