Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Humiliation - Savior Of Human Destruction CD 2012

Humiliation - Savior Of Human Destruction
Extreme Soul Production CD 2012

01 Intro
02 Paradigma
03 Sabda Murka
04 Hamba Sahaya
05 Sinopsis Patah Sayap Tuhan
06 Judgement For N.G ( Narration Grave )
07 Savior Of Human Destruction
08 Ceremony Burial Of Defamation
09 Instruksi Kematian
10 Bangkai Para Pendosa ( Bleeding Corpse Cover )

Adam Ardhandy - Vocals
Agy - Guitars
Vman - Bass
Lutfy Lo - Drums

Bandung Keep Has Attacking !!! Surprise banget dengan konsep yang ditawarkan oleh Barudak asal Bandung ini, sempat gw masih terjebak dalam Stigma Progres Musick Style Band2 Brutal Bandung yang selalu bakalan didominasi dengan Hyperblaster yang diusung oleh pendahulunya tanpa memberi kesempatan gw menikmati stagnasi yang ada. dengan menampilkan permainan yang " cool " memang Humiliation lebih mencoba mengingatkan banget dengan konsep " Melted " nya Disinfected diera 90-an yang hingga kini en selamanya menghipnotis Enjoy gw menikmatinya, sebuah Konsep musik fantastis bagi gw dilakukan oleh 4 barudak Killer bandung ini, apalagi band ini mencoba menambahkan elemen Tradisional asli Sunda banget dalam sentuhan musiknya yang asli variatif. mungkin bagi yang penasaran sekali dengan Humiliation ( termasuk Gw .ed ), dan Ini Bukan Humiliation, Metalcore asal Pekanbaru, Riau atau Humiliation Band Death Metal asal Kuala Lumpur, Malasya loh,  ada baiknya gw coba menulis tentang Debutan berbahaya " Beda " dari Bandung Roster ini. menggandeng Enjiner Toteng-nya Forgotten menjadi sebuah Keharusan tersendiri bagi band2 bandung untuk menjaga kualitas sounding-nya di Masterplan Studio dan Dialog Studio pada bulan Februari 2012 yang kemudian proses mixing dan Masteringnya ditangani oleh Kang Dadi Beerat di Dialog Studio Pada Bulan Juni Hingga September telah melahirkan kembali the best masterpiece keren ini. track pertama dimulai oleh sebuah Intro Instrumen yang menyuguhkan Foreplay asyik sebagai Opening Track Humiliation berdurasi hanya 1:29 menit sebelum kita merasakan sebenarnya siksaan berikut " Paradigma ", hentakan blastbeat mantap dan Rapat seakan tidak memberi kesempatan kita untuk bernafas panjang, tapi ga melulu blastbeat yang ditawarkan, serangan groovy part ala Dying Fetus menjadi komposisi yang excelent, apalagi sayatan downstroke Gitaris Agy memang atraktif banget dengan sentuhan dinamisnya untuk menari bebas dengan segala bentuk Ekspresi Khas John Gallager Cs di Dying Fetus sebagai salah satu Motivator utamanya menulis lagu disini. It's not that they're clusterfucked and constantly changing like many contemporary death metal acts; it's that they just don't bring enough catchiness, groove, or shear technicality to be memorable. But they're not bad in the last bit, they just don't stick in the end. permainan drummer Lutfi Lo juga ga bisa disangsikan lagi kedasyatannya mengolah skill dengan begitu menendang !! dan menjadi sesuatu yang berbeda pada menit ke 02:14, Zimbot dari Karinding Attack memberikan sentuhan Suling dan Kecapi-nya di Track ini, begitu juga Addy Gembel " Forgotten " dan Man " Jasad " mengkontribusikan Growling-nya, Man juga Menyuarakan Narasi Rajah Sunda-nya menjadi menambah semakin " Unik " dan berbeda-nya Track ini dengan alunan etnis sunda yang kental abis ! This is Amazing Nice Track !!! ... " Sabda Murka " masih terus membabi buta dengan hentakan surprising brutal death metal yang enerjik ! sayatan Riffing Agy semakin lebih liar eksplorasinya mengutak atik fantastic riffing-nya. sentuhan Karakter kuat " Melted " Disinfected dileburkan dalam gaya Technical Riffing Necrophagist Mungkin dengan beberapa Neoclassical Shredd part mendera setiap titik jemari-nya. bagi gw mendengar aransemen cerdas band ini semakin yakin akan potensi berbahaya band ini kedepannya. meski tidak melakukan sesuatu yang " Baru ", setiap komposisi yang mereka lahirkan selalu membawa " Kejutan ". " Hamba Sayaha ", tetap terdengar karakter khas dan Kuat Band2 Death Metal bandung, dan yang lebih keren, pada menit ke 01:03, drummer Lutfi melakukan Drumming solo ciamik walo hanya hingga ke menit ke 01:14, amazing !!! He may throw in a drum filll here and there, but then the music slows down and gets some what groovy. During the groovy parts he could provide more double bass patterns to enhance and follow the guitars, but he just usually rolls the double bass, sometimes fast other times like at 120 bmp. He could also throw in gravity blast beats to enhance the sound. He sounds pretty polished as he has his moments. Pummeling Downstroke Arphegio Riffing tetap menjadi Part yang mengagumkan karakternya. As I mentioned before, the riffs are certainly more technical than I remember and they're even very catchy with little bits of groove thrown in for good measure. There's also the occasional hardcore riff thrown in there to slow down the music just a tad, but there's no breakdowns in sight! The musicianship is very professional, making it look as if the band has been fine-tuning these songs. " Sinopsis Patah Sayap Tuhan " dimulai dengan permainan Piaono mencekam oleh Bassis Vman selama menit ke 01:25 kemudian dihajar kembali dengan gempuran hyperblast Rapat menghantam ! " Sinopsis Patah Sayap Tuhan " menjadi Track dengan durasi panjang setelah " Paradigma " di album ini banyak menguras skill dan energi Humiliation untuk memainkannya, sentuhan harmonisasi riffing gelap menambah suram atmosfir track, terdengar jelas banget Raungan Growling emosional Addy Gembel ikut menghanyutkan hitam ditrack ini meneriakkan refrain " Sinopsis Patah Sayap Tuhan " !!!! pada menit ke 04:26, Gitaris Agy mencoba menambahkan clean Guitar emotional dengan diiringi solo drum Lutfi mengakhiri durasi lagu ini pada menit 05:15. selanjutnya kekejaman diserahkan pada " Judgement For N.G [Narration Grave] " menghajar cepat selama menit ke 02:33 ! " Savior Of Human Destruction " tanpa ampun menyiksa dengan sajian Hyperblast Snare dan Groovy part everywhere fantastic ! " Ceremony Burial Of Defamation " diawali dengan sebuah Sampling Intro yang dibuat oleh Jay Eye Feel Sick yang didalamnya kembali Gitaris Agy memainkan gaya Akustik Clean Gitar di part awal kemudian disambut gempuran rapat drummer Lufty yang semakin liar enerjik menyapa ! ga melulu dijejali dengan gempuran blastbeat, senandung Akustik Gitar kian menambah variatif aransemen lagu ini dengan lick riffing cantik dan kelamnya. " Instruksi Kematian ", lagi2 Gitaris Agy memainkan Slapdownstroke Riffing awesome ! partisi musik yang simple namun tetap terdengar " Berkualitas " hampir disetiap Komposisinya menjadi hal paling menarik dalam story penulisan lagu, bagaimana Menciptakan Struktur musik dinamis tapi tetep sinkron dengan ritme nada yang ada, sehingga kita ga akan dibelenggu oleh rasa boring tentang dinamisme itu sendiri. dan track pamungkas-nya, Humiliation mempersembahkan sebuah penghargaan untuk salah satu Blastbeater Kontroversial Bleeding Corpse dengan memainkan kembali " Bangkai Para Pendosa " masih dengan karakter Humiliation sendiri, yang Jelas akan semakin berbeda jika Gw merasakannya kembali. well, secara keseluruhan, materi ini sangat menarik sekali untuk kalian konsumsi juga, karena memang menawarkan komposisi musik fantastis dan jauh dari kesan boring, apalagi didukung dengan kemasan sounding yang menonjok abis ! ditambah lukisan keren karya Seniman kebanggaan Bandung Scene, sapa seh yang ga kenal kang Gustav Injected Sufferage, karyanya banyak menghiasi artwork band2 metal selama ini. terdapat juga narasi lirik lagu pada artwork Booklet Cover CD ini. mungkin bagi elo yang masih merindukan kembali penampilan " Melted " Disinfected yang kental dengan sentuhan kuat Gaya Dying Fetus dan ga selalu didominasi dengan part2 Blastbeat, kayaknya sangat gw rekomendasikan untuk mencicipi langsung masterpiece dasyat ini !! The overall sound is still heavy, fast, and groovy like albums of the past. the guitars are catchy, but there is still little-to-no element of impovement. I must rank this album just on past Dying Fetus works, but with all metal works. As far as the newer and more extreme metal out there, is falling back in terms of aggressiveness, speed, and overall ferociousness. They will always have a hand in extreme metal but for now they are part. BUY OR DYING !!!!!!!!!!!!

Has Bandung Keep Attacking!!! Surprise really with the concept offered by Barudak from Bandung, could I still get stuck in Progress Stigma Musick Brutal Style Band2 Bandung is always going to be dominated by Hyperblaster promoted by his predecessor without giving a chance i enjoy stagnation there. the game show that "cool" is really trying to remind humiliation over the concept of "Melted" Disinfected diera his 90's which until now en forever hypnotizing Enjoy gw enjoyed, a fantastic concept for gw music performed by 4 Barudak Killer bandung, let alone band This tries to add elements of native Sundanese traditional music is really in touch of the original variety. possible for the curious once with humiliation (including Gw. ed), and It's Not humiliation, metalcore origin Pekanbaru, Riau or humiliation Death Metal Band origin Kuala Lumpur, Malasya loh, it's good i try to write about Debutant dangerous "Different" from Bandung Roster this. Engineer took his Forgotten Toteng be a separate requirement for band2 bandung to maintain its quality sounding in Masterplan Studio and Studio Dialogue in February 2012 that the process of mixing and then handled by Kang Dadi Masteringnya Beerat at Dialog Studio In June To September has given birth re the best masterpiece this cool. The first track begins by presenting an Intro Instruments Foreplay fun as Opening Track humiliation lasted just 1:29 minutes before we actually feel the torment following "paradigm", and the steady beat of blastbeat Meeting if not give us a chance to breathe long, but only blastbeat the ga offered, part groovy style attack Dying Fetus be an excelent composition, let alone downstroke Guitarist Agy incision is very attractive with a touch of dynamism to dance freely with all forms of expression in typical John Gallager Cs Dying Fetus as one of the main motivator here songwriting. It's not that they're constantly changing clusterfucked and like many contemporary death metal acts; it's that they just do not bring enough catchiness, groove, or shear technicality to be memorable. But they're not bad in the last bit, they just do not stick in the end. Lutfi drummer Lo game also can not doubt kedasyatannya process so kicking skills! and become something different at minute 02:14, Zimbot of Karinding Attack gives a touch of his flute and harp in this Track, as well as Addy Gembel "Forgotten" and the Man "bodies" contribute Growling her, Man is also voicing Sunda Rajah Narrative him into adding more "unique" and its distinct rhythm track with a strong ethnic Sundanese abis! This is Amazing Nice Track!!! ... "Word of Wrath" continues blindly to the beat surprising energetic brutal death metal! incision riffing Agy getting more wild exploration work especial his fantastic riffing. Strong characters touch "Melted" Disinfected melted in style riffing Technical Necrophagist Perhaps with some parts Shredd Neoclassical whack every point his fingers. i hear intelligent arranging for the band's increasingly convinced of the potential for future dangerous band. though not doing something "new", they reveal every composition always bring "surprise". "Servant Sayaha", still sounding a distinctive character and Strong Band2 Bandung Death Metal, and more cool, at minute 01:03, Lutfi drummer doing a solo Drumming ciamik walo only up to 01:14 minutes, amazing!!! He may throw in a drum filll here and there, but then the music Slows down and gets some what groovy. During the groovy parts he could provide more double bass patterns to enhance and follow the guitars, but he just rolls Usually the double bass, sometimes fast other times like at 120 bmp. He could also throw in gravity blast beats to enhance the sound. He sounds pretty polished as he has his moments. Downstroke pummeling Part Arphegio riffing remains an awesome character. As I Mentioned before, the riffs are certainly more technical than I remember and they're even very catchy with little bits of groove thrown in for good measure. There's also the occasional hardcore riffs thrown in there to slow down the music just a tad, but there's no breakdowns in sight! The musicianship is very professional, making it look as if the band has been fine-tuning these songs. "Broken Wings Synopsis of God" begins with a gripping game Piaono by Vman Bassist for minutes to 01:25 and then beaten back by the onslaught hyperblast Meetings hit! "Broken Wings Synopsis God's" Track to the long duration after the "Paradigm" on this album much skill and energy drain humiliation to play, adding a touch of dark riffing harmonization gloomy atmospheric track, very audible roar Growling Gembel take away the emotional Addy's black ditrack shout chorus "Broken Wings Synopsis Lord"!!! at minute 04:26, Agy try adding clean Guitarist Guitar emotional Lutfi accompanied by a drum solo to end the song's duration at 05:15 min. further atrocities handed on "Judgement For NG [Narration Grave]" fast beat for minutes to 02:33! "Savior Of Human Destruction" mercilessly torturing a grain Hyperblast Snare and Groovy part everywhere fantastic! "Burial Ceremony Of Defamation" begins with a sampling Intro made by Jay Eye Feel Sick that inside back Guitarist Agy Clean Acoustic guitar playing style in the early part and then welcomed the onslaught of meeting the increasingly wild drummer Lufty energetic hello! ga merely overwhelmed by the onslaught of blastbeat, chanting Acoustic Guitar increasingly add varied arrangements of this song with a beautiful and kelamnya lick riffing. "Instruction Death", lagi2 Agy Guitarist plays Slapdownstroke riffing awesome! music is simple partition but still heard "Qualified" in almost every composition is a most interesting thing in the story songwriting, how to create a dynamic musical structure but still in sync with the rhythm tones are there, so we think it will not shackled by boring on it's own dynamism. and its final track, humiliation presents an award to one of Blastbeater Controversial Bleeding Corpse by playing back "Wreck of The Sinner" is the character of humiliation itself, which would obviously be more different if Gw feel it again. well, overall, this is very interesting material for your consumption as well, because it offers fantastic musical compositions and far from being boring, especially supported by packing a punch sounding abis! plus a cool painting artist works Bandung Scene pride, sapa know seh a ga kang Gustav Injected Sufferage, his artwork graced many metal band2 far. There are also narrative song on this CD Cover artwork booklet. possible for elo who still yearn for return appearances "Melted" Disinfected strong with a strong touch of style Dying Fetus and ga is always dominated by part2 Blastbeat, I think so i recommend for this terrible masterpiece taste right! The overall sound is still heavy, fast, and groovy like albums of the past. the guitars are catchy, but there is still little-to-no element of impovement. I must rank this album Dying Fetus just on past works, but with all metal works. As far as the newer and more extreme metal out there, is falling back in terms of aggressiveness, speed, and overall ferociousness. They will always have a hand in extreme metal but for now they are part. BUY OR DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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