Rabu, 08 April 2015

Putrified J - The Last Harvest CD 2012

Putrified J - The Last Harvest
Ghastly Music 2012

01 Introduction 00:38    
02 The Anthem 02:32    
03 Suffer (Feat. Chordotomy) 02:49    
04 The Beast (Feat. Cadaveric Lake) 01:39    
05 Soul Vomit 01:25    
06 The Last Harvest (Feat. Punished Earth) 00:56    
07 Contagium 01:46    
08 Slaughterhouse 02:05    
09 616 01:54    
10 Johnny Bloodbath (Feat. Digging Your Tomb) 01:35    
11 Outroduction 01:06    
12 Repulsive Dissection (bonus track) 01:19    
13 Manifesting Abomination (Feat. Splattered Entrails) (bonus track) 02:19    
14 Necrophilic Human Flesh (bonus track) 00:58   

Jason - Drums, Vocals
Wes - Guitars

" PUTRIFIED J comes right from a worldwide scene of brutal death metal to offer their first album THE LAST HARVEST to that brutal world. Insane slams and insane guitar riffs are the master words of this album with tons of good collaborations. Spreading the disease between the continents, no one cant stop this plague who keeps groing. For fans of Kraanium, Abominable Putridity and Cranial Osteotomy ". sekelumit Kata yang ditulis oleh pihak label asal Jepang, Ghastly Music untuk menggambarkan Nuansa CD band Brutal yang dibentuk secara Keroyokan oleh Musisi Brutal Death Metal dari 3 negara, Belgium, Canada dan United States, yang cukup di Komandani oleh 2 manusia edan Jason dan Wes yang Tracking Vokal-nya menghadirkan Guttural Vokill dari band Slamming dari Sohib Terbaik mereka dari band Chordotomy, Cadaveric Lake, Punished Earth, Digging Your Tomb dan Splattered Entrails yang membantu mengisi Posisi Vokal disini sehingga band ini lebih Nyaman dengan sebutan Konsep bermusik sebagai " worldwide slamming brutality ", yup mungkin hadirnya teknologi canggih seperti abad sekarang ini banyak membantu Keinginan mereka untuk eksis di genre Slamming Death Metal dengan Guttura Vokill ! setelah dimulai dengan sebuah Intro, track " The Anthem " langsung mengenalkan Keganasan kejam mereka memainkan Brutal Death Metal yang kaya dengan Slamming part dan Guttural Gurgling Vokills yang banyak terinspirasi oleh Karakter bermain Dedengkotnya seperti Sintury, Kraanium, Devourment, Abominable Putridity ampe Cranial Osteotomy cukup untuk menggambarkan karakter musik yang mereka usung ! Ridiculous pig squeals and obnoxious gurgled vocals (which often end up sounding like burps) thrive in this genre. Not to say all pig squeals and gurgled vocals are horrible, but a great number of them are, especially in slam. These vocals are very deep - somewhere between a death growl and a gurgle. They are by far the best part of the release, though their cavernous vigour is lost on the monotony of the apathetic musicianship. sebenarnya karakter Musiknya tergolong simple dan Catchy selain hanya mengandalkan karakter Vokill berdarah-darah ( baca : Guttural Gurgling Vokill .ed ) adalah salah satu kekuatan nyata band2 slamming Brutality. bahkan Konsep musik yang ditawarkan band ini tergolong agak sedikit membosankan jika dinikmati berulang-ulang, bagaimana tidak kalau karakter Guttural selalu tidak memiliki Pattern Vokal yang begitu jelas. banyak sekali Slamming Part dan Breakdown Groovy part yang monoton terkonsep oleh drummer Jason yang banyak merefleksikan rekaman ini pada kekuatan Machine Drumming sehingga bagi gw telah mengurangi Kegaharan sebenarnya Materi CD perdana ini. the same old thing about violence and evil and whatnot. You'd think after thousands of bands have done the exact same thing, their members would start to realize its getting old. dan mungkin pada dasarnya juga gw kurang begitu menikmati Nuansa slamming Guttural ini, sehingga tidak banyak yang bisa Gw ceritakan lebih detail tentang materi yang ada dalam 13 lagu disini, namun Fans Slamming Brutality tentu akan beranggapan beda dengan gw pribadi tentunya, so segala sesuatunya tentu kembali ke selera masing2 khan? hehehhee ... While not original, they did manage to be less silly and immature than 95% of slam bands which definitely deserves props. Vocals this good in a slam band are also a rarity. Despite these positives, this album just doesn't pack much of a punch. At the end of listening to it, it leaves little to no impact. At least its really short and has no time to drag on. If you are a big fan of slam !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

"PUTRIFIED J comes right from a worldwide scene of brutal death metal to offer their first album THE LAST HARVEST to that brutal world. Insane slams and insane guitar riffs are the master words of this album with tons of good Collaborations. Spreading the disease between the continents, no one cant stop this plague who keeps groing. For fans of Kraanium, Abominable Putridity and Cranial Osteotomy ". bit of word written by the Japanese label, Ghastly Music to describe the nuances CD Brutal band formed by musician keroyokan Brutal Death Metal from the three countries, Belgium, Canada and the United States, which is quite ridiculous commanded by two men Jason and Wes are Tracking her vocals bring Vokill Guttural slamming the band their Best of Sohib Chordotomy band, Cadaveric Lake, Punished Earth, Digging Your Tomb and entrails Splattered that help fill the vocal position here so that the band is more comfortable as the concept of music as a "worldwide slamming Brutality "yup possible presence of advanced technologies such as the present century helped their desire to exist in slamming Death Metal genre with Guttura Vokill! after starting with an intro, the track "The Anthem" directly introducing ruthless ferocity they played Brutal Death Metal slamming rich part and Guttural gurgling Vokills much inspired by the character played Dedengkotnya like Sintury, Kraanium, Devourment, Abominable Putridity ampe enough to Cranial Osteotomy describe the character of the music that their stretcher! Ridiculous and obnoxious pig squeals gurgled vocals (which Often end up sounding like burps) thrive in this genre. Not to say all pig squeals and gurgled vocals are horrible, but a great number of them are, especially in slam. These vocals are very deep - somewhere between a growl and a death gurgle. They are by far the best part of the release, though their cavernous VIGOUR is lost on the monotony of the apathetic musicianship. The music is actually quite simple and the characters other than just relying Catchy Vokill bloody character (read: Guttural gurgling Vokill. ed) is one of the real strengths band2 slamming Brutality. even the concept of the music that the band has to offer quite a bit a bit boring when enjoyed over and over again, how could you not when the characters do not always have the Pattern Guttural vocals are so clear. a lot of slamming and Breakdown Part Groovy monotonous parts terkonsep by drummer Jason's many recordings reflect on the power of the Machine Drumming so i have reduced the actual material Kegaharan this first CD. the same old thing about violence and evil and whatnot. You'd think after Thousands of bands have done the exact same thing, their members would start to Realize its getting old. and may well i basically less so enjoy Nuance Guttural slamming it, so not much to Gw tell me more details about the material in 13 tracks here, but slamming Brutality Fans will certainly consider different personal gw course, so everything would go back to taste masing2 khan? hehehhee ... While not original, they did manage to be less silly and immature than 95% of slam bands roomates definitely deserves props. Vocals this good in a slam band are also a rarity. Despite these positives, this album just does not pack much of a punch. At the end of listening to it, it leaves little to no impact. At least its really short and has no time to drag on. If you are a big fan of slam!

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