Rabu, 08 April 2015

Testament - Dark Roots of Earth CD 2012

Testament - Dark Roots of Earth
Nuclear Blast Records 2012

01 Rise Up 04:18      
02 Native Blood 05:21      
03 Dark Roots of Earth 05:45      
04 True American Hate 05:26    
05 A Day in the Death 05:38    
06 Cold Embrace 07:46    
07 Man Kills Mankind 05:06      
08 Throne of Thorns     07:05    
09 Last Stand for Independence 04:43   

* Deluxe Edition
10 Dragon Attack (Queen cover) 04:44
11 Animal Magnetism (Scorpions cover) 05:55
12 Powerslave (Iron Maiden cover) 06:50
13 Throne of Thorns (extended version) 07:40

Greg Christian - Bass
Alex Skolnick - Guitars
Eric Peterson - Guitars
Chuck Billy - Vocals

Additional Player
Gene Hoglan - Drums
Chris Adler - Drums, Percussion

Menjadi Masterpiece yang paling ditunggu2, Jawara Bay Area Thrash Metal ini memang masih terlalu disibukkan dengan Jadwal Tour padat mereka masih mempromosikan album " The Formation of Damnation " rilisan tahun 2008 sebagai Album Reunian Testament sejak album " First Strike Still Deadly " tahun 2001, Band yang terhitung sebagai Band Metal Pertama yang Bergabung dengan Major label pertama kali dari Amrik, sepertinya masih terus ingin memanjakan para Fans dengan gaya Bay Area Thrash Metal Kental, Sejak Frontman Chuck Billy didiagnosis terkena Kanker yang bersarang didada-nya Tahun 2002, Band ini memutuskan untuk Vakum lama, dan selama Padatnya Jadwal Tour panjang mereka, Tahun 2002 tiba2 pada tanggal 29 Juni 2012, Testament Secara mengejutkan melepas Single " True American Hate " yang dilepas oleh Nuclear Blast Records sebagai Strategi dagang-nya format Digital untuk album terbaru Testament yang kemudian disusul single ke-2 " Native Blood " pada 20 Juli 2012 yang menyuguhkan 2 lagu yang dirilis dalam format Vinyl 3 warna Hingga 500 Copy, dan masih menggandeng Drummer Bertubuh gempal, Gene Hoglan yang sejak memasuki tahun 2012 hanya menjadi Drummer pembantu untuk Urusan panggung dan rekaman saja, karena Testament sendiri belum menemukan Drummer Permanen ! masih menggandeng Produser dan Enjiner Berbakat Andy Sneap, Testament yang kini hadir dengan Formasi Kwartet Sejak Band ini terbentuk tahun 1986, yupz Formasinya masih orisinil dimana pertama kali band ini mulai terbentuk ! sayang banget Gw masih mengharapkan Drummer lawas mereka, Louie Clemente bisa memperkuat Formasi ini kembali seperti awal2 Kiprah mereka. dan akhirnya masih dengan bantuan Drummer Gene Hoglan, Testament tetap Bersemangat Mengerjakan album baru ini dan juga dibantu Oleh Drummer Lamb Of God, Chris Adler pada beberapa lagu. sudah sejak mengenalkan Artwork karya seniman Eliran Kantor, Rasa Penasaran gw harus sedikit merasakan Penantian panjang untuk mendengarkan karya baru mereka setelah masih kurang puas dengan 2 single pertama album ini. dan Mantan Vokalis band Brutal Death Populer Amrik, VILE, Juan Urteaga pun kebagian untuk Me-mastering Album ini sejak dirinya memutuskan untuk banyak berada dibelakang layar sejak mendirikan Studio Rekaman sendiri bernama Trident Studios, di Pacheco, CA. Amidst this amalgamated state of the genre, there sprouts the rise of yet another legendary band’s masterpiece! Yes, Testament, the American thrash giants have come up with yet another spell bounding album " Dark Roots of Earth " !! langsung dimulai dengan Track " Rise Up ", tetap masih tercium aroma Karakter Testament yang terasa Lebih Modern Style seperti kita mendengar album era " The Formation of Damnation ", Not only does Testament go back to their old school style in this song, masih begitu terasa sekali sentuhan Thrash Riffing khas Band ini seperti album2 terdahulunya, raungan Chuck Billy masih  garang dinikmati dengan karakter Khas-nya yang kerap memacu adrenalin untuk Sing Along dan Headbang tentunya ! Solo2 Gitar Alex Skolnick masih tetap Perkasa dengan Karakter-nya menciptakan Nuansa Lick yang Melodius ! dan Eric Peterson masih tetap Sadis Kocokan Rhytym Guitarnya Handal ! dengan gaya Modern Sound yang Well fasten seat belts dan Permainan Gene Hoglan tetap Bisa dihandalkan pula untuk mewakili Karakter Utama Band ini, Testament treats you with an energy packed, dynamite of a song !! selanjutnya sudah kita dengarkan sebelumnya Track " Native Blood " bagaimana Gene Hoglan semakin Powerfull menghajar Perangkat Drum-nya. The song is intrinsically well synchronized with Gene Hoglan’s powerful double bass drumming and Alex’s two magical solos. so No Comment Dah buat track ini ! dan Eric Peterson masih sebagai Konseptor Lagu2 Testament sepertinya tidak kekurangan Ide untuk terus menciptakan Aransemen musik band ! " Dark Roots of Earth " diawali dengan Epic Part yang kemudian menjadi Komposisi yang agak sedikit middle Part sedikit bernostalgia dengan Konsep lawas Testament, walau kurang memiliki Beat yang menggigit, track ini lumayan untuk Suasana santai sebelum kembali dihajar dengan Thrash Metal enerjik selanjutnya dari track " True American Hate ", sedikit menyambung nuansa Track sebelumnya, solo Gitar Alex mengawali Jumpa cantiknya disini lalu kembali elemen Thrash Metal cadas pada beat kembali mematahkan Leher untuk Gaya Headbanger hehehehe, bahkan Gene Hoglan menambahkan ketukan Hyperblast disini, sebuah Komponen yang mungkin jarang banget kita temukan dikarakter Band sebelumnya, namun percayalah track ini bener2 terdengar " brutal " !! Keep synchronized with Gene Hoglan’s powerful double bass drumming Yeahhh !!! Kemudian Track " A Day in the Death " gantian Kita merasakan bagaimana Gaya Pukulan Chris Adler-nya Lamb Of God dicoba pada konsep testament, Hasilnya Lumayan mencengangkan bagi Gw hehehehe, Gaya drumming Chris yang terkenal dengan Gaya Unik-nya pada beberapa Hitungan Lick Drum bisa lumayan menyatu dengan Thrash Riffing Eric Peterson ! I'm a melodic death freak and it's weird to hear Testament amassing so many melodies on here. lalu " Cold Embrace  " are slow, with Chuck sounding less harsh and cradles you into the mood of a progressive track. The song gets heavier, while maintaining its slow pace and then descends into Alex’s beautiful solo while Eric Peterson plays a beautiful acoustic passage in the background. jangan Kuatir kalo Testament masih menyimpan gaya Khas Slowly nya untuk meredam suasa Berisik dengan Mellow part seperti ini, Dengan Clean Vokal Berat Chuck, memberi kesempatan untuk Alex dan Eric untuk memamerkan Melodius Epic Song yang mendayu dayu karakter-nya, elo tentunya masih ingat dengan karakter Lawas lagu " Legacy " khan ? nah nuansa seperti itulah yang dibawa pada Track " Cold Embrace " ini hehehehe.... " Man Kills Mankind " Testament masih kembali memukau dengan Gaya Thrashin-nya lagi, headbanger Again Yeahhh !!! " Throne of Thorns " kembali Part awalnya dimulai dengan Mellow Part melalui Clean Guitar yang kemudian digabung dengan Epic Part Headbang Opening yang gelap nuansanya. dan Diakhiri oleh track " Last Stand for Independence ", semakin tambah enerjik beat yang dimainkan pada Track ini. Solo Guitar Alex yang semakin melodius semakin membius Imaji Gw dengan Irama yang Bersinergi dengan Thrash Metal elemen ! Other than sounding heavier, Alex & Eric gives his own tiny detailed touch to the solos which serves as pretty much, an icing on the cake. dan Jika elo mendapatkan Versi Deluxe-nya, akan ada tambahan 4 Bonus Track song ! yaitu 3 Cover version dan 1 Track Extended Version lagu " Throne of Thorns ", Cover Song milik Queen " Dragon Attack ", Scorpion " Animal Magnetism " dan Track lawas Iron Maiden " Power Slave " yang dimainkan kembali dalam versi testament tentunya. really suit the band as it is awkwardly heavy, and yet tries to sound classy and soft, basically failing in all terms. jika kamu masih menikmati konsep musik dan lagu era " The Formation of Damnation " tentu kamu masih akan merasakan dedengkot Thrash Metal ini masih bernyali besar untuk tetap Eksis dan Dinamis dengan Konsep Matang-nya, dengan kata lain, Skill band ini masih terlalu Berbahaya untuk menjadi Rival Band2 generasi penerusnya. So go ahead, and fetch this mind blowing revival of a mind blowing band!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Being the most Awaited Masterpiece, Pioners Bay Area Thrash Metal is still too preoccupied with their dense Tour schedule is still promoting the album "The Formation of Damnation" album release in 2008 as Reunian Testament from the album "First Strike Still Deadly" in 2001, the Band calculated as the First Metal Band Join the label first Major of the United States, seem to still want to spoil the fans with Bay Area thrash metal style Condensed, since frontman Chuck Billy was diagnosed with cancer who lodged his chest in 2002, the band decided to vacuum long, and during their long tour tight schedule, tiba2 2002 on June 29, 2012, Testament Surprisingly Single release "True American Hate" which was released by Nuclear Blast Records as its trading strategy Digital format for the latest album which Testament was followed single 2nd "Native Blood" on July 20, 2012 to present two songs were released in three color Vinyl format Up to 500 Copy, and still holding stocky stature drummer, Gene Hoglan who since entering just a drummer in 2012 Affairs assistant to the stage and recording , because the Testament itself has not found a permanent drummer! Producers and engineers are still holding Talented Andy Sneap, Testament which now comes with Quartet Since its formation in 1986 The band was formed, yupz formation in which the original is still the first time the band began to take shape! I really love still expect their old drummer, Louie Clemente Formation could strengthen again as Early their gait. and finally still with the help of drummer Gene Hoglan, Testament is still Eager new album Working on this and also assisted by Lamb Of God Drummer Chris Adler on several songs. Artwork has since introduced the artist Eliran Kantor, Curious Sense I have felt a little long wait to hear their new works after the second was less than satisfied with the first single of this album. Former singer and band Brutal Death Popular Amrik, Vile, Juan Urteaga was assigned to Me-mastering for this album since she decided to be a lot of behind the scenes since founded his own recording studio called Trident Studios, Pacheco, CA. Amalgamated amidst this state of the genre, there sprouts the rise of yet another legendary band's masterpiece! Yes, Testament, the American thrash giants have come up with yet another spell bounding album "Dark Roots of the Earth"! Track begins with "Rise Up", it still smelled Testament character that feels more like a Modern Style album era we hear of "The Formation of Damnation", Not only does Testament go back to Their old school style in this song, is so pronounced at the touch of thrash riffing like a typical band albums predecessor, Chuck Billy still ferocious roar enjoyed with his typical character who often adrenaline and headbang to Sing Along of course! Alex Skolnick Guitar Solos still Mighty with his character creates a melodic nuances Lick! and Eric Peterson still Sadis whisk Rhytym Guitarnya Reliable! Sound with a Modern style Well fasten seat belts and Games Gene Hoglan can still be reliable also to represent the main character of this band, Testament treats you with an energy packed, dynamite of a song!! then we have heard previously Track "Native Blood" Gene Hoglan how the Powerful beat his drum device. The song is intrinsically well synchronized with Gene Hoglan's powerful double bass drumming and Alex's two magical solos. No Comment so Dah for this track! and Eric Peterson are still as Conceiver lagu2 Testament seems no shortage of ideas to continue to create music Arrangement band! "Dark Roots of the Earth" begins with Epic Part which later became The composition is a bit middle Part bit nostalgic for the old Testament concept, though lacking a bit beat, the track is not bad for a relaxed atmosphere before returning beaten with subsequent energetic thrash metal from the track " True American Hate ", a little nuance Track connect before, Alex started the guitar solo here See you then beautiful elements of thrash metal rock back on the beat again break the neck to force Headbanger hehehehe, even Gene Hoglan Hyperblast adding beats here, a component which may very rarely be found dikarakter Band before, but believe me this track sounds Really "brutal"! Keep synchronized with Gene Hoglan's powerful double bass drumming Yeahhh! Then Track "A Day in the Death" style turns what we feel his blows Chris Adler Lamb Of God tested the concept testament, astonishing bad result for Gw hehehehe, Chris drumming style that is famous for his unique style on a Counts Lick Drum can Thrash riffing quite blend with Eric Peterson! I'm a freak melodic death and it's weird to hear so many melodies Testament amassing on here. and "Cold Embrace" are slow, with Chuck sounding less harsh and cradles you into the mood of a progressive track. The song gets heavier, while maintaining its slow pace and then descends into Alex's beautiful solo while Eric Peterson plays a beautiful acoustic passage in the background. Do not Worry if Testament Slowly still keeps his typical style to muffle noisy with Mellow suasa part like this, with Clean Vocals Chuck weight, giving a chance for Alex and Eric to show off the melodic dayu mendayu Epic Song of his character, elo certainly still remember the character old song "Legacy", right? ever feel like that's what brought on the Track "Cold Embrace" is hehehehe .... "Man Kills Mankind" Testament was again hit by Style Thrashin it again, Headbanger Again Yeahhh! "Throne of Thorns" Part originally started back in Part through the Clean Guitar Mellow which then merged with Epic Part headbang Opening the dark shades. and Terminated by the track "Last Stand for Independence", the added energetic beat that is played on this track. Guitar solos are more melodic Alex Image Me with the more sedate rhythm Synergize with elements of Thrash Metal! Other than sounding heavier, Alex & Eric Gives detailed his own tiny touch to the which serves as the solos pretty much, an icing on the cake. If elo gain and its Deluxe version, there will be an additional 4 Bonus Track song! Cover version is 3 and 1 Track Extended Version song "Throne of Thorns", Cover Song Queen's "Dragon Attack" Scorpion "Animal Magnetism" and the old Iron Maiden track "Slave Power" that is played back in testament version of course. really suits the band as it is awkwardly heavy, and yet tries to sound classy and soft, Basically failing in all terms. if you still enjoy the concept of music and song era "The Formation of Damnation" of course you'll still feel Legendary Thrash Metal is still great to keep dare Exist and dynamic with his concept of Intense, in other words, Skill band is still too dangerous to be Rival Bands future generations. So go ahead, and fetch this revival of a mind blowing mind blowing band!

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