Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

Radical Artery - Promo 2015

Radical Artery - Promo 2015
Darkside Records CD-R 2015

01 Infectious Parasitic
02 Piled And Rotten Flesh

Dhana - Vocals
Qmank - Guitar
Be Joe - Bass
Panjul - Drums

Extremely Brutal Fucking Blastbeat Dominated ! itu mungkin jadi ungkapan awal gw saat mendengar sekilas debut promo band asli Tangerang yang terhitung eksis sejak 2008. Akselerasi tempo-nya memang kerap didominasi dengan Ketukan Hypersnare yang banyak mengingatkan gw dengan era Keganasan Disavowed Era " Perceptive Deception ", Gorgasm hingga Italian Putridity. Yeah, From start to finish this album is just pure non stop blasting brutality. As a brutal death metal fan, i must confess that this is the purest BDM pretty catchy and never repetitive. menjadi paling Menyita Konsentrasi gw di debut promo ini adalah Sesi Gitar serta Sound-nya, Bagaimana gw hampir disetiap Ketukan seperti Metronom alami kerap menghitung setiap Tempo Riffing-nya tetep stabil dengan Lick-lick yang boleh gw bilang Cool ! Gitaris Qmank sepertinya sangat memperhitungkan sekali setiap Progres-nya dengan berbagai Aransemen yang baginya mungkin sedikit menguras Mood agar pola permainannya tetap terdengar mampu menghidupkan Komposisi lagu. Meski Hanya 2 track saja, Radical Artery sudah cukup memperlihatkan Kematangan Konsep. " Infectious Parasitic " langsung dimulai dengan tempo yang rapat serta Pattern Vokal yang lebih sering mendominasi, sayang Menurut Gw Power serta Kharakter Vokalis Dhana disini masih kerap timbul serta Tenggelam apalagi Typical-nya mesti harus di Asah kembali atau setidak-nya Lebih menggunakan typical yang lebih Easy Range aja, sehingga kerasa banget bagaimana stamina-nya kerap terdengar Kedodoran meletakkan Pattern Vokal-nya menjadi beberapa kali Tidak Match, sementara Komposisi musik terus melesat Kencang seakan tidak perduli. The drumming is just devastating and Guitar Riff Section More Keep Creativity and Destructive should always be praised! Style Sound Guitar yang lebih terdengar "Kering" sehingga untuk intensitas Low-nya hanya lebih mengandalkan Level Bass, but mungkin ini menjadi Karakteristik band sendiri kayaknya. dan Track " Piled And Rotten Flesh " masih terus melaju ngebut dengan Pola Bermain yang tidak Monoton, Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria stands to this date as the most ruthless Material that ever came out and the pure definition of brutal death metal. masalah Sound mungkin masing2 band punya pilihan Konkrit, namun Faktor balancing Audio kayaknya masih perlu mendapat perhatian lagi, Meski Pada dasarnya Gw sangat menikmati banget aransemen demi aransemen menariknya. Dengan Struktur musik yang Simple serta Brutal mengganas-nya tidak selalu bikin Lick dan Bar yang terlalu Ribet, Fans BDM akan begitu menikmati sajian ini lebih terhanyut. dapat dipastikan pula selanjutnya gw akan menunggu perkembangan Besar dari Materi Promo 2015, karena Band ini gw rasa memiliki Konsep dengan Komposisi yang bagus ! excursion into pummeling Destruction with nary a compelling pattern of notes in listening range. the disaffected audience, all pretty par for the course.

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River Blood - Killing Machine CD-R 2015

River Blood - Killing Machine
Kujang Keris Musickness Distro CD-R 2015

01 Bantai - Bantai
02 Killing Machine
03 Victimized Violence
04 Butchered Of Machinery

Hell-Yeahh... tentunya gw udah lama banget mengenal Eksistensi Band Brutal Death/Grind asal Jakarta sejak Geliat mereka di Akhir 90-an, sudah banyak berpartisipasi dibeberapa Kompilasi hingga akhirnya mereka tidak terdengar khabarnya lagi setelah memutuskan untuk vakum hingga bangkit kembali sejak tahun 2011 dan kini akhirnya River Blood siap mengalirkan kembali Sungai Darah-nya ditengah Hangatnya Movement Cadas Tanah Air. Sebenarnya " Killing Machine " ini adalah Materi Promo 2 Track Terbaru mereka yang ditambah dengan 2 Track dari Tahun 2011 dan 1999 yang secara berbarengan di mixing serta Mastering Ulang tahun 2015 di A4 Studio, sehingga karakter dan Sound-nya menjadi berbeda-beda pula. Yah mungkin rekaman Diskografi Kecil gitu lah hehehe ... Well, kayaknya elo Mesti harus mendengar Style Baru River Blood di 2 track awal-nya yang tentu sangatlah berbeda dengan Konseptual awal mereka yang tidak pernah jauh dengan Ledakan Dasyat Hyperblast beat. Direkam pada Tahun 2013 an, Konsep 2 track ini tentu sangat Menarik ! setlist-nya dimulai dengan " Bantai - Bantai ", sejak Opening part-nya gw menjadi penasaran dengan Sound dan Karakter-nya memang " Terasa " berbeda dengan yang River Blood Gw kenal dulu. dengan Komposisi yang Lebih Dinamis dan atraktif penampilan skill-nya, Gitaris Yengki yang menjadi frontman Orisinil tersisa mampu menampilkan Gerakan Lick Riff yang lebih Thrashin serta Metallic sekali, sehingga dirinya seperti mencari celah aman kejenuhannya memainkan Fast Riffing. I can hardly tell the riffs apart sometimes since they're all composed of tremolo picking and putting in some random high notes which all sound very similar between riffs. sementara ketukan drummer yang " Natural " sound-nya kerap menjadi Partner tepat bagi Progres Musikal-nya, Not as Digital Midi and Trigger sound. selanjutnya " Killing Machine " masih menjadi Track yang tetep Easy Listening dengan Free Style Konsepnya, they are simple and consistent, nothing groundbreaking. dengan kata lain kita akan semakin lebih menikmati banget sekali setiap Hentakannya, Nice Good Job Guys !  I kept tabbing it until I realized I tabbed the whole song, and was pretty happy, because those riffs sound so nice. So I gave the whole Track a listen. I'll just say that this has entered my daily rotation. Kemudian " Victimized Violence " barulah kita mendengarkan kembali Keganasan River Blood yang masih powerfully menggilai Tempo-tempo Hyperblast, dan Masih Memorable banget Sound recording yang menjadi Karakteristik Studio Rekaman K Studio yang era sebelumnya sempat Menjadi " K Studio Sound ", dengan Deep growl serta Blastbeating Tempo menjadi part yang lebih mendominasi walau masih ada beberapa celah aransemen yang sejenak Memancing Headbang ! dan " Butchered Of Machinery " bahkan lebih " Klasik " lagi Konsepnya di era 90-an, Konsep seperti ini masih membanjiri Scene Metal tanah Air. dengan Stamina yang masih begitu Powerfully tentunya, dominasi Death/Grind era akhir 90-an memang sarat dengan ledakan hebat Hyperblast Konsep. Yaa .. Akhirnya kita akan mendengar kembali Discografi kecil River Blood dengan segala Progres Karir musik signifikan-nya. They've done something truly Pride here and I feel that All Material should be given its moment in the sun. keep The Musickness interesting.

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Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

Capitalist Casualties - Raised Ignorant ' Kaset 2015

Capitalist Casualties - Raised Ignorant
Grindtoday Records Cassette 2015

01 Bad Habits    
02 Drug Culture    
03 Second Guess    
04 Traditionalist    
05 On The Take    
06 The Sty Of Christ    
07 Insecurities    
08 Methamphetamine    
09 Draining Blood From The Land    
10 Overpriced    
11 From Enslavement To Obliteration ( CoverNapalm Death)    
12 Dennis Problem (D.R.I Cover)    
13 Greedy Bastards (Antischism Cover)    
14 Pissed (Voorhes Cover)

Shawn Elliott - Vocals
Michael Vinatieri - Guitar
Jeff Robinson - Bass, Vocals
Matt Martin - Drums

Alangkah Beruntung banget Ketika Salah Satu Masterpiece Terbaik dari Legendaris Power Violence Bedebah Capitalist Casualties asal California yang eksis sejak 1987 telah dihadirkan kembali oleh Grindtoday Records setelah Beberapa Tahun Sold Out serta Menjadi Most Hunting Kolektor Fanatik-nya sejak pertama kali dirilis oleh Slap A Ham Records ditahun 1993 adalah Rilisan yang memuat EP serta Single Band. Dihadirkan dalam format Kaset masih mempertahankan Citra Rare Klasik-nya, inilah Debutan Capitalist Casualties yang sangat menyita perhatian sejak pertama kali dirilis. Pergesekan Emosional serta Power yang menjadi Dominasi Ekspresi Spontanisme penuh dengan Attitude yang Meledak-ledak rasanya. have ever performed this style with more emotion and aggression than it's pioneers. pada Rilisan Ulang format Kaset ini, Grindtoday Records menambahkan 4 Track Cover version sebagai Bonus Track sebagai pembeda Rilisan saja (cover Song dari Napalm Death, D.R.I, Antischism & Voorhes). Mungkin sebelum Serbuan Crust grind sedang Membooming, genre Power Violence lebih dulu memanggang dengan Kegilaan tempo serta aransemennya, Ga butuh durasi yang panjang untuk menikmati berkeringat Suguhan Biadab. ass-kicking memorable and more thought provoking Power Violence Attack !!! dari " Bad Habits ", Capitalist Casualties seperti langsung meledak Membabi Buta Menghancurkan Panggung dengan Ekspresi Emosionalnya, buat yang terlalu familiar dengan Konsep ini, pasti lebih menikmati sekali semua kegilaan Beat-nya. just fuse together into the one ultra chaotic blur of Fastbeats, jarring tremolo picking and grating Growl shrieks Everywhere. tetep Buas, Distortif dan Clean as fuck Sounding pastinya. terus terang sebagai Penikmat Genre Musik Cadas Gw terlalu menikmati Apa yang Bikin Gw menjadi " Bersemangat " dengan Suguhan Musikal yang Tegas dan tidak Bertele-tele, meski Gw masih belum menguasai Filosofi dan History Konsep ini secara Signifikan, Gw masih mengatakan, Ini adalah Masterpiece Power Violence dari Tahun 1993 yang hadir dengan sound sangat menampar diera-nya. These schizophrenic pulses of jarring, dissonant guitar passages get old real damn quickly, along with the equally irritating tremolo picking phrases and fragmented vibe ! tentu Komposisi Liar tidak asal Bertempo Cepat, Capitalist Casualties masih dibekali dengan Skill bermain yang Bagus seperti ini lebih membakar Adrenalin dari sekedar Rileksasi Entertain, karena materi yang disuguhkan jelas Mood Emosional Bertegangan Tinggi Pembawaannya. indecipherable Fastest creating a bitterly Chaotic and desolate Mood, this Blaster still rips !!!

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XDeloreanX - Gathering 2014 ... Headin' Faster to 2015 ' Kaset

XDeloreanX - Gathering 2014 ... Headin' Faster to 2015
Grindtoday Records Cassette 2015

01 Intro 00:34
02 Nobody Calls Me Chicken 01:23
03 Hill Valley Powerviolence 00:45
04 Biff Tannen Mosh 01:17
05 Clara Clayton You Are A Fuckin' Bitch 01:23
06 Faster Than 88mph 01:14
07 DxOxCx 01:33
08 Earth Angel 01:04
09 Goldie Wilson Is Better Than Barack Obama 00:39
10 Zaccaria VS Tozzini 00:35
11 Grays Sports Almanac 01:48
12 Copernicus Mosh 00:38
13 I Run Down Calvin Klein 00:46
14 Mad Dog Was A Hipster 01:05
15 Great Scott 00:05
16 Scum 02:14
17 Enchantment Under The Sea Circle Pit
18 Plutonium 00:50
19 Pepsi Free 00:31
20 Stefanino Follow Us 00:31
21 QxCxLxBx (feat. xPUCCIx) 00:06
22 Have you Seen Flea In Back To The Future? Yes, I Did 00:37
23 Oh La La! 00:29

Movement Musikal Idealis memang terkadang tidak selalu diisi dengan Karakter yang dapat dicerna oleh setiap fans-nya, Seperti Gw sendiri sebagai Penikmat segala Style Cadas masih sanggup melahap Typical yang Nyeleneh serta Ngebut pastinya, Adalah Style Power Violence sangat memikat Setelah Konsep Death Metal. dari Florence, Italy nih gw kenalin Trio Jahanam, xDELOREANx yang siap Mencincang dengan Ledakan Cepat Kontrol Emosi Gila-gilaannya. Terhitung memiliki 4 Rilisan yang wajib dikoleksi bagi pecinta Irama Liar dan Cepat, Beruntung kemudian Grindtoday Records merangkum 3 Rilisannya menjadi 1 Album dalam format kaset dengan memuat total 23 Power Violence tanpa Kompromi. this Material are all one blur of grinding-noise-Violence, you are dead wrong. Each and every song has it’s own particular feeling and rhythm and it’s own recognizable, cutting riffs and high-pitched guitar eruptions, sharp like a razor’s edge! Track 1 hingga 7 dicomot dari debut Krusial " xHILLxVALLEYxPOWERVIOLENCEx ", Track 8 hingga 17 dari EP " Grays Sports Almanac " dan 18 sampai 23 dari " 18-23 * Plutonium (virtual EP) ", Kegilaan sistematis yang disusun secara kolektif dalam 1 Serbuan bising memekakkan telinga awam. Hadir dengan Rekaman yang Clean, Sehingga Kegilaan Lick Fast-nya masih jelas ternikmati di Setiap Jengkal-nya. Cause it would have been nice to have heard more of it. And you certainly do hear the bass when it's pounding it's low end hard enough, you won't have a general sense of where it lies in the song most of the time. Idealisme Musisi Kadang Hadir dengan kegilaannya tersendiri atas sikap Hedonisnya memainkan Aransemen musik yang paling jujur dalam Obsesi-nya, ga heran kemudian Genre seperti ini memiliki Penikmat yang tentu mampu mengimbangi kegilaan yang sama-sama mereka rasakan dalam 1 waktu. The songs on here contain a lot of blast beats, so if you want grindcore party, you will not be disappointed. dan dalam 21 Menit yang memekakkan, jangan sampai Melewatkan Suguhan Keren " Scum " nya Napalm Death yang lebih Menggigit !  the peaceful image stands in shocking contrast with the onslaught you will experience when the disc spins its turns, preferably at maximum volume, AAAAARRRGGHHHHH !!!!!

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Su19b - The World Doomed to Violence ' Kaset 2015

Su19b - The World Doomed to Violence
Grindtoday Records Cassette 2015

01 World is Doomed to Violence
02 Blind
03 Anbition / Invasion
04 Trainer of Ruin
05 Mourning (Nirvava 2002)
06 Mental Suppression
07 Electric Armaggedon
08 C.O.M.
09 Negative Legacy
10 Dark-eyed Virgins

Japanesse Blasting Sludge Violence Smash Your Ears! SU19B, adalah Band Blackend Power Violence asal Tokyo, Jepang yang rupanya menyuguhkan Karakter Idealisme yang butuh Pendengar tersendiri untuk dapat menikmati sensasi Berisik-nya. Power Violence yang lebih terdengar Sekali Style Brutal Death Metal-nya (Deep Growling Especially) yang kemudian digabungkan dengan Blackened Style hingga Sludgycore yang menambah Gelap Atmosfir penghancurannya ! Selama Hampir 30 Menit 10 Track menjadi Saksi Biadab Agresi Mereka menginvasi luapan Emosi tanpa filter dan Kontrol, sepertinya lebih menenggelamkan elemen Gelap-nya pada ketukan-ketukan Beraroma Sludgecore yang kerap dipatahkan dengan Gempuran Fast Grinding tempo. Like a virtuosity that leaves any attempts at explanation or understanding out in the cold. Karakter Sound yang Nge-Depth sengaja menjadi Setting untuk Konseptual band demi Menciptakan Nuansa yang semakin Gelap. Karakter Grinding-nya Lebih mengingatkan pula dengan Karakteristik Old School Death/Grind serta gaya Death/Doom Metal-nya Winter, with its thick and massive guitar tone and the accompanying strong and heavy presence of the bass The sheer massiveness of these riffs is almost surpassed by how dark an atmosphere they create, something that only adds to their gravity. Seperti menjadi Feel Gw, Mungkin Ga sembarangan penikmat musik akan lebih mencerna apa yang mereka mainkan, jika kenyataan Kuping masih terlalu dimanjakan dengan Easy Listening Style. Kegelapan Sangat Mencekam dibalik Gempuran Intonasi Beat yang cepat dan Kontradiktif. Persis menggambarkan Virtualisasi tentang Konsep Track secara Keseluruhan dari " The World Doomed to Violence " sendiri. This is truly an unsurpassed triumph of the heaviness of releases that dominate the underground scene.

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Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

VA. Monster Grind Attack - Indonippon Compilation CD 2015

VA. Monster Grind Attack - Indonippon Compilation
Grindtoday Records CD 2015

01 AK // 47 - Fuck Your Ignorant Middle Class
02 AK // 47 - I Shit On Every Revolutionary Vanguard of This Planet
03 Boltstein - Push
04 Boltstein - Mechanisum Of Destruction
05 Boltstein - Contradiction
06 Dead Vertical - Belantara Berdarah
07 Carcass Grinder - 3 Song (Grind Alert - Napalmidabutsu - Over Kill)
08 Extreme Decay - Overture
09 Extreme Decay - No More
10 Final Exit - Nothern Alcoholic Waste
11 Final Exit - Ladies Dancing Pink
12 Jigsaw - Act Not State
13 Jigsaw - Useless
14 Little Bastard - Days Black
15 Little Bastard - Killed By Justice
16 Onset Of Serious Problem - Hate Cant Be Wise
17 Onset Of Serious Problem - Human Bomb Militia
18 Onset Of Serious Problem - Legend Without Existence
19 Motiveless - Ultra Skunk
20 Motiveless - Caseys Widow
21 Motiveless - White Ice
22 Otnamus - Life And Suffer
23 Otnamus - Rattlebrain
24 Orgasm Grind Distruption - Pignation
25 Orgasm Grind Distruption - Total Fuckin Scum
26 Proletar - Global Darkness Destruction
27 Proletar - Manifest Of Human Greed
28 Punisment For Barbarian - Silence, Piece, Corruption
29 Speedy Gonzales - Membakar Istana Birokrashit
30 Speedy Gonzales - Prahara Pemuda Pemuja Pecundang
31 Red Ran Amber -
32 Red Ran Amber -
33 Tersanjung XIII - Pembeli Bukan Raja
34 Tersanjung XIII - Yakkun Power
35 Self Destruction - Disaster
36 Self Destruction - Deeper, Deeper, Deeper
37 Terror Dynamite Attack - War For Billion Dollars
38 Terror Dynamite Attack - E.M (Extreme Martin)
39 Zenands Gots - Akai Tsuki

Ohhhhh Damnnnn Holy Shittttt !!!! .... Menikmati 39 Track dari 20 Grinding Track Jahanam di Pagi hari adalah " Sesuatu " yang paling Dasyat rasanya daripada bermalas malasan atau sekedar Omong Kosong !!! This Compiled meets and exceeds the criteria of a great grindcore track I was proud to fucking experience !!! Salah Satu Label Independent Eksis yang sudah beberapa waktu belakangan tidak terdengar geliatnya, Grind To Day Records rupanya sudah menyiapkan Rilisan Kompilasi Jawara-jawara Grinding Mayhem terbaik Join 2 Negara sebagai pemilik Ladang subur Genre penghancur notasi, Indonesia dan Jepang. Melihat dari Titel Kompilasi ini sebagai " Monster Grind Attack ", tentu opini kita sudah tergiring dengan berbagai Persepsi tentang Berbahaya-nya Materi track untuk dikolektifkan menjadi 1 rilisan. Mungkin sebelumnya ada banyak Kompilasi seperti ini, namun Grind To Day Records secara total Mendedikasikannya sebagai Rilisan Gress Terbaiknya. Total 39 Track Grindcore terbaik dan Liar yang pernah Gw nikmati pada beberapa rilisan Label Anak Negeri yang terkemas sangat Menarik didalamnya. Well Are You Ready for Enjoyed with showcase the several bands specialty in writing some fucked up grinding Noisy ??? Let's Check distorted a journey into an abyss of insanity.

Bukan Tanpa Perhitungan matang tentunya Bila 2 Track Milik Crust-Grindcore Keren Asal Semarang yang telah eksis sejak 1999, AK//47 menjadi Opening Biadab di awal Kompilasi ini. dengan Komposisi Grindcore berisik yang sangat Matang melalui Sepak terjang Aransemen lebih Matang, " Fuck Your Ignorant Middle Class " dan " I Shit On Every Revolutionary Vanguard of This Planet " adalah Mimpi Buruk tersendiri jika Konsep Band tampil sangat Memukau dengan struktur yang lebih dewasa penyusunan lagunya. After the traditional in-your-face grindcore is over welcomed back to the familiarity of the Crust-grindcore ! Selanjutnya Grinding Pioner asal Yamagata, japan BOLT STEIN yang sengaja menggunakan Plesetan Logo Band dari Legendary Death/Grind UK, Bolt Thrower rasanya mengundang Pertanyaan tersendiri bagi Fans. Trio Grindfast membabi buta sekali lewat 3 Track-nya " Push, Mechanisum Of Destruction & Contradiction ", adalah awal Kejayaan Grindcore pertama kali dikenalkan oleh Napalm Death Era " Scum " banget ! dari Jakarta Timur giliran Penyiksa Gendang Telinga Beraksi, DEAD VERTICAL dengan " Belantara Berdarah " nya yang comot dari materi Album " Perang Neraka Bumi ", Meski bukan Track Anyar, tapi gempuran Grindingnya masih terus diwaspadai ! pengembangan Grindcore Style semakin matang dengan Durasi dan Komposisi track yang memanjakan para Grinding Freak ! lanjut kemudian dengan Raw Old Grinding Lawas Jepang, CARCASS GRINDER yang Eksis sejak 1993 dengan Segudang Rilisannya, masih mampu merobek dan memekakkan telinga dengan definitely Raw Grindcore-nya, Adalah 3 Track yang di Medley " 3 Song (Grind Alert - Napalmidabutsu - Over Kill) " Cukuplah Parade Distortif memekakkan siap melukai Indera Telinga Kita. Dari Malang Scene, Godfather Grindcore terbaik-nya EXTREME DECAY mengkontribusikan 2 Track " Overture " dan " No More " sebagai peluru Memekakkan Berikutnya masih menjadi Ancaman serius bagi Fans Hingar Bingar Berisik Musik. t's not really any less grind, and there are numerous songs which are little more than configurations of blast beats and frantic tremolo riffs, but the package as a whole is more musical. There are memorable riffs and song structures; the band is willing to take more time to get from one place to another, build a little tension, smell the grinding Spirit. tentunya kita juga tidak akan pernah Melupakan jika Jagad Extreme musik masih memiliki band dengan Konsep paling Gila seperti Funny Grind/Noise Asal Kanagawa, Japan, FINAL EXIT, dimana Idealisme dipadukan dengan Hedonisme, Konsep Musikal Unik yang memadukan Emosional dengan Spontanitas. Dipastikan Orang yang kurang menikmati Musik mereka akan bilang " Musik Apa ini ???? ", dengan 2 track Sintingnya " Nothern Alcoholic Waste " dan " Ladies Dancing Pink ", Nikmati Sentuhan Kurang Waras Mereka. dari Jakarta Timur ada trio Penjagal JIGSAW yang meledakkan 2 Track Ampuhnya " Act Not State " dan " Useless " yang dicomot dari Debut Album perdana " Untrusted Goverment Effect ", Swedish Noise Grinding Mayhemic,  It's precisely how Swedish grind should be pulled off: with conviction, intelligence, and clarity of vision. LITTLE BASTARD, Lebih mencincang dengan Suguhan Fantastic Grinding Snare, Fastest Agressive Devastate Grind Still bring the frighteningly twisted Track. suguhan 2 Track Mautnya " Days Black " dan " Killed By Justice " nya mampu merobek Ingatan kita dengan Komposisi Dinamis yang tetap Berisik ! lalu duo Grinding Savage Asal Depok, ONSET OF SERIOUS PROBLEM mampu mengundang decak kagum tersendiri dengan Aransemen Liar dan Menggilas-nya lewat 3 Track-nya " Hate Cant Be Wise, Human Bomb Militia dan Legend Without Existence ", Nasum meet Gride and Fight With Capitalist Casualities ! as it comfortably sinks into the mind-numbing depths of agonizing dirge-crust. Pengen yang Lebih Berisik lagi ??? MOTIVELESS, Japanesse Collapse Grinding Attack ngasih Jawabannya di 3 Track Chaotic-nya. Beat Komposisi yang cepat dan terjaga siap memecahkan Konsentrasi pendengarnya dengan Merespon Gerakan tubuh menjadi tidak terkendali, GILAAAA !!! ... Ga kalah sinting kemudian Crust Grind Asal Malang, OTNAMUS tampil meleburkan apa yang ada dengan Distorsi mematikannya via " Life And Suffer & Rattlebrain ", Disrupt, Phobia, Malignant Tumour dan Assuck sengaja tetap membuat Konspirasi Jahat Memekakkan. is a great collage of weird images combined with ultra-fast and violent music. Ga kerasa Jika kita semakin terus terjebak dalam Dentum Genre Notasi Penghancur, ORGASM GRIND DISRUPTION, Tokyo Grind Madness yang lebih tidak mengenal kata ampun-nya. Damn !!! .... Dari Indonesia Kembali salah satu Pioner Grinding Populer PROLETAR mengganas lewat track & Vocalis barunya yang kini di Isi oleh Nino-nya Trauma, Jakarta Godfather Death Metal makin Mantap dengan Komposisi menantangnya " Global Darkness Destruction " dan " Manifest Of Human Greed " makin mengukuhkan Mereka sebagai Unit Grindcore band paling diperhitungkan Scene tanah Air. balik lagi Ke Jepang untuk mendengar " Silence, Piece, Corruption " nya PUNISMENT FOR BARBARIAN, yang Part Awalnya mengingatkan Gw dengan " Black Breath " nya Repulsion Banget, Swedish Sound Noise Distortion still Crushing Here !! dan yang Pasti Indonesia Band semakin tidak Ketinggalan dan diremehkan saat SPEEDY GONZALES, Youth Grind Berbahaya asal Kediri memuntahkan 2 Ledakan Mautnya " Membakar Istana Birokrashit " dan " Prahara Pemuda Pemuja Pecundang " dengan sound Yang lebih deadly and AMAZED !!! Surprise banget Gw dengan materi barunya ini. The music is some of the most intense, bombarding, old school influenced grindcore ever created. The guitar sound is distorted very much so to sound like the most destructive buzz-saw type riffs ever to pass through your ears. Serta ga kalah Sintingnya kemudian adalah Japanesse Crucial Grindcore, RED RAN AMBER, seperti melarutkan kita dalam serpihan terkecil untuk dilumat dalam Mesin Penghancur layanya, komposisi Grinding dengan Twin Pedal Extra Rapat dan Chaotic Riffing Blizzard ! When Discordance Axis Meet Dillinger Escape Plan, The double kicks is done very deliberate in Their Musickal Astray ! ... TERSANJUNG XIII masih menjadi Mimpi Buruk selanjutnya menyapa dengan Grinding Dominate " Pembeli Bukan Raja " & " Yakkun Power ", too distorted or overall too complex without a meaning. daannnn... SELF DESTRUCTION masih memukau Pula dengan Gempuran maha Memekakkan dengan Short-paced-grind-Assault-nya. Makin Ga terasa 2 Track Berikutnya kita sudah dipenghujung Klimaks Konspirasi Grinding 2 Negara, TERROR DYNAMITE ATTACK Menggerus dengan " War For Billion Dollars & E.M (Extreme Martin) ", Ekpresi lebih meledak-nya, band asal Bandung ini malah terdengar Bak Hyperblast Brutal Death Metal Banget, apalagi Karakter Low Guttural-nya, Namun esensi yang tangkep tetaplah Menyenangkan mendengarkan Komposisi dan Sound yang Menendang Pantat banget, Fast, Fast And Fassssttt !!! dan akhirnya ZENANDS GOTS harus mengakhiri Kegilaan Pesta Gila Para Pemuja Grinding Beat ! 2 Piece Grind Bastard Tokyo ini menyelesaikan Tugasnya sebagai Band Closing masih dengan Hantaman Buas Grinding Snare ! a mechanized sound that is both exhilarating and terrifying in its cold and alien artificiality.

Wuihhh Ga kerasa banget kayaknya kalo sudah Hampir 1 jam Indera Telinga Gw dihajar dengan Beat-beat Explosive edan dari 20 Band dengan 39 Track-nya ! Secara Keseluruhan Materi ini bener-bener hasil perpaduan Pesta Musik Bertegangan Tinggi banget dengan berbagai Konsep dan Style-nya. Sehingga sangat Pasti bakalan gw rekomendasikan Buat Kalian Fans Grindcore yang tidak asal cepat dan berisik, Karena Grind To Day Records masih begitu memperhitungkan banyak Kualitas Musikal untuk memanjakan Fans fanatik-nya. didukung dengan Kemasan yang Profesional Pula meski didesain dengan minimalis tetap Menampilkan Imej Genre ini yang Independent banget. Bukannya Memprovokasi atau apa, Kompilasi Edan Penghancur telinga ini sangat Gw rekomendasikan Konten-nya untuk dinikmati kapan aja, especially for Power Search ! Cause every track different and serving its own purpose to the greater Grinding whole. 

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Jail - Government Terror EP 2015

Jail - Government Terror
Genesis Merchandise & Production EP 2015

01 Begin 01:52    
02 Poison the World 01:15    
03 Konflik 01:11    
04 Not for Style 00:28    
05 Born to Be the Crime 01:52    
06 Indonesia Gila 01:24    
07 Fuck 00:16    
08 Destroy the Government 02:21

Wahyu Haliyanto - Guitar/Vocal
Ibrahim Aziz - Drums

Seperti sedang melepaskan penat Mereka diband sebelumnya, Apoteoza (Folk Metal) dari Jakarta, 2 Member-nya pun turut Meramaikan pula Trend " Duo " setelah kemunculan Hebat responnya Duo Srigala hahahaha ... Just Kidding, mencoba keluar dari Konsep Band sebelumnya, Guitaris Wahyu dan Drummer Aziz (di Apoteoza sebagai Bassis) tergerak Obsesi-nya untuk meluapkan ekspresinya dengan memainkan genre Grindcore ! Yeahhh Grinding Fucking Beat Dominate. Meski secara Keseluruhan Materinya sendiri masih terhitung Unik, Perpaduan antara Grindcore yang Lebih Cross Over Thrash dan Sesekali terdengar lebih Gelap Atmosfir-nya. Gebrakan yang sangat berani menjadi tantangan tersendiri ketika Band ini melepaskan Pertama kali Demo " Destruction of the Political System " sebelumnya, telah mendapat Respon yang Hangat dilanjutkan dengan proyek Emosional Bernama JAIL ini. Sound serta Style yang terdengar tidak dari biasanya (Mungkin) pertama tama akan menjadi Poin Utama ketika Gw mendengarkan EP baru ini. Terkadang Ingatan gw juga tidak bisa terlepaskan dengan Karir 2 Member-nya di Band Folk Metal Apoteoza rupanya masih melekat kuat dalam Kreatifitas di Jail sendiri. Meski Jail Mengklaim Konsepnya adalah Grindcore, Namun Ada beberapa Kriteria yang Masih Kasat Mata dengan Terdengarnya sentuhan yang sangat Kompleks, sehingga ini cukup menjadi Poin Plus tersendiri kayaknya. Yuk kita Coba Kupas Konten Krusial-nya dari Track Intro " Begin ", kita sudah dibuat Headbang dengan Gebrakan Part awalnya, Thrashin Riff ala SOD, Old Anthrax serta Ensiferum (??.ed) sepertinya gw sedikit mengenali Konseptual seperti ini. Gitaris Wahyu seperti masih terlalu asyik menekankan Part2 Enjoy Headbang pada struktur Riffing-nya dan dipadu dengan Dark Harmonize Pummeling yang menambah Elemen Gelap. Sepertinya Band ini hanya Menggunakan 3 Instrumen saat penggarapannya, Vokal, Gitar dan Drum saja, sehingga jika mendetail gw tidak merasakan Low Tune Audio-nya, maka Sound yang terasa " Kering " menjadi pemandangan tersendiri, apalagi saat Kocokan Riff-nya kerap terdengar Patah-patah. Teknik Bending-nya pula yang kemudian malah kerap membuat Asumsi Gw, Jail Lebih tepat dikatakan sebagai band Cross Over Grindcore. transformed into velocity scruffy thrash, obeying again the uniform general formula. Yuk kita lanjutkan lagi dengan Track " Poison the World ", Baru terdengar Raungan Parau Vokal Wahyu yang jabanin dengan Instrumen Gitar-nya. Mood Emosional Track ini lebih menghitamkan Atmosfir Track-nya masih dengan Dark Harmonize dan Thrash Riffin, Enerjik serta kerap Memprovokasi Adrenalin tetap mengajak Headbanging ! " Konflik " kemudian Masih meronta dengan beat yang Agresif berakhir dengan Grinding Part yang memuai dengan Intensitas, meski Sayang Durasi-nya terlalu singkat untuk gw Nikmati. lalu " Not for Style " simple Grindparty selama 30 Detik ! " Born to Be the Crime ", Tidak terjebak dalam Stigma Distortif Noise, Gitaris Wahyu malah terlalu asyik dengan Bending serta Pummeling Riff teknik untuk mengaransemen setiap Komposisi-nya. " Indonesia Gila " menurut Gw Adalah Track yang paling " Panas " struktur-nya yang terdengar makin bukan Mengarah ke Karakter " Grindcore " style Layanya, but Tetep Peduli setan, Gw terlalu Asyik menikmati Komposisi Jail. dan " Fuck " menjadi Track dengan Durasi Super singkat lagi, hanya 16 Detik aja. kemudian disudahi dengan enerji track " Destroy the Government ", Jail mulai Memasukkan Crust/Punk Style. Rupanya EP " Government Terror " masih menjadi Luapan enerji simpanan Duo member-nya yang dipersiapkan sebagai Notasi Penghancur baru dengan Obsesi Jail. Meski masih terus mencari warna & Konsep yang tepat lagi, EP ini masih belum sepenuhnya menampilkan Hasil yang Maksimal, beberapa Raw sound serta Ketidak Balance-nya menjadi perhatian penuh untuk dapat diperbaiki Jail suatu hari nanti dengan Konseptual yang semakin Menantang lagi. Mungkin ini bisa menjadi Suntikan darah Menarik lagi bagi Perkembangan Kompleks Genre Grindcore ditanah air untuk tidak kaku harus berpatokan pada yang sudah ada, karena (masih) bagi gw, Sesuatu yang " Beda " adalah yang lebih menarik untuk dinikmati ketimbang terus mendengar apa yang udah ada saja. So musically, this EP earns exemplary marks for a few Energic Grind-Freak-Thrashers creative with The differences can be found in the tiniest details. YOU MUST TRY THIS TERROR !!!

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Reason To Die - Undefeated CD 2015

Reason To Die - Undefeated
Samstrong Records CD 2015

01 Introgracia
02 Think, Learn, Prove
03 Fight Or Die (Not About Punch Or Kickin In Your Ass)
04 Bersama (Strength To Strength Cover)
05 Slam (Violance) Dance
06 Raurusan Cuk!
07 Anger
08 Deadbeat (Cast Aside Cover)
09 Liar
10 True Friend Respect
11 Undefeated
12 Taoutrosiah

xrulex - Vocals
xdinnox - Vocals
xtaufanx - Guitars
xalanx - Guitars
xbendsx - Drums

Geliat Hardcore Genre di Scene tanah air memang masih memiliki Respon tersendiri bagi Fans fanatik-nya, dengan Independensi serta Idealisme yang kuat, Movement Positif mereka masih bernafas kuat diantara pergerakan Musik Bawah tanah. Yogyakarta salah satu-nya telah menjadi Ladang genre ini selama bertahun-tahun masih memegang kendali penuh dengan Potensi Berbahaya-nya, Meski gw bukan seorang Pemerhati Intens Genre ini, namun Ga bisa dibohongi Gw juga banyak melahap habis Style enerjik Tune Hardcore dengan Heavy Metallic Sound Respectfully ini. Meski Secara Filosofi gw kurang begitu memahami Historis-nya, namun keberadaannya sangat Gw openminde buat menikmati-nya selama ini selain Genre Death Metal ! Well, Kali ini Gw bakal Sedikit Mengupas Produk terbaru Label Hardcore Aktif Asal Pekalongan, Samstrong Records yang udah banyak memiliki rilisan dengan Kualitas Terbaik-nya baru saja memuntahkan Debut Album baru YKHC, REASON TO DIE ! bertajuk " Undefeated " yang menjadi Ultimate Energy Youth Positive Anak2 Muda Asli Yogyakarta untuk mengusung Konsep yang mereka Enjoy Menyebut-nya sebagai " Free Style Hardcore ", Yupz, memang secara Keseluruhan inilah letupan enerji Brotherhood mereka untuk Intens mengaduk Moshpit serta Sing A Long dengan Track-track Friendly mereka. Beberapa Karakter Hardcore terpanggang menjadi beberapa Komposisi yang sangat Anthemic Banget bagi Mereka menjajah beberapa Stage serta Gigz, Ga heran kalo Band ini lebih Nyantai Menyebut Konsep-nya sebagai " Free Style " yang menggabungkan Karakter Hardcore Punk, Beatbown, Crossover serta Metallic Hardcore dengan Sound yang Maksimal Banget ! setiap Komposisi Beat-nya memang lebih Memprovokasi Respon Audien difrontstage selalu Aktif dengan Musik Yang mereka tawarkan, Setelah Intro " Introgracia " dari Karl Mayer & Emalkay, Membakar Seketika Moshpit Area dengan Suguhan " Think, Learn, Prove ", Dentuman Intens Hardcore Metal yang dimainkan hanya 1 Menitan ini rasanya sudah mewakili kharakter yang Band tawarkan. Dengan Lirik2 Brotherhood, Positif, Responsif yang pasti mampu menjadi Anthemic Bagi Hardcore Kid Rude banyak meninggalkan Pesan serta Ajakan Positif didalamnya. Meski Secara Keseluruhan anggota Band yang Straightedge tidak membatasi mereka dalam berinteraksi dan berteman dengan orang-orang lain yang non-SxE. Sikap tegas yang kadangkala ditampilkan hanyalah sebuah sikap nyata untuk menjaga komitmen yang dipercayainya sampai mati. Kebetulan Banget Konsep yang mereka usung adalah Beberapa Santapan Wajib Gw sebelumnya, Sedikit banyak gw dapat mengatakan jika ini adalah Penggabungan Style antara Madball, Earth Crisis, Cast Aside, Throwdown hingga 25 Ta Life tersaji dengan sangat Menarik, especially Riffing Metallic serta Beatdown Drum Style-nya adalah yang paling Provokatif membuat Aransemen Band semakin Hidup dan Membakar ! apalagi dihadirkan dengan Sound yang " Menendang " sekali meski Dari sesi Vokal-nya masih Belum menemukan Titik Menarik bagi Gw, Kehadiran 2 Vocalis disini hanya saling Mengisi Pattern saja tanpa melakukan Teknik yang mengejutkan. Rasanya Adrenalin Gw makin Bergerak Hebat secara Otomatis saat Track " Fight Or Die (Not About Punch Or Kickin In Your Ass) " giliran Menghajar ! Enerji Positif yang mampu Menggerakkan Badan Gw Ketika beberapa Breakdown Part tampil sangat Menghipnotis pada banyak Refrain-nya. Sengatan Berat beberapa diantaranya mengingatkan Gw dengan Era " Set It Off " nya Madball sekali. I have spent many a nights in my bedroom screaming along with these fools! Props to Reason To Die for some serious hardcore and keepin' it real! You know!!! Selanjutnya " Bersama " nya Strength To Strength mereka lahap dalam versi sendiri, Tetap Mencekik dan Mengucurkan Keringat ! Memberikan Apresiasi dalam Musik Bagi Mereka Keseriusan Kadang membuat Kaku Attitude mereka, Karena dengan Memberikan "Kejutan" Berikutnya adalah Intro " Slam (Violance) Dance ", Band Sengaja Menaruh Lagu Milik Anak2 paling Memorable sepanjang masa meski saat sekarang sudah hampir tergeser Hilang Esensi-nya dalam Kehidupan ", Rasanya Elo Pasti Garuk-garuk Keheranan dulu sebelum diajak Enjoy Ber Slam Dance Ria Tetap Menjadi Milik bersama tanpa Arogansi hehehe ... Dan " Raurusan Cuk! ", dengan Eksplanasi " Ketika teman Menusuk dari Belakang, Menjelekkan Dirimu dengan Fitnah dan Makian, Maka Jawablah dengan " RA URUSAN CUK ! ", sudah pasti bisa ditebak, pada bagian Refrain Track ini yang Paling ditunggu Audiens untuk Berteriak Lepas Bersama ketika sama terhanyut. Kemudian Track yang paling menguras Durasi bagi Umum-nya Genre ini, " Anger " dimainkan hampir pada durasi 8 menit ! Jalan Hidup Yang Sangat Keras bagi mereka untuk tetap menghidupkan Marah membakar Setan Dalam diri dengan Sentuhan Extreme Music, it's such a Keep Complete blending of some beatdown hardcore meets modern hardcore into Movement ! Menjadi salah satu Inspirator Musikal terbesarnya, " Deadbeat " Nya Cast Aside dimainkan dengan Sangat Perfect ! Kepalkan Tangan, teriak Lantang, Luapkan emosi, Berdansa Berkeringat dengan Sahabat, Rasanya menjadi Inti Ekpresi Pada Track " Liar " menjadi Lebih Berapi-api ! Lalu " True Friend Respect " seperti Mengingatkan Kembali dengan Kemegahan Beatdown Groove " Firestorm " nya Earth Crisis, Track ini masih terus memprovokasi sebagai Dedikasi untuk Teman Sejati Bagi Kegilaan Mereka yang tidak terganti dalam Band dan Audiens... RESPECT !!! ... Sementara " Undefeated " Cukup Menjadi Intisari Rangkuman dari Attitude Band untuk mempertahankan Sikap " Friendship & Brotherhood " Sebagai kekuatan terbesar bagi Karya karya Reason To Die ! pada Track Akhir " Taoutrosiah " ditampilkan adalah rekaman dari Sholawat Habib Syech yang dipadukan dengan rekaman Champion Last Show Speech, Terkesan elemen Relijius Jadinya. Overall, Sebuah Rekaman dengan Performa Extra Maksimal untuk sebuah Karya Terbaik telah berhasil mereka hadirkan di 12 Track Free Style Hardcore yang 100% sangat Membakar ! yang Menjadi Poin Menariknya lagi adalah, Kemasan Luxury Profesional Paper Sleeve-nya yang sangat memanjakan sekali Para Kolektor akan begitu terkesan banget, sangat menjadi Rilisan Samstrong Records yang lebih Maksimal dan Kreatif ! YOU MUST GET IN NOW !!!

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Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Skineater - Dermal Harvest CD 2013

Skineater - Dermal Harvest
Pulverised Records CD 2013

01 He Was Murdered 03:56    
02 Dismantling 03:40    
03 Your Life Is Mine 03:12    
04 Made of Godsick 03:22    
05 Through the Empire 03:23    
06 Stab 05:15    
07 Drifting 02:55    
08 Thousand Dead Faces 04:04    
09 Bring Them 04:16    
10 Solitude Discord 03:23

Matte Modin - Drums
Jörgen Ström - Vocals
Håkan Stuvemark - Guitars
Stefan Westerberg - Bass

In other words, its a harried and intricate mesh of extreme USDM influences like Morbid Angel, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse with 90s Swedes like At the Gates, Dark Tranquillity, and In Flames. While purists of the former grouping might not take kindly to Dermal Harvest's use of dual harmonies and driving melodic tremolo riffs that hearken back to titles like Slaughter of the Soul and The Jester Race, you have to give them some credit that they can balance them off so effortlessly against the harsher churning, clinical chugging that weighs down more of the prevalent grooves. Strangely enough, though, Skineater never really sounds like an 'old soul'. The clean, bludgeoning production seems sleek and modern, the drums played at almost a mechanical level of perfection, the bass oozing and thuggish and constantly adding a depth due to its swerving note progressions that never adhere too strictly to the rhythm guitar. But most importantly, the band is backed up its riffs, riffs, a thousand riffs. Not all of them are amazing, and few of them are unique, but you will simply never run cold on their flurried variation and intensity. itu menjadi yang pertama kali gw tangkap dari esensialisme Musikal band ini sejak pertama kali mengenalnya, meskipun terhitung sebagai nama Baru di belantika Death Metal Scene Swedia, Nama Skineater ternyata ga bisa diremehkan loh !, coz disini terselip beberapa nama Band Penting dan Populer, ada Frontman Skineater sejak dibentuknya tahun 2008 Pasca Keluar dari Band Vicious, Hakan Stuvemark, kita kenal sebagai mantan Gitaris Band In Thy Dreams, Wombbath, dan Vicious, yang kemudian bergabung selanjutnya adalah Jeramie Kling ( Infernaeon, Ninety Minute Reflex, The Absence ) namun tahun 2011 Jeramie Cabut dan tergantikan oleh Matte Modin ( ex-Defleshed, ex-Sportlov, Raised Fist, ex-Dark Funeral, ex-Nonexist, ex-Embalmed, ex-Infernal ), Bass/Vocal Stefan Westerberg ( Leech, Steel Attack, Wasteland Skills, ex-In Thy Dreams, ex-Asperity, ex-8 Foot Sativa, ex-Carnal Forge, ex-World Below, ex-Kryptillusion, ex-Mayer's Eve ), Lead Gitaris Kari Kainulainen ( ex-Mourning Sign, Pavlovian Dogs, Sibliance, ex-Amaran ) tentunya bukan nama Omong kosong jika band baru ini memiliki Performa yang Keren abis !! While these sorts of 'supergroups' pop up all over the place in a country so thick with signed metal musicians, here is one you might pay some special attention to, because the diversity of their prior acts plays a huge role in the dual-nature of their sound. No, good readers, Dermal Harvest is not another increasingly futile exercise in aping the old Sunlight Studios guitar tone and kneeling at the shrine of the country's old school heritage so much as it's a highly functional fusion of the melodic and brutal extremes of death metal, in equal measure. tersentak kaget banget begitu track pertama " He Was Murdered " menghantam begitu kejam dengan gempuran Hyperblast Tajam dan Beringas dengan Multiple Vokal yang saling mengisi, tetap membawa karakteristik Sound Recording ala Sunlight Studios, so tentunya masih ingat bagaimana karakternya? ( Old Dismember, Entombed, Defleshed, In Flames, etc ) selain permainan dengan tempo yang cepat, Skineater masih menambahkan lagi sentuhan melodius Riffing yang kental dalam setiap aransemennya sehingga terasa begitu syahdu Atmosfirnya ! ini memang sebuah perpaduan keras antara At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity dan In Flames plus sentuhan Hyperblaster Suffocation ! deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that often encapsulate these excellent, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat. The vocals aren't all that distinct or impressive !!! " He Was Murdered " adalah track yang sangat tepat berada di urutan terdepan album Full pertama mereka yang mengalami Dinamika perkembangan yang pesat setelah materi " Rot " single Tahun 2010 mereka. " Dismantling " tetap diawali dengan part yang Hyperblaster ! tetap menawarkan sentuhan melodius yang cantik pada setiap lick-nya, apalagi Vocalis Jörgen Ström berbagi Pattern Vokal saling mengisi dengan bassis Stefan Westerberg memberikan warna tersendiri pada setiap sentuhan demi sentuhan, This is like a Brutal Melodic Gothenburg Death Metal Invasion !! " Your Life Is Mine " part awalnya sejenak bakalan menggoyang Leher kepala kita untuk menikmati alunan sebelum terjangan cepat kembali menjadi menu utamanya hehehe .... Komposisi Skill Drummer Matte Modin memang semakin lebih variatif terbius akan setiap Lick permainan Riffing Håkan Stuvemark yang Melodis dan Agresif ! sentuhan kian Brutal karakternya adalah pada track " Through the Empire ", cepat dan Menggerinda !!! sama halnya dengan " Thousand Dead Faces ", " Drifting " terasa sekali Nuansa Old School -nya. dan Final kekejamannya diakhiri oleh " Solitude Discord " telah melengkapi Deraan kejam tak bertuan dari New Roster Death Metal Dynamics ini. sebuah Masterpiece sadis telah berhasil dipersembahkan buat fans Swedish Death Metal sound Modern hasil tangan Dingin Enjiner Pelle Saether di Underground Studio, Swedia. dan Jika Kalian adalah Fans Berat gaya Death Metal Cepat, Swedish Sound dan Sentuhan Kental yang melodius, Sangat Gw rekomendasikan untuk mencicipi sendiri sajian Cool ini dengan Materi 10 lagu berdurasi 37:26 ini ! Skineater gets extra points for binding these two extremes in death metal successfully, and this is one solid ass start. Sometimes the skin is the best tasting part, after all. Tracks are kept quite focused and concise, only occasionally breaching the 4 minute barrier, and in this span of time they deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that often encapsulate these excellent, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat.

In other words, its a harried and intricate mesh of extreme USDM Influences like Morbid Angel, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse with 90s Swedes like At the Gates, Dark Tranquillity, and In Flames. While purists of the former grouping might not take kindly to Dermal Harvest's use of dual harmonies and driving melodic tremolo riffs that hearken back to titles like Slaughter of the Soul and The Jester Race, you have to give them some credit that they can balance them off so effortlessly against the harsher churning, clinical Chugging down that weighs more prevalent of the grooves. Strangely enough, though, Skineater never really sounds like an 'old soul'. The clean, bludgeoning seems sleek and modern production, the drums played at almost a mechanical level of perfection, the bass oozing and thuggish and constantly adding a depth due to its swerving note progressions that never adhere too strictly to the rhythm guitar. But most importantly, the band is backed up its riffs, riffs, a thousand riffs. Not all of them are amazing, and few of them are unique, but you will simply never run cold on their flurried variation and intensity. it being the first time I caught this band of musical essentialism since it was first known, though counted as a new name in the Scene Swedish Death Metal scene, apparently Skineater name can not be underestimated loh!, tucked a few names here coz Important and Popular Band, there Frontman Skineater since establishment in 2008 Post Out of Band Vicious, Hakan Stuvemark, known as the former guitarist Band In Thy Dreams, Wombbath, and Vicious, who later joined next is Jeramie Kling (Infernaeon, Ninety Minute Reflex, The Absence), but in 2011 Jeramie Unplug and replaced by Matte Modin (ex-Defleshed, ex-Sportlov, Raised Fist, ex-Dark Funeral, ex-Nonexist, ex-embalmed, ex-Infernal), Bass / Vocals Stefan Westerberg (Leech, Steel Attack, Wasteland Skills, ex-In Thy Dreams, ex-Asperity, ex-8 Foot Sativa, ex-Carnal Forge, ex-World Below, ex-Kryptillusion, ex-Mayer's Eve), Lead Guitarist Kari Kainulainen (ex-Mourning Sign, Pavlovian Dogs, Sibliance , ex-The Warning) is certainly not nonsense to say the name of the new band had a performance that coolest!! While these sorts of 'supergroups' pop up all over the place in a country so thick with signed metal musicians, here is one you might pay some special attention to, Because The diversity of their prior acts plays a huge role in the dual-nature of their sound. No, good readers, Dermal Harvest is not another increasingly Futile exercise in Aping the old Sunlight Studios guitar tone and kneeling at the shrine of the country's old school heritage so much as it's a highly functional fusion of the melodic and brutal extremes of death metal, in equal measure. so really startled the first track "He Was Murdered" hit so cruel with sharp and violent onslaught Hyperblast with Multiple Vocal complementary, still carries the characteristic style of Sunlight Sound Recording Studios, so of course, still remember how his character? (Old Dismember, Entombed, Defleshed, In Flames, etc) in addition to the game with a fast tempo, Skineater still add a touch of melodic riffing again strong in any arrangements that feels so serene atmosphere is! This is a hard mix between At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity and In Flames plus touch Hyperblaster Suffocation! deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that encapsulate these excellent Often, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat. The vocals are not all that distinct or impressive!!! "He Was Murdered" is a very appropriate track is at the forefront of their first full album that experienced rapid growth dynamics after the matter "Rot" their single of 2010. "Dismantling" begins with a fixed part that Hyperblaster! still offers a beautiful melodic touch on every lick her, especially vocalist Jörgen Vocal Pattern Strom share complementary with bassist Stefan Westerberg given its own color on every touch after touch, This is like a Brutal Gothenburg Melodic Death Metal Invasion!! "Your Life Is Mine" Part originally going moment Neck shake our heads for enjoying the brunt quickly before returning to the main menu hehehe .... Skill Composition drummer Matte Modin is getting more varied would stupor every game Lick Håkan Stuvemark the melodic riffing and Aggressive! Brutal character is getting a touch on the track "Through the Empire", fast and Grinding!!! as well as "Dead Thousand Faces", "Drifting" was once the Old School Feel. Final cruelty and terminated by "Solitude Discord" has completed the no-man's cruel Horsing New Roster of Death Metal Dynamics is. a sadistic Masterpiece has managed dedicated for the fans of Modern Swedish Death Metal sound outcome Cold hands Engineer Pelle Saether at Studio Underground, Sweden. and If You are a Fan Weight Fast Death Metal style, sound and touch Condensed Swedish melodic, very Gw recommend to taste the dish itself is the Cool Material lasted 10 37:26 this song! Skineater gets extra points for binding these two extremes in death metal successfully, and this is one solid ass start. Sometimes the skin is the best tasting part, after all. Tracks are kept quite focused and Concise, only occasionally breaching the 4 minute barrier, and in this span of time they deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that encapsulate these excellent Often, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat.

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Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Impish - Warkult CD 2013

Impish - Warkult
Blackwinds Productions CD 2013

01 Winter In Inferno
02 Apokaliptik
03 Revenge Of The Unhallowed
04 Kemenangan Laskar Infidel
05 Unholy Victorius Destruction
06 Legion Apostate
07 Tales Of The Molevolent God
08 Lycanthrophy (Shadows of the Fullmoon pt.2)
09 Blasphemer ( Sodom Cover )

Abaddon - Vocals
Desecrator - Guitar
Dvon Hellvete - Guitar
Arie Bathory - Bass
Riyan Blasphemy - Drum, Programming

Lama Juga Nih ga dengerin Geliat Black Metal Genre Movement Di Tanah Air setelah " Booming "nya sedang tergeser Genre lainnya yang lebih " Nge-Trend " hehehe... tapi sapa bilang kalau Genre ini Harus Mati bersama Kegelapannya? Coz masih sering Gw temuin kalo Genre ini masih Survive hingga saat ini, cuman Agak kurang Terekspos aja eksistensinya, ditambah lagi beberapa Jawara Black Metal yang sempat berjaya di era-nya kini telah bangkit kembali untuk Eksis ! salah satunya adalah IMPISH, tentunya nama Black Metal Populer asal Bandung ini populer lewat beberapa Kompilasi Black Metal terkenal era 90-an seperti " Blacker Than Darkness " begitu diakui setiap geliat-nya untuk melahirkan potensi Band2 Genre Black Metal berkualitas ! dan dalam perjalanan karir-nya, Impish sendiri sudah banyak merilis beberapa Single, Ep, dan berpartisipasi dibeberapa Kompilasi serta melakukan Bongkar Pasang Formasi-nya mempertahankan karakteristik-nya sebagai Kriegsmachine Warkvlt Metal yang lebih banyak terpengaruh oleh Old School Style dari Venom, Bathory, Mayhem, Sodom, Marduk, Immortal, Bestial Warlust, Belphegor hingga Old Sepultura untuk meracik Karakter Kegelapannya. sejak terpecah Sekitar Tahun 2000 dari terbentuknya band ini tahun 1996, Kini Impish digawangi oleh Manusia2 Baru didalamnya, seperti hadirnya Riyan Blasphemy dari band Beton yang menggagas kembalinya Impish sejak tahun 2010, yang kemudian mengajak serta Mantan Vocalis Band sejawat, Haze dan Mantan Gitaris beberapa Band Black Metal Terkenal Bandung Scene, Hellgods, Neurotic Of Gods, Crusade, dan Membantu penampilan Panggung Sacrilegious, Yup ada Abah Desecrator memperkuat Barisan Impish saat ini. kembalinya Impish ini akhirnya menarik perhatian Label Indiependent asal Singapore, Blackwinds Productions untuk merilis Full album pertama " Warkult " yang memuat 9 lagu termasuk Cover song milik Sodom " Blasphemer ". tanpa banyak menggunakan Alunan Durasi Intro Horror Seperti kebanyakan Imej Band Black Metal, Impish Langsung menggebrak dengan " Winter In Inferno " melalui Komposisi Beat musik yang cepat dan Chaotic Kocokan Riffing-nya, konsep yang lebih bergaya Old School Klasik Black Metal ini masih menjadi senyawa utama Impish Beraksi, perpaduan Ngebut ala Mayhem, dan Gaya Klasik Marduk seperti tidak menyisakan waktu sedikitpun kita untuk berhenti berheadbanging ! dentuman Hyperblaster Snaring yang disedikit dibantu dengan teknik Programming membentuk karakter yang lebih modern untuk pembawaannya. Roll On Riffing Abah Desecrator memang membutuhkan Speed tersendiri untuk melahirkan rangkaian Harmonisasi Hitam-nya. dominasi komposisi part musik yang cepat memang menjadi salah satu kekuatan tak terpisahkan dalam Bandung Black Metal Movement. Root Attitude Hitam nya pun memang ga bisa terpisahkan dari para legendaris Black Metal Konsep dari Venom,Bathory hingga Mayhem. " Revenge Of The Unhallowed " dimulai dengan Dark Epic yang megah pada sentuhan awalnya siap memancing adrenalin audience semakin Kalap untuk headbang ! menjadi Imej Black Metal yang masih utuh, Impish masih menggunakan Corpsepainting dan Spike dalam mewarnai Karakteristik Black Metal-nya yang sudah mulai banyak ditinggalkan oleh band2 black metal era modern, sebuah simbol Kegelapan tetap bertahan untuk menciptakan karakter Black Metal itu sendiri. where it's a lot of whammy bar usage but not very technical. The drumming is competent, but soulless. It seemed like Hellhammer was blasting away mindlessly, because the drums sound extremely triggered. Double bass alternates with blast beats during the fast sections, and there is ample reliance on the ride cymbal during the slower sections. The fills moving from one speed to another appear contrived, and don't have much flair. They seem to be done only as a necessity.begitu juga " Tales Of The Molevolent God " yang memiliki Harmonisasi Riffing yang terasa memorable dalam Ingatan Gw, bagaimana Faster Part menjadi sangat cepat pembawaannya dalam menciptakan Irama yang semakin terasa sangat gelap ! dan final track " Blasphemer " nya Sodom menjadi semakin lebih Hitam sentuhannya dengan aransemen Impish yang menghadirkan Solo Gitar dari Heri-nya Beton bersama Agan-nya Beton menambah Backing Vocalnya. penggarapan album ini juga melibatkan Heri-nya Beton sebagai Sound Enjiner rekaman di 3x3 Studio sementara proses take Vocal-nya diambil di C51 Studio dan peranan Abah Desecrator disini tentunya juga besar sekali sebagai Producer, Guitar Sound Technician, Sound Mixing, dan Engineering. Dengan Artwork Kover simple lebih dominan warna B/W nya artwork dari seniman Wibowo Yudos Bagaskoro dan kemudian di Poles lagi oleh Dannus Infernus menjadikan kemasan full album ini menjadi lebih " Hitam " dan " Kelam " saja. This album has very little quality musicianship, atmosphere, and is overall boring. There are no interesting riffs, very little diversity, and what diversity there is. The longer the album plays the rawer and darker it gets. The vocals are fascinating. Dissed by some for being overrated in general, you cannot deny that the vocals perfectly fit in with the raw atmosphere. The vocalist constantly switches between screams, mumbling, frustrated cries and unique growls. We can argue for hours about the guitar riffs, but the thing is that these basic guitar riffs embody a very strong theatrical element which is combined with an ever-changing aura that conjures up metaphorical storms in the mind of the listener. All For True Blacker Must Have This now, You can be directly connected to an album and play the guitar along with your corpse paint and general spooky appearances drenched in myths, but in the end nothing will beat the indirect connection of the tortured individual that constantly embodies the metaphorical theater, just to flee from it again and rest on the freezing moon !!!

Also long didn't Hear Here Genre Twisted Metal Black Movement in the country after the "boom" is being ratcheted Genre her other more "Trend" hehehe ... but who say that this genre Should Die with darkness? Coz still often I Find if this genre is still Survive until now, just have a little less Exposed wrote existence, plus some pioner Black Metal that had debuted in his era has now bounced back to Exist! one of which is an impish, of course, Black Metal Popular names from Bandung popular through several well-known Black Metal Compilation 90s like "Blacker Than Darkness" so recognized each stretching its potential to deliver quality bands Genre Black Metal! and in the course of his career, impish itself has a lot of releasing several singles, Ep, and participated in several Compile and conduct its formation Unloading retain its characteristics as Kriegsmachine Warkvlt Metal is much more influenced by the Old School Style from Venom, Bathory, Mayhem , Sodom, Marduk, Immortal, Bestial Warlust, Old Sepultura, Belphegor up for dispensing Character darkness. Around since the 2000 split of the band's formation in 1996, is now fronted by the impish New formations therein, such as the presence of the band Concrete Riyan Blasphemy who initiated the return of impish since 2010, which then invites Band vocalist and former colleague, former guitarist Haze and some Band Famous London Black Metal Scene, Hellgods, Neurotic Of Gods, Crusade, and stage appearances Helping Sacrilegious, Yup there Abah Desecrator strengthen Barisan impish today. This impish return eventually attracted the attention of origin label Indiependent Singapore, Blackwinds Productions to release first full-length album "Warkult" which contains 9 songs including the song belongs Cover Sodom "Blasphemer". without much use Strains Intro Duration Horror The image Like most Black Metal Band, kicked off with an impish Jump "Winter In Inferno" Beat music composition through a fast and Chaotic whisk his riffing, the concept of a more stylish Classic Old School Black Metal is still the main compound impish in Action, a blend style Speeding Mayhem and Marduk Classical Style like no time at all leaving us to stop berheadbanging! Hyperblaster snaring boom that disedikit assisted with programming techniques to form a more modern character to his nature. Roll On riffing Abah Desecrator Speed ??does require a separate circuit for the birth of his Black Harmonization. domination of fast music composition part has become one of the strengths inherent in Bandung Black Metal Movement. Attitude Black Root was also really can not separated from the legendary Black Metal concept of Venom, Bathory to Mayhem. "Revenge Of The Unhallowed" Dark Epic begins with a magnificent touch initially prepared in fishing adrenalin increasingly hysterical audience to headbang! The image became Black Metal is still intact, impish still use coloring Corpsepainting and Spike in his characteristic black metal that are beginning to be by bands black metal modern era, a symbol persisted Darkness Black Metal to create the character itself. where it's a lot of whammy bar usage but not very technical. The drumming is competent, but soulless. It seemed like Hellhammer was blasting away mindlessly, Because The drums sound extremely triggered. Alternates with double bass blast beats during the fast sections, and there is ample reliance on the ride cymbal during the slower sections. The fills moving from one speed to another Appear contrived, and do not have much flair. They seem to be done only as a necessity.begitu also "Tales Of The Molevolent God" who has tasted memorable riffing Harmonization in memory Gw, how Faster Part demeanor to be very fast in creating the rhythm that feels very dark! and the final track "Blasphemer" Sodom it became increasingly more Black impish touch with the present arrangement of the Solo Guitar Heri-Agan her with his Concrete Concrete adds backing vocals. This album also involves the cultivation of his Heri Concrete as a Sound Engineer in 3x3 recording studio while the process take it taken Vocal Studio C51 and Abah Desecrator role here of course is also immense as Producer, Guitar Sound Technician, Sound Mixing, and Engineering. With simple dominant Coverage Artwork color B / W her artwork from artists Wibowo Yudos Bagaskoro and then on again Polishes by Infernus Dannus full packaging makes this album to be more "Black" and "Dark" alone. This album has very little quality musicianship, atmosphere, and is overall boring. There are no interesting riffs, very little diversity, and what diversity there is. The longer the album plays the rawer and darker it gets. The vocals are fascinating. Dissed by some for being overrated in general, you can not deny that the vocals fit in perfectly with the raw atmosphere. The vocalist constantly switches between screams, mumbling, frustrated cries and unique growls. We can argue for hours about the guitar riffs, but the thing is that these basic guitar riffs embody a very strong theatrical element roomates is combined with an ever-changing aura metaphorical storms that conjures up in the mind of the listener. All For True Blacker Must Have This now, You can be directly connected to an album and play the guitar along with your corpse paint and general spooky appearances drenched in myths, but in the end nothing will beat the indirect connection of the tortured individual that constantly embodies the metaphorical theater, just to flee from it again and rest on the freezing moon!!!

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Human Mastication - Driven To Kill CD 2013

Human Mastication - Driven To Kill
Pathologically Explicit Recordings CD 2013

01 Intro        
02 Demented Pleasures        
03 Cruelty Is My Salvation        
04 Driven to Kill        
05 Bludgeoned, Raped and Killed        
06 I Feast on Rot        
07 B.Y.B.P.        
08 Repulsive Display of Dismembered Bodies        
09 Abduction Protocol        
10 Dragged and Raped for My Feast

Bill - Bass
Long - Drums
Jay - Guitars
Gee - Vocals

Human Mastication are not an all out slam-fest, incorporating some faster flights of colon rupture riffing and drums to help pace the overpopulation of breakdowns. They have a fair grasp of performing their muddied palm-mute rhythms, which are rarely more than re-interpretations of riffs the avid listener will have heard hundreds if not thousands times before 2008. Tentunya gw masih begitu sangat mengagumi materi Full pertama mereka via Sevared Records yang fantantis itu " Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards ", dull pinch harmonics, vocals burped to the point of absurdity, drums that sound as if it was replaced with tin cans and riffs all of which has the same quality as a donkeys excrement. I would rather kill myself a thousand times over than to be subjected to this low class unit with z rate chugga chug riffs, repetitive blast beats and snores that would appear to be the vocal effort throughout the record !!! gw agak sedikit terkejut aja dengan Progresi mereka di album Full ke-2 Via Pathologically Explicit Recordings ini, karena adanya pergantian drummer dari Kano ke Long ( Devoured Gore, ex-Disgorgement ) telah banyak secara otomatis merubah Konsepsional dan karakter Band sebelumnya lebih dasyat dari sekarang. hmmmmm... walau masih memainkan komposisi musik yang semakin cepat namun terkadang membuahkan kesan kalo Kecepatan album ini terasa lebih monoton saja ! The last piece of this band, the vocalist, sounds as if he's inhaling, but he still manages to keep the music interesting as there are enough tone variations within his gutturals to keep the vocals from becoming a monotonous "uuuurrrggh" Vokill Styled ! progres musikal kali ini lebih banyak mengingatkan gw dengan intensitas hyperblaster era album " Perceptive ... " nya Disavowed serta Goretrade ! tapi kenapa yo karakteristiknya itu semakin lama kog malah bikin capek en boring yah?? track pertama " Demented Pleasures " setelah dimulai dengan Intro, Human Mastication langsung menggerinda kencang dan lurus lurus saja konsepnya, agak jauh berbeda langsung kesan yang gw tangkap, sebelumnya Sengatan kental in the Vein Devourment amat begitu terasa, tapi dialbum ini seperti sudah berpindah jalur cepat saja, atau mungkin Drummer Long kurang bisa membawa konsep awal Human Mastication sendiri? namun gaya sounding Gitaris Jay lebih terasa mengingatkan gw akan Dying Fetus Riffing Sound ! sehingga jangan berharap banyak lagi kalo band ini akan tampil kental elemen slamming Guttural-nya selain gempuran Brutal Death Metal yang dipenuhi dengan Hyperblaster concept aja ! in particular goes to show that the key to success doesn't necessarily have to involve throwing a kink into the equation as long as the ingredients to said formula are potent enough, as is the case here. It's comparable to sports. While it isn't a bad idea to get fancy with your game every now and then, the most important thing is the fundamentals. It goes without saying that fundamentals trump flash every time. sedikit berbeda lagi saat mereka memainkan Instrumental Track " B.Y.B.P ", sentuhan Dark Riffing Melodius amat begitu terasa membedakan dengan track2 lainnya, track ke 7 ini lebih condong bergaya Old School Death Metal in The Vein Massacre era " From Beyond ". so nikmati seksama aja sendiri sajian 9 lagu fresh menjagal-nya ini dan bandingkan sendiri bagaimana album " Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards " bakalan tetap menjadi album terbaik sepanjang karir mereka, yah walau ga terlalu buruk2 amat, " Driven To Kill " tetap bisa memberikan Irama penyegaran lewat komposisi berdarah ini. Every song consists of the same low, groovy chug with random, pointless pinch harmonics surfacing occasionally. The drumming is decent, but its only real shining moment happens about a minute and a half before the record ends, otherwise it just plays the same typical blast patterns throughout the duration. I'd hate to point this out, but this is a perfect counterpoint to the old saying "never judge a book by its cover". The enemy tortures and starves you for weeks, and on the day of your execution, they ask you to choose to be killed by either sodomization by cactus or being nipple clamped to death. Only then, you wake up and realize it was all a dream. Except in real life, your name is Rodney King and you are currently getting your ass beaten the fuck down !!!

Human Mastication are not an all out slam-fest, incorporating some of the colon rupture faster flights of riffing and drums to help pace the Overpopulation of breakdowns. They have a fair grasp of performing their muddied palm-muted rhythms, roomates are rarely more than a re-Interpretations of riffs the avid listener will have heard Hundreds if not Thousands times before 2008. Obviously I'm still so very admired their first full material via the fantantis Sevared Records was "Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards", dull pinch harmonics, burped vocals to the point of absurdity, drums that sound as if it was replaced with tin cans and riffs all of roomates has the same quality as a donkeys excrement. I would rather kill myself a thousand times over than to be subjected to this low class z with unit rate Chug chugga riffs, blast beats and repetitive snores that would Appear to be the vocal effort throughout the record!!! i wrote a little bit surprised with their progression in the 2nd Full Album Pathologically Explicit Recordings Via this, because a change of drummer from Kano to Long (Devoured Gore, ex-disgorgement) has a lot Concepts and automatically change the character of the previous band more terrible than now . hmmmmm ... while still playing music compositions sooner but sometimes yielded if the impression this album Speed ??feels monotonous course! The last piece of this band, the vocalist, sounds as if he's inhaling, but he still manages to keep the music interesting as there are enough variations within his tone gutturals to keep the vocals from becoming a monotonous "uuuurrrggh" Vokill Styled! musical progress this time with more intensity reminiscent gw hyperblaster album era "Perceptive ..." and disavowed his Goretrade! but why yo characteristics that the longer OK to actually make tired en boring yah? The first track "Demented Pleasures" after starting with the Intro, Human Mastication straight grinding taut and straight straight concept, somewhat much different impression gw directly captured, condensed in the previous stings Vein Devourment very much less pronounced, but it's like dialbum has moved fast track alone, or may be less able to carry Drummer Long Human Mastication initial concept itself? Guitarist Jay sounding style but more noticeably reminiscent gw would Dying Fetus riffing Sound! so do not expect much more if the band will perform viscous element besides slamming his Guttural Brutal Death Metal onslaught that is filled with concept Hyperblaster ONLY! in particular goes to show that the key to success does not necessarily have to involve; throwing a kink into the equation as long as the ingredients to said formula are potent enough, as is the case here. It's comparable to sports. While it is not a bad idea to get fancy with your game every now and then, the most important thing is the fundamentals. It goes without saying that fundamentals trump flash every time. slightly different again when they play Instrumental Track "BYBP", a touch of melodic riffing Dark differentiate very much less pronounced with other Track2, track 7 is more inclined to stylish Old School Death Metal In The Vein era Massacre "From Beyond". so thoroughly enjoy himself wrote 9 songs fresh meat butchering his own and compare how the album "Grotesque Mastication of Putrid Innards" going to remain the best albums throughout their career, although ga yah too buruk2 so, "Driven To Kill" can still give rhythm refreshment through this bloody composition. Every song consists of the same low, groovy Chug with random, pointless surfacing occasionally pinch harmonics. The drumming is decent, but its only real shining moment happens about a minute and a half before the record ends, otherwise it just plays the same typical patterns throughout the duration blast. I'd hate to point this out, but this is a perfect counterpoint to the old saying "never judge a book by its cover". The enemy tortures and starves you for weeks, and on the day of your execution, they ask you to choose to be killed by either sodomization by cactus or nipples being clamped to death. Only then, you wake up and Realize it was all a dream. Except in real life, your name is Rodney King and you are currently getting your ass beaten the fuck down!!!

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Heaven Shall Burn - Veto CD 2013

Heaven Shall Burn - Veto
Century Media Records CD 2013

01 Godiva 04:19      
02 Land of the Upright Ones 04:08    
03 Die Stürme Rufen Dich 03:59    
04 Fallen 04:29      
05 Hunters Will Be Hunted 05:59    
06 You Will Be Godless 03:10      
07 Valhalla (Blind Guardian cover) 05:29    
08 Antagonized 03:33      
09 Like Gods Among Mortals 04:20    
10 53 Nations 04:06      
11 Beyond Redemption (Killing Joke cover) 05:46

Eric Bischoff - Bass
Marcus Bischoff - Vocals
Alexander Dietz - Guitars
Maik Weichert - Guitars
Matthias Voigt - Drums

Heaven Shall Burn is a German melodic death metal band with metalcore tendencies !!! First things first, the vocals are, more or less, an excellent combination of a scream and a melodeath growl. The riffs are, no doubt, Gothenburg riffs with breakdowns here and there, although the execution of those breakdowns are certainly not messy. Don't expect guitar solos though, you won't hear any of them here. This album is a balanced combination between melodic death metal and metalcore, which, I think, is a mixed bag of sorts. The rhythm of the songs are usually mid-tempo, as what you will hear here. Album Full Ke-7 Melodic Death Metal dengan sentuhan Padat elemen Metal Hardcore Intens ini akhirnya  pada 19 April 2013 kemaren masih Via Century Media Records, masih berbeda dengan Band2 Genre Metalcore lainnya, Heaven Shall Burn (HSB) tetap konsis mengusung Tema tentang Kehancuran Kejayaan Romawi Kuno serta tentang Ikonoklasme, sebuah gerakan memusnahkan ikon atau gambar-gambar religius yang dihormati khususnya dalam Gereja Kristen Timur. seperti yang nyata mereka usung dalam album " Iconoclast " tahun 2008, sebagai wujud implementasi album sebelumnya " Deaf to Our Prayers " tahun 2006, padahal sebelumnya HSB lebih banyak menulis tentang Kemanusiaan, Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat sekarang hingga Perlindungan Binatang. Konsepsional yang mereka tawarkan dialbum ini juga masih tetap bergaya Metalcore dengan sentuhan melodius yang agresif ! is carefully constructed and does not sound like sappy, second rate Gothenburg cloned riffs. The band’s music can be summed up with one word; uncompromising. The music is uncompromising in its heaviness and relentlessness, seeing Heaven Shall Burn reach an intensity level that is unmatched in the metalcore realm. I use the metalcore term loosely and for convenience when describing them to others, but Heaven Shall Burn are a lot more metal than core, and much heavier than the other bands that they’re generally associated with. " Godiva " track awal ini HSB mencoba menggambarkan kembali sosok Lady Godiva, adalah seorang bangsawati Anglo-Sakson. seperti Terdapat pada legenda yang mengatakan bahwa Lady Godiva berkuda sambil telanjang bulat melalui jalanan di Coventry, Inggris. Ia melakukan hal demikian agar suaminya Leofric dari Mercia menurunkan pajak terhadap kawulanya. dan hal inilah yang memutuskan HSB menggunakan Lukisan Naturalist karya John Maler Collier yang dibuat sekitar tahun 1897 sebagai Cover album baru ini, sebagai sebuah bentuk Protes atas segala bentuk ketidak adilan terhadap rakyat miskin yang tertindas oleh penguasa. " No Truth will ever reach them. No Word will ever touch him. A Life beyond all Sympathy... ", Raungan Harsh Vokalis Marcus Bischoff tetap menjadi Icon Penting HSB, Sayatan Tajam Melodic Riffing yang masih mengusung Swedish Sound Kental ! combined their burly sound with a refined sense of melody, resulting in songs that were aggressive and catchy at the same time. The implied catchiness does not mean softening their sound, but rather heavy, well-written parts that you can remember after hearing it one time. which was a little less melodic than its predecessor but heavier and more aggressive. Now comes Iconoclast, which sounds like a combination of the two, but sees the band evolving into a metal band with a noticeable decrease in the “core” sound. Yes, there are still plenty of breakdowns and Gothenburg-inspired riffage to go around, but Heaven Shall Burn have delivered their heaviest and most uncompromising disc yet, with a sonic effect akin to using a Panzer tank to crush an egg is a constant sledgehammer to your skull, persistently pounding and driving forward with no sign of letting up. dan menurut Gw konsep bermusik HSB ga banyak memang mengalami perubahan yang begitu mendasar, hanya mungkin komposisi-nya penuh dengan aransemen yang begitu Dewasa melalui Penghayatan musisi yang begitu maksimal ! pertemuan antara In Flames, At The Gates, Children Of Bodom dengan Arch Enemy jika gw gambarkan! sebenarnya saat ini gw lebih setuju jika band ini gw masukkan dalam Genre Melodic Death Metal saja, namun beberapa attitude member-nya lebih mencoba terus eksis di Hardcore Pride Style ! " Die Stürme Rufen Dich " terjangan dinamisnya akan lebih membuat kita untuk terus Headbang dan terhanyut dalam kekacauan Musikal. comes in with Middle blast beats and screams, the strings begin an ascending melody that provides a beautiful yet devastating start to a steamroller of a track. After the blasting stops, the band begins to crush all with their heavy, powerful grooves, incessant bass drums, and multilayered vocal attack. " Fallen " terasa lebih Cadas dengan segala sentuhannya. dan uniknya lagi track " Valhalla " milik Power Metal Blind Guardian HSB tampilkan aransemen barunya menjadi lebih Metalcore melodius banget !! dan Hansi Kürsch-nya Blind Guardian turut bernyanyi pula disini masih menggunakan karakter Vokal Epic Power-nya pada Refrain. bisa bayangkan kalo " Valhalla " nya Blind Guardian menjadi tambah semakin keras lagi ??? Buktikan saja disini hehehehe, apalagi balutan solo Gitar cantiknya akan semakin menghayutkan kita saja hahaha ... ga itu saja, diakhir Track, HSB juga meng cover " Beyond Redemption " Milik English post-punk, Killing Joke, walo masih mempertahankan Orisinilitas versi-nya, HSB seperti agak terjebak sulit keluar banyak dari sentuhan Trance Beat-nya, karena beberapa sentuhan elektronika-nya. tetap secara keseluruhan Komposisi dalam materi album baru ini, HSB tidak banyak mengalami penurunan konsep yang begitu berarti, karena tetap masih kita nikmati sentuhan kental Melodius Death Metal Hardcore mereka yang Intense digarap oleh Enjiner kondang Denmark, Tue Madsen dari band Grope dengan banyak masterpiece band2 terkenal hasil tangan dinginnya. Everything about “Veto” is perfect; the seamless intro, many tempo changes, fast, catchy melodies, vocals, and overall heaviness and intensity combine well and come across as a natural sound. This song offers nothing new sound or stlyewise, but Heaven Shall Burn are able to pull off these attributes common of modern metal bands better than most of their contemporaries. This track sets the tone of unrelenting heaviness for the rest of the album. more calm and melodic than the first half, easing up on the tempo and constant pounding but not on intensity. The guitar melodies are highlighted along with Marcus’ vocal attack. The fast double bass returns again towards the end of the track with a soft piano line appearing in the mix, giving the listener a brief rest before the metal assault continues on the following tracks !! sekedar informasi saja kalo album " Veto " ini hadir dalam 4 rilisan berbeda, dari CD, Double CD, limited deluxe boxset dan Vinyl. sementara gw mendapat yang versi limited deluxe boxset, dengan tambahan 15 lagu rekaman konser mereka di Saalfeld, Germany pada 21 Desember 2012 lalu serta CD ke-3 nya adalah alternative mix Album " Veto " ini menjadi "Blizzard over England mix" yang di Mixing oleh Colin Richardson. sehingga gw mendengar versi lain Mixing album ini versi Colin Richardson yang juga ga kalah Keren dari Garapan Tue Madsen ! songwriting is also excellent, with the songs sounding better and more inspired than on similar style albums that are half of Iconoclast’s length. This is their best album yet, being heavier than Antigone and more melodic than Deaf to Our Prayers. If you are one of the people who think the heavier the metal the better !!!

Heaven Shall Burn is a German melodic death metal band with metalcore tendencies!!! First things first, the vocals are, more or less, an excellent combination of a scream and a growl melodeath. The riffs are, no doubt, Gothenburg riffs with breakdowns here and there, although the execution of those breakdowns are certainly not messy. Do not expect guitar solos though, you will not hear any of them here. This album is a balanced combination between melodic death metal and metalcore, roomates, I think, is a mixed bag of sorts. The rhythm of the songs are usually mid-tempo, as what you will hear here. Full album to-7 Melodic Death Metal with a touch of Hardcore Intense Solid Metal element is finally on 19 April 2013 yesterday still Via Century Media Records, was different from other metalcore genre band2, Heaven Shall Burn (HSB) remained consistent theme brings about destruction of the Roman Triumph Ancient and about Iconoclasm, a wiping motion icons or religious images revered especially in the Eastern Christian Church. real as they stretcher in the album "iconoclast" in 2008, as a form of implementation of the previous album "Deaf to Our Prayers" in 2006, whereas previously HSB write more about Humanity, Social Life Animal Protection Society is now up. Conceptional dialbum they offer is also still with a touch of melodic metalcore style is aggressive! is carefully constructed and does not sound like sappy, second rate cloned Gothenburg riffs. The band's music can be summed up with one word; uncompromising. The music is uncompromising in its heaviness and relentlessness, seeing Heaven Shall Burn reach an intensity level that is unmatched in the metalcore realm. I use the term loosely metalcore and for convenience when describing them to others, but Heaven Shall Burn are a lot more metal than core, and much heavier than the other bands that they're generally associated with. "Godiva" This early track HSB tried to describe the figure of Lady Godiva, was an Anglo-Saxon bangsawati. There is the legend as saying that Lady Godiva as she rode naked through the streets of Coventry, England. He did so in order that her husband Leofric of Mercia lowering taxes on kawulanya. and it is this which decides HSB uses Naturalist Paintings by John Maler Collier made around 1897 as a new album cover, as a form of protest on all forms of injustice to the poor people who are oppressed by the authorities. "No Truth will ever reach them. No. Word will ever touch him. A Life beyond all Sympathy ...", roar Harsh Vocalist Marcus Bischoff remains Icon Important HSB, Sharp Dissection Melodic riffing that still carries the Swedish Sound Lumpy! their combined burly sound with a refined sense of melody, resulting in songs that were aggressive and catchy at the same time. The implied catchiness does not mean softening their sound, but rather heavy, well-written parts that you can remember after hearing it one time. which was a little less melodic than its predecessor but heavier and more aggressive. Now comes the iconoclast, roomates sounds like a combination of the two, but sees the band evolving into a metal band with a noticeable Decrease in the "core" sound. Yes, there are still plenty of breakdowns and Gothenburg-inspired riffage to go around, but Heaven Shall Burn have delivered their heaviest and most uncompromising disc yet, with a sonic effect is akin to using a Panzer tanks to crush an egg is a constant sledgehammer to your skull, persistently pounding and driving forward with no sign of letting up. and according to musical concepts Gw ga HSB is experiencing many changes that are so fundamental, just maybe her compositions are full of such arrangements through the Adult Living the musicians who are so up! meeting between In Flames, At The Gates, Children Of Bodom with Arch Enemy if i draw! i actually now more in favor if this band i enter the Melodic Death Metal genre alone, but several members of his attitude over trying to continue to exist in Hardcore Pride Style! "Die Stürme Rufen Dich" dynamic lunge will be making us to continue Headbang and lost in the chaos Musical. comes in with Middle blast beats and screams, the strings begin an ascending melody that provides a beautiful yet Devastating start to a steamroller of a track. After the blasting stops, the band begins to crush all with their heavy, powerful grooves, incessant bass drums, and multilayered vocal attack. "Fallen" was more Cadas with every touch. and more unique track "Valhalla" Power Metal Blind Guardian belongs HSB show his new arrangement became more melodic metalcore really!! and his Kürsch Hansi Blind Guardian sang along anyway here still use the characters Epic Power Vocal Refrain her on. can imagine if "Valhalla" added his Blind Guardian became increasingly hard again??? Prove it here hehehehe, let alone a beautiful guitar solo bandage will be menghayutkan we only hahaha ... ga that's it, the end of the track, clicking HSB also cover "Beyond Redemption" Whose English post-punk, Killing Joke, walo still maintains its originality version, HSB difficult kind of stuck out like a lot of Trance Beat his touch, because some electronic touches her. fixed overall composition of the new album's material, HSB did not experience any significant decline in the concept that is so, because we still enjoy a touch of creamy melodic Death Metal Hardcore Intense those produced by the famous Danish Engineer, Tue Madsen from Grope band with many famous masterpiece band2 result of cold hands. Everything about "Veto" is perfect; the seamless intro, many tempo changes, fast, catchy melodies, vocals, and overall heaviness and intensity combine well and come across as a natural sound. This song offers nothing new sound or stlyewise, but Heaven Shall Burn are Able to pull off these common attributes of modern metal bands are better than most of their contemporaries. This track sets the tone of unrelenting heaviness for the rest of the album. more calm and melodic than the first half, easing up on the tempo and constant pounding but not on intensity. The guitar melodies are highlighted by along with Marcus' vocal attack. The fast double bass returns again towards the end of the track with a soft piano line Appearing in the mix, giving the listener a brief rest before the metal assault continues on the following tracks!! just information only if the album "Veto" comes in 4 different releases, from the CD, Double CD, limited deluxe boxset and Vinyl. while i got the deluxe limited edition boxset, with an additional 15 tracks recorded their concert in Saalfeld, Germany on December 21, 2012 and as well as his 3rd CD is an alternative mix album "Veto" is a "Blizzard over England mix" which in Mixing by Colin Richardson. so i heard another version of this album Mixing version ga Colin Richardson who also lost Keren of Garapan Tue Madsen! songwriting is also excellent, with the songs sounding better and more inspired than on Similar style albums that are half of iconoclast's length. This is their best album yet, being heavier than Antigone and more melodic than Deaf to Our Prayers. If you are one of the people who think the heavier the metal the better!!!

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