Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Euphoric Defilement - Ascending To The Worms CD 2013

Euphoric Defilement - Ascending To The Worms
Unique Leader Records CD 2013

01 Intro (Quietus) 01:44    
02 To Postulate Unconditional Perversions 02:26    
03 Fragments of the Paradigm     03:27    
04 Rending Shades of Deformity 02:40    
05 Abolishing the Divine Structure 03:16    
06 Dysfunction 02:22    
07 Echoes/Deprivation of the Quintessential Source 04:44    
08 A Peaceful Descent 04:10    
09 Consume to Defile 02:43    
10 Ascending to the Worms 03:38    
11 Virulent Affliction 05:24

Gabe Lopez - Drums
Juan Hernandez - Guitars
Andrew Villarreal - Vocals
Tom Myers - Bass

Amazing Surprise banget untuk debutan full album yang paling Gw tunggu2 ditahun 2013 dari band Brutal Death Metal asal Los Angeles, California setelah tampil memukau dengan Promo 2011 ! This is " The Next DISGORGE " !! band bentukan tahun 2009 dari member band brutal Shadows Entwined, Dissilience, Obsidian Flow dan Cranial Mutilation ini permainannya memang mengingatkan sekali dengan Band sadis satu kampung dengan mereka, Disgorge ! apalagi gaya Guttural Gurgling Vocalis Andrew Villarreal asli mengingatkan gw dengan era Matti Ways banget !! persembahan Brutal Death Metal yang didominasi dengan permainan serba menggerinda menjadi karakter kuat band2 dasyat dari Markas California scene! lalu sentuhan kental dari Deeds Of Flesh,Severed Savior, Inherit Disease hingga Gorgasm juga ga bisa dilepaskan begitu saja, biarpun terasa Copycat style yang sudah ada sebelumnya, alangkah senangnya ini bisa mengobati kerinduan kedasyatan era Disgorge " She Lay Gutted " Bertemu dengan " Consume The Forsaken ". You will gain a new found respect for it. The guitar is very heavily distorted and to a new listener it will sound like mumbled noise, but that it is not. The riffs are constantly changing and rarely do repeats occur. This constant barrage of fast and aggressive playing makes listening to Guttural Gurgling Awesome a very intense and brutal experience. meski lebih menancapkan konsep yang lebih simple dengan Disgorge sendiri, Euphoric Defilement bahkan lebih terdengar lebih sadis !!! " To Postulate Unconditional Perversions " menggerinda dasyat setelah sebuah intro mengawali debutan yang digarap bareng Metal "Dan" Ochoa sukses melahirkan masterpiece Brutal death metal mengerikan ! Tempo changes come and go but fit the songs brilliantly; whether it's a crushing half time chug-a-thon that mounts up tension before some ridiculously fast section comes in or the band developing a song off a huge mid paced riff, all this grand, brutal stuff just keeps flowing, keeps you interested and never becomes a bit too hypnotic/monotone. Just a bunch of really sick riffs crunching away, keeping you guessing, keeping your neck sore. It's tight and wouldn't be easy stuff to play but it never sounds technical. The vocalist is definitely not singing words but it works man, it sounds really intense. It's low without being so guttural that it loses power! The bass is audible, the album is short... Paling mengundang kagum gw adalah penampilan karakter killer Andrew Villarreal seperti dapat menguasai pattern lagu dengan Dengkuran Guttural Vokill-nya, selain itu drummer Gabe Lopez juga telah melakukan tugasnya dengan prima dan Powerfully melalui ketukan blastbeat pembunuhnya ! bagi gw sebenarnya konsep musik band ini terasa simple dan easy listening untuk fans Brutal Death Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan Slamming Groovy yang dekade ini sedang begitu membooming dasyat ! Everything on this disc is an exercise in sheer horrible brutality - the guitars saw away at your skull, drums pound like hammers, the bass weaves in and out of the chaos with a surprisingly clean tone and provides a gut-wrenching undertow. And the vocals.... fuck. Apparently there are no lyrics here, just phonetic gurgling, screaming and gut-puking. dan nikmati Juga  Track Instrumental " A Peaceful Descent " dimana Bassis Tom Myers giliran memamerkan kepiawaiannya membetot bass dengan nada2 Epic dan Gloomy, well ini seperti aksi solo bass aja. total 11 Track berdurasi 36:34 memang lebih membawa kita ke nuansa Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh,Severed Savior, Inherit Disease hingga Gorgasm. deru dentuman level Double Bass drum dapat mengacaukan detak jantung, sehingga tidak dianjurkan banget bagi penderita lemah syahwat ada Panu kronis wkwkwkwkwkwk, This is definitely something to be appreciated while lifting weights/running/exercising, it's brutal as hell and it'll pump you up. This is a quick fix hormonal injection, yet has surprisingly a lot of staying power unlike other albums in it's purpose and nature don't tend to repeat themselves very often and there's just a whole bunch of riffs packed into each song. There's no subtlety here, nothing really different or interesting beyond the vocals. What it lacks in depth and novelty, it makes up for in pure adrenaline. If you're looking for something a little more musically sophisticated. Urrggghhh Irrghhhhh Errghhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing Surprise really for the debut full album Gw tunggu2 year 2013 from Brutal Death Metal band from Los Angeles, California after look stunning with Promo 2011! This is "The Next Disgorge"! bands formation in 2009 of the brutal band members Shadows Entwined, Dissilience, Obsidian Flow and Cranial Mutilation this game is very reminiscent of the Band sadistic one villages with them, Disgorge! Guttural style especially gurgling Vocalis native Andrew Villarreal remind gw with Matti era Ways really!! offerings Brutal Death Metal that dominated the game completely hone into the incredibly strong character band2 Headquarters California scene! then a touch thicker than Deeds Of Flesh, Severed Savior, Inherit Disease to Gorgasm also can not be released as such, although noticeably Copycat preexisting style, how nice it can cure homesickness kedasyatan Disgorge era "She Lay Gutted" Met "consume the Forsaken ". You will gain a new found respect for it. The guitar is very heavily distorted and to a new listener it will sound like mumbled noise, but that it is not. The riffs are constantly changing and rarely do repeats occur. This constant barrage of fast and aggressive playing makes listening to Guttural gurgling Awesome a very intense and brutal experience. although over a more simple concept stuck with Disgorge own, Euphoric Defilement sounded even more sadistic!!! "To Postulate Unconditional Perversions" terrible grind after an intro started debutant who worked with Metal "and" success breeds Ochoa Brutal death metal masterpiece horrible! Tempo changes come and go but fit the songs brilliantly; whether it's a crushing half time Chug-a-thon that mounts up tension before some ridiculously fast section comes in or the band developing a song off a huge mid-paced riffs, all this grand, brutal stuff just keeps flowing, keeps you interested and never Becomes a bit too hypnotic / monotone. Just a bunch of really sick crunching riffs away, keeping you guessing, keeping your neck afternoon. It's tight and would not be easy stuff to play but it never sounds technical. The vocalist is definitely not singing words but it works man, it sounds really intense. It's low without being so guttural that it loses power! The bass is audible, the album is short ... I was amazed most inviting appearance of characters such as killer Andrew Villarreal can master pattern Guttural Vokill song with his snoring, besides drummer Gabe Lopez has done excellent and powerfully through blastbeat killer beats! for i in fact the band's musical concept was simple and easy listening for fans of Brutal Death Metal with a few touches Groovy slamming a decade of being so terrible Boom! Everything on this disc is an exercise in sheer horrible Brutality - the guitars saw away at your skull, like Hammers pound drums, the bass weaves in and out of the chaos with a surprisingly clean tone and provides a gut-wrenching Undertow. And the vocals .... fuck. Apparently there are no lyrics here, just phonetic gurgling, screaming and gut-puking. Also Track Instrumental and enjoy "A Peaceful Descent" where bassist Tom Myers turn to show off his talents caught the bass and Gloomy nada2 Epic, well it's like a solo bass wrote. Track 11 36:34 total duration is much brings us to the nuances of Disgorge, Deeds Of Flesh, Severed Savior, Inherit Disease to Gorgasm. roar pounding Double Bass drum level can disrupt the heartbeat, so it really is not recommended for patients with chronic impotence Panu wkwkwkwkwkwk there, This is definitely something to be appreciated while lifting weights / running / exercising, it's brutal as hell and it'll pump you up . This is a quick fix hormonal injection, yet surprisingly has a lot of staying power unlike other albums in it's purpose and nature do Themselves growing niche to repeat very often and there's just a whole bunch of riffs packed into each song. There's no subtlety here, nothing really different or interesting beyond the vocals. What it lacks in depth and novelty, it makes up for in pure adrenaline. If you're looking for something a little more sophisticated musically. Urrggghhh Irrghhhhh Errghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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