Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Revocation - Teratogenesis EP 2012

Revocation - Teratogenesis ' Ep
Scion Audio Visual EP 2012

01 The Grip Tightens 04:10    
02 Spurn the Outstretched Hand 04:07    
03 Maniacally Unleashed 03:41    
04 Teratogenesis 04:06    
05 Bound by Desire 05:34  

Dan Gargiulo - Guitars, Vocals
Phil Dubois-Coyne - Drums
David Davidson - Guitars, Vocals
Brett Bramberger - Bass

Revocation is one of the more experienced metal acts amongst the ever-growing list of newer bands from this "New Wave of Thrash Metal" that we have witnessed and join ranks with their brethren Evile, Warbringer, Municipal Waste, etc. They stand out from the common rabble with their highly technical mixture of thrash and death metal that feels right at home with fans of either of the aforementioned genres. Revocation populates this fusion with fun riffs, catchy-as-hell solos, and twists in both tempo and rhythm that make their songs extremely memorable. Their third album, Chaos Of Forms, is by no means a departure from this winning formula, however gang-shouted choruses and a failed last quarter of the album take away from the overall experience. Yess... Salah satu Band Death/Thrash Teknikal Faforite Gw kembali bikin ulah lagi dengan Ep terbarunya. menjadi band dengan Member Muda berbakat, Gerombolan asal Boston, Massachusetts yang eksis sejak tahun dengan 2006 dengan nama awal Cryptic Warning ini memang tetap menyuguhkan konsep bermain yang apik dalam hal Aransemennya ! dimotori oleh Frontman Gitaris Vokalis David Davidson bersama drummer Phil Dubois-Coyne, Revocation masih kental menawarkan permainan yang serba Progressive ! dan beberapa Lick Riffing Sensasional tetap menjadi alasan gw untuk menyukai band ini, apalagi ditunjang dengan talenta member band yang asli luar biasa ini dalam mengeksplorasi Skill-nya. is a more straightforward thrash metal record showing off the virtuosic talents of lead guitarist, David Davidson. Perhaps since it was their major label debut they decided to play it safe and after getting the praise for that album, decided to really let their influences be noticed on their musical sleeves. track pertama " The Grip Tightens " tetap menyuguhkan pola permainan Death/thrash yang kental sentuhan Modern Style dan Sound-nya, It quickly lets the listener down after its epic intro with mid-paced riffs and more gang shouts. best riffs and the horns and Hammond solo at the end of the track is almost a stroke of genius, more of that next time please. masih terdengar begitu Prima Vokalis David Davidson harus duet maut dengan Dan Gargiulo yang sama2 tidak melepaskan konsentrasi utamanya pada sesi Gitar dengan teknik2 yang liar ! are a sore spot, the album is almost equal parts brilliant track to dud track, and finally there are some groove/modern parts that don't sit well. dan Magazine ternama seperti Metal Maniac aja memuji band ini dengan kalimat " a whirlwind of methodical metal in its highest form; aggressive, heavy, challenging, melodic and oftentimes, dare I say, fun as fuck to listen to ", tepat Mindset-nya dengan gw terhadap Musikalitas Revocation ini. kemudian " Spurn the Outstretched Hand " terus menyuguhkan Thrashin Riffing Modern Aggresif tetap dengan sentuhan2 yang mengejutkan ! beberapa elemen Metallic Breakdown Sophomore menyangkut pada beberapa part selain melodic in the vein-nya. dan Track Paling Faforite gw adalah " Maniacally Unleashed " digeber dengan tempo yang lebih ngebut dan liar ! drummer Phil Dubois-Coyne lebih menitik beratkan pada konsentrasi permainan Hyperblasting Snare-nya ! Solid enough to support the band's thinner, punchier riffing, but just nowhere near as interesting as the music. Some leeway should be given as they sing and play simultaneously, but in a studio setting I'd expect to hear a little more character and imagination here. The other downside is that the influences often poke through the compositions a little too boldly, for instance you'll hear a riff here or there that sounds like it's in direct stylistic tribute in the Vein Megadeth, Exodus and Death ! bener2 luar biasa Komposisi yang mereka hadirkan disini melalui Transisi modern sound yang begitu menendang ! track " Teratogenesis " meskipun masih menawarkan Attitude yang sama dengan track sebelumnya, di akhir part2, Revocation sepertinya agak melunak dengan Sludging part. dan menjadi lebih sinting lagi saat track pamungkas " Bound by Desire " dimainkan, Fast and Grinding Snare Domination ! part2 awalnya lebih dikenalkan imej Part yang Brutal art !! which will impress the more hardcore brutal sect that follow the modern Californian scene. Precision and polish are two areas in which these Bay State bludgeons excel, and there's nothing 'old school' or exceedingly redundant about what they write, even if they derive from a hundred or so precedents. dan sekali lagi selalu ada yang mengagumkan dari Karya Revocation ini menggebrak Industri Musik Death/Thrash dengan Attitude Modern Sound yang signifikan. sebuah karya bagus yang patut menjadi Konsumsi wajib fans musik dinamis. Tense and talented, the future still seems limitless for this band, and they deliver on the stage just as bloody a nose as they do in the studio. Even if half the riffs don't stick, they've obviously spent a good deal of time composing the thousand or so that comprise the album, and I found myself revisiting quite a few of them. They would benefit enormously from a more charismatic and vicious vocalist, like those that defined their 80s thrash influences. These feel a little too forced and formulaic in terms of tough guy emotion. Yet I appreciate that, despite all their virtuosity, they never indulge themselves too much to the detriment of their songwriting. Is Chaos of Forms deserving of its surrounding storm of high praise and hype from prominent press outlets? Is this the next 'savior' of metal music? Signs point to no fucking way. However, even if individual strands of composition breed familiarity, Revocation is at least a band striving for 'something', and that's more than I can say for the countless, faceless clones who seek nothing but the secure shadows of their forebears. tersedia secara Gratis untuk bisa kalian Unduh cuma2 untuk Ep ini, dan heran kenapa Relapse records tidak merilisnya secara Official profit untuk 5 karya baru dasyat ini.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Revocation is one of the more experienced metal acts amongst the ever-growing list of newer bands from this "New Wave of Thrash Metal" that we have Witnessed and join ranks with their brethren Evile, Warbringer, Municipal Waste, etc. They stand out from the common rabble with their highly technical mixture of thrash and death metal that feels right at home with fans of either of the aforementioned genres. Revocation populates this fusion with fun riffs, catchy-as-hell solos, and twists in both tempo and rhythm that make-their songs extremely memorable. Their third album, Chaos Of Forms, is by no means a departure from this winning formula, however Shouted gang choruses and a failed last quarter of the album take away from the overall experience. Yess ... One of the band Death / Thrash Technical Faforite make a tantrum Gw back again with his latest Ep. a band with talented young Member, Gang from Boston, Massachusetts that existed since the beginning of 2006 with the name Cryptic Warning this is still presenting the concept of playing a slick in Aransemennya! Frontman led by guitarist vocalist David Davidson with drummer Phil Dubois-Coyne, Revocation still strong offer Progressive paced game! Lick riffing and some remain Sensational gw reason to love this band, let alone supported by the talents of the original band members in exploring this extraordinary Skill her. is a more straightforward thrash metal record of showing off the virtuosic talents of lead guitarist, David Davidson. Perhaps since it was their major label debut They decided to play it safe and after getting the praise for that album, Decided to really let their Influences be noticed on their musical sleeves. The first track "The Grip tightens" the pattern of the game still presents Death / thrash a strong touch of Modern Style and Sound him, It Quickly lets the listener down after its epic intro with a mid-paced riffs and more gang shouts. best riffs and the horns and Hammond solo at the end of the track is almost a stroke of genius, more of that next time please. still sounds so Prima vocalist David Davidson had deadly duo with Dan Gargiulo which sama2 not release its main concentration on guitar session with teknik2 the wild! are a late spot, the album is almost equal parts brilliant dud track to track, and finally there are some groove / modern parts that do not sit well. and names such as Metal Maniac Magazine praised the band wrote the phrase "a whirlwind of Methodical metal in its highest form; aggressive, heavy, challenging, melodic and oftentimes, dare I say, fun as fuck to listen to", with his right Mindset gw the musicality of this Revocation. then "Spurn The Outstretched Hand" continues to serve Thrashin riffing Modern aggressively stick with sentuhan2 shocking! Metallic elements Breakdown Sophomore some concerns in some parts than melodic in the vein of her. and Track Most Faforite gw is "Maniacally Unleashed" lauched with a speeding tempo and wild! drummer Phil Dubois-Coyne focuses on concentration Snare Hyperblasting his game! Solid enough to support the band's thinner, punchier riffing, but just nowhere near as interesting as the music. Some Leeway should be given as they sing and play simultaneously, but in a studio setting I'd expect to hear a little more character and imagination here. The other downside is that the Influences Often poke through the Compositions a little too boldly, for instance you'll hear a riff here or there that sounds like it's in direct stylistic tribute in the Vein Megadeth, Exodus and Death! bener2 extraordinary composition they present here through the transition of modern sound that is so kick! track "Teratogenesis" Attitude while still offering the same with the previous track, at the end of part2, Revocation seemed somewhat softened by Sludging part. and become more crazy again when final track "Bound by Desire" is played, Fast and Grinding Snare Domination! part2 originally introduced over a Brutal Part art images! roomates will impress the more brutal hardcore sect that follow the modern Californian scene. Precision and polish are two areas in these roomates Bay State bludgeons excel, and there's nothing 'old school' or Exceedingly redundant about what they write, even if they derive from a hundred or so precedents. and once again there is always an admirable work kicked Revocation Music Industry Death / Thrash with Modern Sound Attitude significant. a great work that should be mandatory consumption dynamic music fans. Tense and talented, the future still seems limitless for this band, and they deliver on the stage just as bloody a nose as they do in the studio. Even if half the riffs do not stick, they've obviously spent a good deal of time composing the thousand or so that comprise the album, and I found myself revisiting quite a few of them. They would benefit enormously from a more charismatic vocalist and vicious, like those that defined their 80s thrash Influences. These feel a little too forced and formulaic in terms of emotion tough guy. Yet I appreciate that, despite all their virtuosity, they never indulge Themselves too much to the detriment of their songwriting. Chaos of Forms is deserving of its surrounding storm of high praise and hype from prominent press outlets? Is this the next 'Savior' of metal music? Signs point to no fucking way. However, even if the individual strands of familiarity breed composition, Revocation is at least a band striving for 'something', and that's more than I can say for the countless, faceless clones who seek nothing but the shadows of their forebears secure. available to get your Free Download Ep cuma2 for this, and wonder why Relapse Records is not releasing the Official profit for 5 new work is terrible.

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