Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015

Kronos - Arisen New Era CD 2015

Kronos - Arisen New Era
Unique Leader Records CD 2015

01 Infernal Abyss Sovereignty 04:08      
02 Zeus Dethroned 03:59    
03 Soul-Voracious Vultures 03:44    
04 Rapture in Misery 03:23    
05 Klymenos Underwrath 04:17    
06 Aeons Titan Crown 04:21    
07 Brotherlords 04:18    
08 Purity Slaughtered 04:18    
09 Hellysium 04:27

Loic " Trivette " Gillet - Vocals
Jérôme "Grams" Grammaire - Guitars
Ricardo Chuat  - Guitars
Thomas - Bass
Anthony Reyboz - Drums

OMG ! Terjaga Ledakan Mega Dasyat yang sangat menghancurkan sekali setelah 8 Tahun eksistensi mereka Terperangkap dalam Neraka Tartarus seperti halnya Mitos Dewa Yunani Kuno Pertama, Kronos yang terpenjarakan oleh Sang Anak, Zeus ! Seperti telah bangkit dari Penjara Waktu yang membelenggu, Kekejaman Musik barbar Band asal Lorraine, Perancis KRONOS yang sempat terhenti pada Rilisan Terakhir " The Hellenic Terror " harus kandas tidak dapat mengulang prestasi Hebat era " Titan's Awakening " atau " Colossal Titan Strife ", dan inilah " Arisen New Era " pertama Kronos terkubur dengan sejuta materi matang kembali termuntahkan untuk pertama kalinya bagi Kronos sebagai " New Era "-nya. might just be the MORE perfect death metal album in 2015 ! menjadi debut pertama bagi Member baru ditubuh Kronos dengan hadirnya Vocalis Trivette (Diluvian, Redeeming Torment, ex-Mehtnakriss) serta Drummer Anthony Reyboz (ex-Carnage of Children, ex-Gorod (live), ex-Destinity) menyuntikkan Enerji serta Darah Segar bagi Kembalinya Sang Maha Dewa Kronos ! tentunya Gigitan Mengerikan " Arisen New Era " tidak dapat sama sekali Gw bandingkan dengan Materi-materi Kronos sebelumnya, " Arisen New Era " Asli Materi yang Sangat-sangat MENGEJUTKAN ! Amazing masterpiece hasil garapan David Potvin (Gitaris Band Lyzanxia .ed) yang masih saudara kandung Franck Potvin (Frontman band Melodic Thrash Metal Terbaik Perancis, Lyzanxia .ed), " Arisen New Era " adalah Masterpiece sukses pertama David Potvin untuk Death Metal Brutal style, yang sepertinya 666% Amazing ! kayaknya menjadi ga sabar banget untuk segera Mengupas Masterpiece Biadab terbaik 2015 yang dimulai dengan serangan membabi buta tanpa basa basi " Infernal Abyss Sovereignty ", Kronos seperti Tiupan Kemarahan Dewa Kronos yang Muncul dari Neraka Tartarus-nya, very capable of settling into some massive Brutallity swaying to the insidiously Pummeling dark Harmonization guitar fills, attention with the clever and contagious shredding. Hampir semua part sangat menguras konsentrasi Gw yang rata-rata adalah Skill sempurna Kronos Member yang 8 tahun terasah sangat Menakjubkan disini. Gempuran Drummer muda berbakat Anthony Reyboz sukses menggetarkan Emosi Death Metal Fans dengan Ketukan Powerfully ! sementara Raungan Vokalis Trivette juga tidak kalah semakit Membuat Kejam komposisi duet Riffing tangguh Kronos, Jérôme "Grams" Grammaire dan Ricardo Chuat  masih menjadi Icon tak tergantikan sebagai Motor Utama Band sejak band terbentuk tahun 1994. tanpa identik Gw mendeskreditkan salah satu Member, Formasi ini telah melakukan Kerjasama " Hebat " yang pernah gw temukan, ya ini adalah Formasi yang sangat sempurna sekali bagi Kebangkitan Segar Kronos menyambut kembali era-nya. Bak Banteng Ketaton banget, Drummer Anthony Reyboz seperti menyimpan sejuta enerji-nya dilancarkan sangat membabi buta, Tremolo & Pummeling Riff Gelap dan cepat kemudian menjadi Kombinasi luar biasa pula, mungkin seperti Trey Azagtoth of Morbid Angel kembali lagi diusia Muda-nya lagi.  It combines the overt, blast and tremolo-heavy nature of brutal death with just enough rounding elements to make it an easy and pleasant listen. kekuatan jahat Kronos seperti tidak memberikan angin segar untuk bernafas lega, namun sambutan Solo Melodius Cantik menghias Lebih sempurna lagi komposisi-nya. Well, mungkin juga tidak luput dari Karakter " Fresh "nya, Vocalis Loic " Trivette " Gillet sengaja membubuhan Vokal Effect-nya bak Robotic Type, menambah Modern tipikalnya. " Zeus Dethroned " seperti bentuk perlawanan yang sangat hebat pula ketika Kronos keluar dari Penjara Neraka terdalam-nya sehingga terbentuklah Pertarungan hebat yang mengguncang Dunia, " Zeus Dethroned ", More melodic passages, epic, midpaced sections reminiscent of new Aggression in fits and starts, and high-speed, technical blasting. Wow Amazing !!! untuk Ke-2 kalinya Gw mengucapkan " OMG ! " track " Soul-Voracious Vultures " adalah serangan Komposisi yang lebih dan semakin Menggila lagi ! its overall lack of originality and truly gripping songwriting kind of damns it to a dusty spot on the shelf for me. Arrrghhh !!!! .... Sama halnya kembali Serangan Barbar hebat " Klymenos Underwrath ", tendangan serta Ketukan Hypersnare Rapat yang terus dan terus menghajar tiada Ampun sekali. Sukses Rekaman ini adalah, meski kita di Bombardir gila-gilaan dengan Beat yang Meledak ledak, Namun gw menikmati banget hampir setiap Bar serta Lick Kronos, nah disini mungkin letak sebuah Masterpiece yang Hebat, Meski terdengar Berisik, namun ini adalah Komposisi yang Asyik !  Very recommend you really listen closely and ask yourself how much of what you're hearing is really impacting you the way death metal should. Epic Pummeling Riffing Memorable, simak " Aeons Titan Crown ", Duet Kompak Jérôme "Grams" Grammaire dengan Ricardo Chuat memang terbukti Team solid yang Top Notch deh ! Solo Cantik dan Menarik " Purity Slaughtered " dipart awalnya begitu Menyejukkan diantara Peperangan Hebat Blastbeat tempo seakan tidak Memperdulikan bagaimana Feel dengan Emosi bertarung hebat diantara Gemuruh Dasyat power. dan Track Final di Album baru ini " Hellysium ", enerji yang tersimpan selama 8 tahun ini seperti telah menceritakan " Jelas " penantian Materi Hebat ini memang Berhasil Kronos Tunjukkan, Kronos masih memiliki Konseptual musikal yang hebat dan Gw sangat mengakui itu.  Produksi Maksimal serta Pol-polan Unique Leader Records tentu tidak pernah mengecewakan Diehard Fans Death Metal. so sama sekali tidak ada " Minus " untuk Masterpiece paling dinantikan bagi Band selama Penantian panjang ini. Kronos Still have released an album of such monumental brutality and melody that it deserves to be recognised as one of the best death metal full lengths out there and " double speed blast beat " and both vocals blaring, the riff is filled with notes, a quick break and into a pummeling head banging riff, crazy tech, complex as Hell metal, I give this the highest recommendation for any death metal fan. BUY OR DIE !!!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, use Google Translate)

OMG! Mega Blast awake terrible devastating once after 8 years of their existence Trapped in Hell Tartarus as well as the First Ancient Greek god myth, Kronos were imprisoned by the Son, Zeus! As has been raised from Prison Time shackles, Cruelty Music barbaric Band from Lorraine, France KRONOS which was a stop on the release last "The Hellenic Terror" have run aground can not repeat the feat Fabulous era "Titan's Awakening" or "Colossal Titan Strife", and this "Arisen New Era" Kronos first buried with an abundance of mature material back termuntahkan for the first time for Kronos as the "New Era" of his. MORE MIGHT just be the perfect death metal album in 2015! became the first debut for New member body Kronos with the presence of vocalist Trivette (Diluvian, Redeeming Torment, ex-Mehtnakriss) and drummer Anthony Reyboz (ex-Carnage of Children, ex-Gorod (live), ex-Destinity) inject Energy and Blood Fresh for Return of the Great God Kronos! certainly bite Terrible "Arisen New Era" can not be completely I compared with materials previously Kronos, "Arisen New Era" Original Content Very, very SHOCKING! Amazing masterpiece stewardship David Potvin (Guitarist Band Lyzanxia .ed) are still siblings Franck Potvin (Melodic Thrash Metal band Frontman best French, Lyzanxia .ed), "Arisen New Era" is the first successful Masterpiece David Potvin for Brutal Death Metal style, which seemed to 666% Amazing! I think becoming ga patient really to immediately Peeling Masterpiece Barbaric best 2015 began with indiscriminate attacks with no strings attached "Infernal Abyss Sovereignty", Kronos like a gust of anger god Kronos who comes from Hell Tartarus her, very capable of settling into some massive Brutallity swaying to the dark Harmonization insidiously pummeling guitar fills, attention with the clever and contagious shredding. Almost all the parts are very draining concentration I average is perfectly Skill Kronos Members who 8 years honed so amazing here. The onslaught of the talented young drummer Anthony Reyboz thrilling emotions successful Death Metal Fans with Powerfully Knock! Vocalist while roar Trivette also not lose semakit Making tough riffing Cruel duet composition Kronos, Jérôme "Grams" and Ricardo Grammaire Icon Chuat remains irreplaceable as a Motor Home Band since the band formed in 1994 without Gw identical to discredit one of the Member, this formation has Cooperation doing "great" gw ever found, so this is a very perfect formation all for Awakening Fresh Kronos welcome back his era. as Bull really get injured, Drummer Anthony Reyboz like to save a million energy-launched its very blindly, Tremolo and pummeling riffs dark and quickly became extraordinary combination anyway, might as Trey Azagtoth of Morbid Angel again his young age again. It combines the overt, blast and tremolo-heavy nature of brutal death rounding with just enough elements to make it an easy and pleasant listen. Kronos such evil forces do not provide fresh air to breathe, but the speech Solo decorate More Beautiful melodic composition of its perfect again. Well, maybe not escape character "Fresh" her, vocalist Loic "Trivette" deliberately membubuhan Gillett Vocal Effect Type Robotic her bath, add Modern typical. "Zeus dethroned" as a form of resistance is very great anyway when Kronos out of prison hell the deepest of his forming fight great that shook the world, "Zeus dethroned", More melodic passages, epic, midpaced sections reminiscent of New Aggression in fits and starts, and high-speed, technical blasting. Wow Amazing !!! for the 2nd time Gw say "OMG!" track "Soul-voracious vultures" is a composition of more attacks and more Menggila again! its overall lack of originality and truly gripping songwriting kind of damns it to a dusty spot on the shelf for me. Arrrghhh !!!! .... Similarly back great barbarian attack "Klymenos Underwrath", kick and knock Hypersnare Meetings on and continue to beat no Ampun once. This recording was successful, although we are in the bombardment insanely with the Exploding Beat explosive, but i enjoy very nearly every bar and Lick Kronos, well here may be the location of a Masterpiece Powerful, may sound noisy, but this is a composition that is Fun! Very recommend you really listen closely and ask yourself how much of what you're hearing is really impacting the way death metal you should. Epic pummeling riffing Memorable, see "aeons Titan Crown", Duet Compact Jérôme "Grams" Grammaire with Ricardo Chuat indeed proved a solid Team Top Notch ! Solo Beautiful and Interesting "Purity Slaughtered" dipart initially so soothing tempo Blastbeat between Great War seemed not Concerned how Feel the emotion of a great battle between the thunder of terrible power. and Track Final in the new album "Hellysium", the energy stored during 8 years as has been telling "obvious" Great Matter is indeed waiting Successful Show Kronos, Kronos still has a great musical Conceptual and Gw very admit it. Maximum production and Pol-polan Unique Leader Records would never let Diehard Fans of Death Metal. so there is absolutely no "Minus" for the most anticipated Masterpiece for the band during this long wait. Kronos Still have released an album of such monumental brutality and melody that it deserves to be Recognised as one of the best death metal full lengths out there and "double speed blast beat" and both vocals blaring, the riff is filled with notes, a quick break and into a pummeling head banging riffs, crazy tech, complex metal as Hell, I give this the highest recommendation for any death metal fan. BUY OR DIE !!!!

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