Rabu, 08 April 2015

Chthonic - Final Battle At Sing Ling Temple CD 2012

Chthonic - Final Battle At Sing Ling Temple
Spinefarm Records CD 2012

CD 1
01 Intro (1947) 2:10
02 49 Theurgy Chains 3:39
03 Rise Of The Shadow 4:20
04 Sing Ling Temple 5:50
05 Bloody Waves Of Sorrow 4:54
06 Mirror Of Retribution - Spell Of The Setting Sun 8:17
07 Pgaku Flute Solo 3:23
08 Indigenous Laceration 4:55
09 Bloody Gaya Fulfilled 10:54
10 Quasi Putrefaction 7:17

CD 2
01 The Island 2:02
02 Legacy Of The Seediq
03 Southern Cross
04 Kaoru
05 Mahakala
06 Quell The Souls In Sing Ling Temple 8:33
07 Takao 5:05
08 Oceanquake 4:22
09 Broken Jade 9:59

Freddy Lim - Vocals, Erhu
Doris Yeh - Bass, Backing Vocals
Jesse Liu - Guitars, Backing Vocals
Dani Wang - Drums
CJ Kao - Keyboards

Masih dilanda Demam Kedasyatan Permainan Band Melodic Black Metal terbaik Negeri Taiwan, CHTHONIC yang sangat memukau Indonesian Metalhead saat penampilan Mereka Di Hammersonic lalu, masih menyisakan beberapa rasa kagum terhadap band Paling terkenal di Taipei, Taiwan sejak terbentuk tahun 1995 telah memiliki Banyak Rilisan dari Demo, Ep, Single, CD, dan DVD, band ini sepertinya masih terus menggeliat di Scene Taiwan yang Kurang begitu Populer dan berkembang Genre Metal-nya, padahal jika boleh tau, Scene ini lebih bisa berkembang dengan pola Pikir maju Penduduk-nya, tapi kenyataannya Demam " Boysband " lebih Membahana dan diterima di Negeri ini hahahahaha .... nama Chthonic ini sendiri diambil dari Pronou Kata " thon-ick ", adalah kata sifat yang berkaitan dengan dewa, roh atau makhluk yang tinggal di dunia bawah tanah. dan Band ini menggunakan Makeup atau Mungkin Biasanya band Black Metal Corpsepaint berdasarkan pada 8 Jenderal Neraka dalam Ilmu pengetahuan Tao. karena hal ini mereka tahu lebih banyak sejak dipengaruhi oleh Imej Norwegia dan kemudian dibawa dalam Imej Band ini sendiri melalui budaya dan cerita rakyat yang berkembang dari pengetahuan Personil Chthonic. band ini sendiri masih terkenal sebagai band Black Metal dengan gaya melodius yang terpengaruh dengan Taiwanese music tradisional dengan menggabungkan alat Instrumen seperti Erhu yang orang taiwan sendiri menyebutnya sebagai hiân-á yang gape dimainkan oleh Vokalis Freddy Lim menjadikan Konsep band ini lebih terasa Oriental melalui sentuhan Folky-nya. selain itu Mereka ini adalah para seniman terkenal, serta aktivis politik yang mendukung kemerdekaan bagi Taiwan dan penentuan nasib sendiri bagi Tibet dan Uighur. dan " Final Battle At Sing Ling Temple " menjadi Rilisan DVD Band yang kedua setelah " A Decade on the Throne " tahun 2006, dan disini gw sengaja HANYA melakukan Review pada 2 Format CD Audio saja dari beberapa Titel Track yang sudah Gw Translate hehehehe ... Karena Kedasyatan permainan Diatas rata2 Para Musisi-nya, Band ini terkenal juga dengan Bakat skill-nya, ga heran saja label populer dan besar asal Finlandia seperti Spinefarm Records sangat tertarik untuk merekrut band berpotensi ini dalam Roster-nya. memang kemasan Kualitas Album Live panggung ini asli keren dari segi Sound-nya sehingga Fans band ini dijamin akan sangat menikmati permainan dasyat Chthonic ! dimulai dengan sebuah Intro " Intro (1947) " selama 02:10 yang menampilkan permainan Urhu oleh Vokalis Freddy Lim disaat semua member lain sedang prepare dengan semua Instrumennya, suasana megah Plus teriakan Riuh Penonton semakin menambah " Ngewriii " suasana Opening Chthonic, Freddy yang menjadi frontman dan member asli band ini sejak terbentuk memang selalu tampil khas dengan gaya Corpsepaint Forehead dari 8 Jenderal dari Neraka-nya kemudian langsung menyambut track " 49 Theurgy Chains " begitu dimainkan Lautan Moshing Audience terlarut dalam Gemuruh Irama Kegelapan Black Metal yang melodius ! Intense Sound Heavy As Fuck semakin menambah " Megah " Dasyat Musikalitas band ini, apalagi hentakan Twin Pedal Mantap Drummer Dani Wang yang bergabung dengan band ini sejak Tahun 2005 menjadi harapan besar band ini lebih tampil sempurna. Sayatan Melodius dan Gelap Riffing Gitaris Jesse Liu yang kerap menjadi Backing Vokal bersama Si cantik dan Sexy Bassis Doris Yeh tetap menjadi Icon Penting juga band ini secara Imej hehehehe ... gempuran musiknya memang asli Powerfully dengan stamina yang mantap punya ! " Rise Of the Shadow " selanjutnya tetap menggerinda dengan Hyperblast Snare dan Twin Pedal powerfully seakan menjadi elemen yang mendominasi sounding band ini ketimbang karakter Vokal Freddy yang kerap tertutup oleh elemen lain !, Gemulai Tuts Keyboard CJ Kao tetap tampil Atmospheric dengan Church Keystyle memenuhi Ruang Musik dan semakin menambah elemen Hitam dan gelapnya, dan pantas saja Audience semakin " Kesetanan " untuk melakukan Headbanging dibibir panggung dan Moshpit Act-nya, lalu Menjadi Bintang Tamu spesial, Vokalis Karismatik seperti Randy Blythe dari Lamb Of God pun bersedia menyumbangkan Suaranya di performance spesial Chthonic, dan terdengar juga kalo Vokalis Freddy yang begitu Komunikatif dengan Audience melalui Bahasa Khas Negeri Taiwan-nya kerap berkoar koar disetiap Awal Track-nya. ga musik saja yang kerap disuarakan disini, ada solo Flute bernuansa Tradisional banget. Total 18 lagu Powerfully yang dimainkan selama hampir 2 jam membuktikan stamina band ini memang asli powerful. dan tidak ada lagi yang diragukan dari musikalitas berbahaya band ini yang sukses hampir disetiap rilisannya.  Artwork Kover yang bergaya " Heroik dan Kolosal " menjadi konsep unik band ini yang sekilas terasa nuansa Film Poster Klasik tentang Kisah Kepahlawanan Shaolin Temple aja hahahaha, wajib banget untuk Chthonic fans untuk Miliki Rilisan Panggung bagus ini. uninterestingly makes an attempt to mirror melodic black metal that some would call Dissection-ish while utilizing a touch of folk/oriental music when applicable. Pretty tasty, right? Hate to say it, but no, not really. There's a lot of passion and vigor within Chthonic; it's something actually quite remarkable, but musically they lack a number of perks to truly electrify their gospel. a desirable blueprint, or maybe the excellent use of the erhu and other folk themes, and I firmly believe this band has the tools to craft an iron legacy which reaches even higher than it does now, but they are greatly jeopardizing their status with such mediocrity !!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Still torn Kedasyatan Fever Band Playing Melodic Black Metal Taiwan Affairs best, a very intriguing Indonesian chthonic Metalhead as appearances Those In Hammersonic ago, still has some sense of awe at the most famous band in Taipei, Taiwan since their establishment in 1995 has had a lot of Demo Release, Ep, singles, CDs, and DVDs, the band still seems to writhe in Scene Taiwan are less so Popular Metal Genre and develop it, but if you must know, the scene is more able to develop patterns of thought developed its residents, but the reality Fever "Boysband" more formations and accepted in this country hahahahaha .... chthonic name itself is taken from Pronou word "thon-ick" is an adjective associated with gods, spirits or beings who live in the underworld. and the band uses makeup or Maybe Usually Corpsepaint Black Metal band based on 8 General Tao Hell in Science. because of this they know more since The image is influenced by Norway and then brought in the band The image itself through culture and folklore that developed from the knowledge of personnel chthonic. band itself is still known as Black Metal band with a melodic style of music influenced by traditional Taiwanese instruments such as the erhu instrument combining the Taiwan people themselves refer to it as the gape-á Hian played by vocalist Freddy Lim made the concept of the band was more pronounced Oriental through folky touch her. other than that they are well-known artists, and political activists who support independence for Taiwan and self-determination for Tibet and Uighur. and "Final Battle At Sing Ling Temple" to release a second DVD Band "A Decade on the Throne" in 2006, and here i accidentally ONLY do Review at 2 format CD Audio Track from a few titles that have Gw Translate hehehehe .. . Because Kedasyatan game rata2 Musicians Above her, the band is also famous for his skill with talent, ga wonder just popular and major labels such as the Finnish Spinefarm Records is excited to recruit potential this band in its Roster. Live album was packing quality original cool this stage in terms of its Sound bands that fans are guaranteed to really enjoy the game enormously chthonic! Intro starts with an "Intro (1947)" during the 2:10 game featuring vocalist Freddy Lim Urhu by while all the other members being prepare with all the instruments, plus the magnificent atmosphere of boisterous audience shouts further adds "Ngewriii" Opening atmosphere chthonic, Freddy the frontman and original member of the band since their establishment is always performed in the style typical of 8 Corpsepaint Forehead General of Hell and then once welcomed his track "49 Theurgy Chains" was played dissolved in the oceans moshing audience roaring rhythm melodic Black Metal Dark! Intense Sound Heavy As Fuck further adds "Magnificent" spectacular musicality of the band, let alone beat Twin Pedal Steady drummer Dani Wang, who joined the band since 2005 into great expectations band more perfect. Dissection and Dark melodic riffing guitarist Jesse Liu is a frequent Backing Vocals with The pretty and sexy bassist Doris Yeh remains Icon is also important this band The image hehehehe ... onslaught of the music is original powerfully with solid stamina got! "Rise Of The Shadow" then keep grinding with Hyperblast Snare Twin Pedal powerfully and seemed to be the element that dominates this band sounding vocals than the character Freddy is often covered by other elements?, Supple Keys Keyboard CJ Kao still look Atmospheric Keystyle meet with Church Music Room and further adds Black and dark elements, and the proper course Audience increasingly "crazy" to do dibibir stage headbanging and his moshpit Act and Being a special guest star, such as the charismatic vocalist Randy Blythe of Lamb Of God was willing to donate her voice in a special performance chthonic , and also if Vocalist Freddy sounded so communicative with the audience through the Taiwan Language Typical of her often koar each boasting its Early Track. ga music are often voiced here, there are nuances Traditional Flute solo really. Total 18 songs powerfully played for almost 2 hours to prove it is genuine stamina powerful band. and there is no longer a question of musicality dangerous band of successful almost every rilisannya. Coverage Artwork stylish "Heroic and Colossal" became the band's unique concept that at first glance seem nuances Movie Poster Classics Heroic Story of Shaolin Temple wrote hahahaha, really mandatory for fans to chthonic Have a nice stage this release. uninterestingly makes an attempt to mirror melodic black metal that some would call Dissection-ish while utilizing a touch of folk / oriental music when applicable. Pretty tasty, right? Hate to say it, but no, not really. There's a lot of passion and vigor within chthonic; it's something actually quite remarkable, but musically they lack a number of perks to truly electrify their gospel. a desirable blueprint, or maybe the excellent use of the erhu and other folk themes, and I firmly believe this band has the tools to craft an iron legacy Reaches roomates even higher than it does now, but they are greatly jeopardizing their status with such mediocrity !!

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