Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Skineater - Dermal Harvest CD 2013

Skineater - Dermal Harvest
Pulverised Records CD 2013

01 He Was Murdered 03:56    
02 Dismantling 03:40    
03 Your Life Is Mine 03:12    
04 Made of Godsick 03:22    
05 Through the Empire 03:23    
06 Stab 05:15    
07 Drifting 02:55    
08 Thousand Dead Faces 04:04    
09 Bring Them 04:16    
10 Solitude Discord 03:23

Matte Modin - Drums
Jörgen Ström - Vocals
Håkan Stuvemark - Guitars
Stefan Westerberg - Bass

In other words, its a harried and intricate mesh of extreme USDM influences like Morbid Angel, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse with 90s Swedes like At the Gates, Dark Tranquillity, and In Flames. While purists of the former grouping might not take kindly to Dermal Harvest's use of dual harmonies and driving melodic tremolo riffs that hearken back to titles like Slaughter of the Soul and The Jester Race, you have to give them some credit that they can balance them off so effortlessly against the harsher churning, clinical chugging that weighs down more of the prevalent grooves. Strangely enough, though, Skineater never really sounds like an 'old soul'. The clean, bludgeoning production seems sleek and modern, the drums played at almost a mechanical level of perfection, the bass oozing and thuggish and constantly adding a depth due to its swerving note progressions that never adhere too strictly to the rhythm guitar. But most importantly, the band is backed up its riffs, riffs, a thousand riffs. Not all of them are amazing, and few of them are unique, but you will simply never run cold on their flurried variation and intensity. itu menjadi yang pertama kali gw tangkap dari esensialisme Musikal band ini sejak pertama kali mengenalnya, meskipun terhitung sebagai nama Baru di belantika Death Metal Scene Swedia, Nama Skineater ternyata ga bisa diremehkan loh !, coz disini terselip beberapa nama Band Penting dan Populer, ada Frontman Skineater sejak dibentuknya tahun 2008 Pasca Keluar dari Band Vicious, Hakan Stuvemark, kita kenal sebagai mantan Gitaris Band In Thy Dreams, Wombbath, dan Vicious, yang kemudian bergabung selanjutnya adalah Jeramie Kling ( Infernaeon, Ninety Minute Reflex, The Absence ) namun tahun 2011 Jeramie Cabut dan tergantikan oleh Matte Modin ( ex-Defleshed, ex-Sportlov, Raised Fist, ex-Dark Funeral, ex-Nonexist, ex-Embalmed, ex-Infernal ), Bass/Vocal Stefan Westerberg ( Leech, Steel Attack, Wasteland Skills, ex-In Thy Dreams, ex-Asperity, ex-8 Foot Sativa, ex-Carnal Forge, ex-World Below, ex-Kryptillusion, ex-Mayer's Eve ), Lead Gitaris Kari Kainulainen ( ex-Mourning Sign, Pavlovian Dogs, Sibliance, ex-Amaran ) tentunya bukan nama Omong kosong jika band baru ini memiliki Performa yang Keren abis !! While these sorts of 'supergroups' pop up all over the place in a country so thick with signed metal musicians, here is one you might pay some special attention to, because the diversity of their prior acts plays a huge role in the dual-nature of their sound. No, good readers, Dermal Harvest is not another increasingly futile exercise in aping the old Sunlight Studios guitar tone and kneeling at the shrine of the country's old school heritage so much as it's a highly functional fusion of the melodic and brutal extremes of death metal, in equal measure. tersentak kaget banget begitu track pertama " He Was Murdered " menghantam begitu kejam dengan gempuran Hyperblast Tajam dan Beringas dengan Multiple Vokal yang saling mengisi, tetap membawa karakteristik Sound Recording ala Sunlight Studios, so tentunya masih ingat bagaimana karakternya? ( Old Dismember, Entombed, Defleshed, In Flames, etc ) selain permainan dengan tempo yang cepat, Skineater masih menambahkan lagi sentuhan melodius Riffing yang kental dalam setiap aransemennya sehingga terasa begitu syahdu Atmosfirnya ! ini memang sebuah perpaduan keras antara At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity dan In Flames plus sentuhan Hyperblaster Suffocation ! deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that often encapsulate these excellent, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat. The vocals aren't all that distinct or impressive !!! " He Was Murdered " adalah track yang sangat tepat berada di urutan terdepan album Full pertama mereka yang mengalami Dinamika perkembangan yang pesat setelah materi " Rot " single Tahun 2010 mereka. " Dismantling " tetap diawali dengan part yang Hyperblaster ! tetap menawarkan sentuhan melodius yang cantik pada setiap lick-nya, apalagi Vocalis Jörgen Ström berbagi Pattern Vokal saling mengisi dengan bassis Stefan Westerberg memberikan warna tersendiri pada setiap sentuhan demi sentuhan, This is like a Brutal Melodic Gothenburg Death Metal Invasion !! " Your Life Is Mine " part awalnya sejenak bakalan menggoyang Leher kepala kita untuk menikmati alunan sebelum terjangan cepat kembali menjadi menu utamanya hehehe .... Komposisi Skill Drummer Matte Modin memang semakin lebih variatif terbius akan setiap Lick permainan Riffing Håkan Stuvemark yang Melodis dan Agresif ! sentuhan kian Brutal karakternya adalah pada track " Through the Empire ", cepat dan Menggerinda !!! sama halnya dengan " Thousand Dead Faces ", " Drifting " terasa sekali Nuansa Old School -nya. dan Final kekejamannya diakhiri oleh " Solitude Discord " telah melengkapi Deraan kejam tak bertuan dari New Roster Death Metal Dynamics ini. sebuah Masterpiece sadis telah berhasil dipersembahkan buat fans Swedish Death Metal sound Modern hasil tangan Dingin Enjiner Pelle Saether di Underground Studio, Swedia. dan Jika Kalian adalah Fans Berat gaya Death Metal Cepat, Swedish Sound dan Sentuhan Kental yang melodius, Sangat Gw rekomendasikan untuk mencicipi sendiri sajian Cool ini dengan Materi 10 lagu berdurasi 37:26 ini ! Skineater gets extra points for binding these two extremes in death metal successfully, and this is one solid ass start. Sometimes the skin is the best tasting part, after all. Tracks are kept quite focused and concise, only occasionally breaching the 4 minute barrier, and in this span of time they deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that often encapsulate these excellent, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat.

In other words, its a harried and intricate mesh of extreme USDM Influences like Morbid Angel, Deicide and Cannibal Corpse with 90s Swedes like At the Gates, Dark Tranquillity, and In Flames. While purists of the former grouping might not take kindly to Dermal Harvest's use of dual harmonies and driving melodic tremolo riffs that hearken back to titles like Slaughter of the Soul and The Jester Race, you have to give them some credit that they can balance them off so effortlessly against the harsher churning, clinical Chugging down that weighs more prevalent of the grooves. Strangely enough, though, Skineater never really sounds like an 'old soul'. The clean, bludgeoning seems sleek and modern production, the drums played at almost a mechanical level of perfection, the bass oozing and thuggish and constantly adding a depth due to its swerving note progressions that never adhere too strictly to the rhythm guitar. But most importantly, the band is backed up its riffs, riffs, a thousand riffs. Not all of them are amazing, and few of them are unique, but you will simply never run cold on their flurried variation and intensity. it being the first time I caught this band of musical essentialism since it was first known, though counted as a new name in the Scene Swedish Death Metal scene, apparently Skineater name can not be underestimated loh!, tucked a few names here coz Important and Popular Band, there Frontman Skineater since establishment in 2008 Post Out of Band Vicious, Hakan Stuvemark, known as the former guitarist Band In Thy Dreams, Wombbath, and Vicious, who later joined next is Jeramie Kling (Infernaeon, Ninety Minute Reflex, The Absence), but in 2011 Jeramie Unplug and replaced by Matte Modin (ex-Defleshed, ex-Sportlov, Raised Fist, ex-Dark Funeral, ex-Nonexist, ex-embalmed, ex-Infernal), Bass / Vocals Stefan Westerberg (Leech, Steel Attack, Wasteland Skills, ex-In Thy Dreams, ex-Asperity, ex-8 Foot Sativa, ex-Carnal Forge, ex-World Below, ex-Kryptillusion, ex-Mayer's Eve), Lead Guitarist Kari Kainulainen (ex-Mourning Sign, Pavlovian Dogs, Sibliance , ex-The Warning) is certainly not nonsense to say the name of the new band had a performance that coolest!! While these sorts of 'supergroups' pop up all over the place in a country so thick with signed metal musicians, here is one you might pay some special attention to, Because The diversity of their prior acts plays a huge role in the dual-nature of their sound. No, good readers, Dermal Harvest is not another increasingly Futile exercise in Aping the old Sunlight Studios guitar tone and kneeling at the shrine of the country's old school heritage so much as it's a highly functional fusion of the melodic and brutal extremes of death metal, in equal measure. so really startled the first track "He Was Murdered" hit so cruel with sharp and violent onslaught Hyperblast with Multiple Vocal complementary, still carries the characteristic style of Sunlight Sound Recording Studios, so of course, still remember how his character? (Old Dismember, Entombed, Defleshed, In Flames, etc) in addition to the game with a fast tempo, Skineater still add a touch of melodic riffing again strong in any arrangements that feels so serene atmosphere is! This is a hard mix between At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity and In Flames plus touch Hyperblaster Suffocation! deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that encapsulate these excellent Often, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat. The vocals are not all that distinct or impressive!!! "He Was Murdered" is a very appropriate track is at the forefront of their first full album that experienced rapid growth dynamics after the matter "Rot" their single of 2010. "Dismantling" begins with a fixed part that Hyperblaster! still offers a beautiful melodic touch on every lick her, especially vocalist Jörgen Vocal Pattern Strom share complementary with bassist Stefan Westerberg given its own color on every touch after touch, This is like a Brutal Gothenburg Melodic Death Metal Invasion!! "Your Life Is Mine" Part originally going moment Neck shake our heads for enjoying the brunt quickly before returning to the main menu hehehe .... Skill Composition drummer Matte Modin is getting more varied would stupor every game Lick Håkan Stuvemark the melodic riffing and Aggressive! Brutal character is getting a touch on the track "Through the Empire", fast and Grinding!!! as well as "Dead Thousand Faces", "Drifting" was once the Old School Feel. Final cruelty and terminated by "Solitude Discord" has completed the no-man's cruel Horsing New Roster of Death Metal Dynamics is. a sadistic Masterpiece has managed dedicated for the fans of Modern Swedish Death Metal sound outcome Cold hands Engineer Pelle Saether at Studio Underground, Sweden. and If You are a Fan Weight Fast Death Metal style, sound and touch Condensed Swedish melodic, very Gw recommend to taste the dish itself is the Cool Material lasted 10 37:26 this song! Skineater gets extra points for binding these two extremes in death metal successfully, and this is one solid ass start. Sometimes the skin is the best tasting part, after all. Tracks are kept quite focused and Concise, only occasionally breaching the 4 minute barrier, and in this span of time they deliver a pretty substantial array of bludgeoning breakdowns, primal rhythm guitar patterns and elegant glazes of harmony that encapsulate these excellent Often, surgical muted melody progressions that shine alongside the bulk of the beat.

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