Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Suffocation - Pinnacle Of Bedlam CD 2013

Suffocation - Pinnacle Of Bedlam
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2013

01 Cycles of Suffering 03:56    
02 Purgatorial Punishment 02:44    
03 Eminent Wrath 03:40    
04 As Grace Descends 03:04      
05 Sullen Days 04:57    
06 Pinnacle of Bedlam 03:42    
07 My Demise 04:03    
08 Inversion 03:50    
09 Rapture of Revocation 03:49    
10 Beginning of Sorrow 04:32

Guy Marchais - Guitars
Frank Mullen - Vocals
Terrance Hobbs - Guitars
Derek Boyer - Bass
Dave Culross - Drums

Sudah menjadi sebuah Tradisi Wajib buat para Metalhead Freak Diehard untuk menunggu sebuah Masterpiece album dari sosok penting Death Metal Movement seperti The Mighty Suffocation ... yeahhh !!! " Pinnacle Of Bedlam " sudah begitu paling dinanti2 saat pertama kali kemunculan Isu pertama akan dirilisnya materi baru ini sejak pertengahan Tahun 2012, dan akhirnya 15 Februari 2013 menjadi perwujudan mimpi nyata Suffocation Fans Diehard ! rasa penantian yang di elu elukan ini semakin membara begitu Dedengkot Death Metal populer ini untuk pertama kalinya memposting Track " As Grace Descends ", sebuah Trik Bisnis Industri metal yang tetap manjur untuk membangkitkan adrenalin Konsumen  musik Death metal menantikan Perilisan album ini. dan tentunya selalu ada banyak sekali yang tetap harus gw ceritakan tentang Band ini sebelumnya, Suffocation are widely considered major innovators of death metal; they had a massive influence on the genre and pioneered a balance between brutal and technical sounds commonly heard in modern death metal. sejak materi terakhir " Blood Oath " sekaligus menjadi Kebersamaan terakhir drummer Orisinil berkulit hitam Mike Smith yang memutuskan hengkang kembali dari Suffocation karena sesuatu hal, dan keberadaan terakhirnya, Mike Smith terlihat bermain dibeberapa band baru seperti Iniquitous, Synesis Absorption, Grimm Real, etc entah itu sifatnya permanen atau tidak Mike Smith pernah tetap eksis bermusik hingga saat ini, walau sempet menyelesaikan Track lawas " Beginning of Sorrow " yang diaransemen ulang untuk materi CD baru ini, Mike Sudah keburu cabut, dan Track ini terdapat di materi baru ini. sehingga Suffocation harus dipusingkan lagi mencari penggantinya dan melihat Drummer lama mereka Dave Culross tetap menunjukkan eksistensinya lagi, memutuskan Suffocation menariknya kembali sebagai Drummer permanen. sepanjang tahun 2012 mungkin ada beberapa hal kecil yang tidak banyak Fans Suffocation tahu, Bassis Derek Boyer pernah memutuskan untuk keluar dari Suffocation untuk kembali eksis bersama band lamanya, Deprecated, namun akhirnya tidak terjadi, dan Vokalis Frank Mullen sempat absen dibeberapa Tour dan digantikan oleh Bill Robinson-nya Deprecated sepanjang Tahun 2012. dengan menggandeng Produser Joe Cincotta, berangkat di Full Force Studios, New York, Suffocation menggarap kembali materi baru ini yang meskipun khabarnya bukan Konsep Utama Album ini, terinspirasi dari the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the cycles of life and death, Suffocation masih mengusung tentang kehidupan nyata manusia. dan mungkin buat kalian yang sempat sebelumnya merasakan gempuran " As Grace Descends " sebagai perkenalan awal yang akhirnya dibuatkan sebuah Video Clip track ini untuk sarana Publikasi Industri Musiknya, The kings of New York death metal known to the common man only as Suffocation have had quite an impressive run in their 25 years or so of existing. After injecting the death metal genre with a lethal dose of brutality Fast forward four years and one more Mike Smith departure later to Pinnacle of Bedlam, the band's seventh full length record and ninth when counting the aforementioned Despise the Sun and their debut EP Human Waste. Having taken on a more modern riff style and a thrashier edge musically, this is most definitely the best album Suffocation have made since reuniting. menjadi kesan pertama beberapa Editor musik Internasional untuk album ini. tetap menampilkan permainan yang mengagumkan dan dasyat mendera, Suffocation masih tetap menyandang predikat sebagai The Godfather Death Metal Movement sepanjang masa ! while still regarded highly among extreme metal fans, weren't considered to be on the same legendary level as their material in the 1990s was. Track pertama " Cycles of Suffering ", tanpa banyak basa basi, langsung saja Siksaan berat menghajar Adrenalin kita dengan komposisi Musik yang Cepat dan dasyat ! The big musical difference between this record and the past three Suffocation records is that while they were more on the plodding, crushing side of death metal, this record takes on a much more thrash influenced frenzy of furious guitars, crazy, blast filled drumming ! konsep musik yang masih belum dapat terlepas dari Progresi 3 album sebelumnya " Souls to Deny (2004), Suffocation (2006) dan Blood Oath (2009), Suffocation menebarkan Konsep berbeda-nya dari beberapa Album fenomenal Klasiknya, terasa Modern dan Signifikan Progresif serta Teknikal, Its New Real Suffocation Conceptional Now !! pukulan Drummer Dave Culross memang tetap No Comment dengan Skill Powerfully-nya semakin memberikan Kekuatan tersendiri untuk Spirit Band menjadi semakin terasa Menghantam !! and the most modern tech death riffing the band has ever employed. The difference between Suffocation and many other modern death metal bands however is that Suffocation still manage to create a memorable song with this new guitar style; whereas many other newer death metal bands take the hypertechnical and instantly forgettable tech death approach!! Karakter Vokalis Frank Mullen tetap terjaga Karakter dan Stamina-nya, Top ! and The signature elements of the Suffocation sound, including hammer blasting and slamming breakdowns, are still included on this record, although admittedly they aren't as prevalent here as they were in the past ! rasanya gw kembali mendengarkan materi Ep " Despise The Sun ", Bagaimana Gaya Blastbeat Rapat Dave Culross tetap ada disini. " Purgatorial Punishment " track berdurasi 2:44 ini tetap menuangkan beberapa Ide Death Metal Konvensional yang membunuh pula. Duet Cantik Terrance Hobbs dan Guy Marchais semakin mempertajam Karakter Soundingnya ke Modern element Style. a first for a band as famously brutal as Suffocation. The only real flaw I can find with the record is the production style. Being the most modern sounding Suffocation album musically, the production also is brought into the modern era on this record; oh how I wish it stayed back 15 years ago like the last three records had. The record has very little low end, leading the guitars to sound very thin and hollow. The whole affair is also brickwalled to oblivion as well, as is common in modern album production, although it is nowhere near as bad as some other records. " Eminent Wrath " pada Part awalnya langsung dihiasi dengan Solo Gitar fenomenal dan Harmonisasi rumit, gempuran Hyperblaster Beat Dave Culross semakin memadati Atmosfir musik terdengar cepat dan Brutal, dan beberapa Ketukan mutated punk-meets-Slayer-gone-technical form beberapa kali terasa konvensional terselip pada beat style serta beberapa Komponen Era " Breeding The Spawn " masih begitu Familiar. " As Grace Descends " tentu sudah kita dengarkan sebelumnya bagaimana Track ini dimainkan, Brutal Technical As Fuck Beudddsss hahahaha, kemudian " Sullen Days " yang dimulai dengan Clean Guitar Part akan sedikit mengingatkan bagaimana Track Fenomenal Klasik seperti " Torn Into Enthralment " kembali dimainkan, Suffocation lebih mencoba Karakter Progresive diawal lagu dengan lebih Ekploratif dengan permainan beat Standard, menjadi celah panjang dan Bebas untuk Terrance Hoobs memainkan Konvensional Riffing atraktifnya. meskipun dengan tempo yang mengendor dari track sebelumnya. cita rasa Suffocation tetap terjaga selama menit ke 2 dan kemudian siksaan nyata khas pun digencarkan !! The difference between Suffocation and many other modern death metal bands however is that Suffocation still manage to create a memorable song with this new guitar style. lalu " Pinnacle of Bedlam " Track Brutal Powerfully ini terasa tepat banget untuk di Jagokan di album ini, komposisi musiknya memang benar2 sadis !! terasakan pula tebaran solo2 ciamik pada Refrain part, lebih bergaya Melodius abis konsepnya dan mengejutkan pula untuk Suffocation melakukan Konsep ini. " My Demise " bahkan akan mencoba mengajak kita ke Nuansa Era Album " Pierced From Within " banget, dentuman Double Bass Dave Culross seakan masih tetap rapat dan padat menghantam dengan sounding yang mengagumkan ! Culross is a bit more the opposite of that, including many foot tricks that Smith never in a million years would have included. His hands are no slouches either, utilizing more common death metal fills than Smith but also providing us with more high speed traditional blasting !! beberapa gaya Thrasin Riffing track ini akan mungkin membuat Kita terkejut lagi ! Suffocation semakin mulai melakukan Eksperimen Musikalitas ??? temukan jawabannya di album ini deh hehehe .... " Inversion " masih terdengar cepat dengan Style Riffing sederhana, nuansa klasik Death Metal masih tetap bisa kita Tangkap. " Rapture of Revocation " nice track dengan pukulan menghantam dari sang Mighty Death Metal lebih merupakan perpaduan konsep Suffocation dibeberapa album sebelumnya. dan Diakhiri oleh Track terakhir kebersamaan Formasi bersama Drummer Mike Smith " Beginning Of Sorrow " menjadi Daur ulang dari Track Klasik era album " Breeding the Spawn " tahun 1993, dimana Sang Mike Smith masih begitu memendam Kekecewaan mendalam pada penggarapan album tersebut yang memutuskan Mike mengakhiri karirnya bersama Suffocation untuk pertama kalinya. hmmmm... dan Kesimpulan akhir gw untuk keseluruhan materi ini adalah .... Suffocation masih tetap menjaga Eksistensi Konsepnya menyakinkan Death Movement, Suffocation tetap yang terbaik, namun bagi Gw banyaknya pergeseran Konsep dan Eksperimen sedikit mematahkan anggapan Intensitas Brutality Suffocation agak mengendur...??? beberapa sentuhan Part yang mengejutkan memang akan terasakan sekali begitu menikmati setiap track-nya. Pukulan Drummer Dave Culross tetap bagi gw menyelamatkan karakteristik utama Band dengan permainan Skill mengagumkannya tetap dinanti2 oleh Suffocation Diehard Fans. Suffocation overall have hit the extreme nail right on its metal head with Pinnacle of Bedlam, showing that even though they may be getting up there in age, they are no slouches and can still pound skulls into dust through their music. Hasil Kerja Keras Enjiner Christopher Harris aka " Zeuss " kita kenal sebagai Gitaris band Autumns Bleeding dan Doom Nation serta pernah terlibat dalam band Kingdom of Sorrow era album " Kingdom of Sorrow " Tahun 2008, dikenal sebagai Enjiner dan produser spesialis genre Rock, Hardcore dan metal di Planet-Z recording rupanya berhasil menciptakan " Pinnacle Of Bedlam " ini tetap fantastis sebagai Masterpiece Album di tahun 2013 ! dan artwork Keren karya seniman Raymond Swanland pernah menghiasi 2 albumnya Deeds Of flesh, Psycroptic, Beneath, dan Slechtvalk sangat menghiasi apik artwork kover Suffocation ini. the band has shown that they will not be stopped and will continue to show up their hundreds, if not thousands, of imitators through simply brutal death metal. As mentioned many hundreds of words ago, Pinnacle of Bedlam is the best album Suffocation have created since their reunion a decade ago. A most high recommendation indeed. BUY OR DYING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It became a tradition for the Metalhead Freak Mandatory Diehard to wait a Masterpiece album from important figures Death Metal Movement as The Mighty Suffocation ... yeahhh!!! "Pinnacle Of Bedlam" was once the most dinanti2 at first appearance will release the first issue of this new material since mid-2012, and ended February 15, 2013 became the embodiment of a real dream Suffocation Diehard Fans! sense of anticipation in the ELU is more fiery hail lord Death Metal so popular for the first time post Track "As Grace Descends", a business trick Industrial metal remains potent to generate adrenaline Consumers Death metal music await release of this album. and of course there's always a lot of that remains to be i tell you about this band before, Suffocation are Widely Considered major Innovators of death metal; they had a massive influence on the genre and pioneered a balance between technical brutal and sounds commonly heard in modern death metal. since the last material "Blood Oath" as well as a recent Togetherness black Original drummer Mike Smith of Suffocation decided to leave back for one thing, and being last, Mike Smith is seen playing in some new bands like Iniquitous, Synesis Absorption, Grimm Real, etc whether it permanent or not Mike Smith never exist musically until today, although sempet finish Older Track "Beginning of Sorrow" which re-arranged for this new CD material, Mike Already trigger pull, and Track are located in this new material. so Suffocation have to mess around again looking for a replacement and see their old drummer Dave Culross still show their existence again, Suffocation decided to pull back as the permanent drummer. during the year 2012 there may be some small things that not many fans know Suffocation, bassist Derek Boyer had decided to leave to return Suffocation exist together his old band, Deprecated, but ultimately did not happen, and vocalist Frank Mullen had missed several tour and was replaced by Bill Deprecated his Robinson during the Year 2012. by collaborating with producer Joe Cincotta, departing at Full Force Studios, New York, Suffocation working on new material again that despite not khabarnya Main concept album, inspired by the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the cycles of life and death, Suffocation still carrying on real life people. and maybe for you who had previously felt the onslaught of "As Grace Descends" as the initial introductions were finally made a video clip for the track means music industry publication, The kings of New York death metal known to the common man only as Suffocation have had quite an impressive run in their 25 years or so of existing. After injecting the death metal genre with a lethal dose of Brutality Fast forward four years and one more Mike Smith's departure later to Pinnacle of Bedlam, the band's seventh full-length record and ninth when counting the aforementioned despise the Sun and their debut EP Human Waste. Having taken on a more modern style riff and a thrashier edge musically, this is most definitely the best album since reuniting Suffocation have made. be the first impression a few Editor International music for this album. still showing the game was awesome and terrible whack, Suffocation still holds the title as The Godfather of Death Metal Movement of all time! while still highly regarded among extreme metal fans, were not Considered to be on the same level as their legendary material in the 1990s was. The first track "Cycles of Suffering", without a lot of strings attached, just torture us with a heavy beat Adrenaline Music composition Fast and terrible! The big musical difference between this record and the past three Suffocation records is that while they were more on the plodding, crushing side of death metal, this record takes on a much more influenced thrash frenzy of furious guitars, crazy, drumming filled blast! concept of music that still can regardless of Progression 3 previous album "Souls to Deny (2004), Suffocation (2006) and Blood Oath (2009), Suffocation spread its concept is different from some phenomenal album Classically, feels modern and Significant Progressive and Technical , Its New Real Suffocation Conceptional Now!! blow drummer Dave Culross is still No Comment Skill powerfully with his increasingly provide its own power for Band Spirit became increasingly felt Hit! most modern tech and the death riffing the band has ever employed. The difference between Suffocation and many other modern death metal bands Suffocation however is that still manage to create a memorable song with this new guitar style; whereas many other newer death metal bands take the hypertechnical and instantly forgettable tech approach death! Character Vocalist Frank Mullen maintained The character and his Stamina, Top! And The signature elements of the sound Suffocation, Including hammer blasting and slamming breakdowns, are still included on this record, although admittedly they are not as prevalent here as they were in the past! feels gw back Ep listening material "despise The Sun", How to Style Blastbeat Meeting Dave Culross still be here. "purgatorial Punishment" 2:44 track length is still pouring some idea of ??Death Metal Conventional kill anyway. duet Beautiful Terrance Hobbs and Guy Marchais sharpened Character Soundingnya to Modern Style element. a first for a band as famously brutal as Suffocation. The only real flaw I can find with the record is the production style. Being the most modern sounding Suffocation album musically, the production also is brought into the modern era on this record; oh how I wish it stayed back 15 years ago like the last three records had. The record has very little low end, leading the guitars to sound very thin and hollow. The whole affair is also brickwalled to Oblivion as well, as is common in modern album production, although it is nowhere near as bad as some other records. "Eminent Wrath" in Part initially directly decorated with Solo Guitar Harmonization phenomenal and complex, the onslaught Hyperblaster Beat Dave Culross increasingly crowded atmosphere sounding music faster and Brutal and some tapping mutated punk-meets-Slayer-gone-technical form several times seemed unconventional style tucked in the beat as well as some component Era "Breeding The Spawn" is still so familiar. 'As Grace Descends "of course we have heard previously how the track is played , Technical Brutal As Fuck Beudddsss hahahaha, then "Sullen Days" that began with the Clean Guitar Part will be a little reminder of how phenomenal Track Classics like "Torn Into Enthralment" re-play, Suffocation more trying Progressive Character early songs with more Ekploratif the game beat the Standard, a long gap and play spaces for Terrance Hoobs Conventional atraktifnya riffing. though the tempo eased from the previous track. taste Suffocation stay awake for 2 minutes and then the real torture was intensified typical! The difference between Suffocation and many other modern death metal Suffocation however is that bands still manage to create a memorable song with this new guitar style. then "Pinnacle of Bedlam" Brutal powerfully Track this really feels right for jagokan on this album, musical composition is benar2 sadistic! felt too scattered solo2 ciamik on the part Refrain, more stylish and surprisingly melodic concept abis Suffocation anyway to do this concept. "My Demise" would even try to take us to the nuances Era Album "Pierced From Within" really, pounding Double Bass Dave Culross though still tight and solid hit by sounding awesome! Culross is a bit more the opposite of that, Including many foot tricks that Smith never in a million years would have included. His hands are no slouches either, utilizing common death metal fills more than Smith but also providing us with more traditional blasting high speed! Thrasin some style riffing this track will probably make We were surprised again! Suffocation increasingly began to experiment musically??? found the answer in this album deh hehehe .... "Inversion" still sounds fast with simple riffing Style , Death Metal classic feel we can still Catch. "Rapture of Revocation" nice track with a blow struck from the Mighty Death Metal is more of a combination of several concepts Suffocation album., and Topped by Track recent formation together with drummer Mike Smith "Beginning Of Sorrow "Recycling of a Classical era album track" Breeding the Spawn "in 1993, where the Mike Smith is still so buried deep disappointment in the cultivation of the album which Mike decides to end his career with Suffocation for the first time. hmmmm ... and the final conclusion to gw This whole matter is .... Suffocation still keep convincing concept Existence Death Movement, Suffocation remain the best, but for many shifts Gw Concepts and Experiments little break contention intensity Brutality Suffocation bit slack ...?? few surprising touches Part it will be felt once so enjoy every track of her. Blows drummer Dave Culross remains the main characteristics rescue gw Band with Skill games great is still dinanti2 by Suffocation Diehard Fans. Suffocation overalls have hit the nail right on its extreme metal head with Pinnacle of Bedlam, showing that even though they may be getting up there in age, they are no slouches and can still pound skulls into dust through their music. Results Hard Work Engineer Christopher Harris aka "Zeuss" we know as the guitarist and band Autumns Bleeding Doom Nation and never involved in the band Kingdom of Sorrow era album "Kingdom of Sorrow" in 2008, known as the Engineer and producer of specialist genre Rock, Hardcore and Metal in Planet-Z recordings apparently succeeded in creating a "Pinnacle Of Bedlam" is still fantastic as Masterpiece Album in 2013 ! Cool artwork and artist Raymond Swanland ever graced two albums Deeds Of flesh, Psycroptic, Beneath, and Slechtvalk very slick cover artwork adorn this Suffocation. the band has shown that they will not be stopped and will continue to show up their Hundreds, if not Thousands, of imitators through simply brutal death metal. Mentioned As many Hundreds of words ago, Pinnacle of Bedlam is the best album Suffocation have created since their reunion a decade ago. A most high recommendation indeed. BUY OR DYING!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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