Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Scatorgy - Scatorgy CD 2013

Scatorgy - Scatorgy
New Standard Elite CD 2013

01 Introcorruption 00:59    
02 Smothered 02:53    
03 Feast 02:07    
04 Coagulation 02:40    
05 Degeneracy 02:42    
06 Defecation 02:45    
07 Congenitals 02:16    
08 Suppuration 03:03    
09 The Cessation 01:17

Paul Lead - Bass
Tom Walker - Drums
Tom Allott - Guitars
James Shuster - Vocals

Fast, raging brutal death metal for people who enjoy unbridled chaos!, Itulah yang pertama kali bisa gw tangkap dari gebrakan dari full album pertama band Brutal Death Metal asal Hull, England, UK ini, memainkan Konsep Brutal yang cepat, sepertinya pengaruh Kuat Cryptopsy era " None So Vile " begitu melekat pada setiap sentuhan Progresi Musikalitasnya yang digeber dengan distorsi speed. dengan karakteristik Vokal Deep Guttural menjadi sedikit perpaduan tersendiri saja untuk Band ini. permainan Drumming Super cepat dari Tom Walker memang terlalu banyak mendominasi setiap ketukan Brutalitasnya, sementara Sounding Gitaris Tom Allott  tetap tajam terdengar jelas lickingnya sehingga gw bisa merasakan sendiri setiap gerakan jemarinya, bahkan sounding seperti ini masih terasa " Raw " untuk konsep yang mereka mainkan. But All is About Speed and Raging Fast Brutal Death Metal Yeahh !! apalagi Sounding Snare Drumming yang terdengar " Tang Tang Tang " semakin menambah Poin Distortif-nya. Track " Introcorruption " menjadi Opening Track yang cukup Warmfull untuk mengawali penampilan panggung mereka yang setelah itu menggempur track " Smothered " menerjang dan membantai sadis dengan kecepatan bertubi-tubi, sepertinya beberapa pengaruh lain datang dari Brodequin hingga Pustulated ! The fact that this album was always going to be eargrindingly noisy was a given from the beginning. Each of the band’s members brings something to the total that even a rabid ogre couldn’t call sophisticated. The drums are a collection of fast-as-fuck fills, the guitar work is a chaotic mash of squeals, screams and grainy riffs and the vocals are pretty fuckin’ brutal. I’m having troubles singling out the bass, so that means it’s probably mostly doing what the guitars are doing. sayatan tajam Sound gitar semakin membuat Gw terbiasa menikmati gaya sadis mereka menyiksa telinga nih, beberapa sentuhan Lick-nya memang memadukan karakter riffing Disgorge dengan Cryptopsy banget ! Noise is what you expect. It’s what you want, when you’re looking into this genre. However, I do think it could’ve been more ‘put together’. Often drum fills and guitar riffs do not support each other at all, there’s no thought through interplay between instruments, and the vocals almost feel random. Perhaps it’s all on purpose, but it still feels as if the group set out in their rehearsal basement playing randomly at the same tempo. Cepat, Cepat dan Semakin Cepat itu menjadi Attitude mereka menggerinda total lewat 9 track termasuk Opening dan Closing Instrumental-nya. Hamish Maguire, Frontman One Man Project, Laceration dan Brian Forgue nya Syphilic, Gutrot dan Mutilated ikut menyumbangkan Vokalnya di Track " Suppuration " sebuah Track Pamungkas yang mungkin paling banyak menguras enerji mereka untuk bermain secepat cepatnya dalam total durasi 20:42 menitan. well Fans Gaya cepat Cryptopsy lama dengan sentuhan Vokal Guttural mengerikan, alangkah lebih baiknya elo nikmati siksaan kejam dari band ini. The conclusion then is as you’d expect it. There’s definitely some talent and strength available in this band, but they haven’t managed to combine it into something more than what is the minimal result you get when you combine the input of four musicians: noise. Instead of working on getting even more blastgasms, crazy riffology and freaky shit in general, these guys should take a moment to pause and think about their compositions first. How can we put order in our chaos, such that it may still seem like chaos, but the trained listener will hear something deeper.

Fast, raging brutal death metal for people who enjoy Unbridled chaos!, That was the first time i can catch from the buzz of the band's first full album Brutal Death Metal origin of Hull, England, UK, the play concept Brutal fast, like the influence of the era Cryptopsy Strong "None So Vile" so attached to every touch Progression Musikalitasnya which lauched the distortion speed. Deep Guttural vocal characteristics to be a little mix of its own just for this band. Drumming Super fast game of Tom Walker is too much dominated every beats of brutality, while guitarist Tom Allott Sounding sharp audible lickingnya so i could feel every movement of her fingers alone, even sounding like it still feels "Raw" for the concept they are playing. But All is About Speed ??and Fast Raging Brutal Death Metal Yeahh!! moreover Sounding Snare Drumming-sounding "Tang Tang Tang" further adds to its distorted point. Track "Introcorruption" to Opening Track warmfull enough to start their stage appearances after that storm track "Smothered" crashing and sadistic slaughter speeds repeatedly, like some other influence comes from Brodequin to Pustulated! The fact that this album was always going to be noisy eargrindingly was a given from the beginning. Each of the band's members brings something to the total that even a Rabid ogre could not call sophisticated. The drums are a collection of fast-as-fuck fills, the guitar work is a chaotic mash of squeals, screams and grainy riffs and the vocals are pretty fuckin 'brutal. I'm having troubles singling out the bass, so that means it's probably mostly doing what the guitars are doing. the guitar sound sharp incision made Gw accustomed enjoy their sadistic torture style ya ear, some of his touches Lick it combines the characters riffing Disgorge with Cryptopsy really! Noise is what you expect. It's what you want, when you're looking into this genre. However, I do think it could've been more 'put together'. Often drum fills and guitar riffs do not support each other at all, there's no thought through interplay between instruments, and the vocals almost feel random. Perhaps it's all on purpose, but it still feels as if the group set out in their basement rehearsal randomly playing at the same tempo. Quick, The Fast and Quick was a total grind their Attitude through 9 tracks including Opening and Closing Instrumental her. Hamish Maguire, Frontman One Man Project, Laceration and his Syphilic Brian Forgue, Gutrot and MUTILATED contributed vocals on Track "Suppuration" a track Pamungkas are probably the most draining their energy to play as fast as fast as the total duration of 20:42 menitan. Fans quickly Cryptopsy well old style with a touch of terrible Guttural Vocals, would be much better elo enjoy cruel tortures of the band. The conclusion then is as you'd expect it. There's definitely some talent and strength available in this band, but they have not managed to combine it into something more than what is the minimum result you get when you combine the input of four musicians: noise. Instead of working on getting even more blastgasms, crazy freaky shit riffology and in general, these guys should take a moment to pause and think about their first Compositions. How can we put our order in chaos, such that it may still seem like chaos, but the trained listener will hear something deeper.

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