Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Detested - Revelation Of Suffering ' Promo 2015

Detested - Revelation Of Suffering ' Promo
Sickness Production CD 2015

01 Azazel 04:56    
02 Worm from the Flame 05:24

Herlambang - Vocals
Fahmi - Guitars
Gesang - Bass
Onky - Drums

Kejutan Ganda datang dari Rilisan eksotis ini? Why ??? ... Karena ini memang menjadi Rilisan Paling " Mewah " bagi Kembali berkarirnya Salah satu Brutal Death Metal Dinamis Potensial dari Pare, Kediri, DETESTED, yang namanya sangat dibicarakan sejak Album pertamanya " Tension Threat Satisfied " via Rottrevore Records tahun 2010 silam, Seperti sedang Meleleh dari Peti es-nya, Band ini merilis 2 Track Materi barunya dalam sebuah Promo yang oleh Sickness Production dihadirkan dalam Cakram CD Profesional dan Bukan CD-R seperti kebanyakan Promo Class, setelah itu dikemas dengan Profesional pula untuk High Anticipated Release ini sehingga ga salah kalo Gw sebut dengan " Mewah " hehehe ... Nama Detested mulai dikenal sejak Demo Pertama " With Despair We Are Pray " tahun 2009 yang mengantar Tiket Mulus mereka ke Rottrevore Records untuk debut Album pertama " Tension Threat Satisfied ". Brutal Death Metal Teknikal Agresif dengan Pola yang sangat Liar serta Intens ! dan setelah Hampir tidak terdengar Eksistensi-nya, Detested mengenalkan 1 lagu Barunya " Azazel " di Jejaring Sosial sebelum Promo ini dirilis. Ada banyak kejutan tersendiri saat pertama kali menikmati Progres Musikal dengan terjadinya sedikit perubahan formasi terjadi di Posisi Drummer-nya dari Zane ke Onky sedikit banyak membawa " perubahan ". masih kental memadukan Intensitas kuat in the Vein Suffocation, Decrepit Birth hingga Necrophagist, Detested mengenalkan Konsep Fresh-nya. " Azazel " seperti menjadi Letupan yang tertahan sejak 5 Tahun terakhir Detested Bertapa, dengan Struktur serta sound yang lebih Matang dan Dinamis meski tidak seliar dan meledak-ledak era " Tension Threat Satisfied ", " Azazel " ini akan terasa komit menawarkan pendewasaan yang Detested cari saat ini meski Level Agresifagak sedikit menurun namun tetap Terjaga Brutality-nya. Harmonisasi Riffing Sophomore In The Vein Suffocation terasa kerap Hinggap dalam komposisi lebih dengan Thick Crunchy Sound, The riffs are well executed, featuring fast, evil, and dark tremolo picked melodies are really showcases the band's songwriting abilities and their ability to create atmosphere while still maintaining intensity. Seperti kita terasa digiring kedalam kekejaman Suffocation era " Pierced From Within " untuk beberapa Intense Drumming-nya. Dengan Rangkaian Partisi harmonisasi yang terkonsep rapi, sepenggal penggal memang kita akan rilex menikmati. Yess, In fact, this Material is so bass-heavy that if I was ever a contestant in some kind of stereo destroying contest, like the factory unit tosses the car audiophiles often have at their conventions ! Kehadiran drummer Onky yang Keep Calm semakin menumpulkan anggapan Dogma Brutal Death Metal harus digeber dengan tempo cepat dan Liar demi menyempurkan Sebuah Aransemen yang Menendang ! those kick drums, machine gun snare blasts, bass poundings, and crunching muted riffs could collapse chests, snap necks, and sever spinal chords if given enough juice behind them ! Tarian Liar Pummeling Crack Riffing di part awal " Worm from the Flame " gw merasakan jika Riffing Keji yang menjadi Karakteristik The Mighty Cannibal Corpse begitu kuat terasakan, downtune distorted noise that you hear in todays metal scene Once again these guys are revolutionary in this department as their abilities are prominent in every song with their crunchy, and brutal riffage that ables to not only captivate the listener's attention. Masih kerap menekankan Ketukan-ketukan Death Metal Hangat dan menggelitik membuktikan Kematangan Konsep Band kian Teruji. Ketika mendengarkan 2 Track didalam Promo ini, kita akan dipaksa untuk duduk tenang sambil konsentrasi menikmati Aransemen yang tersusun Signifikan dengan Harmonisasi yang menyala, sehingga dari sini kemudian Kita menangkap Kesan sebuah Death Metal Passion yang cool bagi Detested Karir. an absolutely beautifully written Some of the double bass drumming is mind-blowing to listen to, and the sweep picked riff near the beginning is something of a technical wonder to listen to given the speed and precision of it. Menambah Sample Penasaran kita selanjutnya tentu adalah menanti full materi yang dapat Gw Bayangkan adalah sebuah Kronologi SkemaPembunuhan Berantai Musikal matang yang Detested Persiapkan dalam Konspirasi jahat-nya are mostly unintelligible !!! Keeping BEWARE for " Revelation Of Suffering " Get In Touch Now !!!

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Dual Shock coming from exotic release this? Why ??? ... Because of this it becomes Releases Most "Luxury" for Back Carrier One of Brutal Death Metal Dynamic Potential of Pare, Kediri, DETESTED, whose name is highly spoken since his first album "Tension Threat Satisfied" via Rottrevore Records in 2010 ago, like being ice melted from his coffin, the band released 2 Track new material in a promo that by Sickness Production presented in Professional CD discs and not a CD-R like most Promo Class, after it is packed with professionals also for High Anticipated Release is so ga wrong if Gw call the "Luxury" hehehe ... Name detested known since the First Demo "With Despair We Are Pray" in 2009 that brought them to Rottrevore Seamlessly Tickets Records for the first debut album "Tension Threat Satisfied". Brutal Death Metal Technical Aggressive Pattern highly Wild and Intense! and after hardly heard her existence, detested introduce one of New song "Azazel" The Social Network before this promo released. There are many distinct surprise when he first enjoyed Progress of Love with the slight changes occur in the formation of his position Drummer from Zane to Onky bit much to bring "change". still thick combines strong intensity in the Vein Suffocation, Decrepit Birth to Necrophagist, detested introduced its Fresh Concepts. "Azazel" like being a spark that pent-5 detested imprisoned last year, with more structure and sound Mature and Dynamic although not as wild and explosive era of "Tension Threat Satisfied", "Azazel" will feel committed to offer maturation are detested search current levels despite a slight decline but still Agresifagak Awake Brutality her. Harmonization riffing Sophomore In The Vein Suffocation was often Alighted in composition over with Thick Crunchy Sound, The riffs are well executed, featuring fast, evil, and dark tremolo picked melodies are really showcases the band's songwriting abilities and Reviews their ability to create atmosphere while still maintaining intensity. As we felt herded into Suffocation era atrocities "Pierced From Within" for some of his Drumming Intense. With a series of conceptual harmonization Partition neat, cut a piece of it we will rilex enjoy. Yess, In fact, this material is so bass-heavy that if I was ever a contestant in some kind of stereo destroying contest, like the factory unit Often tosses the car audiophiles have at their conventions! The presence of the Keep Calm drummer Onky increasingly blunt the presumption Dogma Brutal Death Metal should be lauched with a fast tempo and Wild-by Arrangement which Perfection A Kick! Reviews those kick drums, machine gun blasts snare, bass poundings, and crunching muted riffs could collapse chests, snap necks, and sever the spinal chords if given enough juice behind them! Wild Dances Crack pummeling riffing in the early part "from the Flame Worm" i feel if riffing Keji which became characteristic of The Mighty Cannibal Corpse so strong unfelt, downtune distorted noise that you hear in today's metal scene Once again these guys are revolutionary in this department as Reviews their abilities are prominent in every song with Reviews their crunchy, and brutal riffage that ables to not only Captivate the listener's attention. Still often emphasize knock-knock Death Metal Warm and tickle prove increasingly Tested Maturity Concept Band. When listening to 2 Track Promo in this, we will be forced to sit quietly while the concentration enjoying Significant Arrangement composed by Harmonisation lit, so from here then we capture the impression of a Death Metal Passion cool for Career detested. an absolutely beautifully written Some of the double bass drumming is mind-blowing to listen to, and the sweep picked riff near the beginning is something of a technical wonder to listen to given the speed and precision of it. Adding Sample Curious awaits us next course is full of material that can Gw Imagine is a chronology SkemaPembunuhan Chain Musical mature Prepare detested in his evil conspiracy are mostly unintelligible !!! Keeping BEWARE for "Revelation Of Suffering" Get In Touch Now !!!

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