Rabu, 08 April 2015

VA. Origin / Exodus / Decrepit Birth / All Shall - Label Showcase - Nuclear Blast CD 2012

VA. Origin / Exodus / Decrepit Birth / All Shall - Label Showcase - Nuclear Blast
Scion Audio Visual 2012

01 Decrepit Birth - Metatron 04:29      
02 Decrepit Birth - The Resonance 03:55    
03 Decrepit Birth - Polarity 04:32    
04 Origin - Banishing Illusion 01:40      
05 Origin - Evolution of Extinction 03:42    
06 Origin - Swarm 03:28    
07 All Shall Perish - Wage Slaves 04:25    
08 All Shall Perish - Procession of Ashes 03:26      
09 All Shall Perish - Gagged, Bound, Shelved and Forgotten 03:51      
10 Exodus - Beyond the Pale 07:57    
11 Exodus - Blacklist 05:31    
12. Exodus - Metal Command 04:06

Paul Ryan - Guitars, Vocals
John Longstreth - Drums
Mike Flores - Bass, Vocals
Jason Keyser - Vocals

Rob Dukes - Vocals
Lee Altus - Guitars
Jack Gibson - Bass
Gary Holt - Guitars
Tom Hunting - Drums

Decrepit Birth
Chase Fraser - Guitars
Sam Paulicelli - Drums
Bill Robinson - Vocals
Matt Sotelo - Guitars
Derek Boyer - Bass

All Shall Perish

Mike Tiner - Bass
Beniko Orum - Guitars
Hernan Hermida - Vocals
Adam Pierce - Drums
Francesco Artusato - Guitars

Dekade Millenium ini seperti semakin Maju dengan segala terobosan barunya, dalam Industri Musik Juga Mengalami Hal yang sama pula dalam hal Penjualan, Adanya penjualan lagu secara Digital / Non Fisik saat ini sedang Berkembang dan menjadi sebuah " Trend " Instan Pelaku Industri Seni, Khususnya Musik. Bisnis In-House seperti ini sepertinya tak luput dari beberapa pengaruh pendahulunya macam Apple dan Itunes, cukup membayar berapa Dollar yang ditawarkan kita bisa mengunduh File dengan Ekstensi Mp3 atau Wav dalam Kualitas Bitrate Tinggi dari Sampler yang disediakan untuk sarana Preview. seperti halnya lahir media seperti Scion Audio Visual, yang bertujuan sebagai Bentuk ekspresi seni dengan menyediakan platform untuk para seniman musik tetap bersemangat dan fokus pada pengembangan seni dan mengeksplorasi semua kemungkinan tak terbatasnya. Scion sendiri adalah Cabang Usaha Kecil dari Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc yang mendukung orisinalitas melalui program-program dalam komunitas artistik. ga terbatas Musik saja, Scion Audio Visual juga dikenal sebagai sebuah Portal Informasi Media yang lengkap dengan segala Fitur yang ada tentang Dunia Seni, seperti Radio Online Streaming, Magazine hingga Film, Scion Audio Visual juga menjadi sebuah Bentuk resmi Media Download lagu atas permintaan yang bersangkutan ( Label/Band ) untuk mempromosikan tanpa batas Free Stuff-nya sebagai sarana Promosi-nya. dan beberapa label pun menggunakan Media ini sebagai Promosi beberapa Unreleased Track sebagai Label Showcase dari Materi Produk utamanya, sebelumnya Relapse Records, Swimming With Shark Records, Prosthetic Records, etc melakukan hal yang sama, maka Nuclear Blast Records secara Resmi menggunakan cara yang serupa untuk Produk band Rosternya. dan " Origin / Exodus / Decrepit Birth / All Shall - Label Showcase - Nuclear Blast " adalah bentuk Rilisan Digital Split 4 Band Kondang saat ini yang berada dalam naungan label-nya, Bukan menampilkan rekaman Studio, melainkan Rekaman Panggung mereka yang " Sangat " layak Dengar dengan Kualitas Profesional tentunya, sehingga Kita bener2 akan merasakan Sadis-nya 4 Dedengkot metal ini beraksi diatas panggung. Its Very profesional Band Attitude ! denga Kualitas yang Sound yang keren, gw jamin elo akan bakalan sangat menikmati permainan 4 band ini yang dimulai oleh Band Technical Death Metal Populer Saat ini dengan Lick dan Skill yang Gila-gilaan, DECREPIT BIRTH ! yang cukup memuntahkan 3 lagu sadisnya !, terdengar sekali Kualitas band ini memang Gokill abis ga cuman direkaman Studio, dengan kata lain band ini asli mempunyai Talenta Diatas rata2 untuk mengelola Skill-nya tetap terjaga dan Mengerikan ! Permainan Drummer Sam Paulicelli yang keganasan skill-nya telah teruji dibeberapa band seperti Abigail Williams, Dark Empire, Mutiny Within, Suspyre, dan Eliminator ternyata memang bukan Pilihan yang sia2 Matt Sotelo menggunakan Talenta-nya untuk menggantikan Posisi KC. Howard yang cabut pasca menyelesaikan rekaman album " Polarity ", Gw sangat tersita banget dengan permainannya yang " Ngewriiiii " diatas panggung. Decrepit Birth sendiri di album " Polarity " ini memang terkenal memasukkan gaya yang Melodius dan Avant Garde pada beberapa Struktur Teknikal Part edan-nya, banyak Eksplorasi Riffing matematika dalam album ini semenjak Album sebelumnya. lalu ORIGIN, Jagoan Technical Hyperblasting Brutal Death Sinting asal Topeka, Kansas yang eksis sejak 1997 ini tetap dikenal dengan gaya bermain Brutal dan Liar-nya ! mempersembahkan 3 lagu Ganas nan sadis ! dengan Konsep yang lebih tertata lagi dengan Gaya Multiple Vokal dari 4 Member-nya, band ini masih tetap mempertahankan kekuatan dasyat-nya Menggeber Irama Brutality ! Especially for all Member  ! Amazingg Talent !!! setelah itu gantian ALL SHALL PERISH , Brutal Teknikal Deathcore Terbaik asal Oakland, California yang terbentuk sejak tahun 2002 dengan nama End Of All ! juga mempersembahkan 3 Track terbaiknya, pandangan Gw lagi2 tersita oleh permainan Drummer anyarnya, Adam Pierce yang memiliki Stamina dan Skill Luar biasa Pula semakin mempertajam Imej Band ini sangat berbahaya ! struktur musik yang semakin mengerikan jika kita tahu bagaimana Musik " Deathcore " itu yang sebenarnya, jawabannya bagi gw adalah ALL SHALL PERISH !!!!!!!!!!! dan Giliran Track selanjutnya diselesaikan oleh Dedengkot Bay Area Thrasher Kugiran EXODUS ! memuntahkan 3 lagu garangnya !, band yang tentunya banyak menyita Memori Kita dengan Perkembangan Thrash Metal semakin bertaring walau Usia tidak menjadi penghalang serius bagi mereka untuk bertarung kembali dengan Generasi muda, Exodus tetap powerfully !! Kayaknya elo mesti coba sendiri keganasan Kualitas rekaman Keren panggung ini sebelum memberikan Stereotype Rekaman panggung yang Membosankan. Dimixing kembali untuk meretas konsep Balancing, rekaman ini patut disejajarkan dengan Rekaman Studio saja layaknya. Sementara Artwork Kover depan menampilkan Lukisan Hitam Putih Seniman Gory terkenal, Mark Riddick semakin menambah angker Split Digital ini. TRY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Decade of the Millenium is like getting forward with any new breakthroughs, the music industry is also experiencing the same thing in terms of sales, selling songs by The Digital / Non-Physical is currently Developing and become a "Trend" Instant Performer Industrial Art, especially music. Business In-House as it seems no escape from some kind of influence of his predecessor and Apple Itunes, just pay what we offered Dollar able to download the file to Mp3 or Wav Extensions in High Bitrate The quality of facilities provided for the Sampler Preview. media such as birth Scion Audio Visual, which is intended as a form of artistic expression by providing a platform for musical artists to stay motivated and focused on the development of art and explore all the possibilities are limited. Scion itself is a Small Business Branch of Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), USA, Inc. which supports originality through its programs in the artistic community. Music only limited ga, Scion Audio Visual is also known as a Media Information Portal complete with all features available on the World of Art, such as Online Streaming Radio, Film Magazine up, Scion Audio Visual also become an official form Download Media at the request of the concerned (Label / Band) to promote unlimited Free Stuff her as his means of promotion. and some even label it as a Media Campaign uses several Unreleased Track Label Showcase of material as its main product, before Relapse Records, Swimming With Shark Records, Prosthetic Records, etc do the same thing, then the Official Records Nuclear Blast uses a similar manner to Products Rosternya band. and "Origin / Exodus / Decrepit Birth / All Shall - Label Showcase - Nuclear Blast" is a form of Digital Releases Band 4 Famous Split is currently residing in the shade of his label, Not showing a recording studio, recording stage but they are "very" worthy Listen to the Professional Quality of course, so we will bener2 his sadistic sense dedengkot 4 of this metal in action on stage. Its Attitude Band Very professional! Sound quality premises that are cool, I guarantee you will elo going to really enjoy the game 4 the band started by Technical Death Metal band popular with the Lick and the Mad Skill madness, DECREPIT Birth! 3 songs are sadistic enough spewing!, sound quality of this band was once Gokill abis ga cuman direkaman Studio, in other words, this band has a genuine talent for managing Skill famous Above her to stay awake and Terrible! Drummer Sam Paulicelli game that violence has proven his skills in several bands such as Abigail Williams, Dark Empire, Mutiny Within, Suspyre, and Eliminator it was not a choice that wasted Matt Sotelo used his talent to replace the KC position. Howard to pull the post-finish recording the album "Polarity", Gw is consumed with the game really is "Horrified" on stage. Decrepit Birth itself in the album "Polarity" is indeed well known include the melodic style and Avant Garde in some structures Part Technical his wacky, many mathematical riffing Exploration in this album since the previous album. then ORIGIN, Technical Stud Hyperblasting Insane Brutal Death from Topeka, Kansas that existed since 1997 is still known by the style of play his Brutal and Wild! presents 3 songs Malignant nan sadistic! with the concept of a more orderly again with Multiple Vocal Style of its Member 4, the band still retains its terrible power of rhythm Playing Brutality! Especially for all Member! Amazingg Talent! after it turns ALL SHALL PERISH, Technical Brutal deathcore from the Best Oakland, California formed in 2002 under the name End Of All! Track 3 also presents the best, the view taken by the game More new Drummer, Adam Pierce has Prime and Skill Excellent The image sharpens band is very dangerous! structure of the music that is alarming to know how music "deathcore" is the truth, the answer is for ALL Shall I perish!!! Turn Track and subsequently completed by Bay Area Thrasher Veteran EXODUS! vomited three songs fierce!, the band would take up a lot with the development of memory We Thrash Metal Age of the fangs though not a serious obstacle for them to fight back with the younger generation, Exodus remains powerfully! I think his own elo malignancy should try recording quality of this stage cool before giving the stage a Boring Stereotype Records. mixing back to rip of the concept of balancing, this tape should be aligned with the Recording Studio just like. While the front Coverage Artwork Painting Black and White featuring famous artists Gory, Mark Riddick further adds to this haunted Digital Split. TRY OR DIE!!!!!

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