Rabu, 12 Agustus 2015

Inhuman Depravity - Nocturnal Carnage By The Unholy Desecrator CD 2015

Inhuman Depravity - Nocturnal Carnage By The Unholy Desecrator
Coyote Records CD 2015

01 Exhuming the Creator for Own Expediency 04:01    
02 Dismembered and Buried Instincts 03:15    
03 Condemned to Monotheistics 03:35    
04 Rise of Vengeance by Bloody Torment 03:36    
05 Apocalyptic Mass Murder Oath 03:38    
06 Bloodthirst of Sinners 03:08    
07 Carnivorous Offering 03:04    
08 Slain Dissection Abuse 03:41    
09 Salvation Through Bloodvomit 03:44

Yunus Efe - Vocals
Murat Sabuncu - Guitars
Kaan Yildar - Bass
Eren Gursoy - Drums

Istanbul, Turkey kembali Melepaskan 1 Amunisi BDM gila-nya lagi setelah nama Decaying Purity, Gempuran extra cepat perpaduan Kompleks antara Severe Torture, Morbid Angel serta Cannibal Corpse !, kalau elo udah familiar dengan Konsep band sebelumnya yang kalian kenal, Decaying Purity, Mungkin Inhuman Depravity siap menjadi Rival baru karena memang memiliki Kemiripan Typical aja, apalagi Inhuman Depravity digawangi oleh Vokalis Yunus Efe yang tak lain juga Vocalis di Decaying Purity, a band that shows first and foremost it's necessity to make very technical death metal with Brutal vocals and nonstop double bass pounding. Well, ada baiknya check tensi tekanan darah dulu sebelum menikmati sajian memekakkan perdana mereka, karena kesalahan yang diakibatkan oleh Rilisan ini bukan menjadi tanggung jawab penulis hahaha ... it's just pure atonal bombast with no creative spark or ingenuity to back it up! seperti orang yang sedang kesetanan plus penuh dengan Enerji, 9 track yang dimuntah selama total durasi 31:45 adalah memang bener-bener siap Menghancurkan apa saja Yeah, Brutaly Domination !!! sebagai Obsesi Baru untuk 4 member-nya, Inhuman Depravity memang Berkeinginan Meluapkan enerji maksimal untuk memainkan Musik sebrutal brutal-nya disini. dengan Skill bermain yang memang udah teruji dibeberapa Band sebelumnya, ga heran juga Musikal Inhuman Depravity memang udah ga diragukan lagi. seperti juga Decaying Purity, band ini kerap memakai Titel Track yang tergolong Panjang sehingga jadilah kesan tersendiri-nya memang, " Nocturnal Carnage By The Unholy Desecrator " adalah rangkuman Kejam, sadis, Gelap serta Ateis telah memberi Soul kuat bagi Band untuk tampil asli gila-gilaan. And people think Disgorge is a terrible band, just listen to this self-indulgent tripe! The only redeeming factor of the drumming is perhaps the drum tone, but the bass drum is far too clicky and lacks any appreciable thump factor, not to mention the hi-hat being hit so hard it just sounds like a whirl of whooshes rather than a clear time-keeping device. Sejak track " Exhuming the Creator for Own Expediency ", siksaan Hebat menjadi Sajian yang bener-bener Barbar ! and this has that incredible brutality that never gets tedious. Bagaimana Drummer Eren Gursoy menguras segenap Power-nya tetap terjaga pada Ketukan Mega Fast Beat, sama seperti kegilaannya di band Engulfed, just blast beat after blast beat ! sementara Gitaris Murat Sabuncu tetap mengimbangi kecepatan Eren dengan Lick yang tepat setiap presisi-nya, sehingga sangat Kompak terjalin kerjasama-nya. Vocalis Yunus Efe dengan Guttural Whirlwind yang nyaris tanpa pattern lirik yang jelas seperti hanya meniupkan Riuh-nya bak Angin Tornado Menerjang hebat ! lalu Klop banget memang Esensi " Brutalisme " yang mereka ciptakan adalah Konspirasi mematikan ! and shows itself off a little bit with the speed of a machine gun !!! 9 Track siap menghancurkan lebur berkeping keping dengan sajian Superfast superblast ini memang memerlukan Suasana tersendiri agar dapat menikmati secara seksama. Hadir dengan Sound yang Menusuk dengan Produksi maksimal siap menjadi suguhan terbaik diawal karir perdana band. So buat kalian yang masih begitu Respektif dengan Konsep buas ala Severe Torture, Decaying Purity dengan Nuansa Cepat in the Vein Morbid Angel. this album more compelling to many Death Metal fans around with a taste for sickness. Definitely You a must-buy!

ENGLISH VERSION (Google Translate)

Istanbul, Turkey back Removing 1 Ammunition BDM his mad again after the name Decaying Purity, extra fast incursions complex blend between Severe Torture, Morbid Angel and Cannibal Corpse!, If elo already familiar with the concept of a band before that you know, Decaying Purity, Maybe Inhuman Depravity is ready to become Rival new because it has similarities Typical wrote, especially Inhuman Depravity fronted by vocalist Yunus Efe that nobody else is also vocalist in Decaying Purity, a band that shows first and foremost it's a necessity to the make very technical death metal with brutal vocals and nonstop double pounding bass. Well, it's good to check the tension of the blood pressure before enjoying a dish shattering their prime, because the error caused by this release is not the responsibility of the author hahaha ... it's just pure atonal bombast with no creative spark or ingenuity to back it up! like someone who is crazy plus full Energy, 9 tracks Vomited during the total duration of 31:45 is indeed was really ready Destroy anything Yeah, Brutaly Domination !!! as a new obsession for four of its members, Inhuman Depravity does Desiring excite maximum energy to play his music so brutal brutal here. with Skill play that is already proven in several bands before, ga surprised Musical Inhuman Depravity is already ga doubt. as well Decaying Purity, the band often wore Title Track Length thus be classified as its own impression is, "Nocturnal Carnage By The Unholy Desecrator" is a summary of cruel, sadistic, and Atheist Dark Soul has given strong for the band to appear genuine insane madness. And people think Disgorge is a terrible band, just listen to this self-indulgent tripe! The only redeeming factor of the drumming is perhaps the drum tone, but the bass drum is far too clicky and lacks any appreciable thump factor, not to mention the hi-hat being hit so hard it just sounds like a whirl of whooshes rather than a clear time-keeping device. Since the track "exhuming the Creator for Own expediency", torture Terrific into dish that was really the Barbarian! and this has that incredible brutality that never gets tedious. How Drummer Eren Gursoy deplete its entire Power is maintained at Mega Fast Rap Beat, the same as in the band madness engulfed, just blast after blast beat beat! while guitarist Murat Eren Sabuncu still keeping pace with any precision the exact Lick it, making it very compact intertwined his cooperation. Yunus Efe vocalist with Guttural Whirlwind lyrics are almost no clear pattern as its just blew Boisterous Tornado winds Crashing tub was great! Fit and really did Essence "brutality" they created was a deadly conspiracy! and shows itself off a little bit with the speed of a machine gun !!! 9 Track ready to shatter into pieces melting pieces with Superfast superblast dish is indeed require a separate atmosphere to enjoy thoroughly. Sound that comes with a Stab at maximum production is ready to treat the beginning of the career best prime band. So for you who are still so respective to the concept of predatory style Severe Torture, Fast Decaying Purity by Nuance in the vein of Morbid Angel. this album more compelling to many Death Metal fans around with a taste for sickness. You Definitely a must-buy!


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