Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Mongol Metal - Ego Fall / Tengger Cavalry / Nine Treasures ' Split 2015

Mongol Metal -  Ego Fall / Tengger Cavalry / Nine Treasures ' Split
Mongol Metal 2015

01 Ego Fall - Wind the Horn 03:54    
02 Tengger Cavalry - War Horse 04:33    
03 Nine Treasures - Tes River's Hymn 03:53    
04 Ego Fall - Back to the East 03:55    
05 Tengger Cavalry - Expedition 03:51    
06 Nine Treasures - Fables of Mangas 04:58    
07 Ego Fall - The Legend 05:07    
08 Tengger Cavalry - Horseman 03:20    
09 Nine Treasures - Sonsii 04:00    
10 Nine Treasures - Arvan Ald Guulin Honshoor 03:55    
11 Ego Fall - Soul Judgement 03:39    
12 Tengger Cavalry - Legend on Horseback 05:12

Mongol Metal, Adalah Organisasi Musik bergenre heavy metal dari daratan Etnis Mongolia, di China. yang saat ini sedang mempromosikan 3 band didalamnya, Ego Fall, Nine Treasures dan Tengger Cavalry, 3 band bergenre folk metal band yang intens serta jenius memadukan kombinasi Tradisi Mongolia folk music dengan warna heavy metal, Morin Khuur (atau lebih disebut sebagai Matouqin, adalah alat musik gesek khas Mongolia yang memakai 2 senar, dan telah ada sejak abad ke-12. Sesuai dengan namanya, ciri khas matouqin adalah ukiran kepala kuda pada bagian atas gagangnya, berbeda dengan keluarga huqin, ekor kuda penggesek tidak ditempatkan di antara kedua senar, cara memainkan matouqin ini mirip dengan cello.alat musik yang sangat penting bagi musik tradisional Mongol, sering pula disebut sebagai " Cello Padang Rumput " .ed) , Throat Singing (overtone chanting atau Karakte Vokal yang lebih memanipulasi resonansi nada .ed), Yatga (seperti sitar petik tradisional Mongolia, seperti juga dengan Guzheng Cina .ed) serta Elemen musik asli Mongol yang lebih luas yang kemudian lebih mereka kenal disini sebagai Konsep " Mongol Metal, Mongolian Folk Metal, atau Mongolian Nomadic Metal ". berangkat dari Organisasi inilah kemudian mengantar 3 band didalamnya semakin melebarkan reputasinya hingga kancah Musik Internasional dengan manajemen yang mereka kelola sendiri. memang Karakter musikal metal dengan memadukan Etnis khas tradisional sebuah Suku akan menjadi Daya Magnet tersendiri bagi penikmatnya untuk selalu penasaran dengan segala Pesona hebat akan nilai Tradisi. Mungkin Telinga kita sudah terbiasa dengan Etnis Timur tengah, kali ini dari Daratan Asia ga kalah rasanya lebih menonjok Kenikmatan kita. Split yang saat ini masih tersedia dalam format Digital sejak dirilis resmi pada 1 Juli 2015 lalu tetap mengundang decak kagum Fans-nya.

Ada total 12 Track berdurasi Total hampir 1 jam yang masing-masing band kebagian 4 lagu. yang pasti 3 band ini sudah memiliki Reputasi serta Karakter keren untuk Go Internasional, Well Gw mulai aja dengan EGO FALL, dari daerah Hailar, China lebih memiliki Konsep Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore tentu dengan sentuhan Folk Metal didalamnya. Karakteristik Sound Modern dengan Sentuhan Sampling dari seorang Disc Jokey kerap menaburkan Turntable Box, rasanya menambah Pesona " Unik " yang dimiliki Ego Fall. Ketika Slipknot dan Korn mencoba memperkosa Pesona Melodius In Flames serta Dark Tranquillity sekali. " Wind the Horn " menggerakkan Irama Dance trance dengan sentuhan Drum & Riff Metal yang Berat dikendalikan dengan Sentuhan matouqin. Easy Listening Harmonisasi-nya memang lebih mengajak Audience hanyut saat sedang melantai dibawah liar Lighting Trance. Yeah, mixed modern metalcore with Chinese folk elements and managed to create a quite balanced mixture of harder and softer passages. Nuansa Folk yang lebih Kental terasa pada Part awal " Back to the East ", seperti kita sedang Menikmati Tarian Folk liar-nya Korpiiklaani atau Folkearth, Ego Fall memang sangat menitik dasarkan pada komposisi yang " Having Fun " sekali terbukti hampir disetiap Aransemennya pendengar akan Terpacu Adrenalinnya untuk otomatis merespon. a very diverisfied tribal drumming that bring us back to mind where this band actually comes from. The fusion of these multiple genres sounds very coherent and is perfectly resumed in only five minutes. " Soul Judgement " kental sekali menyuguhkan Nilai tradisi Mongol yang begitu kuat pada part awal sebelum kita kembali diajak Headbanging, the pentatonic Eastern cast of the melodies, the folk elements and the high-calibre musicianship all serve ensure that the music retains an engaging atmosphere ! Ego Fall pun akhirnya menjadi Band Mongol Metal yang memiliki Komposisi yang lebih mudah dicerna lagi. it’s solid with These Inner Mongolian marauders may be worth paying attention to in the future. lalu NINE TREASURES,  Folk Metal asal Beijing ini sudah naik Pamor-nya ketika mereka telah menembus Line up Wacken Open Air Jerman Tahun 2013 telah membawa sukses karir band yang saat ini sudah memiliki 2 album, single serta Live Album sejak terbentuk tahun 2010. Karakter musikal yang akan mengingatkan kita dengan warna Folkearth, Equilibrium, Eluevitie atau Korpiklaani dengan balutan Khas kuat matouqin dan Yatga membawa kuat warna etnis Mongol-nya. " Tes River's Hymn " langsung menyajikan Beat headbang manis dengan Ketukan Standar. Karakter vokal yang lebih terdengar seperti Jonne Järvelä-nya Korpiklaani banget, sehingga lumayan membuat Persepsi Band ini sebagai salah Satu Copycat Terkuat Korpiklaani. hard-pressed to find any lack of doing so with this, although a bit more head-banging may end up in order during the fiercer riffs and movements. And let’s not forget those quieter moments, where at times the band really shines the brightest ! apalagi " Fables of Mangas ", with a influx of stronger songwriting and including some slightly Finland folk Tradition, yaa warna Etnis Finlandia begitu kental menyatu terpadu dengan Etnis Mongol rasanya.  It is just a little folk notch that was never outstanding, nor amazing, yet never felt flat or monotonous. Meski memiliki Komposisi serta Sound yang Cool, Rasanya 2 Band ini masih belum menandingi Reputasi TENGGER CAVALRY yang lebih menjadi Senior dalam Organisasi Mongol Metal karena mereka lebih memiliki Warna yang " Natural " lagi. ga heran jika Reputasi Tengger Cavalry sudah mampu menembus secara Internasional hingga mereka kerap muncul di Media Populer seperti MTV, Majalah Metal Hammer, Revolver, Noisey, Tangga Lagu Billboard dan Masih banyak lagi sehingga saat ini Band telah Hijrah Markas ke New York dari Asalnya, Beijing. Bermodal 5 Full Album nya, Tengger Cavalry tidak hanya Mengusung Etnis tradisi Mongol, namun juga Budaya Shamannisme dan Turki. Tengger Cavalry is most definitely the most popular folk metal band hailing from China to include Mongolian traditional instruments and combine it with throat singing. " War Horse ", pada beberapa Harmonisasi awal Yatga-nya kayak mengingatkan Gw dengan kemiripan lagu daerah Nusantara kita, Irian Jaya " Yamko Rambe Yamko ", yaaaa, Coba elo Nyanyikan pada Bridge-nya pas " Hee yamko rambe yamko aronawa kombe " hehehe ... Sentuhan kental nan kuat Instrumen matouqin dan yatga dengan Karakter vokal yang lebih Throat Singing mendekati Warna " Harsh " lumayan membedakan Konsep musikal-nya lebih sakti ! It feels as though the folk has been toned down to accent the metal, which is a little more prominent on this Track. " Expedition " kita seperti digiring kembali ke karakter Hura hura Folk-nya Korpiklaani, dengan Instrumen Akordian yang diganti dengan dominasi matouqin menjadi Perbedaannya. not feature song about drinking, But is about Attitude ! begitu juga dengan " Horseman " & " Legend on Horseback ", kita akan lebih duduk manis menikmati alunan indah sekali lagi Instrumen matouqin dan yatga yang begitu menembus Mood banget hehehe, which feel like continuations of ideas from last year's equally spectacular Ancient Call.

Mendengarkan Setiap Track yang membawa elemen etnis Tradisional memang memiliki kesan tersendiri banget tentang arti semua musik itu ternyata Beraneka ragam serta Universal bagi penikmatnya. tidak hanya melepas penat, hadirnya karakter berbeda ini seperti menjadi Ekpektasi " Unik " akan ekspresi musisi yang kreatif dan berani mengambil tantangannya. The reverb, balanced levels, and overall still create an experience that is wholly immersive Every instrument feels absolutely vibrant and alive. pengen menikmati Nuansa Metal dengan balutan elemen yang lebih menantang dan Natural ? Split 3 Band Kreatif ini siap menjadi Solusi Terindah kalian dengan Duduk manis sambil menikmati Indah-nya dunia meski tak seperti yang elo Bayangkan hehehe ... with an increased focus on throat-singing and instrumental compositions with Listening to this is a journey through time and a celebration of cultural heritage, So This is quality metal even your father & mother could appreciate.

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Mongol Metal, is a genre of heavy metal music Organization of Ethnic mainland Mongolia, China. who is currently promoting three bands in it, Ego Fall, Nine Treasures and Tengger Cavalry, 3 band genre of folk metal band was intense and the genius of combining the combination of tradition Mongolian folk music with color heavy metal, Morin Khuur (or better known as the Morin Khuur, is a tool strings typical of Mongolia taking two strings, and has been around since the 12th century. As the name implies, the hallmark Morin Khuur is carved horse head at the top of the handle, in contrast to the family huqin, horsetail bow is not placed between the two strings, how Morin Khuur play is similar to music cello.alat very important for Mongolian traditional music, often referred to as "Cello Meadow" .ed), Throat Singing (overtone chanting or more manipulating Karakte vocal resonance tone .ed), Yatga (such as traditional Mongolian stringed zither, as well as Chinese Guzheng .ed) as well as original music elements Mongol broader then the more they are known here as the concept of "Mongol Metal, Mongolian Folk Metal, or Mongolian Nomadic Metal". departed from this organization then drove 3 further widen the band in which its reputation to the International music scene with management that they manage themselves. indeed metal musical character by combining traditional typical Ethnic Tribe will be a power of its own magnet for the audience to always intrigued by all the great charm of the value of tradition. Our ears may already be familiar with Ethnic Middle East, this time from Mainland Asia no losing feels more punch our pleasure. Split which is currently available in digital format since it was released officially on July 1, 2015 and still invites admiration of his fans.

There are a total of 12 Track duration total almost 1 hour each band gets 4 tracks. which would have been 3 band already has a reputation and a cool character to Go International, Well I started just with EGO FALL, from the Hailar, China has more concept of Melodic Death Metal / Metalcore course with a touch of Folk Metal therein. Modern Sound characteristic by Touch Sampling from a Disc Jokey often sprinkled Turntable Box, it adds charm "Unique" owned Ego Fall. When Slipknot and Korn tried to rape melodic charm of In Flames and Dark Tranquillity once. "Wind the Horn" Dance trance rhythm moves with the touch of Drum & Riff Heavy Metal which is controlled by touch Morin Khuur. Easy Listening Harmonization is more inviting his audience to drift while the floor under the wild Lighting Trance. Yeah, modern metalcore mixed with Chinese folk elements and managed to create a quite balanced mixture of harder and softer passages. Shades Folk more Condensed felt in Part beginning of "Back to the East", as we are being Enjoy Dance Folk wild its Korpiiklaani or Folkearth, Ego Fall is very drip is based on the composition of the "Having Fun" once proven almost every aransemennya listeners will be Encouraged adrenaline to automatically respond. a very diverisfied tribal drumming that bring us back to mind where this band actually comes from. The fusion of multiple genres Reviews These sounds very coherent and is perfectly resumed in only five minutes. "Soul Judgement" very thick deliver value Mongol tradition is so strong on the part early before we re-invited Headbanging, the pentatonic Eastern cast of the melodies, the folk elements and the high-caliber musicianship all serve Ensure that the music retains an engaging atmosphere! Ego Fall finally become Mongol Metal Band which has a composition that is more easily digested again. it's solid with Inner Mongolian marauders Reviews These may be worth paying attention to in the future. then NINE TREASURES, Folk Metal Beijing origin has been rising prestige of her when they have penetrated Line up Wacken Open Air Germany in 2013 has brought a successful career the band currently has two albums, singles and Live albums since forming in 2010. The character of the musical that will remind us the color Folkearth, Equilibrium, Eluevitie or Korpiklaani with a bandage Typical Morin Khuur strong and powerful color Yatga bring its ethnic Mongols. "Test River's Hymn" directly serves headbang sweet Beat the Rap Standards. Vocals that sound more like his Jonne Jarvela Korpiklaani buildup, thus making perception tolerable band as one of The Strongest Copycat Korpiklaani. hard-pressed to find any lack of doing so with this, Although a bit more head-banging may end up in the order during the fiercer riffs and movements. And let's not forget Reviews those quieter moments, where at times the band really shines the brightest! let alone the "Fables of Mangas', with a influx of stronger songwriting and Including some slightly Finnish folk Tradition, color yaa Ethnic Finland so thick with integrated unified Mongol Ethnic tastes. It is just a little folk notch that was never outstanding, nor amazing, yet never felt flat or monotonous. Despite having a composition as well as the Cool Sound, was 2 band is still not match the reputation of the Tengger Cavalry more to Senior in Metal Mongol Organisation because they have colors that "Natural" again. ga wonder if Reputation Tengger Cavalry has been able to penetrate internationally until they frequently appear in popular media such as MTV, magazine Metal Hammer, Revolver, Noisey, Charts Billboard and still more so when this band has Hijrah headquarters to New York from Origin, Beijing , Capitalized its 5 Full Album, not only Carrying Cavalry Tengger ethnic Mongol tradition, but also culture Shamannisme and Turkey. Tengger Cavalry is most definitely the most popular folk metal band hailing from China to include traditional Mongolian instruments and combine it with throat singing. "War Horse", in some Harmonization early Yatga his kayak remind Gw by the similarity of folk songs archipelago us, Irian Jaya "Yamko Rambe Yamko", okay, Try elo Sing the Bridge of his pas "Hee Yamko Rambe Yamko aronawa Kombe" hehehe. .. Touch viscous strong nan Instruments Morin Khuur and yatga with a more vocal character Throat Singing approaching Color "Harsh" tolerable differentiate his musical concept is more powerful! It feels as though the folk has been toned down to accent the metal, the which is a little more prominent on this Track. "Expedition" we like herded back to the character of its Korpiklaani Folk, Instrumental Akordian being replaced by the dominance Morin Khuur be a difference. not feature song about drinking, But is about Attitude! as well as the "Horseman" and "Legend on Horseback", we'll be sitting pretty enjoying the beautiful once again Instruments Morin Khuur and yatga were so penetrating Mood really hehehe, roomates feel like continuations of ideas from last year's equally spectacular Ancient Call.

Listening to Each Track which brings traditional ethnic elements indeed have a very distinct impression on the meaning of all the music that turns Diverse and Universal for the audience. not only off fatigue, the presence of different characters is like being Expectations "Unique" is the expression of a creative musician and dare to take the challenge. The reverb, balanced levels, and overall still create an experience that is wholly immersive Every instrument feels absolutely vibrant and alive. want to enjoy Nuance Metal with a bandage elements more challenging and Natural? Split 3 Creative Band is ready to be the solution you beautiful Sit with her while enjoying beautiful world although not as ell Imagine hehehe ... with an Increased focus on throat-singing and instrumental Compositions with Listening to this is a journey through time and a celebration of cultural heritage, So This is quality metal even your father and mother could appreciate.

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