Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Traumatomy - Transformation Into A Putrid Mass CD 2013

Traumatomy - Transformation Into A Putrid Mass
Rebirth the Metal Productions EP 2013

01 Grown in the Mold Sores 04:30    
02 Impregnated with Pus 02:58    
03 Transformation into a Putrid Mass 03:47

Haruka - Guttural
Constantine - Guitar and Drum Programming

International slamming brutal death project featuring Haruka on vocals (Gorevent,Medic Vomiting Pus,Second Resurrection) and Constantine on guitar and drum programming (Disfigurement Of Flesh). itu kayak modal awal gw mengenal duo projek beda negara ini, dimana karakter bertemu dalam track lagu, lahirlah Traumatomy mengusung Brutal Death Metal slamming Guttural Gurgling killer with Awesome Vocalist ! jelas ini bisa menjadi Referensi baru buat kalian Fans Slamming Brutal Death Metal ! terlebih masih seumur jagung, band ini sudah lebih dulu melepaskan " Promotional CD " tahun 2012 sebagai bentuk eksistensi awal mereka menambah daftar band slamming death Metal ! dan kemudian menarik minat Rebirth the Metal Productions, label brutal asal jerman untuk merilis 3 lagu dalam format EP ini. untuk menggambarkan singkat konsep musiknya, gw bisa kasih sedikit dari Inhuman Dissiliency, Glossectomy, Gorevent, Epicardiectomy, dan Kraanium telah diblend menjadi satu. bisa dipastikan juga imej band seperti ini lebih condong menampilkan karakter vokal yang mendominasi banget. " Grown in the Mold Sores " dimulai dengan sebuah Intro horror selama 01:33 barulah kita dicincang dengan dentuman slamming Brutal Death metal downpunchfucking tuneslammers ! typical Inhuman Dissiliency, Glossectomy, Gorevent, Epicardiectomy, dan Kraanium memang telah meracuni gaya berfikir mereka saat mengkomposisi 3 lagu disini. Drum Programming dengan sounding yang manusiawi sedikit mengurangi kesan Boring disini. walau ga ada yang terlalu istimewa buat gw ceritakan lagi, rilisan ini memang buat kalian lagi lagi Slamming Fans aja ! The gutturals and gurgles are lower than any I’ve encountered, the higher sounding growls are the most vicious, insane vocals I’ve ever come across, and the squeals and screams are peppered throughout the growls and gurgles, meaning that there is never a dull moment in the Three tracks. and alternate irregularly between a crickety, watery, boggy growl, and a high pitched squeal, hitting the midway point of a pig in pain, and a little girl in terror. While the growl rules predominately, it doesn’t become annoying or monotonous, rather nestling inside your skull calmly, morphing into a furious. Sick, sick, fucking sick !!!

International slamming brutal death project featuring Haruka on vocals (Gorevent, vomiting Medic Pus, Second Resurrection) and Constantine on guitar and drum programming (Disfigurement Of Flesh). it's like i know the duo's initial capital project different countries, where the characters met in the tracks, carrying Traumatomy born Brutal Death Metal slamming Guttural gurgling killer with Awesome Vocalist! obviously this could be a new reference for you guys slamming Brutal Death Metal Fans! first still for the rest of corn, the band's first release was "Promotional CD" in 2012 as an early form of existence they add to the list slamming death metal band! and then appeal to the Metal Productions Rebirth, origin brutal german label to release three songs in this EP format. to briefly describe the concept of the music, i can give a bit of Inhuman Dissiliency, Glossectomy, Gorevent, Epicardiectomy, and Kraanium has diblend into one. certainly also the image of the band as it is more inclined display that dominates the vocals really. "Grown in the Mold Sores" begins with an intro horror for 01:33 then we chopped the boom slamming Brutal Death Metal downpunchfucking tuneslammers! Inhuman typical Dissiliency, Glossectomy, Gorevent, Epicardiectomy, and Kraanium indeed have poisoned their thinking styles while composing 3 songs here. Drum Programming with a human sounding slightly reduce Boring impression here. ga though nothing too special for gw tell me again, this release is for you guys again again slamming Fans ONLY! The gutturals and gurgles are lower than any I've encountered, the higher sounding growls are the most vicious, insane vocals I've ever come across, and the squeals and screams are peppered throughout the growls and gurgles, meaning that there is never a dull moment in the Three tracks. and alternate irregularly between a crickety, watery, Boggy growl, and a high pitched squeal, hitting the midway point of a pig in pain, and a little girl in terror. While the growl predominately rules, it does not Become annoying or monotonous, nestling inside your skull rather calmly, morphing into a furious. Sick, sick, fucking sick!!!

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