Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

The Agonist - Eye Of Providence CD 2015

The Agonist - Eye Of Providence
Century Media Records CD 2015

01 Gates of Horn and Ivory 03:25    
02 My Witness, Your Victim 04:47      
03 Danse Macabre 04:01      
04 I Endeavor 04:08    
05 Faceless Messenger 05:00    
06 Perpetual Notion 04:34      
07 A Necessary Evil 03:44    
08 Architects Hallucinate 04:30      
09 Disconnect Me 03:32    
10 The Perfect Embodiment 05:13      
11 A Gentle Disease 03:45    
12 Follow the Crossed Line 04:11    
13 As Above, So Below 07:57

Vicky Psarakis - Vocals
Pascal Jobin - Guitars
Danny Marino - Guitars
Chris Kells - Bass
Simon McKay - Drums

Memang Menjadi Pukulan yang sangat berat diawal Munculnya Statemen Iconic Female Vokal Alissa White-Gluz harus mengakhiri karirnya bersama Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore terbaik Montreal, Quebec setelah 3 album bersamanya, Alissa White-Gluz memilih Karir Barunya bersama Arc Enemy. tidak mematahkan semangatnya kemudian, THE AGONIST langsung memperkenalkan Vokalis pengganti-nya, Vicky Psarakis dari Band E.V.E yang menurut Band karakternya tidak kalah Sakti dengan Alissa White-Gluz sendiri, sehingga banyak fans menjadi penasaran dengan pergantian ini, beruntung Single " Disconnect Me " telah menjawab keraguan ini, Track yang menjadi salah satu materi full album ke-4 nya The Agonist bersama Century Media Records menjadi Babak baru Karir The Agonist tanpa sosok Alissa White-Gluz. Mencoba kehebatan Album baru " Eye Of Providence " The Agonist sejak dirilis 23 Pebruari 2015 lalu apakah masih sanggup disandingkan dengan 3 album sebelumnya, meski sempat pesimis, ternyata anggapan gw untuk kesekian kali-nya keliru, Jika " Eye Of Providence " seperti Materi masih bersama vokalis Alissa White-Gluz pada dasarnya, walaupun Vicky Psarakis tetap membawa karakter sendirinya secara kuat, apalagi untuk beberapa Clean Vokal-nya yang Melankolis hehehe ... Masih dengan warna Modern Melodic Death Metal Liar dengan Sentuhan beberapa Metalcore style, The Agonist masih mengkomposisi Track-track Fantastis yang dimulai dengan " Gates of Horn and Ivory " langsung menjadi ledakan Bertaring tajam memporak porandakan seketika ! say that the already metalcore-dominated act has buried the slight melodeath influences that made them bearable beforehand to the point that they're practically non-existent. Harsh Vokal Vicky powerfully banget yang masih dipadukan dengan Clean Female Vokal seketika memang memberikan kesejukan tersendiri diantara Raungan Extreme Concept-nya. shoots for a rather delicious multi-layered chorus for some focus. untuk Aransemennya masih seganas sebelumnya, tidak mengendur, bahkan materinya makin matang dengan Lick2 Melodic Riffing lengkap dengan Solo-solo Fantastis yang bertebaran sangat cepat ! is a prime slab of modern melodic death metal with almost too many melodies to spare that doesn't come off as tired or fatigued. " My Witness, Your Victim " adalah Track Keren yang mampu disandingkan dengan Arch Enemy pada Komposisi-nya, ini rasanya seperti menjadi Aransemen " Sakit Hati " The Agonist member sejak kepergian Alissa saja hahaha ... terpacu dengan adrenalin dan skill yang membakar, ga heran jika komposisi Fantastis akan banyak kalian temukan disini. a more straight-forward melodic death metal sound with some core influences while it's successor had some elements of progressive melodic death metal sound, with the only core part being the clean singing and the screaming. Seperti menikmati kembali keganasan Band era " Lullabies for the Dormant Mind " kayaknya. Dapat dipastikan juga jika Canada memang memiliki Master Enjiner untuk genre cadas se jenius Christian Donaldson-nya Cryptopsy tetap melahirkan Masterpiece Album Cadas hebat. " Danse Macabre " jangan dianggap remeh jika Powerfull track ini makin mengerikan, kicks off with a thundering drum intro and immediately goes into Vicky laying down a fantastic scream accompanied by noticeably more complicated and progressive instrumentation. Sentuhan Death Metal yang kian modern lebih menanamkan Kontraksi Wild Moody yang menjadi-jadi. Amazing vocals; screamed, grunted, and cleanly sung, great lyrics; furious, raw, and complicated riffing; complex and surprisingly melodic bass play, and incredible drumming. The break down covers about the last third of the song and ends it on a massively heavy note. tidak selalu hadir dengan beat yang Membongkar keras, Beberapa Track Enjoy seperti " Perpetual Notion, The Perfect Embodiment, A Gentle Disease atau As Above, So Below " akan memberikan sisi Kelembutan tersendiri bagi The Agonist sekaligus menawarkan Ballad song yang eksotis bagi Band secadas The Agonist. the mood perfectly with every tracks of unpredictable riffage, unhinged vocals and dark circus vibe. Another standout settles things down with a more traditional, structured sound, but the chorus is simply killer and allows Vicky to open up her classical pipes a bit resulting in a truly catchy track. I’m sure some detractors will still turn their nose up at this for Beast being Female Fronted !!

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Indeed Being a very heavy blow at the beginning of emergence statement Iconic Female Vocal Alissa White-Gluz must end his career with Melodic Death Metal / Metalcore best Montreal, Quebec after 3 albums with him, Alissa White-Gluz choose shared his New Career Arc Enemy. not break his spirit then, THE agonist directly introduce its replacement singer, Vicky Psarakis of EVE Band Band character which is not inferior Way with Alissa White-Gluz own, so many fans became intrigued with this turn, lucky Single "Disconnect Me" has been answered This doubt, Track which became one of the subjects 4th full album by The Agonist along Century Media Records into a new round of Career The Agonist without Alissa White-Gluz figure. Trying greatness new album "Eye Of Providence" The Agonist since released 23 February 2015 and is still able to be juxtaposed with the three previous albums, despite pessimistic assumption was gw for the umpteenth time his wrong, if "Eye Of Providence" like material still together vocalist Alissa White-Gluz basically, although Vicky Psarakis still carries the character itself is strong, especially for some of its Clean Vocals Melancholy hehehe ... Still with color Modern Melodic Death Metal Wild with Touch few metalcore style, The Agonist still composing Track Fantastic -track that starts with "Gates of Horn and Ivory" directly into sharp Fanged explosion devastated instantly! say that the already-dominated metalcore act has buried the slight melodeath influences that made them bearable beforehand to the point that they're practically non-existent. Harsh Vocals Vicky still very powerfully combined with Clean Female Vocal instantaneous does provide its own coolness between his Roar Extreme Concept. shoots for a rather delicious multi-layered chorus for some focus. for arrangements still fierce as ever, do not slack off, even more mature material with melodic riffing Lick2 complete with Solo-solo Fantastic scattered very fast! is a prime slab of modern melodic death metal with almost too many melodies to spare that does not come off as tired or fatigued. "My Witness, Your Victim" is Track Cool capable juxtaposed with Arch Enemy on its composition, it feels like being Arrangement "Hurt" The Agonist members since the departure of Alissa just hahaha ... motivated by adrenaline and skill that burn, ga Fantastic composition would be surprised if many of you find here. a more straight-forward melodic death metal sound with some core influences while it's successor had some elements of progressive melodic death metal sound, with the only core part being the clean singing and the screaming. Like enjoying back malignancy Band era "lullabies for the Dormant Mind" think. No doubt also if Canada does have a Master Engineer for the rock genre throughout his genius Christian Donaldson Cryptopsy still bore the Rocks Album Masterpiece great. "Danse Macabre" should not be underestimated if Powerful track is more terrible, kicks off with a thundering drum intro and Immediately goes into Vicky laying down a fantastic scream accompanied by noticeably more complicated and progressive instrumentation. Death Metal touch more modern increasingly embed contraction Wild Moody rampant. Amazing vocals; screamed, grunted, and cleanly sung, great lyrics; furious, raw, and complicated riffing; complex and surprisingly melodic bass playing, and incredible drumming. The break down covers about the last third of the song and ends it on a massively heavy note. not always present with hard beats Dismantling, Multiple Track Enjoy as "Perpetual Notion, The Perfect Embodiment, A Gentle Disease or As Above, So Below" will provide the softness of its own for The Agonist while offering exotic song Ballad for Band secadas The Agonist . the mood perfectly with every tracks of unpredictable riffage, unhinged vocals and dark circus vibe. Another standout settles things down with a more traditional, structured sound, but the chorus is simply killer and Vicky Allows her to open up a bit the resulting classical pipes in a truly catchy track. I'm sure some detractors will still turn Reviews their nose up at this for being Female Fronted Beast !!

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