Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Soilwork - The Living Infinite CD 2013

Soilwork - The Living Infinite
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2013

CD 1

01 Spectrum of Eternity 04:01      
02 Memories Confined 03:25    
03 This Momentary Bliss 03:46      
04 Tongue 04:17    
05 The Living Infinite I 03:50    
06 Let the First Wave Rise 02:52    
07 Vesta 04:18    
08 Realm of the Wasted 04:29    
09 The Windswept Mercy 04:14      
10 Whispers and Lights 05:09
CD 2

01 Entering Aeons 02:34      
02 Long Live the Misanthrope 05:26    
03 Drowning With Silence 04:28    
04 Antidotes in Passing 04:16    
05 Leech 04:20      
06 The Living Infinite II 05:39    
07 Loyal Shadow 02:34    
08 Rise Above the Sentiment 04:03    
09 Parasite Blues 05:17    
10 Owls Predict, Oracles Stand Guard 05:24

Björn "Speed" Strid - Vocals
Ola Flink - Bass
Sven Karlsson - Keyboards
Dirk Verbeuren - Drums
Sylvain Coudret - Guitars
David Andersson - Guitars

" The Living Infinite “ marks the first double album in the history of melodic death metal and received raving reviews worldwide !! Yesss ... Metalcore/Modern Rock Populer asal Helsingborg, Swedia yang eksis sejak Tahun 1996 sebagai Inferior Breed kemudian berganti menjadi Soilwork ini bikin prestasi yang luar biasa produktif dalam sejarah Melodic Death Metal, genre yang pertama kali dalam karir mereka usung, kini lebih mendapat sentuhan yang berbau Metalcore/Modern Rock ini tahun 2013 ga tanggung tanggung langsung melepas Rilisan Double CD dengan 20 lagu berdurasi total 01:24:25 fansSoilwork benar2 akan dimanjakan dengan karya fresh mereka. ckckckckckck ... " MEMORABLE MELODIES, CRUSHING RHYTHMS, PHENOMENAL SINGING! THE BEST SWEDISH MELODIC DEATH METAL BAND IS BACK! " salah satu Pujian dari beberapa Media Musik Internasional. Album pertama bersama gitaris baru mereka, David Andersson yang juga masih eksis diband Mean Streak & The Night Flight Orchestra, mendapat kesempatan untuk menggarap materi full fenomenal band ini dengan kualitas yang matang dari segi aransemen dan skill ! There have been a fair share of oddities to grace the metal stage of late, but Soilwork's latest offering in "The Living Infinite" definitely ranks as one of the more outlandish contenders for the title. For anyone not familiar with their history, they were of a similar style of accessible melodic death metal as that of their Swedish compatriots In Flames, and made a similar switch to a modern metalcore variant on the style in the early 2000s, much to the chagrin on many core fans of the Swedish scene of the mid to late 90s. And much like their often maligned counterparts, they've had a difficult time putting forth a terribly compelling album in this style, though they've carried it a bit better and have avoided becoming too similar to the dregs of recent American screamo outfits such as Trivium and Killswitch Engage. Ok langsung aja kita mulai dari CD pertama yang dimulai dengan " Spectrum of Eternity ", Soilwork secara mengejutkan menyerang dengan fast Drumming serta Harmonisasi Cruchy Riffing yang masih melodic dengan Cakaran nyata Fast Stream Finger asli powerfully attitude-nya ! komposisi musik cerdas masih dimainkan secara dewasa pula kali ini. raungan Harsh Vokill Björn "Speed" Strid, member Asli Soilwork ini tetep bawaannya enerjik dan sesekali dengan karakter Clean Vokal-nya. Along with it is a smattering of low-end chug grooves, consonant and woeful guitar melodies of moderate flair consistent with the style's Iron Maiden influences, and ambient keyboard layering to give off a slight industrial edge to things. kata lainnya, Soilwork, masih terlalu " Sakti " untuk terus mengaransemen kedasyatan musikalitasnya. sentuhan kental gaya Modern Rock dengan metalcore terasa pada track ke-2 " Memories Confined ", walo ga menusuk feeling gw, track ini lebih menggambarkan evolusi musikal Soilwork hari ini. " This Momentary Bliss " masih begitu kental sentuhan Melodius Riffing part-nya. it listens like a fairly orthodox middle-of-the-road meeting point between metalcore and melodeath. The familiar assortment of shouted and clean vocals paint the landscape, bearing some similarity ! Fans In Flames sekarang pasti bakalan menyukai Tracking Soilwork tentunya. secara keseluruhan 20 lagu disini adalah sebuah komposisi Matang hasil kerja keras nyata member band untuk tetap menyuguhkan karakter Melodic Death Metal dengan sentuhan gaya Metalcore/Modern Rock yang Aktif, sehingga hampir kesemua materi ini lebih banyak mempersembahkan permainan yang berkualitas. a song like this manages to find itself in sing-along territory when the chorus hits. For the most part, what keeps this album particularly interesting in spite of all the predictable elements is the energy level, as 85% of these songs speed along quite nicely and make decent use of the guitars in spite of the heavy emphasis on drums, keyboards and vocals. so hampir pada endingnya gw kehabisan kata2 untuk menggambarkan panjang semua Track disini, coz bagi gw karya berkualitas tetap akan memberikan mindset penting dalam dunia musik sendiri. rugi banget kalo ga elo coba sendiri untuk mahakarya dasyat mereka ini deh. When squaring the scale of the album as a whole with the shorter chapters that are contained within, what ultimately emerges is a longer version, or perhaps a 2 in 1 package deal on what would otherwise be a good yet highly standard modern metalcore offering. REACHING MATURITY WITH THE MOST EPIC & COMPLETE RECORD THEY HAVE EVER WRITTEN! CLEARLY THEIR MASTERPIECE!

"The Living Infinite" marks the first double album in the history of melodic death metal and received raving reviews worldwide!! Yesss ... Metalcore / Modern Rock Popular origin of Helsingborg, Sweden in existence since 1996, the Inferior Breed then turned into this Soilwork make remarkable achievements in the history of productive Melodic Death Metal, the genre the first time in their careers stretcher, now over a touch-smelling Metalcore / Modern Rock this year 2013 ga bear responsibility immediately release Releases Double CD with 20 songs total duration 01:24 : 25 fansSoilwork benar2 will be pampered with their fresh work. ckckckckckck ... "MEMORABLE melodies, rhythms CRUSHING, PHENOMENAL SINGING! THE BEST SWEDISH Melodic Death Metal BAND IS BACK! "One of the few Media Praise Music International.'s First album with their new guitarist, David Andersson who also still exist diband Mean Streak & The Night Flight Orchestra, had the opportunity to work full phenomenal band's material with a mature quality in terms of arrangement and skill ! There have been a fair share of oddities to grace the metal stage of late, but Soilwork's latest offering in "The Living Infinite" definitely ranks as one of the more Outlandish contenders for the title. For anyone not familiar with their history, they were of a Similar style of accessible melodic death metal as that of their Swedish compatriots In Flames, and made a switch to a modern Similar metalcore variant on the style in the early 2000s, much to the chagrin on many core fans of the Swedish scene of the mid to late 90s. And much like their counterparts Often maligned, they've had a difficult time putting forth a terribly compelling album in this style, though they've Carried it a bit better and have avoided too Becoming Similar to the Dregs of recent American screamo outfits such as Trivium and Killswitch Engage. immediately wrote Ok we start from the first CD begins with "Spectrum of Eternity", Soilwork a surprise attack with fast Drumming and Harmonization cruchy still melodic riffing with real Scratches Fast Stream powerfully original Finger attitude her! intelligent musical composition is still played today as well this time. roar Harsh Vokill Björn "Speed" Strid, Soilwork's original members tetep innate energetic and occasionally with Clean Vocals his character. Along with it is a smattering of low-end Chug grooves, consonant and Woeful guitar melodies of moderate flair consistent with the style's Iron Maiden Influences, and ambient keyboard layering to give off a slight industrial edge to things. said another, Soilwork, still too "Way" to continue arranging kedasyatan musikalitasnya. touch viscous Modern Rock with metalcore style was on track to-2 "Confined Memories", walo gw ga stabbing feeling, this track better describe the evolution of musical Soilwork today. "This Momentary Bliss" is still so strong touch of melodic riffing his part. it listens like a fairly orthodox middle-of-the-road meeting point between metalcore and melodeath. Shouted the familiar assortment of clean vocals and paint the landscape, bearing some similarity! Fans In Flames now definitely going to like Soilwork Tracking course. overall 20 songs here are a composition Ripe real hard work for the band members still presenting characters Melodic Death Metal with a touch of style Metalcore / Modern Rock On, so almost all of the material presented is more quality games. a song like this manages to find itself in sing-along territory when the chorus hits. For the most part, what keeps this album particularly interesting in spite of all the predictable elements is the energy level, as 85% of these songs speed along quite nicely and the make decent use of the guitars in spite of the heavy emphasis on drums, keyboards and vocals. gw so close to ending a long run kata2 to describe every track here, coz for quality work i will still provide an important mindset in the music itself. loss really kalo ga elo yourself to try them this terrible masterpiece deh. When squaring the scale of the album as a whole with the shorter chapters that are contained within, what ultimately Emerges is a longer version, or perhaps a 2 in 1 package deal on what would otherwise be a good standard yet highly modern metalcore offering . Reaching Maturity WITH THE MOST EPIC & COMPLETE RECORD THEY HAVE EVER WRITTEN! Clearly THEIR MASTERPIECE!

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