Senin, 29 Juni 2015

Nebulous -The Quantum Transcendence Of Death CD 2013

Nebulous -The Quantum Transcendence Of Death
Blast Head Records CD 2013

01 Of Means and Ends 01:48    
02 Catalyze 03:55    
03 SN 5270 03:37    
04 Aggregating Powers 04:21    
05 The Quantum Transcendence of Death 01:25    
06 Devourer of the Cosmos 02:48    
07 Forever Impaled 04:07    
08 Hivemind 03:29    
09 Spectrums 03:46

Matt Rogers - Guitars
Alex Pitts - Vocals
Justin Beasley - Drums (Tracks 6-9)

Birmingham, Alabama Based Technical Death Metal, Yesss !!! Semakin banyak aja nih band2 Teknikal yang Gw tulis disini, sehingga gw semakin merasakan betapa dinamisnya Peradaban Musisi hari ini untuk memainkan sesuatu yang Hebat dan Gila ! meskipun baru terbentuk tahun 2010 lalu, anak muda asal Birmingham, Alabama, US ini menyuguhkan sesuatu yang dasyat di Full album pertamanya ini dan sekaligus menjadi album penghormatan terakhir untuk Drummer mereka, Justin Beasley yang wafat tahun 2011 dan telah menyelesaikan 4 lagu terakhirnya sebelum wafat disini. dan Band ini mencoba lebih memadukan lagi kegilaan Origin, Decrepit Birth, Meshuggah, Spawn of Possession, Beneath The Massacre hingga gaya Death, sejak track awal " Catalyze " setelah Intro selama 1:48, telinga gw seakan dicabik cabik tanpa ampun dengan sajian Kejam dan njlimet !! Granted, there is a certain degree of wankery involved: almost like he succumbed to a Lawnmower Man level influx of ideas and couldn't contain all the newfound brilliance...not all the leads and melodies are very catchy...but even so, there is so much more of note(s) happening, a refined fusion/jazz undercurrent ! terdengar menonjol sekali disini adalah Kreatifitas Gitaris Matt Rogers untuk mengkomposisikan dan menciptakan Riff2 Kontroversial. the guitars are fucking frenetic to the point where Matt Rogers is often engaged in overmuch frivolous leads. He's certainly upped the ante with this 'big reveal' of ability, but more important to me than the indulgent, screaming lead sequences were the clinical melodies being invested into the rhythmic matrix. terlalu banyak karakternya yang sulit dibaca selain persembahannya dipenuhi dengan segala kejutan signifikan. Album yang terbagi menjadi 2 sesi ini ( Track 1-5 The Machination adalah materi Tanpa drummer Justin dan sisanya " Into Infinite Spectrums " adalah memorial bersama Justin ) All the tracks sound essentially the same, and the repetition of individual musical passages can be fucking staggering, like the two-riff anti-songwriting paean, easily the worst track on the album. But even the better tracks can't escape the repetition ! dan menjadi 2 sesi kualitas rekaman materi ini pun berbeda pula, saat track ke -6 " Devourer of the Cosmos ", soundingnya Ga begitu " Tajam" seperti 5 lagu sebelumnya, namun kita masih bisa merasakan Ketukan Drumming Sinting manusiawi almarhum Drummer Justin melakukan tugasnya dengan dasyat pula. The vocals are among the most ranged I have ever heard. They range from extreme shrieks to deep grunts, as usual, but his vocal lines are the real prodigy. How the does he have the lung capacity to sing this? He usually follows these hyper-fast riffs, switching from shreiks to grunts faster than any vocalist I've ever heard. menggandeng Produser dan Enjiner Joseph McQueen yang pernah menangani albumnya As I Lay Dying serta Sea of Treachery ini membawa Feedback Ending yang memuaskan bagi mereka untuk menciptakan mahakarya ini semakin lebih mengerikan !! elemen musik yang didominasi dengan part yang supercepat ini akan siap memecahkan Otak kita bila ga mampu mencerna apa yang mereka mainkan disini. finishes off the album in fine fashion with more of the same: double-bass ferocity on the drums and finger-bending-defying solos, giving you the impression the band need to be somewhere fast and they're trying their damned hardest to get there. Music like this can never be commercially popular, it is simply too fast, heavy and mercilessly extreme for most ears to take, so be warned!

Birmingham, Alabama-Based Technical Death Metal, Yesss!!! The more aja nih Technical band2 that Gw write here, so i increasingly feel how dynamic civilization Musicians today to play something Cool, Crazy! although newly formed in 2010, the young native Birmingham, Alabama, U.S. presents something terrible in his first full album and the album as well as a final tribute to their drummer, Justin Beasley, who died in 2011 and has completed 4 songs last before his death here . and the band is trying to more closely align again madness Origin, Decrepit Birth, Meshuggah, Spawn of Possession, Beneath The Massacre to the style of Death, from the beginning track "Catalyze" after the intro for 1:48, gw ear as if torn apart mercilessly with a dish of Cruel and unfocused!! Granted, there is a certain degree of wankery INVOLVED: almost like he succumbed to a level Lawnmower Man influx of ideas and could not Contain all the Newfound brilliance ... not all the leads and melodies are very catchy ... but even so , there is so much more of the note (s) happening, a refined fusion / jazz undercurrent! sounded very prominent here is Creativity Guitarist Matt Rogers to compose and create Riff2 controversial. the guitars are fucking frenetic to the point where Matt Rogers is engaged in overmuch Frivolous Often leads. He's certainly upped the ante with this 'big reveal' of ability, but more important to me than the indulgent, screaming leads the clinical melodies sequences were being invested into the rhythmic matrix. too many characters are difficult to read in addition to offering filled with all significant surprises. The album was divided into 2 sessions (Track 1-5 The Machination is the matter without drummer Justin and the rest of "Into Infinite Spectrums" is a memorial with Justin) All the tracks sound Essentially the same, and the repetition of individual musical passages can be fucking staggering , like the two-riff songwriting anti-paean, Easily the worst track on the album. But even the better tracks can not escape the repetition! and a second session recording quality is also different materials, while track to -6 "Devourer of the Cosmos", soundingnya Ga so "sharp" like 5 songs before, but we could still feel Drumming Beats Mad Drummer Justin deceased human does his job terrible anyway. The vocals are among the most ranged I have ever heard. They range from extreme shrieks to deep grunts, as usual, but his vocal lines are the real prodigy. How the does he have the lung capacity to sing this? Usually he follows these hyper-fast riffs, switching from shreiks to grunts faster than any vocalist I've ever heard. Producer and Engineer Joseph took McQueen who had handled her album As I Lay Dying and the Sea of ??Treachery brings Feedback satisfactory ending for them to create more and more terrible masterpiece! musical elements are dominated by the superfast part will be ready to solve our brains when ga able to digest what they play here. finishes off the album in fine fashion with more of the same: double-bass drums and ferocity on the finger-bending-defying solos, giving you the impression the band need to be somewhere fast and they're trying their damned hardest to get there . Music like this can never be popular commercially, it is simply too fast, mercilessly heavy and extreme for most ears to take, so be warned!

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