Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Goemagot - Eradication Of Insignificant Beings CD 2013

Goemagot - Eradication Of Insignificant Beings
Sevared Records CD 2013

01 Arrival 00:49      
02 Headless Prostitute Present 03:18    
03 Too Decomposed to Rape 03:14    
04 The Ethics of Omnipotence 04:04      
05 Crushed After Dismemberment 02:16      
06 Stump 03:09      
07 Carnal Extirpation 02:24    
08 Progressive Repression of Cognition 03:43      
09 Let Them Become Soil 03:15    
10 Shitting Barbed Wire Asshole Birth 03:04    
11 Beg for Extinction 06:31

Cody McConnell - Bass, Vocals
Daniel Hemmerich - Drums
Matt Murphy - Guitars

Goemagot atau pembacaan menurut mereka sebagai " Go-ehm-ah-got ", Band Brutal Death Metal lagi Rochester, New York, Amrik yang digawangi oleh trio anak muda berbakat baru mencoba memadukan karakteristik bermusik ala Cannibal Corpse, Disgorge, Brain Drill, Belphegor, Nile, The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Faceless, Abominable Putridity, Cattle Decapitation, Wormed, Defeated Sanity, Putridity, Devourment serta Dying Fetus dalam konsep bermusiknya sejak terbentuk tahun 2011, mereka langsung eksis dengan merekam Demo " Parasitic Incineration " 1 tahun kemudian. dengan gaya bermain Rancak ini, trio Goemagot cukup sukses melirik dan mencuri perhatian mata dunia dengan komposisi Sadisnya hingga akhirnya karir awal full album perdana mereka mulai dari Sevared Records dengan melempar " Eradication Of Insignificant Beings " sebagai Amunisi perdana Pembantaiannya. The barbarity that the three men provide is more than enough to put them over the mark, leaving you with a healthy breath of fresh air in a sub-genre where most bands tend to produce the same end results repeatedly. Each man makes sure to make their mark in the music; Cody McConnell’s bass and vocals give a cataclysmic low-end to Matt Murphy’s emphatically infectious riffs, which greatly compliments Daniel Hemmerich’s tectonic drumming. masih menjadi perkembangan Demo-nya, Goemagot jelas saat ini tampil lebih mencekam dengan Struktur musik dan sound menantang. track pertama langsung nikmati Penjagalan dari " Headless Prostitute Present " setelah dimulai dengan Intro. Dentuman Breakdown Slamming Brutal Death metal dengan sounding Tajam in the vein Album pertama Abominable Putridity era " In the End of Human Existence ", Once in a blue moon they'll break out some wilder, open chords, or even a small handful of more clinical harmonic patterns to the notation, but the lion's share of the material here is moving at a mid-paced groove and then occasionally lapsing into some slower chug, very often embellished with the same end-phrase squealing that has become so uninspired and drone-like to the genre. It's not that Abominal Putridity do not encourage some small degree of variation, wherein plodding ! Slamming Groovy yang tertata bagus diiringi dengan Guttural Pig Snoring Bassis Cody McConnell, gaya riffing-nya sedikit mengajak kekejaman Cannibal Corpse Style ! walau begitu Gaya Lick Riff Matt Murphy lebih variatif lagi memasukkan beberapa elemen yang cukup Teknikal dan Chaotic selain gaya Slam Groovy Ciamik in the Vein Dying Fetus. " Too Decomposed to Rape " dah sejak Opening awal mengajak Slam Groovy yang mengingatkan dengan Soils Of Fate Banget dan kemudian bertransisi liar dengan gaya Brutal Death yang Chaotic ala Cattle Decapitation. There is next to nothing in terms of atmospheric flourish, and I can only imagine, for example, just how much a little of that immediate, wondrous industrial resonance of the titular outro track would have improved the central songwriting if it had been induced to several of the bridges. Or what some eerie leads or melodies might have accomplished above the churning, fist-balling flesh of the rhythm guitars. sebuah Track yang terasa nikmat untuk kita melakukan Headbang tanpa harus menguras enerji. " The Ethics of Omnipotence " Sajian Liar berikutnya semakin menampilkan kualitas mereka untuk meracik komposisi musik yang terus menggeser elemen slamming Death Metal dengan terjangan Groovy Briliant ! memang sih kalo seksama gw nikmati setiap gebrakan Komposisi track-nya akan banyak elo temuin banyak pengaruh yang membelenggu band ini. 10 Track Matang Siap membantai berdurasi 35:47 menitan ini harus bisa elo luangkan sejenak waktu kalian menikmati sajian keren kompleknya ini. kenapa Gw tertarik dengan Band ini? coz sepertinya Goemagot memainkan sesuatu yang Terasa " Beda " dan cool tentunya, mulai dari sentuhan Brutal death yang meledak2 hingga melodius Atmospheric tanpa mengurangi Citra Rasa Pembantaian sadisnya. bisa gw prediksi band ini siap berbahaya dimasa yang akan datang deh. Eradication Of Insignificant Beings is a slog to experience in more than brief spurts. The song titles and themes are little more than paraphrased from many of the group's forebears, and the musical structure is all too samey without providing intense or interesting riff progressions so the listener can ignore that fact. In truth, there are a handful of bands out there like Kraanium or Ingested who have succeeded in much the same base formula, so it's not impossible to pull off; but both seem superior at putting the notes together. Meathead metal mission accomplished. But considering the level of hype once surrounding it (at least in this particular niche of a niche), I expected much more than this. if you're going to make an album where you repeat the same song a few times, at least make it a good song, or add in a few extra bits now and then just to keep it from being constant repetition.

Goemagot or reading to them to be "Go-er-ah-got", Brutal Death Metal band anymore Rochester, New York, Amrik fronted by a trio of talented young people to try new musical style combines characteristics of Cannibal Corpse, Disgorge, Brain Drill, Belphegor, Nile, The Dillinger Escape Plan, The Faceless, Abominable Putridity, Cattle Decapitation, wormed, Defeated Sanity, Putridity, Devourment and Dying Fetus in a musical concept since forming in 2011, they immediately exist with demo recording "Parasitic Incineration" 1 year later. with this style of playing smart, pretty successful trio Goemagot glance and steal the eyes of the world with sadistic composition until early career began their first full album of Sevared Records by throwing "Eradication Of Beings insignificant" as a prime Ammunition genocidal. The barbarity that the three men provide is more than enough to put them over the mark, leaving you with a healthy breath of fresh air in a sub-genre where most bands growing niche to produce the same end results Repeatedly. Each man makes sure to the make their mark in the music; Cody McConnell's bass and vocals give a cataclysmic low-end to Matt Murphy's emphatically infectious riffs, roomates greatly compliments Daniel Hemmerich's tectonic drumming. still its development Demos, Goemagot clear at this time appear more tense with the structure of music and sound challenging. The first track immediately enjoy Slaughter of "Headless Prostitute Present" after starting with Intro. Breakdown Bang Slamming Brutal Death metal with sharp sounding first album in the vein era Abominable Putridity "In the End of Human Existence", Once in a blue moon they'll break out some wilder, open chords, or even a small handful of more clinical harmonic patterns to the notation, but the lion's share of the material here is moving at a mid-paced groove and then occasionally lapsing into some slower Chug, very often embellished with the same end-phrase squealing that has Become so uninspired and drone-like to the genre. It's not that Abominal Putridity do not Encourage some small degree of variation, wherein plodding! Slamming a nice orderly Groovy Guttural accompanied by bassist Cody McConnell Snoring Pig, her little riffing style invites cruelty Cannibal Corpse Style! even so Matt Murphy Style Lick Riff more varied again sufficiently incorporate some elements besides Chaotic Technical and Groovy Slam style ciamik in the vein of Dying Fetus. "Too decomposed to Rape" dah start since Opening Groovy Slam invites that remind the Soils Of Fate Banget and then transition to the wild style of the Chaotic Brutal Death ala Cattle Decapitation. There is next to nothing in terms of atmospheric flourish, and I can only imagine, for example, just how much a little of that immediate, wondrous resonance of the titular industrial outro track would have improved the central songwriting if it had been induced to several of the bridges. Or what some eerie leads or melodies might have accomplished above the churning, fist-balling flesh of the rhythm guitars. a track that feels good for us to do Headbang without having to drain energy. "The Ethics of Omnipotence" Liar dish next to the display of their quality mix of music that continues to shift the composition of elements slamming Death Metal with Groovy brunt Briliant! heck if i did thoroughly enjoy every slap of his compositions will track much elo temuin handcuff much influence this band. Track 10 Ripe Ready slaughtered 35:47 menitan duration should be elo take a moment of your time enjoying this dish a completely cool. why Gw interested in this band? coz it seems Goemagot play something Feels "Different" and the cool of course, ranging from a touch Brutal death to melodic Atmospheric meledak2 without reducing image Massacre sadistic sense. can i set a dangerous prediction of this band in the future deh. Eradication Of Beings is insignificant a slog to experience in more than brief spurts. The song titles and themes are little more than paraphrased from many of the group's forebears, and the musical structure is all too samey without providing intense or interesting riff progressions so the listener can ignore that fact. In truth, there are a handful of bands out there like Kraanium ingested or who have succeeded in much the same base formula, so it's not impossible to pull off; but both seem superior at putting the notes together. Meathead metal mission accomplished. But considering the level of hype surrounding it once (at least in this particular niche of a niche), I expected much more than this. if you're going to the make an album where you repeat the same song a few times, at least make it a good song, or add in a few extra bits now and then just to keep it from being constant repetition.

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