Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Kraanium - Chronicles of Perversion 2015

Kraanium - Chronicles of Perversion
Comatose Music CD 2015

01 Rock Filled Orifice 04:15    
02 Human Skin Fuck Doll 03:15    
03 Hung by Your Entrails 03:10    
04 Destined for Surgical Defilement 03:44    
05 Evisceration of Pre-Teen Cadavers 04:09    
06 Chronicles of Perversion 03:11    
07 Acid Cumbustion 03:12    
08 Rusty Knife Defloration 03:18    
09 Fermented Uteral Mastication 03:16    
10 Sodomize Her Headless Corpse 03:38    
11 Revisitate to Mutilate 04:52

Norwegian sickos Kraanium team up once again for their next slab of bloody depravity. Yeahh Slam fiends rejoice !!! ... Setelah menunggu Jeda yang agak Panjang dari Produktifitas Rajin band sebelumnya yang berjarak hanya 1 tahun, " Chronicles of Perversion " akhirnya harus menunggu selama 3 tahun untuk mereka muntahkan karena terjadi Masalah dalam Formasi serta Manajemen band. " Chronicles of Perversion " is the new offering from these purveyors of the twisted and grotesque stomach wrenching, pure guttural brutality as you would expect, and only as they can deliver promises to be their most violent, pit stomping music to date in true Kraanium form ! Memang rasanya agak berbeda jika sejak tendangan pertama " Rock Filled Orifice ", gw merasakan " Perbedaan " yang ga gw temukan dimateri sebelumnya. yaitu Drumming Sound-nya terlalu Midi Digital Banget. rasanya lumayan mengurangi kenikmatan jika gw bedakan dengan Materi sebelumnya seperti " Post Mortal Coital Fixation, The Art of Female Sodomy " Apalagi " Ten Acts of Sickening Perversity ", rasanya mungkin kalian juga akan bakalan terkejut. tapi jangan kuatir jika Kraanium masih memiliki Komposisi Brutal Slamming Brutality dengan Vocal Guttural yang Mengerikan di kelas-nya ! This is some of the MORE heaviest, catchiest slam out there still with pig squeals, surprisingly understandable mid-range growls and his inhuman gutturals. Downtune Riffing yang sanggup menenggelamkan Fantasi kita dalam Aksi pembunuhan Musikal Sadis mereka begitu menikmati lautan Moshpit tak ubah-nya ladang berisi para Pembunuh Psikopat yang asyik menikmati pembantaian paling berdarah-nya ! Guttural Gurgling Vocalis Martin Funderud masih yang terbaik bersama Saudara kandung dan Mastemind Riffing Mats Funderud, adalah 2 Bersaudara yang menganut Faham Seorang Straight edge selama 20 tahun belakangan tetap menjadi Motor utama Kraanium Sejak tahun 2001. " Human Skin Fuck Doll " Menyiksa Jantung selanjutnya dengan Tancapan Belati berkarat yang siap Mengoyak burai Isi Perut, rasanya memang ingin muntah jika merasakan sendiri Tema Menjijikkan lagu yang tergambar sadis pada Cover artwork karya Seniman Marco Hasmann (Gitaris Band Brutal Asal Italy, Blasphemer) yang Famous banget menghiasi Puluhan band selama ini. Karakter Kraanium sendiri sebenarnya masih menjadi dasar perpaduan antara Devourment, Abominable Putridity dan Waking the Cadaver yang mereka buat lebih Berdarah lagi dengan Guttural Slamming Brutality memercikkan Obsesi Buas bak pembunuh paling Psikopat sedunia ! Distinguishing between a genuine museum of brutality and a group of guys banging out simple slam riffs, machine gun beats and gurgled gibberish is a bit of a task, but there is a small group of brutality steeped outfits that actually put together something that is consumable. Hampir secara keseluruhan 11 track berdurasi 40 Menitan akan mengharu biru klop dengan Penyiksaan kejam Kraanium mengkomposisi Aransemen yang melarutkan Audience dalam Pesona hipnotis Headbang , meski kadang stereotype Monoton tempo-nya harus menghadang kesan Boring kita. Rilisan yang nampak memiliki Tradisi berbeda pada sounding Materi rupanya akan membawa Anggapan tersendiri bagi Fans Kraanium sejak album pertama mereka. dan " Chronicles of Perversion " masih menjadi Ancaman Album slamming brutality yang keep Most Wanted playlist Collection banget. and this is an album that much of the current generation should get some enjoyment out of, particularly those who watch the Saw movies solely for the intricately grotesque death scenes !

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

Norwegian sickos Kraanium team up once again for the next slab of bloody Reviews their depravity. Yeahh Slam fiends rejoice !!! ... After waiting a rather long pause from the previous band Diligent productivity within just one year, "Chronicles of Perversion" finally had to wait for three years for them vomit due to a problem in the formation and management of the band. "Chronicles of Perversion" is the new offering from Reviews These purveyors of the twisted and Grotesque stomach wrenching, pure Guttural brutality as you would expect, and only as they can deliver promises to be Reviews their most violent, pit stomping music to date in true Kraanium form ! Indeed, it feels a little different if since the first kick "Rock Filled Orifice", i feel the "difference" gw ga find dimateri earlier. namely Drumming Sound is too Midi Digital Banget. it tolerable reduce pleasure if i confused with the previous material such as "Mortal Post Coital Fixation, The Art of Female Sodomy" Moreover "Ten Acts of Sickening Perversity", it may you also be going to be surprised. but do not worry if Kraanium still have compositions with Vocal Brutality Brutal Guttural Slamming the Terrible in his class! This is some of the heaviest MORE, catchiest slam out there still with pig squeals, surprisingly understandable mid-range growls and his Inhuman gutturals. Downtune riffing that could drown us in Action Fantasy Musical sadistic murder they so enjoy the ocean moshpit not change its fields contains the killer psychopath who was enjoying his bloodiest massacre! Guttural gurgling vocalist Martin Funderud still the best together siblings and Mastemind riffing Mats Funderud, are two brothers who embrace the Ideology A Straight edge for 20 years remains the main motor Kraanium Since 2001. "Fuck Doll Human Skin" Torturing heart next to tancapan rusty dagger ready Rend splatter Stomach Contents, it feels really want to feel his own vomit if Disgusting theme song that reflected on the Cover artwork sadistic work of artist Marco Hasmann (Brutal Bands Guitarist Origin Italy, Blasphemer) who really decorate Dozens Famous band over the years. Kraanium character itself is still a basic blend of Devourment, Abominable Putridity and Waking the cadaver they make more Bloody again with Guttural Slamming Brutality splashing obsession Blooded killer like most Psychopaths world! Distinguishing between a genuine museum of brutality and a group of guys banging out a simple slam riffs, machine gun beats and gurgled gibberish is a bit of a task, but there is a small group of brutality steeped outfits that actually put together something that is consumable. Nearly the whole 11 tracks duration 40 minutes would fit with the blue confuse cruel torture Kraanium rearrange Arrangement which dissolves audience in a hypnotic charm headbang, although sometimes stereotype Monotone his tempo we must confront the impression Boring. Releases that seem to have a different tradition in sounding material apparently will bring its own assumption for Fans Kraanium since their first album. and "Chronicles of Perversion" is still a threat of brutality that keep slamming album Most Wanted playlist Collection really. and this is an album that much of the current generation should get some enjoyment out of, par- ticularly Reviews those who watch the Saw movies solely for the intricately Grotesque death scenes!

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