Rabu, 08 April 2015

Ensiferum - Unsung Heroes CD 2012

Ensiferum - Unsung Heroes
Spinefarm Records 2012

01 Symbols 01:51    
02 In My Sword I Trust 05:20      
03 Unsung Heroes 05:55      
04 Burning Leaves 06:03      
05 Celestial Bond 04:15      
06 Retribution Shall Be Mine 04:27      
07 Star Queen (Celestial Bond part II) 05:55    
08 Pohjola 06:05    
09 Last Breath 04:29
10 Passion, Proof, Power 17:00  

Markus Toivonen - Guitars, Backing Vocals, Clean Vocals
Sami Hinkka - Bass, Backing Vocals, Clean Vocals
Petri Lindroos - Harsh Vocals, Guitars
Janne Parviainen - Drums
Emmi Silvennoinen - Keyboards, Backing Vocals

Passion Proof Power. Man what a song this is! Its so contradictious !! menjadi sebuah penantian panjang bagi gw yang menjadi salah satu Fans Berat band Viking/Folk Metal dengan balutan segar elemen Melodic Death Metal yang Intens pada aransemen lagunya sekaligus mengenalkan ke Gw untuk mencintai beberapa stuff Folk Metal. Nama Ensiferum yang berarti " Sword Bearer " yang memiliki banyak arti tentang Kepahlawanan dan Ideal dengan konsep musik yang mereka usung pertama kali ditemukan oleh Frontman dan Gitaris Markus Toivonen sejak band ini dibentuk tahun 1995 di Helsinki, Finlandia bersama dengan Sauli Savolainen dan Kimmo Miettinen, namun sayang 2 nama terakhir tersebut sudah tidak menyertai band ini pada awalnya hanya sebagai band Cover version saja. Ensiferum pun sejak merilis beberapa rilisan sebelumnya memang langsung diperbincangkan sebagai Potensi berbahaya dari Finlandia Scene yang mengusung Konsep Musik Metal bergaya Tradisional lengkap dengan dandanan ala Viking dan Ksatria scandinavia-nya. sejak album pertama " Ensiferum " band ini langsung menanjak karirnya dengan mengusung konsep yang Bagus dan berkualitas, dan Gw sendiri mulai Mengenal band ini sejak DVD " 10th Anniversary Live " tahun 2006 yang langsung bikin gw jatuh cintrong dan memburu semua rilisannya hingga materi " From Afar " Tahun 2009 di Nuclear Blast records, Ensiferum memang lebih tampil enerjik dan matang di album tersebut, dan semakin menjadikan Gw seorang Diehard untuk Ensiferum Fans !! lalu kemudian padatnya jadwal tour mereka, Ensiferum jadi ga terlihat hingga Tahun 2012, band ini untuk pertama kalinya melepas single " Burning Leaves " dan menandai mereka sudah ga bersama Nuclear Blast Records dan memilih untuk bergabung kembali dengan label sekampung mereka yang telah pertama kali mengorbitkan nama Ensiferum ke Kancah Metal Internasional. dan seperti biasa, penantian Panjang Gw segera terjawab dengan dilepaskannya Full album baru bertajuk " Unsung Heroes " pada 24 Agustus 2012 lalu, dan apa yang langsung jadi respon pertama gw ??? .... " Kurang enerjik !!! " itulah 2 kata yang terucap saat pertama kali mendengar Track pertama " In My Sword I Trust " setelah Intro " Symbols " selama 01:51 yang terasa Folky banget dengan Akustik Gitar dan Keyboard elemen, Nice Epical Elements !!, " In My Sword I Trust " langsung menendang walau kurang begitu menggebrak seperti Karakter Enerjik di album " From Afar " yang masih Gw kagumi. sebuah Middle Track yang lebih menonjolkan karakter Epic !, same old Ensiferum clichés with extra orchestration in a failing attempt to make it sound more “epic”. beberapa karakter Khas Folky metal masih begitu terasa seperti pada Karya2 sebelumnya. sementara style Harsh Vokal Petri Lindroos seperti terdengar " Melemah " dalam deru melodius part lagu baru disini. waahh ada apa ini?? apakah ini menjadi sebuah bukti kematangan bermusik mereka dari ga sekedar bermain musik metal saja?? walau Track ini sangat kuat nuansa Kolosal dan epic-nya, masih saja gw belum menerima Gempuran enerjik gaya Ksatria Skandinavia mereka yang liar itu. mungkin media lain akan sangat membandingkan materi baru ini jelas ga setangguh " From Avar ". malahan kemudian Track andalan mereka " Unsung Heroes " jauh lebih terdengar Gothic Melodic dengan sentuhan padat Melodius part hanya demi menciptakan karakter yang Folky, tapi Track ini ga jelek jelek banget, selain bisa bikin kita Headbang, sayatan Harmonisasi yang Tradisional dan melodius tetap asik dikonsumsi hehehehe .... " Burning Leaves ", semakin terdengar Catchy dan easy listening dengan gaya bermain yang lebih enjoy banget, Gitaris Markus Toivonen semakin kerap menciptakan nada2 yang melodius dan Vokalis Petri Lindroos tetap menjadi Rekan Gitaris Markus yang Bijaksana dalam menciptakan Beat2 simple headbanger. What Ensiferum needs is riffs, real folksy riffs that are so thick you can actually bite through, they need face ripping guitar solos. semakin terasa sekali materi album ini menginjak track ke 4 lebih cenderung mencairkan suasana kaku saat mendengarkan materi Metal yang cadas mungkin, Gaya Middle part-nya terkadang lebih berbau Gothic dan Doom Metal sekali. " Celestial Bond " menjadi Akustik Track dengan Female Vokal yang menawan selama 04:15 sangat kuat banget elemen Folky Tradisional celtic sekali. dan agak sedikit mulai bersemangat begitu memasuki track " Retribution Shall Be Mine ", Ensiferum kembali tampil liar dengan Power and Thrashin Riffing yang mantap ! nah ini dia yang gw suka gaya liar Ensiferum seperti era materi " From Afar ", namun ga berlangsung lama seh, " Star Queen (Celestial Bond part II) " menjadi track yang semakin menghanyutkan suasana dengan Middle Slowly Track yang Pada Pertengahan Aransemennya tiba2 mengajak gw untuk Headbang dengan Catchy Part clean Vokal yang Anthemic. " Pohjola " dengan Pola Orchestral, Ensiferum beberapa kali menambahkan Fast Drumming part, Unik Juga konsep yang diaransemen kali ini. lalu kembali ber- Akustik lagi dengan " Last Breath " dan pada Track Pamungkas di akhiri dengan " Passion, Proof, Power " sebuah Track yang memiliki Durasi 17.00 !! Ensiferum seperti sedang banyak melakukan eksperimen dalam track ini, perpaduan beberapa karakter bermusik di Blend menjadi sebuah Komposisi yang terasa asing, Unik dan Mengejutkan. its painfully and utterly boring in the first few minutes, after you almost fall asleep from boredom, some interesting riffs actually hit the spot, and the guitar solos also bring back some hope, but this hope quickly vanishes as the song ends with some chants as if they are saying farewell while stabbing away a huge part of your soul . Ensiferum sepertinya harus menguras kemampuannya ditrack ini dengan Konsentrasi dan komposisi musik yang semakin membutuhkan penciptaan yang panjang. dan pada Edisi Limited Edition, Ensiferum pun menambahkan 1 lagu cover version milik band lawas Gipsy Kings " Bamboleo " dalam versi Ensiferum dan Metal banget, bahkan lebih terdengar BRUTAL DEATH METAL Bangets ! gaya Growl Vokal yang Intens dan kemudian " Bamboleo .. Bambolea " tetap Tidak Hilang Karakter Khas-nya itu Hahahaha, padahal Komposisi musiknya sudah begitu kacau sebelum memasuki Refrain Paling Fenomenal-nya itu apalagi lengkap dengan Hyperblast Snare Drum yang mantap !, Salut deh untuk kerja keras putar otak Ensiferum " merusak " lagu ini disini menjadi Komposisi yang lebih menarik lagi. The worst decision the band could make is to cover this song, and with some speedy drumming and cool riffs you think they made it, but no! With the awful choruses and the inconsistent “spanish” tones the suffering continues all the way to the end of this terrible cover and finally to end the suffering. dan Gw sarankan elo harus mesti denger sendiri bagaimana kalau Ensiferum lebih terdengar bergaya ala Brutal Death Band hahahahaha, Nice Fucking Track !! meski masih agak mengecewakan bagi Gw, album ini tetap harus wajib Ensiferum Fans Miliki loh, komposisi musiknya semakin matang dan Dinamis walau sudah tidak menampilkan beat yang menggigit dan liar. This album almost gave me a heart attack, it has a few sparks of beauty and a whole lot more of cheese and fake glory. I really miss the old days of Ensiferum !!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Power Proof Passion. Man what a song this is! Its so contradictious!! be a long wait for gw Fans who became one of the band Heavy Viking / Folk Metal with a fresh bandage Melodic Death Metal elements on the Intense arrangements of songs at once introduced into Me to love some stuff Folk Metal. Ensiferum name means "Sword Bearer" which has many meanings of Heroism and Ideal with their stretcher musical concept was first discovered by Frontman and guitarist Markus Toivonen since the band formed in 1995 in Helsinki, Finland with Sauli Savolainen and Kimmo Miettinen, but honey 2 last name is already not accompany the band was originally just a cover band version only. Ensiferum had since released several previous release was immediately discussed as a potential danger of the Finnish music scene that carries the concept of Traditional Metal style complete with Viking style makeup and his Knights of scandinavia. since the first album "Ensiferum" was straight uphill band career with the concept of the Good and quality, and Gw himself began to know this band since the DVD "10th Anniversary Live" in 2006 which instantly makes i fell loved and hunt all releases to matter "From Afar "In 2009 on Nuclear Blast Records, Ensiferum is more energetic and mature appearing on the album, and the making of a Diehard for Ensiferum I Fans! and then the tight schedule of their tour, Ensiferum so ga visible to the Year 2012, for the first time the band release the single "Burning Leaves" and the mark they've ga with Nuclear Blast Records and the choose to rejoin the label that has been their compatriot orbit first name Ensiferum the International Metal scene. and as usual, waiting I Long Full promptly answered with the release of a new album titled "Unsung Heroes" on August 24, 2012 then, and what is right so the first response i??? .... "Less energetic!" That's two words were spoken when he first heard the first track "In My Sword I Trust" after the intro "Symbols" during the 01:51 which was very folky with acoustic guitar and keyboard elements, Elements epical Nice! , "In My Sword I Trust" direct kick hit even less so as Energetic character in the album "From Afar" still Gw admire. a Middle Track which further highlight the characters Epic!, same old clichés Ensiferum with extra orchestration in a failing attempt to make it sound more "epic". some characters typical folky metal is still so pronounced as in the previous Karya2. Harsh vocal style while Petri Lindroos as sounding "weakens" the roar of the melodic parts new songs here. waahh what's this?? whether it be a testament to their musical maturity of ga just play metal music only?? This track is very strong despite colossal and epic feel of it, still i have not received the Knight Strikes energetic style of their Scandinavian wild. perhaps other media will be comparing the new material is definitely no tough "From Avar". even then their flagship Track "Unsung Heroes" Gothic Melodic sounds much more solid with a touch of melodic parts just for the sake of creating a character that folky, but this Track no uglies really, other than to make us Headbang, cuts traditional and melodic harmonization remains cool consumed hehehehe .... "Burning Leaves", the sound Catchy and easy listening with more playing style that really enjoy, guitarist Markus Toivonen tunes more often create a melodic and frontman Petri Lindroos remains a Fellow Guitarist Mark Wise in creating simple Beat2 headbanger. What is Ensiferum needs riffs, real folksy riffs are so thick that you can actually bite through, they need face ripping guitar solos. more so once the material is treading track album 4 is more likely to break the ice rigid metal material while listening to the rock as possible, Middle part of his style sometimes more smelling Gothic and Doom Metal once. "Celestial Bond" became Acoustic Female Vocal Track with 04:15 very charming for very strong element of traditional folky celtic once. and a little bit of getting excited upon entering the track "Retribution Shall Be Mine", Ensiferum wild comeback with Power and Thrashin solid riffing! well here it is that I like Ensiferum wild style era material like "From Afar", but long ga seh, "Star Queen (Celestial Bond Part II)" a track that the atmosphere of the Middle Slowly sweep Track In Mid Aransemennya tiba2 invite gw to Headbang with clean Part Catchy anthemic vocals. "Pohjola" Pattern Orchestral, Ensiferum several times to add Fast Drumming part, Also unique concept this time arranged. then back again to the air-Acoustic "Last Breath" and the Track Pamungkas ends with "Passion, Proof, Power" a track that has a duration of 17:00! Ensiferum like he was doing a lot of experiments in this track, the combination of some of the characters in the musical Blend into a composition that feels strange, unique and surprising. its painfully and utterly boring in the first few minutes, after you almost fall asleep from boredom, some interesting riffs actually hit the spot, and the guitar solos also bring back some hope, but this hope Quickly vanishes as the song ends with some chants as if they are saying farewell while stabbing away a huge part of your soul. Ensiferum likely have to drain ability ditrack with concentration and composition of music that increasingly requires the creation of a term. Edition and the Limited Edition, Ensiferum also add 1 song cover version belongs to the old band Gipsy Kings "Bamboleo" in the version Metal Ensiferum and really, even more audible Bangets BRUTAL DEATH METAL! Intense Growl style vocals and then "Bamboleo .. Bambolea" still not typical of his Lost character were Poisson, but the music composition is so messed up before entering its Refrain Most Phenomenal is especially equipped with a steady Hyperblast Snare Drum!, Salut deh for hard work turn the brain Ensiferum "spoil" this song here a more interesting composition. The worst decision the band could makeup is to cover this song, and with some speedy drumming and cool riffs you think they made it, but no! With the awful choruses and the inconsistent "spanish" tones the Suffering continues all the way to the end of this terrible cover and finally to end the Suffering. and Gw suggest you've got to have to hear for yourself how that sounded more dressy style Ensiferum Brutal Death Band hahahahaha, Fucking Nice Track! though still somewhat disappointing for Gw, this album should still be required to Ensiferum Fans Have a tablet, more mature musical compositions and Dynamic beat despite not showing the bite and wild. This album almost gave me a heart attack, it has a few sparks of beauty and a whole lot more of cheese and fake glory. I really miss the old days of Ensiferum!!!

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