Selasa, 29 September 2015

Brain Damage - Promo 2015

Brain Damage - Promo 2015
Brute! Productions CD-R 2015

01 Putrid Guttural Infection
02 Gorging On The Rotted Flesh

Marno - Vocals
Pippen - Guitars
Catur - Bass
Vega Christian - Drums

OMG ... This Fuckin Surprized !!! ... Promo ke-2 Salah satu Pioner BDM Kenamaan Surabaya Scene, BRAIN DAMAGE masih tetap menunjukkan taring eksistensi-nya sejak tidak terdengar pasca Promo 2010. Sedikit Flashback aja, Sejak Salah satu Dedengkot BDM Wafat mengalami Pecah Formasi sekitar tahun 2000-an, beberapa Ex. member-nya lalu mengibarkan sendiri bendera baru dengan Nama Brain Damage ini. Pipin Aka " Pippen " masih menawarkan Konsep BDM sangar yang masih menjadi perpanjangan obsesinya. Perpaduan antara Warna US Old To New BDM, Nama Brain Damage Kian berkibar dibanyak Panggung. setelah lama gw rindukan sekali sosok Musikal-nya, Pipin Cs akhirnya terdengar lagi Nafas keji lewat formasi solid baru-nya, Well seketika menjadi Mimpi Buruk bagi Death Metal fans ga bakalan melewatkan debut-debut BDM Band Jawa Timur Scene yang kian Berbahaya !!! Pertemuan jahat antara Suffocation, Beheaded, Disgorge, Gorgasm hingga Cerebral Effusion cukup menjadi Referensi untuk mendeskripsikan Karakter buas yang mereka usung saat ini. keeping the beats organic and rampant, the bass lines audible and instinctual against the rapid Churning and spitting of the rhythm guitar as Accurate a Summation of the entire Experience as you'll get here !!! ... Sejak Mengenalkan Teaser Materi baru yang menjadi Promo ini, Gw sangat Tersentak Kaget dengan Progres Dasyat musikal Brain Damage jika coba gw bandingkan dengan sebelumnya, berangkat dari Respon Luar biasa materi ini mengantar mereka akhirnya teken kerja sama dengan label Asal Bangkok,Thailand, Brute! Productions yang siap menghandle Full album mereka di Tahun 2016 nanti. Menimbulkan Interest tersendiri memang jika kalian mengkonsumsi langsung 2 Track dalam Promo ini, bagaimana Komposisi BDM mencincang Biji peler serta Mencongkel Jantung adalah siksaan Nyata yang Mereka berikan bagi pendengar-nya secara Total. Aransemen serta Sound yang brilian membuat Gw terhipnotis seketika memang ketika Track Pertama " Putrid Guttural Infection ", tanpa banyak Cing cong Menyerang dengan Blastbeat Mantap dasyat dari drummer Vega Christian yang gw Kenal potensial banget di band Dead Criminal sebagai Muda Berbahaya serta Powerfully, Mindcrushingly Brutal Bonecrunching Intensity !!! kemudian Hujaman Mantap Riffing Pipin Rasanya bakal Bikin Gw terus Susah Move on dengan Karakter Intens masih Gw hafalin dari Pipin sejak diband sebelumnya, Ultimate generic written all over it and the Fact that they simply move from riff to Riff systematically throughout every song makes the entire Material seem Completely Forgettable. Sound yang tebal, Padat serta Berat, telah melahirkan Sound Brain Damage ini lebih berbahaya !!! learned pretty quickly that Brutality does not necessarily have to eschew Musicality. Kerjasama team yang solid dalam menyusun Aransemen Cerdas, meskipun tidak terlalu memainkan Konsep yang rumit, Komposisi-nya terhitung Easy Listening, jelas serta mudah Tercerna hampir di setiap Lick & Bar, sehingga kita akan bener-bener menikmati sekali Rangkaian Berdarah dalam Musikalitas band meski sekilas kita sedang terjebak dalam ledakan Hebat Blastbeat Party. With a Combination of fast Picking riffs as well as Grindey, Chunky ones, mixed with Deep vocals and Fast Drumming they are one of my favourite Death Grind Band at the moment. Good Job Guys !!! sementara track Ke-2 " Gorging On The Rotted Flesh " masih menjadi Ancaman serius yang masih mengintai. Aransemen sempurna Musik yang padat dan rapat siap meluluh lantak-kan Stage Area ketika Formasi Musisi sepakat dan Tegas Menyuguhkan Sesuatu yang lebih Menggilas kejam ! Rasanya kemudian Gw akan terlalu Sulit Merasakan kelemahan Materi ini en siap menerima kejutan full Materi Brain Damage nanti jika 2 Track ini aja menjadi Sample Biadab yang berhasil Mereka Pamerkan. yaaa ... Hampir tidak ada Kekurangan yang Gw Dapat dipromo ini, semua memang tersaji begitu maksimal dan matang untuk dihidangkan ! kembali Sebuah Warning Serius, Jika Potensi serta Eksistensi Jawa Timur scene masih dan akan semakin Berbahaya lagi kedepannya. Beware, Straight Forward and Blunt with more of a Malicious Battery and Barrage of Riff Storms ... YOU MUST GET IN NOW !!!


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VA. Metal Allegiance 2015

VA. Metal Allegiance
Nuclear Blast Entertainment 2015

01 Gift Of Pain
02 Let Darkness Fall
03 Dying Song
04 Can’t Kill The Devil
05 Scars
06 Destination: Nowhere
07 Wait Until Tomorrow
08 Triangulum
09 Pledge Of Allegiance
10 We Rock (Bonus Track)

Heavy Metal sebenarnya lebih dari sebuah genre, lebih dari sebuah sikap, dan tentunya lebih dari apa pun sebutan umum yang spontan banyak terlempar dari para kritikus yang mengerti tidak mengerti. Pada dasarnya tetap menempatkan sebuah persepsi yang terbaik, Metal adalah lifestyle, komunitas, Pemersatu orang di seluruh perbedaan yang dapat meliputu budaya, ekonomi, dan filosofis dengan segala ekspresi yang bombastis serta megah. Belum banyak sih sebuah kesatuan yang dikemas begitu banyak komponen yang dengan semangat dan dedikasi kepada Heavy Metal Sesungguhnya dalam Lifestyle. Sehingga lahirlah Obsesi dalam sebuah Kolektif yang akhirnya lebih pantas disebut sebagai " METAL ALLEGIANCE ". Seperti halnya kisah pahlawan dari buku komik seperti " The Avengers ", Gender pria dan wanita yang pernah bertemu dan Berkumpul di atas panggung atau di studio sebagai METAL ALLEGIANCE datang dan pergi sesuka mereka, tetapi mereka masing-masing datang dengan sebuah Kolaborasi unik dan membawa Karakter Klasik mereka sendiri, yang saling menghormati dengan Semangatnya melakukan sebuah kolaborasi. Hasilnya adalah sebuah kekuatan musik terus berkembang secara serius dalam kemampuan dan antusiasme dari persahabatan. Inilah Supergroub yang menampilkan The All Star Musician dari beberapa Genre-nya. saat ini dengan Kapten Pilot utamanya : Bassis Mark Menghi, yang mengajak David Ellefson MEGADETH, Mike Portnoy THE WINERY DOGS (Ex. DREAM THEATRE), serta Alex Skolnick TESTAMENT menjalankan Proyek besar yang mengkoordinir Musisi-musik Top dari MEGADETH, TESTAMENT, DREAM THEATER, LAMB OF GOD, SLAYER, EXODUS, MASTODON, PANTERA, TRIVIUM, KINGS X, HATEBREED, SEPULTURA, MACHINE HEAD, ANTHRAX, LACUNA COIL, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, PERIPHERY, DEATH ANGEL, JUDAS PRIEST, ICED EARTH, serta ARCH ENEMY membentuk All Star Project ini, seperti mengingatkan juga Proyek besar di THE ROADRUNNER UNITED. Kapten Proyek ini akhirnya berhasil Menyelesaikan proyek pertamanya ini yang METAL ALLEGIANCE sendiri Meng-lisensi-kan khusus kepada Nuclear Blast Entertainment dari METAL ALLEGIANCE Music LLC yang dijalankan oleh Mark Menghi secara Resmi. Proyek Mega Artist ini memang menarik perhatian sejak kemunculannya, dan baru baru ini Show-nya di The Best Buy Theater, New York City telah Sold Out dari 100 Tiket yang disediakan oleh Pihak penyelenggara saat itu adalah Perusahaan D'Addario. Album Keroyokan Artis besar ini patut memang mendapat Aplous khusus bagaimana Mark Menghi berhasil mengumpulkan Kolaborasi hebat ini dengan 9 lagu asli didalamnya ! Yuk Kita Intip bareng-bareng Debut istimewa-nya.

Track awal " Gift Of Pain " menjadi Opening yang Berani Menendang Pantat dengan Sajian yang lebih kental sentuhan Berat-nya, Yeahh, Elo simak aja Formasi track-nya ada : D. Randall Blythe (Vocals, LAMB OF GOD), Alex Skolnick (Lead & Rhythm Guitars, TESTAMENT, David Ellefson (Bass, MEGADETH), Mike Portnoy (Drums, THE WINERY DOGS, Ex. DREAM THEATRE) serta pada Additional Lead Guitar ada Gary Holt-nya EXODUS & SLAYER ! Penampakan awal yang rasanya tepat dengan Gigitan Growling Emosional D. Randall Blythe yang kalian udah Faham sekali Style-nya, well memang seperti menikmati Karakter LAMB OF GOD sih, namun dengan Sentuhan Aransemen yang lebih Melumat, tempo-tempo Dinamis tepat menjadi Sorotan lebih tajam menjadi Nyawa Track ini lebih memanjakan sekali. Drummer Mike Portnoy dituntut lebih tampil liar dengan Ketukan-ketukan Heavy-nya, sementara Alex Skolnick masih mampu membawakan Karakter track ini, sementara Solo liar Gary Holt seperti mengalami Kesurupan untuk memainkannya secara Atraktif. Naga-naga-nya seperti proyek THE ROADRUNNER UNITED, dimana Musisi Pengiring dari Kapten Pilot harus lebih menjiwai penjiwaan Karakter Sang Vokalis dengan Style Khas Band-nya. it seems as though each song alternates from thrash to groove constantly, which can be heard on the awesome, Keep controlled and is synchronized perfectly with the rhythm of the guitar riffs, and his efficient use of the double bass prevents the songs from being overbearing ! " Let Darkness Fall ", Bagaimana kita mendengarkan Sentuhan MASTODON lebih terasa Megah dan Mencekam dengan Formasi dadakan 3 Pilot utamanya (Portnoy, Ellefson & Skolnick) serta Mark Menghi mempercayakan track ini untuk dibawakan oleh Troy Sander-nya MASTODON dan D. Randall Blythe-nya LAMB OF GOD untuk memimpin Garda terdepannya, sementara Bass diisi oleh pertarungan antara Mark Menghi sendiri dengan Rex Brown-nya Ex. PANTERA. luapan Progressive Metal/Rock yang jauh lebih terdengar manis dan Rapi adalah Suguhan ciamik ini. and is certainly geared towards incorporating numerous traditional elements of heavy metal which have made this band the best modern metal group there is. tidak mengalami kesulitan memang ketika Scolnick bekerja sama kembali dengan rekan vocalis Band, Chuck Billy di TESTAMENT untuk Track " Can't Kill The Devil ", Bahkan Drummer Mike masih tetap nyantai mampu banget jabanin karakter yang disodorkan oleh Thrash Riffing-nya Scolnick, dan Lead guitar diisi oleh Phil Demmel-nya MACHINE HEAD dengan Andreas Kisser-nya SEPULTURA secara bergantian. Seperti kembali mendengarkan " Cemetery Gates " nya PANTERA, track " Dying Song " yang menampilkan kembali Philip H. Anselmo-nya Ex. PANTERA & DOWN, Slow Down Tempo yang rasanya menyentuh banget, meski tidak mengarah secara langsung pada Konsep Sebenarnya PANTERA sendiri, Aransemen Track ini lumayan mengingatkan kembali akan Keperkasaan Era PANTERA. expanded and the amount of substance in the music has skyrocketed ! Kemudian Track " Scars " Duet antara Mark Osegueda-nya DEATH ANGEL dan Cristina Scabbia-nya LACUNA COIL membawa Tantangan tersendiri bagi Sang Kapten Pilot untuk lebih mengarahkan Karakter 2 Vocalis ini masih menjadi Penggabungan Warna Ke-2 Band-nya. Cristina eventually emerge as having some quality nuances after numerous listens, reaching that state is something only fans of female fronted metal acts may wish to consider and Mark Still The amazing midtempo main vocal is probably the Track highlight and riff-wise. Matthew K. Heafy-nya TRIVIUM Mencoba formasi Pilot Project dengan mengusung Karakter-nya di " Destination: Nowhere ", dan Matthew K. Heafy sendiri yang tetap memainkan Solo Gitar-nya. Thrash/Heavy Metal track yang lumayan easy listening banget mungkin bagi Matthew K. Heafy ga begitu tampil dengan Harsh Vocalnya, masih pembawaannya pada era " Vengeance Falls ". the most mundane and forgettable riffs, whining vocals and the typical Repeating melodic lines, sometimes it reminds you of really bad Melodeath, it is Basically Mallcore. Sayang sih Gw kangen banget era Liar Band ini ketika mendengar materi " Ember to Inferno " atau " Ascendancy ". selanjutnya terasa makin menantang banget Aransemen ketika giliran Doug Pinnick-nya KING'S X yang Berduet dengan Jamey Jasta-nya HATEBREED. When Heavy Metal/Rock Meet Hardcore Beatdown, Meski Porsi Pattern lagu masih dikuasai oleh Doug Pinnick, sementara Jamey masih nyantai mengisi Beat part. dan Semakin menantang saja ketika Instrumen Track " Triangulum I. Creation II. Evolution III. Destruction " harus melibatkan lagi Banyak Musisi didalamnya untuk mengeroyok Komposisi-nya, Lead Guitar secara Bergantian diisi oleh Misha Mansoor-nya PERIPHERY, Ben Weinman-nya THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, Phil Demmel-nya MACHINE HEAD, Matthew K. Heafy & Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal-nya TRIVIUM, sedang posisi Bass Mark Menghi harus berduet dengan Charlie Benante-nya ANTHRAX. Aransemen Instrumen lebih mengingatkan dengan Blockpart khas ala METALLICA serta DREAM THEATRE, elo bisa mendengarkan secara detil Parade Solo Gitar yang meliar bergantian. Mark Osegueda-nya DEATH ANGEL kembali mengisi sendiri di " Pledge Of Allegiance " tetap membawa Attitude DEATH ANGEL secara kental. Gary Holt & Andreas Kisser mengisi lead Guitar sementara Charlie Benante masih mencabik bass-nya barengan David Ellefson. dan Pada Versi Digipack-nya ditambahkan 1 Bonus Track Cover Version sebagai Tribute kepada Mendiang Ronnie James Dio " We Rock ", mengisi Posisi Vocal Keroyokannya ada Mark Osegueda, Chris Jericho-nya FOZZY, Tim "Ripper" Owens-nya ICED EARTH, Alissa White-Gluz-nya ARCH ENEMY, Chuck Billy-nya TESTAMENT &Steve "Zetro" Souza-nya EXODUS, untuk Solo Lead Gitar bertarung antara Andreas Kisser, Phil Demmel & Gary Holt tetap memberikan Balutan Melodius yang extra Ciamik, as it stands out like a sore thumb in the procession and seriously hampers what little credibility the music around it boasts. Amazing !!!


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Minggu, 27 September 2015

Atrocity - Okkult CD 2013

Atrocity - Okkult
Napalm Records CD 2013

01 Pandaemonium 06:12    
02 Death by Metal 03:28    
03 March of the Undying 03:50    
04 Haunted by Demons 03:49    
05 Murder Blood Assasination 05:41    
06 Necromancy Divine 06:48    
07 Satan's Braut 03:17    
08 Todesstimmen 02:03    
09 Masaya (Boca Del Infierno) 03:02    
10 When Empires Fall to Dust 04:16    
11 Beyond Perpetual Ice 03:39    
12 La Voisine 08:08

Alexander Krull - Vocals, Keyboards
Thorsten Bauer - Guitars
Sander van der Meer - Guitars
Joris Nijenhuis - Drums

Seperti sudah menemukan sebuah titik jenuh-nya, opsi ending harus memojokkan band ini mungkin harus seperti kembali ke " selera " asal saja. sejak Menjelang materi album terakhir mereka " After The Storm " Tahun 2010, To my surprise, this new release sounds much better than I expected. Alexander Krull still can't sing very well and the ethnic "hey ya, hey ya hey" sing alongs still sound completely bland. Musically, the band surely improved. The tracks are more thought out and diversified and build up some meditative new age atmosphere that fits to the natural topics. The record is easy to digest and works well as a very harmonic and inspiring background music Back. There are still better combinations of rock and metal music with ethnic folk into Extreme Death Metal sounds but I give this record a few spins from time to time and see it as a big improvement from the first release. Nevertheless, the chapter should now be closed and the band should continue with something new and try to get back on track. yeah Atrocity seperti telah akan mencoba langkah baru untuk kembali ke konsep dasar mereka yang mulai hilang sejak band ini memutuskan mengubah konsep mereka menjadi Folk Metal, Gothic/Industrial Metal dari Konsep Dasyat 2 album pertama Terbaik sepanjang Karir mereka memberi kontribusi Untuk Death Metal Movement sepanjang masa untuk Album bergaya sentuhan pertama Band veteran asal Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, jerman yang eksis sejak Tahun 1985 sebagai penyebar gaya Technical Death Metal di Jerman Scene Khususnya, tetap beri Hormat untuk Album " Hallucinations ( 1990 ) dan Todessehnsucht ( 1992 ) " tetap disebut sebagai album Death Metal paling berpengaruh sepanjang Masa ! ... dan Untuk pertama kalinya gw merasa terkejut sekali untuk materi Gress ini ditahun 2013, Atrocity melempar debut " Okkult ", yang oleh beberapa media Musik Internasional langsung mendapat Pujian, dan Frontman Alex Krull sempat berkoar Kalo album ini " the “OKKULT” series is also brutal, bombastic and dark. These will not only be the heaviest and most brutal albums of ATROCITY since years, but also the darkest works of our band’s history. Lovers of our harder material like “Hallucinations”, “Todessehnsucht”, “Blut” or “Atlantis” will surely be delighted with the “OKKULT” series at their expense, although the “OKKULT” songs have their own trademarks, of course.” dan benar saja ketika Gw mendengar Track pertama " Pandaemonium " setelah Intro selama menit ke 01:40, hentakan hebat Hyperblast seperti telah membangkitkan Spirit Awal Band ini menjadi kental sentuhan Death Metal !!! Atrocity has Back to Beginning style !! The new ATROCITY opus “OKKULT” is the kickstart to an album trilogy, as it has not been seen before in the metal scene! Musically ATROCITY show an enormous tension width, and deliver a very powerful, homogeneous and atmospheric album: On the one hand with much bombast and big choirs a la “March Of The Undying”; on the other hand ATROCITY deliver equally purist, brutal metal songs, which get under your skin just as intensely, closely and authentically.The overall sound is perfectly harmonized. The earthy, brilliant production sounds intoxicating and gives the musical pieces the necessary energy, atmosphere and roughness to dive immediately into the lyrical concept. This is anything but one-dimensional. Alex Krull lebih menggunakan Gaya Harsh dan Growl Vokal mencoba tetap mendominasi permainan mantap dan  Dinamis Drummer baru mereka, Joris Nijenhuis telah memaksa Atrocity harus kembali Tampil Nge-Death dan membuang Jauh Kesan Trance-Disco Atrocity yang mengecewakan itu hehehe ...  Dark Harmonization Riffing dan Atmospheric Orchestral-nya pula semakin menambah elemen gelap Track-nya. There's barely any guitars on here, but when they do show up they do even less than in Leaves' Eyes, just blaring along shapelessly beneath the vocals and twanging folk instruments. Gempuran Hyperblast Snare Manis tetap membawa kembali Atrocity tampil lebih sadis lagi. " Death by Metal " tetap Nge-Death Metal banget sentuhannya. despite the cheesy growls this is a rare interesting moment. another "metal" song is a total bore, by this point the flutes aren't even entertaining me to the same extent they do on say. meskipun ga terlalu memainkan Aransemen musik yang dinamis, Gebrakan kali ini banyak mengingatkan perpaduan antara Konsep Era " Hallucination " serta Gaya Malevolent Creation sekali. Death Headbang Riffing Modern memang kerap bikin Gw Headbang !! ini bener2 The new ATROCITY album “OKKULT” is in every sense a real treat! So let’s start the occult treasure hunt with ATROCITY !! " March of the Undying " Sentuhan Epic Orchestral-nya megah semakin membuat suasana mencekam dengan paduan Death Metal Style cool, permainan Lingua Mortis Orchestra pimpinan Victor Smolski memang asli keren coy !! Besides all harshness and bombast ATROCITY again show their excellent sense of very good, catchy songs. sekali lagi Atrocity bener2 kembali Tampil Nge-Death Metal banget sekali di album gress ini !! meski tidak banyak melepas sentuhan modernnya yang membosankan itu, Atrocity jelas memainkan komposisi musik yang lebih bagus dan dewasa setelah memutuskan " Comeback Root " ini dalam 12 Track berdurasi Total 54:13 menitan. Sebagai seorang Istri Yang berkecimpung sama di Bidang Musik, Pasangan Setia hidupnya, Liv Kristine ( Kita kenal sebagai Mantan Vokalis Theatre Of Tragedy .ed ) masih setia mengisi Female Vokal disini. Rasanya Fans Lama Atrocity harus bisa coba membuktikan sendiri Album Keren Atrocity ini. As a culmination the poisoner and witch “La Voisine” does her mischief in the Paris of the 17th Century: What could fit better than a smashing, furious metal song of the brand ATROCITY !!!

As has already found a saturation point her, ending option should discredit this band might be like returning to the "taste" perfunctory. Toward material since their last album "After The Storm" in 2010, To my surprise, this new release sounds much better than I expected. Alexander Krull still can not sing very well and the ethnic "hey ya, hey ya hey" sing alongs still sound completely bland. Musically, the band surely improved. The tracks are more thought out and diversified and build up some new age meditative atmosphere that fits to the natural topics. The record is easy to digest and works well as a very harmonic and inspiring background music Back. There are still better combinations of rock and metal music with ethnic folk sounds into Extreme Death Metal but I give this record a few spins from time to time and see it as a big improvement from the first release. Nevertheless, the chapter should now be closed and the band should continue with something new and try to get back on track. yeah Atrocity as a new step has been to try to get back to the basic concept of those who begin to disappear since the band decided to change their concept into Folk Metal, Gothic / Industrial Metal of Concept terrible first 2 albums Best contribute throughout their career to Death Metal Movement of all time The first touch of style to Album Band veteran Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany which existed since 1985 as a disseminator of style in German Technical Death Metal Scene In particular, it remains to give Yours Album "Hallucinations (1990) and Todessehnsucht (1992)" would be referred to as Death Metal album throughout the period of the most influential! ... and for the first time i was shocked once for Gress this material in 2013, Atrocity throws debut "Okkult", which by some media immediately got Praise International Music, and frontman Alex Krull had boasted If this album "the" OKKULT "series is also brutal , Bombastic and dark. these will not only be the heaviest and most brutal albums of Atrocity since years, but also the darkest works of our band's history. Lovers of our harder material like "Hallucinations", "Todessehnsucht", "Blut" or " Atlantis "will surely be delighted with the" OKKULT "series at their expense, although the" OKKULT "songs have their own trademarks, of course." and sure enough when Gw heard the first track "Pandaemonium" after the intro for minutes to 01:40 , terrific pounding Hyperblast like Spirit raised Beginning Band is a touch lumpy Death Metal!!! Atrocity has Back to Beginning styles! The Atrocity new opus "OKKULT" is the kickstart to an album trilogy, as it has not been seen before in the metal scene! Musically Atrocity width show an enormous tension, and deliver a very powerful, homogeneous and atmospheric album: On the one hand with much Bombast and big choirs a la "March Of The Undying"; Atrocity on the other hand deliver Equally purist , brutal metal songs, roomates get under your skin just as Intensely, closely and authentically.The overall sound is perfectly harmonized. The earthy, brilliant production Intoxicating sounds and gives the musical pieces the Necessary energy, atmosphere and roughness to dive immediately into the lyrical concept. This is anything but one-dimensional. Alex Krull be using Growl Vocal Style Harsh and try to dominate the game remains steady and the dynamic of their new drummer, Joris Nijenhuis has forced Atrocity must return Shown NGE-Death and throw away-Trance Disco Atrocity impression that hehehe ... it's disappointing Harmonization Dark riffing and Atmospheric Orchestral also adds to the darker elements of his track. There's barely any guitars on here, but when they do show up they do even less than in Leaves' Eyes, just blaring along shapelessly beneath the vocals and twanging folk instruments. Onslaught Hyperblast Sweet Snare keep bringing back Atrocity appear more sadistic. "Death by Metal" remains NGE-Death Metal really touch. despite the cheesy growls interesting this is a rare moment. another "metal" song is a total bore, by this point the flutes are not even entertaining me to the same extent they do on say. though ga Arrangement plays music too dynamic, breakthrough time is much reminiscent of a blend between the concept Era "Hallucination" and Malevolent Creation Style once. Death Headbang riffing Modern indeed often make Gw Headbang!'s bener2 The new Atrocity album "OKKULT" is in every sense a real treat! So let's start the occult treasure hunt with Atrocity!! "March of the Undying" Touch Epic Orchestral His magnificent increasingly make the atmosphere tense with a blend of Death Metal Style cool, game Lingua Mortis Orchestra leader Victor Smolski is genuine cool coy!! Besides all harshness and Bombast Atrocity again show their excellent sense of very good, catchy songs. bener2 back once again Atrocity Shown NGE-Death Metal album really all in this gress!! although not much off the boring modern touches, Atrocity clearly plays better music composition and adults after deciding "Comeback Root" is the total duration of 12 Track menitan 54:13. As a working wife the same thing in the field of music, his Faithful Couple, Liv Kristine (we know as the former vocalist Theatre Of Tragedy. ed) still loyal fill Female Vocals here. feels Atrocity Older Fans should be able to try to prove himself this Atrocity Cool album. As a culmination the poisoner and witch "La Voisine" does her mischief in the Paris of the 17th Century: What could fit better than a smashing, furious metal song of the brand Atrocity!!!

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Oracle - No Truth..No Justice CD 2012

Oracle - No Truth..No Justice
No Label Records CD 2012 ( Re-released )

01 Mindless Indoctrination
02 Heresy
03 Blessed in Funeral
04 100% Halal (Warkop Blues)
05 Dark Fantasy
06 K.P.K
07 The Final Anthem
08 To Whom It May Concern
09 Calo Bangsat (Airlines)

Bayu - Bass
Mahendra - Drums
Wisnu - Guitars
Jimmy - Guitars
Troy - Vocals

Jakarta Bay Area Thrasher !!! Geliat Old School Thrash Metal 80-an menjadi Ambisi terakhir Band asal Jakarta ini memang patut menjadi perhatian nih... bagaimana Thrash Metal Movement udah hadir dalam Kemasan Yang lebih Modern, Band bentukan Tahun 1999 ini lebih Mencoba " Back To Root " tampil Klasik dengan Memainkan kembali Era Kejayaan Old School Thrasher Awal dari Nama Legendaris Anthrax, Metallica, Testament, Exodus, Megadeth hingga Nuclear Assault, meskipun belum secara 100% menampilkan Raw Old Sounding, Oracle ini masih bisa menguasai pembawaan Style 80-an, mulai dari Gaya bernyanyi, Thrashin Riffing serta Drumming-nya, Keep Old Schooling Concept !. Good Job Guys ! hal ini juga memang masih dilakukan oleh beberapa teman band sejawat seperti Gigantor, Thrashline, Divine, etc. Sekedar Informasi aja kalau Full Album Ke-3 Oracle ini pertama kali dirilis adalah tahun 2010 secara Independen dan telah sold out sehingga munculnya banyak permintaan fans, akhirnya Pihak No Label Records merilis ulang masih dengan Artwork Kover yang sama tapi berbeda dengan Urutan Track list-nya, disini menambahkan 2 lagu baru diurutan pertama hanya menjadi Pembeda Rilisan ini kayaknya. untuk versi pertamanya memuat 11 lagu lengkap dengan 3 cover version rekaman panggung, tapi di rilisan ulang ini hanya menampilkan 9 lagu Oracle saja. dan ga nyangka banget kalo Scene Tanah Air kita bakalan Punya Band Thrash Metal idealis Keren seperti Oracle. back when things like technicality, accessibility, and eclecticism were of little importance in the wake of rampant speed, aggression, and pure musical extremity, not to mention hordes of riffs. It is one of the first true “thrash” albums, having shed enough NWOBHM and speed metal influence to stand on its own as something new and distinct and, with the help of several other key albums from this period, outline the style as a whole. It and its immediate sequels are also among the most widely plagiarized albums among new millennium thrashers, whose attempts to imitate the raging, painfully raw, poseur-hunting anthems pioneered here are pale at best. It is also a load of fun; an ideal album to party to, drink heavily to, piss on your neighbor’s porch and fistfight his dog to. You get the idea. It’s good stuff. Yuk kita Mulai dengan Track Pertama CD rilisan ulang ini " Mindless Indoctrination ", Adalah Materi Recording baru yang terasa sangat berbeda Kualitas soundingnya, biarpun terdengar Perfect dan Clean banget, tapi elemen Old Schooling Oracle seperti harus terkikis oleh Tuntutan Jaman aja deh hehehe, tapi swear track ini adalah sebuah bentuk kedewasaan musikalitas mereka, dimulai dengan Intro Bass yang kemudian masuklah Thrash Beaten Riffinng mengingatkan gw dengan New Metallica & Testament Style banget ! Karakter Heavy Sound yang padat menajamkan Konsepsional Oracle kian Mantap !! guitars deliver heavy riffs at maximum volume and tempo with furious percussive accompaniment. It’s a dash primitive, what with a certain sloppiness in the production and delivery, but it’s so chock full of memorable bits that you can’t help but love it anyway. kayaknya gw suka banget nih track pembawaannya yang lebih modern ini hehehe let's go to Headbang !!! kemudian Track Baru kemudian " Heresy ", terdengar sounding yang berbeda lagi, atau memang ini direkam ditempat yang berbeda pula waktunya? setelah mendengar Sound Riffing yang tajam, di track ke-2 ini agak lebih softly lagi sentuhannya ke Old School Type. Sometimes it feels like that those mid-tempo grooves last for the entire song (which for me is a bit too long) and the fast tracks feel like you're continuously driving 30 mph over the speed limit. It's nice to do speeding for a while and show off to your buddies, but you grow tired of it soon. Same applies to the songs here. lebih mengajak kita ke era kejayaan album pertama Exodus " Bonded By Blood " banget pada setiap gesekan tab Riffingnya dengan Powerfully Vokal agresif. When you're mad, desperate, frustrated and disillusioned, alt-rock says: kill yourself. Thrash says: kill EVERYONE ELSE! See the difference between metal and alt-rock? bukan basa basi sih, kalo Oracle ini dapat meramu konsep Thrash metal yang keren seperti ini, walau beberapa lick track-nya, sering Gw temukan Riffing2 Familiar dari Big Influence mereka. The riffs are amazingly intense. With high distortion, the duo unleashes both fast, furious riffing as well as some slower, ballsier riffs, such as in And Then There Were None. The solos are godly. They're not breathtakingly technical or anything, but they're fast as fuck and almost too loud. 2 lagu baru dengan konsep musik yang terdengar " Serius " pembawaannya. Catchy and Melodic !! kemudian Track Ke-3 dan Terakhir adalah track lawas rilisan Awal tahun 2010, " Blessed in Funeral " telah mengalami Mastering ulang untuk Kebutuhan Balance level Audio, langsung dimulai dengan solo Chaotic Old School Bay Area Thrashin in The Vein Exodus serta Gaya Lamanya Metallica, Aggressive Track with Fast Cheaping ! is the hymn for any old school thrash metal fan. Here the band is pure energy through fast tempos and the solos that run after each other in a crescendo of intensity and impact. It’s awesome to hear how each riff is definitely catchy even if it’s played under the mid paced influence. The simplicity of that riff and the chorus cannot be forgotten because you can remember them very well from the first listening, as the sudden speed restart with lots of solos. kemudian gaya Humor dihadirkan pada track " 100% Halal (Warkop Blues) ", mengulik kembali Anthemic Tune Khas Film2 Pelawak Trio Warkop DKI ( Dono, Kasino, Indro ), so pasti masih begitu Memorable khan buat Fans Warkop DKI ingat ? hehehe ... kemudian track ini dikomposisi dengan sentuhan Jenaka pada Beberapa sentuhan, mulai dari Gaya Ska dan Rock'n'Roll kemudian Thrashin Kickin masih menjadi menu utamanya. apalagi Anthemic Refrain Track ini siap Bikin Sing A long Moshpit area deh. " Dark Fantasy " akan mengajak kita kedimensi Klasik Testament serta beberapa Sentuhan Metallica yang belum bisa terlepaskan pada Riff Adrenalin Catchy-nya. Tema tema Sosial dan Kehidupan Nyata Keseharian mereka terhadap refleksi Kondisi Jaman lengkap dengan Ketimpangannya banyak sekali mereka angkat disini. " K.P.K " selanjutnya lebih Mantap lagi Sentuhan Kental Thrashin enjoyable. begitu juga " The Final Anthem ", terus dan terus mengajak gw untuk tetap dalam Kondisi Headbanging !!! is a song that could definitely get the moshes going. It’s just that it lacks the fun, the giddy-up that makes the best of the early thrash outfits endearing. They’re craftsmen, not visionaries. " To Whom It May Concern " lebih sedikit mendinginkan suasana dengan Epic Akustik Part diawal lagu, dengar bagaimana Oracle juga mampu mengkomposisi Middown tempo-nya yang banyak dihiasi balutan solo gitar Cantik, mengingatkan dengan " Fade To Black " Atau " One " nya Metallica sekali Karateristiknya walo beberapa sentuhan Clean Vokalnya kadang malah terasa terjebak dalam Gaya Emo Metal. menyudahi Materi Track Album Re-Release ini, Oracle menyorot tentang masalah Kegiatan Transaksi Ilegal yang terjadi di Maskapai Penerbangan hingga terjadinya " Calo " yang bagi Masyarakat Pengguna sangat merugikan, memang hal ini nyata terjadi bagaimana Pihak " Dalam " dan " Luar " melakukan Konspirasi untuk mengambil untung pribadi. konsep musik Thrash dengan beat yang cepat masih disusupi dengan gaya2 Humor dari mereka menjadikan Track ini kian Fresh dinikmati apalagi beberapa sayatan solo Melodiusnya begitu Ciamik Gw nikmati hehehe ... the main one drags almost all the song, there is another one under the solo which sounds improvised and uninteresting and the riff in the chorus is average, but nothing more. The vocals sounds dirty and tough, but they just fits well the songs and doesn't increase something outstanding, they kinda average. All in all it could be much better song if they were trying to develop it a bit, it's becoming repetitive and dull when you stuck with the same riff for the whole song. Meskipun Hadir dengan Konsep Rekaman dan Sound yang berbeda2, namun Rilisan ulang ini enjoy banget gw nikmati Gaya bermusiknya yang tidak membosankan. meskipun tidak ada yang baru atau Orisinil, komposisi album ini sangat keren mereka ramu menjadi sebuah masterpiece yang keren juga tentunya, biarpun kalian puter berulang ulang, kesan boring akan tersingkirkan dengan Naluri Enjoyable banget disini. It isn't mind-blowing, groundbreaking nor special in any way. I often thinks here and there that "Hey! that's a nice kicking ass riff!" but nothing more. BUY OR THRASHING !!!!

Jakarta Bay Area Thrasher!!! Stretching Old School Thrash Metal 80s a band from Jakarta last ambition is indeed deserves attention ya ... how Thrash Metal Movement is already present in Modern Packaging Even more, the band formed 1999 more Trying "Back To Root" Playing back performing with the Classic Era Glory Old School Thrasher Home of the Legendary Names Anthrax, Metallica, Testament, Exodus, Megadeth by Nuclear Assault , although it has not been 100% Raw featuring Old Sounding, Oracle is still able to master the carriage Style 80s, ranging from the style of singing, Thrashin his riffing and Drumming, Keep Old Schooling Concept!. Good Job Guys! it also is still done by some colleagues as Gigantor band mates, Thrashline, Divine, etc.. Information just wrote that 3rd Full Album Oracle was first released in 2010 as an Independent is already sold out and so the appearance of many fan requests, finally Parties No Label Records re-released with Artwork Kover is still the same but different from the order of the track listing , here adds 2 new songs listed first only a differentiator This release seems. for the first version contains 11 songs complete with stage 3 recorded cover versions, but in this re-release only featuring 9 songs Oracle only. and ga really have thought if we are going to Homeland Scene Got Thrash Metal Bands like idealists Keren Oracle. back when things like technicality, accessibility, and eclecticism were of little importance in the wake of rampant speed, aggression, and pure musical extremity, not to mention hordes of riffs. It is one of the first true "thrash" albums, having shed enough speed metal and NWOBHM influence to stand on its own as something new and distinct and, with the help of several other key albums from this period, outline the style as a whole . It and its immediate sequels are also among the most albums, Instant plagiarized thrashers among new millennium, Whose Attempts to imitate the raging, painfully raw, poseur-hunting anthems pioneered here are pale at best. It is also a load of fun; an ideal album to party to, Heavily to drink, piss on your neighbor's porch and his dog to a fistfight. You get the idea. It's good stuff. Let's Start with First Track CD re-release is "Mindless indoctrination", is a new recording material that feels very different soundingnya Quality, Perfect and Clean despite sounding really, but elements such as Old Schooling Oracle must be eroded by the Age Demands aja deh hehehe, but swear This track is a form of maturity of their musicality, starting with the Bass Intro then go Thrash Beaten Riffinng remind gw with Metallica and New Testament Style really! Heavy solid character Sound Concepts Oracle sharpens increasingly Sweet!! deliver heavy guitars riffs at maximum volume and tempo with furious percussive Accompaniment. It's a dash primitive, what with a certain sloppiness in the production and delivery, but it's so chock full of memorable bits that you can not help but love it anyway. ya I think I like it more modern track demeanor is hehehe let's go to Headbang!!! New Track then later "Heresy", sounded different sounding again, or is this place different recorded time? after hearing the sharp riffing Sound, on the 2nd track is a bit more softly touch again to Old School Type. Sometimes it feels like that those mid-tempo grooves last for the entire song (which for me is a bit too long) and the fast tracks continuously feel like you're driving 30 mph over the speed limit. It's nice to do speeding for a while and show off to your buddies, but you grow tired of it soon. Same applies to the songs here. more invites us into the era of the triumph of the first album Exodus "Bonded By Blood" really on any friction tab Riffingnya with Vocals Powerfully aggressive. When you're mad, desperate, frustrated and disillusioned, alt-rock says: kill yourself. Thrash says: kill EVERYONE ELSE! See the difference between metal and alt-rock? no strings attached anyway, if Oracle is able to draw on the concept of thrash metal just like this, although a few licks of his tracks, often find Riffing2 Gw Familiar of Big Influence them. The riffs are amazingly intense. With high distortion, the duo unleashes both fast, furious riffing as well as some slower, ballsier riffs, such as in And Then There Were None. The solos are godly. They're not breathtakingly technical or anything, but they're fast as fuck and almost too loud. 2 new songs with musical concepts that sounded "serious" demeanor. Catchy and Melodic!! Track then 3rd and last is the old track release early in 2010, "Blessed in Funeral" has been reset to the Needs Balance Mastering Audio level, starting with solo direct Chaotic Old School Bay Area Thrashin In The Vein Exodus and Metallica length style, Aggressive Fast Track with cheaping! is the hymn for any fan of old school thrash metal. Here the band is pure energy through the fast tempos and solos that run after each other in a crescendo of intensity and impact. It's awesome to hear how each riff is definitely catchy even if it's played under the mid paced influence. The simplicity of that riff and the chorus can not be forgotten Because you can remember them very well from the first listening, as the sudden speed restart with lots of solos. Humor style then presented on the track "100% Halal (Warkop Blues)", mengulik back anthemic Typical Tune film2 Comedian Trio Warkop DKI (Dono, Kasino, Indro), so definitely still so Memorable khan make Warkop DKI Fans remember? hehehe ... then this track composed by Witty touches on some touches, from Rock'n'Roll style Ska and then Thrashin Kickin still be the main menu. Track this moreover ready anthemic Refrain Sing Make A long deh moshpit area. "Dark Fantasy" will invite us kedimensi Classic Metallica Testament as well as some touches that can not be liberated at Adrenalin Riff Catchy her. Social themes of their Daily Life and Real Life of the Ages reflection condition complete with limp adopted so many of them here. "KPK" Steady again next more enjoyable Thrashin Condensed touch. as well as "The Final Anthem", and continues to invite gw continues to remain in a condition Headbanging!!! is a song that could definitely get the Moshes going. It's just that it lacks the fun, the giddy-up that makes the best of the early thrash outfits endearing. They're craftsmen, not visionaries. "To Whom It May Concern" less cool atmosphere with Epic Acoustic Part early songs, hear how Oracle is also capable of composing its tempo Middown many decorated bandage Beautiful guitar solo, reminiscent of the "Fade To Black" or "One" Metallica once his Clean the touch of characteristics walo some vocal sometimes even feels trapped in Emo Style Metal. Matter finished Track Album Re-Release, Oracle highlighted the issue of Illegal Transactions Airlines is going on until the "touts" are very detrimental to the user community, it is the real thing happens how the Parties "In" and "Outside" Conspiracy to commit taking personal profit. concept Thrash music with a fast beat is still infiltrated with gaya2 Humor of them made it increasingly Fresh Track especially enjoyed some solo cuts Melodiusnya so ciamik Gw enjoy hehehe ... the main one drags almost all the song, there is another one under the roomates sounds improvised solos and uninteresting and the riff in the chorus is average, but nothing more. The vocals sounds dirty and tough, but they just fits well the increase of songs and does something outstanding, they kinda average. All in all it could be much better song if they were trying to develop it a bit, it's becoming repetitive and dull when you stuck with the same riff for the whole song. Although the Concept Comes with the berbeda2 Recording and Sound, but this re-release really enjoy i enjoy musical style that is not boring. although there is nothing new or Original, the composition is very cool album they potion into a masterpiece that's cool too of course, even if you puter again and again, the impression will be removed by boring Instinct Enjoyable really here. It is not mind-blowing, groundbreaking nor in any special way. Often I here and there that thinks "Hey, that's a nice riff kicking ass!" but nothing more. BUY OR thrashing!!!!

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Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu - Legend of Shadow CD 2013

Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu - Legend of Shadow
Disk Union CD 2013

01 Fukushu no Syukushi 08:13    
02 Baramon 06:37    
03 Kage no Densetsu 05:48    
04 Harakiri 06:21    
05 203 09:45    
06 Marishiten 05:50    
07 Bushu no Kagerou 06:52    
08 Miburo no Ken 05:37    
09 Odoru Sarekoube 06:36    
10 Saigo no Rakujitsu 08:26    
11 Fukeyo Kaze, Yobeyo Arashi 05:05

Atsushi Takahashi - Guitars
Haruhisa Takahata - Bass, Vocals
Hirotaka Nakazawa - Drums

Metal Movement Negeri Sakura memang Terhitung paling Produktif dengan sejumlah Musisi berbakat telah bermunculan disana, dari semua Genre metal yang ada di Asia, Boleh Jadi Jepang adalah negara ke-2 setelah Indonesia dengan jumlah band dan rilisan produktif setiap harinya. dan mungkin Negara ini kerap disinggahi band2 melodic, Power dan Heavy Metal, sehingga Pengaruh Kuatnya kemudian seakan menjadi feedback yang bagus buat pertumbuhannya. tapi kali ini gw coba akan mengulas band yang teramat asing ditelinga kalian, GOTSU TOTSU KOTSU ! nah bener khan? hehehehe ... nama Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu sendiri memang diambil dari Budaya Jepang banget, Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu adalah nama seorang Satria Samurai Kuno yang menjadi legenda dinegerinya, sehingga Konsep Band yang lebih memainkan sentuhan kental Death/Thrash ini lebih Spesifik menyebutnya sebagai " Samurai Metal ", band ini sendiri dibentuk oleh Member Death Metal Veteran Jepang, Defiled sejak Tahun 2000, Haruhisa Takahata. dan Imej Band serta penampilan panggungnya pula mereka mengenakan Kimono ala Samurai Pula hehehe ... raunchy JCM 800-esque midrange bite. While I wouldn’t call the guitar sound massive by any means, it fits what the band is trying to pull off perfectly. Songs typically meander betwixt traditional, old-school Swedeath to thrashy death to some pretty funky death ‘n’ roll at times. dengan sounding yang Terdengar Raw, sentuhan Death/Thrash In The Vein Slayer, Sodom, Venom hingga Possessed begitu amat terasa dalam sentuhannya. pops, slaps, and twangs constantly, and the result is just a really fun, interesting moment to hear in a death metal song, and when he’s playing one of those solos, you almost want to rewind it just to hear it again and again. persembahan Old School Thrasher yang masih kental elemen transisi death metal-nya menjadi idealis band ini sejak terbentuk. It’s a loud, almost grunted growl. He even sneaks in a few clean whines in a couple of spots that fit the music like a glove. The fact that the vocals are so prominent in the mix and the vocals are in Japanese creates the feeling of rhythmic chanting to the already extremely groovy riffing. The only Japanese I know I learned from Styx, but I can assure you that when I listen to this album, I always at least try to mimic the vocal rhythms without even knowing what the word should even sound like. meskipun tidak ada yang terlalu Istimewa gw rasakan disini, sentuhan klasik metal yang begitu " Raw " lebih mengajak gw dalam suasana yang rilex saja saat mengkonsumsinya hehehe ... lumayan buat temen galau nih kayaknya. The material on the album in terms of songwriting is excellent. There are a lot of fantastic ideas present here, and the level of flow between those ideas sounds extremely natural. Kentaro Takada’s work on the guitars is filled with tasty chops, groovy riffs, and melodious solos, providing an excellent companion to the crazy bass parts residing in the spotlight. The riffing itself is as groovy as it gets, and these guys are definitely fluent in their old-school Swedish death metal licks. Everything has just the right mix of brutality and groove to make it immensely memorable and enjoyable.

Metal Movement Sakura is the most productive Commencing with a number of talented musicians have sprung up there, from all metal genres that exist in Asia, Japan Allow So is the 2nd country after Indonesia with a number of bands and releases productive every day. and perhaps this country often visited band2 melodic, Power and Heavy Metal, so the effect of strength then seemed to be a good feedback for growth. but this time I will try to review a band you very alien ears, Gotsu Totsu Kotsu! nah bener khan? hehehehe ... Gotsu-name-Kotsu Totsu itself is taken from the Japanese culture really, Gotsu-Totsu-Kotsu is the name of an ancient Samurai Satria dinegerinya who became a legend, so the concept of the band played a touch more viscous Death / Thrash is more specific as to call it "Metal Samurai" , the band itself was formed by a Member Death Metal Veterans Japan, Defiled since 2000, Haruhisa Takahata. The image and the band and their stage performance is also wearing a Kimono style Samurai Pula hehehe ... Raunchy JCM 800-esque midrange bite. While I would not call the guitar sound massive by any means, it fits what the band is trying to pull off perfectly. Songs typically meanders betwixt traditional, old-school Swedeath to thrashy death to some pretty funky death 'n' roll at times. by sounding the Raw Sounds, touch Death / Thrash In The Vein Slayer, Sodom, Venom Possessed so keenly felt by the touch. pops, slaps, and twangs constantly, and the result is just a really fun, interesting moment to hear in a death metal song, and when he's playing one of those solos, you almost want to rewind it just to hear it again and again. Old School Thrasher offerings are still strong elements of its transition into death metal band has since formed idealist. It's a loud, almost growl grunted. He even sneaks in a few whines clean in a couple of spots that fit the music like a glove. The fact that the vocals are so prominent in the mix and the vocals are in Japanese creates the feeling of rhythmic chanting to the already extremely groovy riffing. The only Japanese I know I learned from Styx, but I can assure you that when I listen to this album, I always at least try to mimic the vocal rhythms without even knowing what the word should even sound like. although nothing overly Special gw feel here, a touch of classic metal that is so "Raw" more invites in the atmosphere rilex gw alone while taking it hehehe ... quite make friends seems upset ya. The material on the album in terms of songwriting is excellent. There are a lot of fantastic ideas present here, and the level of flow between those ideas sounds extremely natural. Kentaro Takada's work on the guitars is filled with tasty chops, groovy riffs, and solos Melodious, providing an excellent companion to the crazy bass parts residing in the spotlight. The riffing itself is as groovy as it gets, and these guys are definitely fluent in their old-school Swedish death metal licks. Everything has just the right mix of brutality and groove to make it immensely memorable and enjoyable.

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Corporate Death - Angels & Worms CD 2013

Corporate Death - Angels & Worms
Self Released CD 2013

01 Heretic Angels 04:18    
02 Seeders of Discordia 03:37    
03 The Twilight 03:19    
04 Systematic Taste of Suffering 03:17    
05 Between Worms and Feelings 03:14    
06 The Bitter End 03:50    
07 Symmetric Imperfection 02:57    
08 World of Afflictions 03:45

Damien Mendonça - Guitars, Bass
Flávio Ribeiro - Vocals
Rafael Cau - Drums

Menyimpan elemen Kental In The Vein Suffocation, Malevolent Creation, Kataklysm dan Cannibal Corpse, band ini mengaku Kalo Nama Bandnya terinspirasi Titel Track Murder Metal-nya Macabre ! intensitas permainan trio Brutal Death Metal Berat asal Sao Paulo, Brazil yang eksis Sejak Tahun 2001 dan saat ini menjadikan " Angels & Worms " adalah Full album ke-2 setelah " Terminate Existence " tahun 2008, dengan komposisi skill bermusik yang tambah matang, Trio ini memang lebih tampil mencengangkan di album gress ini, apalagi permainan Mantap Drummer Rafael Cau banyak menyita perhatian Gw. Konsep band ini memang Cool punya, The pummeling syncopations, the inhumanly low, brutal vocals, the slamming, down-picked breakdowns !! apalagi aransemen yang mereka ciptakan disini selalu didominasi dengan Extra powerfully Track pada setiap lagunya. deduce that it's merely the barbarous noise of neanderthals, but those individuals would actually be gravely mistaken. In due time, with enough repeated listening it is likely that most of those people will come to realize the brilliance of Suffocation's complexity and mastery of song construction within a sphere of absolutely punishing heaviness and brutality. memang sejak start track pertama " Heretic Angels ", gw langsung mencium aroma kuat Suffocation era " effigy Of ... " banget pada Intensitas Drumming serta Gaya Riffing Cannibal Corpse Era " Tomb Of The Mutilated " banget, sementara Pummeling Tremolo Riff lebih mencoba memadukan karakter Malevolent Creation dengan Kataklysm era " Sorcery ", sehingga komposisinya tertata apik disetiap gempuran mematikannya. Beginning with some snare, bass, and double bass kicking, the guitars kick in to create a wall of riffs that, due to poor production, are nearly indiscernible from each other. Though the guitars blend with the drums and bass at times, they do sound really good when the ambient noise is taken away. The tempo changes throughout the song are superb as double bass kicking is present while the rest of the band slows down. The soloing wails from each guitar with precision and emotion as they sound like the screams of victims trapped in a basement dungeon. The song takes on a bit of groove as it progresses that adds a new dimension. Karakter Low Grunted Growl keren Flávio Ribeiro memang Gaya Lama Frank Mullen era " Effigy .. " banget dan pembawaan pattern-nya Matching Banget untuk Konsep yang diusung ini. the furor of music exploding forth; it seems the band inadvertently created a catchy beat. This beat is mercilessly massacred as the song ends with their combination breakdown and new riffing section. " Seeders of Discordia " semakin menggerinda Irama detak jantung gw dengan intensitas sadis berikutnya. Gitaris Damien Mendonça yang juga memainkan semua instrumen bass disini memang menjadi Mastermind Utama yang bekerja keras menciptakan ramuan Brutality-nya tetap terjaga kualitas dan Intensitas menggerindanya, cukup Simple namun banyak melahirkan komposisi Musik yang mengharamkan slowly part. carry a much more percussive quality to them conducive to the riff driven backdrop he’s been given. Basically he succeeds in being guttural enough to avoid becoming an extreme caricature, ends up sounding evil rather than comical. Although his demon grunts are mostly unintelligible, it is also obvious that this band was more interested in a multifaceted approach to lyrics that includes some intellectual takes on society and mankind, rather than simply dwelling only upon the cliché of gore and descriptions of the human anatomy meant to trigger one’s vomit reflex. 8 track menggerinda selama total durasi 28:17 sangatlah cukup untuk merobohkan Seisi Kamar Gw kayaknya hehehe, The terrific tempo changes are one of the most important characteristics of this sound and the monolithic blast beats differ a bit from the classic death/grind ones of that period because they are not that fast but they point more on the heaviness and the sheer nastiness of the beats. Everything must be complex, massive and truly heavy as a mountain since the first notes !!!

Storing elements Condensed In The Vein Suffocation, Malevolent Creation, Kataklysm and Cannibal Corpse, the band admitted Kalo The band name was inspired Titel Track the Macabre Murder Metal! intensity trio game Brutal Death Metal Weight origin Sao Paulo, Brazil, which existed since 2001 and is currently making "Angels & Worms" is the 2nd full-length album after "Terminate Existence" in 2008, with added musical composition skills matured, this Trio indeed be performed astonishing gress in this album, let alone a game Steady Drummer Rafael Cau much attention Gw. The concept of this band has indeed Cool, The pummeling syncopations, the inhumanly low, brutal vocals, the slamming, down-picked breakdowns!! moreover arrangements they created here is always dominated by powerfully Extra tracks on each song. deduce that it's merely the Barbarous noise of Neanderthals, but those individuals would actually be GRAVELY mistaken. In due time, with enough repeated listening it is Likely that most of those people will come to Realize the brilliance of Suffocation's complexity and mastery of song construction within a sphere of absolutely punishing heaviness and brutality. indeed since the start the first track "Heretic Angels", I immediately smell the strong aroma era Suffocation "Effigy Of ..." really on the intensity and style of riffing Drumming era Cannibal Corpse "Tomb Of The Mutilated" really, while pummeling Tremolo try to combine characters riff over Malevolent Creation with Kataklysm era "Sorcery", so that the composition is arranged beautifully in every onslaught turn it off. Beginning with some snare, bass, and double bass kicking, the guitars kick in to create a wall of riffs that, due to poor production, are nearly indiscernible from each other. Though the guitars blend with the drums and bass at times, they do sound really good when the ambient noise is taken away. The tempo changes throughout the song are superb as double bass kicking is present while the rest of the band slows down. The wails from each guitar soloing with precision and emotion as they sound like the screams of victims trapped in a basement dungeon. The song takes on a bit of groove as it progresses that adds a new dimension. Low Growl cool character grunted Flávio Ribeiro is Old Style Frank Mullen era "Effigy .." really and his innate pattern Matching Concept promoted Banget for this. the furor of music exploding forth; it seems the band inadvertently created a catchy beat. This beat is mercilessly massacred as the song ends with their breakdown and new combination riffing section. "Seeders of Discordia" the grinding rhythm of the heartbeat next gw with sadistic intensity. Damien Mendonça guitarist who also plays all the instruments bass here is a Mastermind Primary Brutality worked hard to create his potions to maintain the quality and intensity menggerindanya, Simple but pretty much gave birth to the composition of music which forbids slowly part. carry a much more percussive quality to them conducive to the riff driven backdrop he's been given. Basically he Succeeds in being guttural enough to avoid becoming an extreme caricature, ends up sounding evil rather than comical. Although his demons are mostly unintelligible grunts, it is also obvious that this band was more interested in a multifaceted approach to lyrics that includes some intellectual takes on society and mankind, rather than simply dwelling only upon the cliché of gore and descriptions of the human anatomy meant to trigger one's vomit reflex. 8 track grinding for a total duration of 28:17 is enough to knock down The whole room seems Gw hehehe, the terrific tempo changes are one of the most important characteristics of this sound and the blast beats monolithic differ a bit from the classic death / grind ones of that period Because they are not that fast but they point more on the heaviness and the sheer nastiness of the beats. Everything must be complex, truly massive and heavy as a mountain since the first notes!!!

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Arkhum - Earthling CD 2013

Arkhum - Earthling
Self Released CD 2013!/arkhum

01 Artificer; or the Contingency of Suns 04:07    
02 Agglomeration Edict; or a Coruscation of Violent Light 05:07    
03 Hostibus Vacuum 03:21    
04 A Distant Biorhythm; or Fission and Firstlight 04:30    
05 The Dim Effulgence of Perpetuity 05:08    
06 Re Vera, the Gulf is Voiceless; or the Lucidity Polymer 09:44    
07 Stygian Assertions; or the Allochthonous Door 07:41    
08 Cenancestor; or Fervency and Ardor 05:21    
09 Winnower; or Console Autonomous 09:00    
10 The Backbone of Night 06:11

Kenneth Parker - Vocals
Armen Koroghlian - Drums
Nathanael Kelley - Bass
Stephen Parker - Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Vocals
Kyle Jendrisak - Guitars

I was under the impression that Arkhum was a blackened death metal band that used a lot of snazzy technicality and complex techniques to give their music an ‘extraterrestrial’ edge. While all of this is true, I was quickly kicked in the pants with a prominent deathcore-feel above the band’s other characteristics. Deathcore is not my music of choice, yet it’s important to mention I gave “Earthling” a chance anyway than " Anno Universum " Release, and I must say it at least attempts molding these various postulates into a brutal, punching extermination in which aliens from this galaxy and beyond will consider the grotesque portrait with pondering gestures; that’s really all the credit I can give the record !!! Amaziiing Riffing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! begitulah yang pertama kali keluar dari Mulut gw, bagaimana band ini mempunya Gaya Sweep Picking yang sadis pada struktur musiknya yang dasyat ! bener2 dominasi permainan Teknikal lebih membawa Esensial band ini menjadi Teknikal Band berbahaya dari Eugene/Springfield, Oregon, Amrik dengan sentuhan kental Modern Extreme Metal-nya, bener2 penawaran konsep musik yang begitu lengkap dan Komplek dapat mereka muntahkan dialbum Full ke-2 nya ini memang perpaduan antara Gaya Suffocation " Effigy Of The Forgotten " ( pada Beberapa Gaya Solo Gitar ), Decrepit Birth era " Polarity dan Dimished .. ", Necrophagist " Epitaph ", sentuhan blackened spice dari gaya Mayhem atau Emperor dan beberapa sentuhan Modern Killer Extreme Style in The Vein Arkaik, dan Veil Of Maya bener2 Konsep yang sangat membuai Gw dari pandangan awal ga terlalu perduli, tapi begitu menikmatinya, gw terperanjat Kagum !! This Is a hint of consistency alongside the bizarre techniques often applied throughout this interplanetary effort. Overall, the deathcore paradigm at least goes under a solid conversion despite it still being Arkhum’s priority, and doing so reveals some pretty neat ideas worth more than just a single listen. band yang memainkan permainan Rancak dan dinamis disetiap lagunya ini adalah bentukan Master skill Member dari Vocalis multitalenta pada progres musikal band ini sejak tahun 2006, Kenneth Parker, liat Pengalaman banyak bandnya di Earthenwomb, Enbilulugugal, Gromkult, Darkosis, Disfavor, Tactical Gorefare, ex-Alkmorhilyion, ex-Perpetual Misery, ex-Revenants in Poveglia, ex-Skeld, Banewreaker, Plains, Willowbrook, ex-Mistake, ex-Eternal Eclipse (live), ex-Satanvolk, ex-Abysmal Dirge, ex-Aeolus, ex-Azor Ahai, ex-Chigurh, ex-Eldritch Flamethrower, ex-KP Dubcraft, ex-Mortflesh, ex-Mortum Meum Vita, ex-Obukhov, memang bukan sosok yang suka berdiam diri dengan talentanya, ckckckck ... lalu ada Drummer Armen Koroghlian, yang sepak terjangnya juga panjang di banyak band seperti ex-Dislimb, Supremacy, ex-Fully Consumed, ex-Inhumanity, ex-Insatanity, ex-Omnihility, ex-The Apocalyptic Fist of the Black Death, ex-Shotgun Sodomy, ex-Her Virgin Womb, ex-2 Dudes, ex-Apadravya, ex-Backwards Dog, ex-Chemical Fear, ex-Deep Seed, ex-Dendrobium, ex-Ián, ex-Scarecrow, ex-Soulscythe, ex-The Fist, ex-The Fool, ex-Unhinged, namun sayang pasca menyelesaikan album ini, Armen memutuskan untuk cabut dari Arkhum sehingga untuk urusan panggung saat ini di addisionalkan ke Drummer Matt Reeves. kemudian ada Gitaris, Keyboard, Programming dan Nyanyi, Stephen Parker pernah beraksi di band Pathology, Bassis Nathanael Kelley pernah magang skill di band Gromkult, ex-Av Sorg, Banewreaker, Eldritch Flamethrower, Fatigue, ex-Char, ex-Eternal Eclipse (live), ex-Aeolus, ex-Asea, ex-Ephemeral, ex-Hyphema, ex-Morgenstern, ex-Nostalgia, ex-R.M.O.Y.F. dan terakhir adalah Gitaris berbakat yang sangat Idealis untuk Mastermind Arkhum Sendiri, Kyle Jendrisak terhitung pernah juga aktif diband Progressive Dampé's Keep &Hydra. so bisa bayangkan sendiri khan bagaimana Kualitas Musisi Band ini untuk dapat menciptakan aransemen musik yang serba mengagumkan ??? so Ayok kita cerita tentang album baru mereka yang telah banyak mengalami kemajuan ini, I think most of the album is simply too scorned by its own genetics to become more than just another deathcore CD. The record’s bad qualities are unloaded on the listener like a clown car crammed cashing in on half-priced pies at a bakery the size of a cubicle, and the woes never stop coming: insipid breakdowns, jejune riffs, mid-paced flops, lifeless percussion, directionless structures, songs that run out of ideas and just keep going anyway…it pours like spring rain. I’m particularly disgusted with the vocals above everything else; there’s usually a low, guttural bellow that frequently turns into an awkward shriek, which doesn’t sit right with me, but sometimes both approaches overlap during breakdowns or mid-paced pauses , and I’m sure I’d rather grind my headphones down the garbage disposal than hear something so ghastly. " Artificer; or the Contingency of Suns ", sambutan hangat yang sangat menendang dengan sajian teknikal Riffing,Alternate dengan Sweep Picking sadis menjadi Hidangan Keren yang tersayat begitu Speed Riff dengan komposisi musik yang matematika abis ! dan beberapa solo Gitarnya langsung mengena ingatan Gw dengan In The Vein Suffocation Era " Effigy Of The Forgotten " beud !! ini adalah perpaduan maut antara Decrepit Birth, Necrophagist dengan Intensitas Suffocation. the band’s potential is there, but it isn’t enough to excel the group beyond the mediocre sophistication that comes with slamming breakdowns and generic fundamentals. Arkhum would be very noteworthy if the weird sweeping and technical aspects of their music were placed at the forefront of their attack !! luar biasa komposisinya coy track ini ! lalu " Agglomeration Edict; or a Coruscation of Violent Light " tetap membawa esensi thema Science fiction, Lovecraft, dan cosmology, sehingga sama sekali ga gw pahami Materinya hahahaha .... coz Gw terlalu Menikmati Dasyat musiknya saja ! karena track ke-2 ini disuguhkan semakin dengan Intensitas Skill Kualitas diatas rata rata. Awesome !!! kemudian " Hostibus Vacuum " selanjutnya lebih tampil Gelap dan Hitam gayanya Emperor dan Mayhem ! sebuah Track yang terasa begitu berbeda tampilannya dengan 2 lagu sebelumnya, pembawaan karakternya memang lebih Total Blackened Metal abis nih !!! tapi tenang saja, kalau band ini ga terlalu terperosok dalam berikutnya di track " A Distant Biorhythm; or Fission and Firstlight " masih bisa kita nikmati kedasyatan berikut karakteristik musisi mengerikannya. pertarungan ego bermusik sangat terjadi disini, sehingga kita sebagai penikmat lebih merasakan ending Keren aransemennya. I wouldn't say they are the genre technical, because while they do have some pretty technical stuff, I don't feel like they're going out of their way to write obscenely hard riffs all the time, which I appreciate. " The Dim Effulgence of Perpetuity " lebih menjadi Instrumental Track dengan sentuhan yang kelam banget pada setiap Harmonisasinya. The musicianship is definitely there. They do a great job at flowing from riff to riff. They use odd time signatures very effectively. Unless you have a great ear for it, you would have a hard time telling they aren't playing standard time signatures when they do. " Re Vera, the Gulf is Voiceless; or the Lucidity Polymer " menambah semakin panjang filosofi mereka tentang Ilmu pengetahuan nih, what the Fuck With Lyric, sajian musiknya tetap keren gw nikmati sangat liar, liar dan Hitam !!! " Stygian Assertions; or the Allochthonous Door " meskipun mulai banyak menurunkan tempo-nya, kuantitas teknikal mereka masih kental terasa pada menit2 pertengahan. harmonisasi Hitam lebih sangat mengingatkan dengan gayanya lagi Emperor dan Mayhem, namun sekejab kadang hilang tertelan gaya Sweep Picking Technical kerennya itu...ckckckckckck .... " Cenancestor; or Fervency and Ardor " semakin menerjang hebat dengan Screamin Insane Black Metal Vokal mendominasi Part awalnya, semakin salut banget dengan kerja keras mengolah skill drummer dan Gitarisnya yang begitu menguasai kekacauan dengan segala Harmonisasinya. The instruments on the album are pretty technical, sometimes more than others. Some people that have heard a few, or all of the songs, call them technical death metal or technical blackened death. I wouldn't say they are the genre technical, because while they do have some pretty technical stuff, I don't feel like they're going out of their way to write obscenely hard riffs all the time, which I appreciate. lalu " Winnower; or Console Autonomous ", komposisi Death Metal nya mulai begitu kental dengan tari jemari Liar Riffing dan Drumming fantastisnya yang luar biasa gw memujinya !, Arphegios Sweep Picking Kickin Ass !!! dan Track terakhir " The Backbone of Night " menyudahinya dengan sebuah Instrumental song, sebagai hidangan pencuci mulut yang memang bener2 pas banget nuansanya setelah digempur dengan irama2 cepat dan sakit, Barulah Pendinginan suasana, permainan Gitar akustik dan Keyboard Epic begitu menghanyutkan suasana selama 06:11. hmmm ... bener2 sajian Sadis selama 01:00:10 begitu memukau dan mengundang decak kagum terus. well sangat patut gw rekomendasikan spesial buat kalian pecinta Irama Dinamis penuh dengan kejutan skill musisinya. Produksi Sounding Maksimal karya Enjiner Stephen Parker sendiri yang juga pernah menggarap materi2nya Band Raw Black Metal Asal Oregon juga, Gromkult serta masih banyak sekali Karya lainnya. sementara pada proses masteringnya oleh Jamie King yang juga punya jam terbang tinggi dengan karya2 dasyatnya dibanyak band. dan khabarnya, Rilisan Independen ini hanya dirilis sebanyak 50 Copy dalam Format Pro CD-R, loh??? haduh sayang banget jika mereka ga segera menemukan label yang cocok untuk menyebarkan keganasan kualitas album mengerikan ini, padahal Vokalis Kenneth Parker juga mengelola sebuah label bernama Glossolalia Records, yang merupakan anak label dari K. Productions yang sudah membubarkan diri, dan Glossolalia Records saat ini sudah terhitung memiliki 4 roster Band Genre Black Metal sebagai Spesialis Label ini. Overall this is an outstanding debut. One of the best I have heard. Definitely pick it up if you're into well written death metal with black metal elements. Keep your eyes on this band, they aren't going to be able to avoid the spotlight for too long. BUY OR DEATH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was under the impression that Arkhum was a blackened death metal band that used a lot of snazzy technicality and complex techniques to give their music an 'extraterrestrial' edge. While all of this is true, I was quickly intervening kicked in the pants with a prominent deathcore-feel above the band's other characteristics. Deathcore is not my music of choice, yet it's important to mention I gave "Earthling" a chance anyway than "Anno Universum" Release, and I must say it at least Attempts molding these various postulates into a brutal, punching extermination in roomates aliens from this galaxy and beyond will Consider Pondering the Grotesque portrait with gestures; that's really all the credit I can give the record!!! Amaziiing riffing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's the first time i came out of the mouth, how the band possessed a sadistic Style Sweep Picking on the structure of her music is terrible! Technical bener2 game dominance over the band brought into Essential Technical dangerous band of Eugene / Springfield, Oregon, Amrik with a touch of Modern Extreme Metal condensed it, bener2 concept offers music that is so complete and complex they can spit into-2 Full dialbum it is indeed blend of style Suffocation "Effigy Of The Forgotten" (in Some Style Solo Guitar), Decrepit Birth era "Polarity and Dimished ..", Necrophagist "Epitaph", a touch of spice blackened Mayhem or Emperor of style and some modern touches in Killer Extreme Style The Vein archaic, and Veil Of Maya bener2 very concept of a view of the early cradles Gw ga too concerned, but so enjoy it, I surprised Amazed!! This Is a hint of consistency alongside the bizarre techniques Interplanetary Often applied throughout this effort. Overall, the deathcore paradigm goes under at least a solid conversion despite it still being Arkhum's priority, and doing so reveals some pretty neat ideas worth more than just a single listen. band that plays the game smart and every songs are dynamic formations skill Master Member of multitalented vocalist on the band's musical progress since 2006, Kenneth Parker, clay much experience in Earthenwomb band, Enbilulugugal, Gromkult, Darkosis, Disfavor, Tactical Gorefare, ex- Alkmorhilyion, ex-Perpetual Misery, ex-Revenants in Poveglia, ex-Skeld, Banewreaker, Plains, Willowbrook, ex-Mistake, ex-Eternal Eclipse (live), ex-Satanvolk, ex-Abysmal Dirge, ex-Aeolus, ex- Azor Ahai, ex-Chigurh, ex-Eldritch Flamethrower, ex-KP Dubcraft, ex-Mortflesh, ex-Mortum Meum Vita, ex-Obukhov, is not a person who likes to keep silence with his talent, ckckckck ... then there Armen Drummer Koroghlian, that his behavior was too long in many bands such as ex-Dislimb, Supremacy, ex-Fully Consumed, ex-Inhumanity, ex-Insatanity, ex-Omnihility, ex-The Apocalyptic Fist of the Black Death, ex- Shotgun sodomy, ex-Her Virgin Womb, ex-2 Dudes, ex-Apadravya, ex-Backwards Dog, ex-Chemical Fear, ex-Deep Seed, ex-Dendrobium, ex-Ian, ex-Scarecrow, ex-Soulscythe, ex -The Fist, ex-The Fool, ex-Unhinged, but unfortunately after completing this album, Armen decided to unplug from Arkhum so for the current stage in the affairs addisionalkan to Drummer Matt Reeves. then there Guitarist, Keyboard, Programming and Sing, Stephen Parker never acted in Pathology band, bassist Nathanael Kelley interned Gromkult skill in the band, ex-Av Sorg, Banewreaker, Eldritch Flamethrower, Fatigue, ex-Char, ex-Eternal Eclipse (live ), ex-Aeolus, ex-Asea, Ephemeral ex-, ex-Hyphema, ex-Morgenstern, ex-Nostalgia, ex-RMOYF and the last is a very talented guitarist Idealists for Arkhum Own Mastermind, Kyle Jendrisak counted've also active diband Progressive Dampé's Keep & Hydra. so can imagine how Quality Musicians Band khan is to be able to create musical arrangements are completely awesome??? so Ayok us stories about their new album that has a lot of this progress, I think most of the album is simply too scorned by its own genetics up to become more than just another deathcore CD. The record's bad qualities are Unloaded on the listener like a clown car crammed cashing in on the half-priced pies at a bakery the size of a cubicle, and the woes never stop coming: insipid breakdowns, jejune riffs, mid-paced flops, lifeless percussion , directionless structures, songs that run out of ideas and just keep going anyway ... it pours like spring rain. I'm particularly disgusted with the vocals above everything else; there's usually a low, guttural bellow that frequently turns into an awkward Shriek, roomates does not sit right with me, but sometimes both approaches overlap during breakdowns or mid-paced pauses, and I'm sure I'd rather grind my headphones down the garbage disposal than hear something so ghastly. "Artificer; or the Contingency of Suns", a very warm welcome with a dish kicked technical riffing, with Sweep Picking Alternate sadistic into dishes that cut so Speed ??Cool Riff with mathematical musical compositions abis! His guitar solo and a direct hit to the memory Gw Era In The Vein Suffocation "Effigy Of The Forgotten" beud!! This is a deadly mix between Decrepit Birth, Suffocation Necrophagist with intensity. the band's potential is there, but it is not enough to excel the group beyond the mediocre sophistication that comes with slamming breakdowns and generic fundamentals. Arkhum would be very noteworthy if the weird sweeping and technical aspects of their music were placed at the Forefront of their attack!! remarkable composition coy this track! and "agglomeration Edict; Violent or a Coruscation of Light" still carries the essence of the theme Science fiction, Lovecraft, and cosmology, so totally understand the material is gw ga hahahaha .... Enjoy Gw coz too terrible music alone! because the 2nd track is presented with the Skill Intensity above average quality. Awesome!!! then "Hostibus Vacuum" Dark and perform further more his style Black Emperor and Mayhem! a track that feels so different zoom with 2 previous songs, character traits are more Total Blackened Metal abis nih!!! but take it easy, if the band ga too mired in the next track "A Distant biorhythm; Fission and Firstlight or" we can still enjoy the following characteristics kedasyatan terrible musician. very musical ego battle going on here, so we as an audience feel more cool ending arrangements. I would not say they are the technical genre, Because while they do have some pretty technical stuff, I do not feel like they're going out of their way to write obscenely hard riffs all the time, I appreciate roomates. "The Dim Effulgence of Perpetuity" more into Instrumental Track with really dark touch on any harmonization. The musicianship is definitely there. They do a great job at flowing from riff to riff. They use odd time signatures very Effectively. Unless you have a great ear for it, you would have a hard time telling they are not playing standard time signatures when they do. "Re Vera, the Gulf is Voiceless; Polymer or the Lucidity" adds to the length of their philosophy of science ya, What The Fuck With Lyric, dish remains cool i enjoy his music very wild, wild, and Black!!! "Stygian Assertions; allochthonous or the Door" starts a lot lower though his tempo, quantity Technically they are still thick felt in the mid menit2. Black harmonization over again very reminiscent of the style Emperor and Mayhem, but sometimes lost in an instant style Sweep Picking Technical term is that ... ckckckckckck .... "Cenancestor; Fervency and Ardor or" the great hit with Screamin Insane Black Metal Vocals Part dominate initially, salute the hard work really with drummer and Guitarist cultivate skills that once mastered mess with any harmonization. The instruments on the album are pretty technical, sometimes more than others. Some people that have heard a few, or all of the songs, call them technical death metal or technical blackened death. I would not say they are the technical genre, Because while they do have some pretty technical stuff, I do not feel like they're going out of their way to write obscenely hard riffs all the time, I appreciate roomates. then "winnower; Console or Autonomous", Death Metal composition started so strong with his fingers dance Wild riffing and Drumming fantastisnya incredible gw praised!, Arphegios Sweep Picking Ass Kickin!!! and last Track "The Backbone of Night" finished off with an instrumental song, a dessert that is very fitting bener2 nuance after irama2 quickly and pounded with pain, Then Cooling atmosphere, play acoustic guitar and keyboard washed atmosphere so Epic for 06:11 . hmmm ... 01:00:10 Sadistic during bener2 dish is so riveting and awe-inspiring continue. very well worth i recommend special for you lovers of Dynamic Rhythm full of surprises skill musicians. Sounding Maximum Production Engineer works of Stephen Parker himself, who also worked on materi2nya Band Raw Black Metal Origin Oregon also, Gromkult and still a lot of other work. while in the process masteringnya by Jamie King, who also had a high-flying hours with karya2 dasyatnya in many bands. and khabarnya, Independent release is only released as many as 50 in the Copy Pro Format CD-R, loh??? haduh really love if they ga soon find a suitable label for the spread of malignancy quality of these terrible album, but vocalist Kenneth Parker also ran a label called Glossolalia Records, a subsidiary label of K. Productions that have been disbanded, and Glossolalia Records currently have 4 roster already counted Band Genre Black Metal Label this as a Specialist. Overall this is an outstanding debut. One of the best I have heard. Definitely pick it up if you're into well written death metal with black metal elements. Keep your eyes on this band, they are not going to be Able to avoid the spotlight for too long. BUY OR DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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