Rabu, 08 April 2015

Eluveitie - The Early Years CD 2012

Eluveitie - The Early Years
Nuclear Blast Records 2012

CD 1
01 D’vêritû Agâge D’bitu 02:17      
02 Uis Elveti 04:00      
03 Ôrô 01:28    
04 Lament 04:06      
05 Druid 06:07      
06 Divico* 03:39      
07 Jêzaïg 04:56
CD 2
01 Spirit 02:32    
02 Uis Elveti 04:24      
03 Your Gaulish War     05:12    
04 Of Fire, Wind & Wisdom 03:05    
05 Aidû 03:10      
06 The Song of Life 04:01    
07 Tegernakô 06:42
08 Siraxta     05:39    
09 The Dance of Victory 05:24    
10 The Endless Knot 06:58    
11 AnDro 03:41

Menjadi salah satu Band Metal yang Mensupport Aksi " Metalheads against Racism ", Band Folk/Melodic Death Metal terbaik dan Populer asal Zurich, Switzerland yang eksis sejak tahun 2002 rupanya masih diterpa kesuksesan beberapa Album yang menawarkan gaya Folk Metal dengan balutan Melodius Part pada lirik2 tentang Bangsa Celtic dan Sejarah Helvetia, band yang menggunakan nama ELUVEITIE ( " The Helvetian " ) dari bahasa Gaulish dipercaya banyak membawa Pesan bermakna pada Konseptual Band pada album2nya. In a pure, magical moment, they combined folk metal with melodic death metal so perfectly that it's never been matched before, or since. Particularly not by them. They experimented with a purer folk approach, then unsuccessfully tried to re-hash Slania. Now, they've once again attempted, and failed, to recapture any kind of magic. dan menjadi catatan tersendiri adalah setiap album2 rilisan mereka selalu menuai Sukses secara Komersial dan hal ini semakin melambungkan Populeritas mereka sebagai salah satu band Pencetak sukses berpotensi dari Eropa, ga heran saja kalau Nuclear Blast records meng-anak emaskan band ini. sukses album sebelumnya " Helvetios " tahun 2012, ditahun ini pula sepertinya Pihak Label masih ingin terus mengais Untung dari reputasi band ini dengan merilis Album Double CD kompilasi lagu2 Eluveitie yang selama ini hanya dijual oleh Pihak band via Online dan beberapa Track lagu yang belum pernah dirilis dan kemudian di Mastering ulang menjadi Kualitas Profesional, Fans Eluveitie pun kembali dimanjakan lagi tak lama setelah album " Helvetios " dirilis. Eluveitie, however, are pretty much "the" folk metal band these days. They're far beyond the popularity of most other folk bands, and as such, they're the band that sparked my odyssey into that fascinating genre. itulah beberapa Kalangan Media memuji Potensial band ini. dan pada CD 1 Album ini berisi lagu2 yang belum pernah dirilis sebelumnya dan telah melalui Proses rekaman ulang, Eluveitie masih menampilkan permainan Folky metal yang keren dengan balutan kental Melodic Death metal. Perpaduan Instrumen Modern dengan beberapa Piranti Musik Tradisional seperti Bagpipes, Whistles, Fiddle, Akordian, Irish flute serta Hurdy gurdy menjadi elemen paling wajib yang semakin mengentalkan Style Folky Eluveitie ini dengan Aransemen musik yang cerdas dan menarik sehingga terciptalah Komposisi yang Keren dari band ini. dan Lirik2 Celtic dan Finnish menjadi kekuatan Tak tergantikan dalam penulisan lagu pada CD 1 ini, dan menarik perhatian gw adalah Track " Lament ", Karakter Melodic Death Metal ala Children Of Bodom dan Dark Tranquillity begitu lekat kuat pada Komposisi-nya. They never needed it though, as that's what the folk instruments were for - the hurdy gurdy, flute, all of it; they added the slick melodies and atmosphere that was lacking. dan begitu juga dengan Track " Druid ", Eluveitie masih tampil beringas dengan fast part awalnya dan kemudian mendadak menjadi terasa Tradisional dengan beberapa Irama Celtic dan Finnish-nya, memang track ini rada mengingatkan dengan Gaya Insomnium dan Dark Tranquility banget. " Uis Elveti " bisa jadi adalah Anthemic Track yang terlupakan untuk mereka hadirkan dialbum2 sebelumnya, padahal cukup Hymnism banget karakter-nya, dan kemudian Pada CD 2 adalah berisi versi2 lain beberapa Track Band dari Versi radio, dan Mastering ulang yang hanya tersedia di Situs resmi band ini dan beberapa Online Store. seperti menjadi kekuatan Alami sebuah album kompilasi menjadi produk track terbaik untuk terasa Enjoy menikmati hari ini dengan sentuhan Musik metal dengan karakter yang berbeda. dikemas secara eksklusif semakin memanjakan Eluveitie atau Folk Metal Fans tentunya. It's the same damn thing they've been doing with practically no deviation or differences to distinguish this album from anything else in their discography; only, this time, they're doing it worse than usual. Furthermore, the songs seem to run together, leaving me wondering which song is which. Most of the songs are all the same - same tempo, same folk sounds, and never any real technically to set any of it apart.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Being one of the Metal Band Supports Action "Metalheads against Racism", Band Folk / Melodic Death Metal the best and original Popular Zurich, Switzerland which exists since 2002, apparently was hit by the success of some album that offers style melodic Folk Metal with a bandage on Lyrics Part of The Celts and the History of Helvetia, the band used the name Eluveitie ("The Helvetian") of the Gaulish language is widely believed to bring significant Message Conceptual Band on their albums. In a pure, magical moment, they combined folk metal with melodic death metal so perfectly that it's never been matched before, or since. Particularly not by them. They experimented with a Purer folk approach, then unsuccessfully tried to re-hash Slania. Now, they've once again attempted, and failed, to recapture any kind of magic. and a separate record is any Albums2 their releases are always reap commercial success and it is getting catapulted Populeritas them as one of the potential success of the band Mint Europe, ga wonder just when Nuclear Blast Records Meng children emaskan band. successful previous album "Helvetios" in 2012, this year also seemed Party Labels still want to continue to earn a good thing from the band's reputation by releasing a compilation CD Double Album songs Eluveitie who had only sold by the band The online via Track and some unreleased songs and then reset to Mastering Professional Quality, Eluveitie Fans were spoiled back again shortly after the album "Helvetios" was released. Eluveitie, however, are pretty much "the" folk metal band these days. They're far beyond the popularity of most other folk bands, and as such, they're the band that sparked my odyssey into that fascinating genre. that's some circles Media praised the band's potential. and on CD 1 album contains songs previously unreleased and has gone through a re-recording process, Eluveitie still showing the game with a cool folky metal Melodic Death metal thick bandage. The combination Instruments Modern Traditional Music with some tools like Bagpipes, Whistles, Fiddle, Akordian, Irish flute and hurdy gurdy became the mandatory elements of the increasingly thickening Style folky music Arrangement Eluveitie with smart and attractive so that creates an awesome composition of this band. and lyrics Celtic and Finnish into force Irreplaceable in the writing of the songs on this CD 1, and draw attention gw is Track "Lament", character style Melodic Death Metal Children Of Bodom, and Dark Tranquillity are so strongly attached to his compositions. They never needed it though, as that's what the folk instruments were for - the hurdy gurdy, flute, all of it; they added the slick melodies and atmosphere that was lacking. and so does the Track "Druid", Eluveitie still appear hostile to the fast part first and then suddenly be felt with some rhythm Traditional Celtic and Finnish it, this track is reminiscent of the style rada Insomnium and Dark Tranquility really. "Uis Elveti" could be the anthemic track is forgotten for they present on Albums earlier, when quite Hymnism really his character, and then the second CD is contains several other versi2 Band Track of the radio version, and Mastering re only available in the official website band and some Online Store. Natural forces such as being a compilation album to be the best track products enjoy today feels Enjoy music with a touch of metal with different characters. packaged exclusively tantalizing Eluveitie or Folk Metal Fans, of course. It's the same damn thing they've been doing with practically no deviation or differences to distinguish this album from anything else in their discography; only, this time, they're doing it worse than usual. Furthermore, the songs seem to run together, leaving me wondering roomates song is which. Most of the songs are all the same - same tempo, same folk sounds, and never any real technically to set any of it apart.

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