Selasa, 28 April 2015

Remnant - Instrumentals Unleashed CD 2012

Remnant - Instrumentals Unleashed
Ghastly Music 2012

01 Track 1        
02 Track 2        
03 Track 3        
04 Track 4        
05 Track 5        
06 Track 6        
07 Track 7        
08 Track 8

Angel Martinez - All instruments, Vocals

One Man Project Again ! Yeaahhh !!! ... Sepertinya yang namanya Obsesi Musisi itu semakin lama semakin Tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan Egoisme. banyak faktor yang mencetuskan fenomena seperti ini, dan seperti yang kita tahu hal seperti ini banyak terjadi dan bermunculan Musisi dengan Obsesi Tunggalnya menumpahkan yang namanya Ide Kreatifitas sendiri sesuai dengan keinginannya, Klise ! kali ini Gw kenalkan lagi One Man project yang bagus masih dari scene amrik, REMNANT !, dengan Konsep Brutal Death Metal yang dibentuk oleh Angel Martinez,  Gitaris Vokalis band Brutal Death Metal Self Mutilation !, menyalurkan semua Ekspresinya sendiri, Angel Martinez seperti menemukan keinginannya sejak membentuk Remnant ini sendirian tahun 2011 dengan mengusung konsep juga yang ga jauh berbeda dengan Self Mutilation, Brutal Death Metal dengan beat2 yang cepat dan Sounding yang lebih banyak mengingatkan dengan salah satu Influence terbesar Angel, Dying Fetus ! mesti ga banyak melakukan Groove dan Slam Part, Komposisi Musiknya lebih mencoba mengarah ke Typical Riffing Malevolent Creation baru dan beberapa gaya Putrid Pile serta Insidious Decrepancy. dan mungkin yang menjadi Unik untuk rilisan perdana full CD ini adalah kalo Angel Martinez tidak punya banyak ide untuk membuat Titel track, sehingga untuk Rilisan ini sama sekali ga ada Titel track-nya, None of the tracks have any discernible titles ! tapi bagi gw komposisi Musik death Metal yang ditawarkannya tetap yang terbaik, Most Faster dan Intensed ! makanya Gw buru buru menulis untuk Kejutan ini. I really like the guitar play on this album. It is mostly mid paced groovy death metal, that infectious kind that is just fun as hell to listen to. There are also some noodly moments here and there but it doesn't go into the tech death wankery thank god. At times the speed does pick up, even if briefly, which can be a welcomed change of pace. But overall its the groove that really owns this album and makes it something that kept me from being Expected of listening to it. masih terasa renyah banget gaya Downtuned Sounding Khas Dying Fetus disini, kemudian Angel banyak memainkan Tremolo Pummeling Riff yang cepat dan Fantastis, Harmonisasi dan Palm Mute termasuk beberapa Sweep Picking ala Cannibal Corpse cukup terasakan dalam beberapa aransemen partisi Musiknya. Deep growling yang lumayan mencoba tampil Guttural beberapa kali harus melaju cepat dalam Pattern Vokal dinamis dan terakhir adalah Komposisi Drumming Machine yang Variatif semakin memberi jaminan kalau Proyek One Man Project ini ga bakal bikin aroma yang membosankan. In conclusion, this album is a finely tuned rhythmic vessel of death metal destruction. There isn't a bad song, there is no filler, there is nothing that detracts from the album from beginning to the conclusion of the 38 minute running time.This manifests in the form of some legitimately dark riffing, and their showboating never goes so far overboard (heh) as to betray the primal simplicity of their consistent adherence to a naturally flowing tempo. Or, to put it simply, you can fucking headbang to it! Yes, you can have just as much fun rhythmically slamming your way through the pit as you can sitting in awe of each band member’s boundless, flabbergasting skill, and each seems to present just as enticing a scenario. sepertinya membuktikan waktu tersendiri untuk menikmati panjang sajian Remnant ini. sebuah Track Keren pada urutan Ke-7 pada awal partnya memainkan slowdown Groovy Ciamik memang banyak juga kembali terus mengingatkan In The Vein Dying Fetus banget. sajian komposisi 8 lagu super cepat ini memang ga begitu orisinil, namun tetap bagus untuk terus dinikmati. It might be somewhat presumptive to assert that this is Talented ’ Cool release, but it is definitely the strongest and most inviting of their extensive body of work, largely because it simply ceases in trying to hit the listener with a message and actually does it. Perhaps in their own twisted way, this band has become their own little school for how to calibrate one’s bullshit meter regarding a number of things that most seem to hold as sacrosanct. But for anyone who just wants to hear a great death metal album in the mode of the mid 90s when the technically proficient traditional scene first began butting heads with the younger, more brutal offshoot, there’s no short supply of that going on here.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

One Man Project Again! Yeaahhh!!! ... Looks like the name obsession musician increasingly can not be separated by egoism. many factors that trigger this phenomenon, and as we know things like this happen a lot and emerging musicians to shed a single obsession Idea Creativity own name in accordance with her wishes, cliche! Gw introduced again this time One Man project good Americans are still of the scene, Remnant!, the concept of Brutal Death Metal that is formed by Angel Martinez, guitarist vocalist Brutal Death Metal band Self Mutilation!, channeling all its own expression, as Angel Martinez discovered her desire since Remnant was formed in 2011 as well with the concept that much different ga Self Mutilation, Brutal Death Metal with a fast and beat2 Sounding more reminiscent to one of the biggest Influence Angel, Dying Fetus! ga should do a lot of Groove and Part Slam, music composition more try to pinpoint new Malevolent Creation Typical riffing and some styles Putrid Pile and Insidious Decrepancy. and may be unique for the release of the debut full CD is if Angel Martinez did not have a lot of ideas to make the track titles, so for this release at all ga is his track titles, None of the tracks have any discernible titles! but for gw Death Metal Music composition remains the best it has to offer, Most Faster and Intensed! hence Gw hurry hurry to write for this surprise. I really like the guitar play on this album. It is mostly mid-paced groovy death metal, that infectious kind that is just fun as hell to listen to. There are also some noodly moments here and there but it does not go into the tech death wankery thank god. At times the speed does pick up, even if Briefly, roomates can be a welcomed change of pace. But overall its the groove that really owns this album and makes it something that kept me from being Expected of listening to it. it still feels very crisp style downtuned Sounding Typical Dying Fetus here, then Angel many plays Tremolo pummeling riffs, fast and fantastic, Harmonization and Palm Mute Sweep Picking included some Cannibal Corpse style quite felt in several partitions music arranger. Deep growling Guttural appear fairly tried several times had to go fast in Pattern dynamic vocals and the last is a Variatif Machine Drumming composition guarantees that the Project's One Man ga Project will make a dull aroma. In conclusion, this album is a finely tuned rhythmic vessel of death metal destruction. There is not a bad song, there is no filler, there is nothing that detracts from the album from beginning to the conclusion of the 38 minute running time.this manifests in the form of some legitimately dark riffing, and their showboating never goes so far overboard (heh) as to betray the primal simplicity of their consistent adherence to a naturally flowing tempo. Or, to put it simply, you can fucking headbang to it! Yes, you can have just as much fun rhythmically slamming your way through the pit as you can sitting in awe of each band member's Boundless, flabbergasting skill, and each seems to present just as Enticing a scenario. seemed to prove a separate time to enjoy this long-serving Remnant. Cool on a Track-7 sequence to the early part is plays slowdown ciamik Groovy is much too back keeps reminding Dying Fetus In The Vein really. grain composition 8 songs blazing fast does ga so original, but still good to continue to enjoy. It might be somewhat presumptive to assert that this is Talented 'Cool release, but it is definitely the strongest and most inviting of their extensive body of work, largely Because it simply ceases in trying to hit the listener with a message and actually does it. Perhaps in their own twisted way, this band has their own little school Join us for how to calibrate one's bullshit meter regarding a number of things that most seem to hold as sacrosanct. But for anyone who just wants to hear a great death metal album in the fashion of the mid 90s when the technically proficient traditional first scene Began butting heads with the younger, more violent offshoot, there's no short supply of that going on here. 

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