Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Craniotomy - Supply Of Flesh Came Just In Time CD 2013

Craniotomy - Supply Of Flesh Came Just In Time
Amputated Vein Records CD 2013

01 Mr. Butcher 03:13    
02 Vomiting Bloody Pieces of Undigested Body 03:47    
03 Pathological Dependence on Autopsy Stench 03:33    
04 Buried Alive 02:31    
05 Endless Torture 04:01    
06 Executioners Violation 05:03    
07 Psychopats Apprentice 05:50    
08 He Torture the Brain with a Drill 03:45

Roman Halmo - Guitar
Lukas Siska - Drums
Rastislav Vary - Vocal
Daniel Hanak - Bass

Gejolak Slamming Brutal Death Metal semakin menjadi Epidemi, semoga ini tidak menjadi momen yang bikin Boring kita hehehehe, namanya aja trend musikalitas itu pasti selalu terjadi dan beradaptasi dengan kondisi industri Musik, seperti era booming Genre Deathcore, yang kini sudah menemui titik puncak Jenuhnya :) ... semoga hal seperti ini tidak akan pernah terjadi pada semua genre Death Metal. Roda itu selalu berputar, semoga tidak harus menggerus Idealisme kita untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Yuk kita terbang sebentar ke Slovakia untuk menengok full album gress ke 4 Craniotomy " Supply of Flesh Came Just in Time " dan gw udah kenal band ini sejak Album pertama mereka " It's Not Cut Out - It Can't Be Eaten " tahun 2003 setelah cukup memukau dengan demo " ...And from Flesh to Bone " Tahun 2000, kala itu Gw rasakan band ini masih terbawa sentuhan Brutal Death metal era itu hingga memasuki album ke-3 nya " Catharsis " tahun 2009, namun karakter berbeda mulai dimunculkan di album baru ini, ga terlalu signifikan banget seh, tapi sepertinya band ini mulai terbaur dengan demam " Slamming " banget, sehingga banyak terjerumus dalam part2 yang Boring feel jika gw bandingkan dengan 3 album sebelumnya. sentuhan Slammingnya memang mengingatkan dengan gayanya Cephalotripsy, Extermination Dismemberment, Carnal Disfigurement, Guttural Engorgement, Vulvectomy, Sintury hingga Devourment awal. As the wave of slamming brutal death metal washes over us, very few of these is worth more than a couple of listens. Some bands don't even deserve a listen, is one of those rare bands that play slamming brutal death metal with an edge. I really don't know how to point out exactly where they are different, apart from boring me to death With just about any slam death metal band, most of the tracks will sound very similar, in just that they are pretty much the same thing over and over again. Sepertinya gaya Vokal guttural Gurgling Rastislav Vary hampir mendominasi karakter band ini menuju kesan Slamming-nya, sementara aransemen musiknya masih kental gaya Brutal Death Metal dengan part2 yang cepat dibeberapa karakter slammy-nya. The music slows down and speeds up a lot, and during these transitions, the drums are very noticeably off. The vocals are typical very deep and guttural, with a few pig squeals here and there. Sounds like the bass is playing the exact same thing the guitar is throughout the entire album, and it is very hard to hear. dan sekali lagi komposisi musiknya tidak banyak memberikan kesan istimewa selain masih " Terus " mengulang dari yang sudah ada. total 8 track berdurasi 31:43 sangat lebih memberikan Kesan elemen Brutal Death metal yang cepat dengan sentuhan slamming Guttural Gurgling intens. desain art cover keren cukup sekali menarik perhatian Death Metaler yang lebih tertarik dengan kemasan hehehe, If slamming brutal death metal is your thing, this is a no-brainer. If you're trying to get into the genre, I don't see how this could be a bad starting point. Still, this sounds like 80% of the other bands in the genre, only better. A few pinch harmonics here and there, and the slamming continues on until it fades out. That’s about it, pretty simple, but not that great. Good song to go on a murderous rampage to though.

Brutal Death Metal slamming turmoil increasingly becoming epidemic, this may not be the moment that makes us hehehehe Boring, wrote his name musical trend happened and it must always adapt to the Music industry conditions, such as the boom era deathcore genre, which has now met the cusp of saturated :) ... hopefully something like this will never happen to all genres Death Metal. Wheel is always spinning, may not have to grind our idealism to do the same. Let us briefly flew to Slovakia to see full album gress to 4 Craniotomy "Supply of Flesh Came Just in Time" and i already know this band since their first album "It's Not Cut Out - It Can not Be Eaten" in 2003 after a mesmerized by the demo "... And from Flesh to Bone" in 2000, when it feels Gw band still brought a touch of Brutal Death metal era until well into his 3rd album "Catharsis" in 2009, but the characters appear on the album is different from This new, very seh ga too significant, but it seemed like the band began diffused with fever "slamming" really, so many fall into the Boring part2 feel if i compare it with the previous three albums. Slammingnya touch is reminiscent of the style Cephalotripsy, Extermination Dismemberment, Carnal Disfigurement, Guttural engorgement, Vulvectomy, Devourment Sintury up early. As the wave of slamming brutal death metal washes over us, very few of these is worth more than a couple of listens. Some bands do not even deserve a listen, is one of those rare bands that play slamming brutal death metal with an edge. I really do not know how to point out exactly where they are different, apart from boring me to death With just about any slam death metal bands, most of the tracks will sound very similar, in just that they are pretty much the same thing over and over again. Looks like gurgling guttural vocal style Rastislav Vary almost dominate the band's lead character slamming his impression, while still strong musical arrangement style Brutal Death Metal with several rapid part2 slammy his character. The music Slows down and speeds up a lot, and during these transitions, the drums are very noticeably off. The vocals are typical very deep and guttural, with a few pig squeals here and there. Sounds like the bass is playing the exact same thing the guitar is throughout the entire album, and it is very hard to hear. and once again the composition of the music is not much give a special impression while still "Keep" repeat of what already exists. 8 tracks 31:43 total duration greatly over giving impression Brutal Death metal elements quickly with the touch of Guttural slamming gurgling intense. cover art design cool enough once attracted Death Metaler more interested in the packaging hehehe, If slamming brutal death metal is your thing, this is a no-brainer. If you're trying to get into the genre, I do not see how this could be a bad starting point. Still, this sounds like 80% of the other bands in the genre, only better. A few pinch harmonics here and there, and the slamming continues on until it fades out. That's about it, pretty simple, but not that great. Good song to go on a murderous rampage to though.

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