Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Soils Of Fate - Thin the Herd CD 2014

Soils Of Fate - Thin the Herd
Permeated Records CD 2014

01 Weaponry Wisdom 03:26    
02 Thin The Herd 03:55    
03 Brotherhood (Omertá Part II) 02:53    
04 8.9.3 04:33    
05 High Lead Intake 03:41    
06 O.O.O / T.T.T (One On One - Toe To Toe) 03:27    
07 Vale Tudo 03:25    
08 I Am Violence 03:16    
09 C21H23NO5 (Heroin) 04:25    
10 Dogma 03:21

Magnus Lindvall - Guitars
Henrik Crantz - Vocals, Bass
Fredrik Widigs - Drums

Hey Apa Khabarnya The Master Groovy terbaik Kebanggaan Swedia SOILS OF FATE ? ... Yupz emang lama banget ya Kita Ga mendengarkan Produktifitas Trio Slam Groovy Keren mereka sejak Album Full ke-2 Mereka " Crime Syndicate " Tahun 2003, Band asli Stockholm, Swedia yang Eksis Memulai Karir-nya Tahun 1995 yang kemudian melahirkan Karya Demo Pertamanya " Pain... Has a Face " dan " Blood Serology " yang meski belum terlalu membawa sentuhan Kental ketika SOF menginjakkan Karir Serius-nya lewat Full Album Pertama " Sandstorm " Tahun 2001 yang dinikmati sebagai Album dengan Style Serius SOF yang lebih Membawa Nuansa New York Slam Groovy ala Internal Bleeding juga Dying Fetus, kemudian SOF memainkannya dengan lebih menekankan Pada Beat yang Ajib2 untuk Slam Party serta Goyang Kepala Headbang ! From there, I was assaulted, violated, and let’s face it - molested, by a barrage of absolute brutal-death-grind bliss, Surprisingly ! Yupz Karakter band ini memang sangat dikenal justru sejak album Pertama " Sandstorm " yang lebih banyak menuangkan Ide Catchy Music yang luar biasa dikala Scene Mereka terlalu dipenuhi dengan Genre Black Metal serta Melodic Death Metal-nya. Ide brilian Menampilkan Elemen Kental Internal Bleeding juga Pyrexia serta Kebanyakan New York Death Metal 90-an dengan Hentakan Beat Groovy yang Extra Kental memang lebih mengajak Kita untuk tidak berhenti menikmati setiap Alur Beat Ajojing-nya, which gets dangerously close to Biohazard territory during the breakdown section ! yupz dengan kata lain kebanyakan anggapan SOF lebih kental ngemainin elemen Beat Hip Hop, Breakdown serta Groovy tanpa Banyak melepas Type Death Metal-nya. Tahun 2003 secara Menarik perhatian SOF menggandeng Drummer Berbakat Yang namanya melejit saat itu, Kevin Talley yang populer dengan Skill Fantastis-nya di Dying Fetus Era " Killing On Adrenalin " dan " Destroy The Opposition " kemudian menarik Interes SOF menggunakan Jasanya untuk bermain di Album Ke-2 " Crime Syndicate " yang Drastis mendongkrak Populeritas band ini kian menjulang. Lalu Karena kesibukan yang padat diluar musik kemudian memaksa Mereka menghentikan Karir sementara SOF sampai Tahun 2005, Label Forensick kemudian melepas Album Kompilasi " Highest in the Hierarchy of Blasting Sickness " karena Pihak Band mulai sedang tidak produktif ! dan SOF pun hilang tertelan Masa meninggalkan banyak kenangan manisnya walau masih menyimpan nafas kehidupannya .... setelah menunggu masa yang panjang tanpa berita, akhirnya SOF mulai kembali Menulis materi2 barunya dari sebuah Statement-nya di Jejaring Sosial, dan Akhirnya " Thin the Herd " adalah Jawaban panjang Fans SOF untuk mendengar kembali Karya Fresh Trio Swedish Groovy Death Metal Elegant ini ! Yeaahh SOF Is Back !!!! dipinang oleh Label Brutal asal Italy, Permeated Records, SOF kembali Menggoyang Public Metal dengan Serangan Groovy Death Metal Khas-nya ! Gw yang menjadi salah satu Fans berat Band ini sejak 2 Album terbaik sebelumnya merasakan gayuh bersambut jika band ini telah kembali menunjukkan lagi Eksistensi dasyatnya ! this album is at its best when the band stretches things out and explores all the possibilities within their highly varied style instrumentally. Penasaran?? Yuk kita Bongkar Materi baru mereka disini yang dimulai langsung dengan " Weaponry Wisdom " sebagai Tumbal Ajojing awal menggilas tanpa Basa basi, Oh Shitttt !!!! SOF masih mempertahankan Sound & Style-nya banget sejak 2 Album yang paling Gw Faforite-kan ! Amazing !!! masih dengan Extra downtune dan Breakdown Hardcore Riffing yang Sangat Kental, Deep Guttural Growling serta Naturaly Snare Drum " Khas " nya Sejak " Sandstorm ", Bahkan Lebih Kuat Terasa banget Sound era " Crime Syndicate " nya sekali, Perpaduan yang sangat Komplit tentunya untuk SOF bikin ulah liar-nya mengacak Moshpit area. Gitaris sekaligus konseptor musikal SOF total, Magnus Lindvall masih menunjukkan bagaimana Breakdown Riffing Groovy-nya tetap yang Menggigit ! disini untuk mengenalkan juga drummer ke-3 (Masing2 Album SOF selalu berbeda Drummer .ed) Fredrik Widigs yang kepiawaiannya tentu udah ga bisa diremehkan telah bermain untuk beberapa band terkenal Daratan Swedia seperti Marduk, Repulsive Dissection, Witchery (live), ex-Demonical, ex-Overtorture, ex-Vomitous, ex-Facing Death, dan ex-Carnalized untuk dipercaya masih dapat membawa kembali Skill Kevin Talley seperti era " Crime Syndicate " memang terbayar lunas deh hehehe ... Bisa Gw Terangkan sepintas jika " Thin the Herd " adalah Part ke-2 dari " Crime Syndicate " banget ! dengan Downtune Breakdown Riffing " Thin The Herd " SOF terus mengajak kita untuk bergoyang sembari berheang Banging Kontinyu !  the thuggish hardcore guitar interacts properly with the style syncopated drumming, it just works beautifully ! Masih menyimpan Nyali yang besar SOF masih tidak sedikitpun kehilangan Karakter-nya memang, Cool ! seperti yang gw prediksi sebelumnya, Jika materi Album baru ini adalah Part lanjutan " Crime Syndicate ", yang pada " Brotherhood (Omertá Part II) " bisa menjadi Buktinya Track Keren " Omerta " ternyata masih memiliki Kekuatan selanjutnya. lalu Track Title " 8.9.3 " cukup unik memang untuk disebutkan ini menampilkan Vokalis Tamu dari Frank Rini, Mantan Vokalis Internal Bleeding Era " Voracious Contempt " dan " The Extinction of Benevolence " menjadi Sangat Influentalis bagi SOF sejak awal, ga cuman Frank Rini aja, bersama Takanori Fujioka-nya Vomit Remnants kebagian Teks Lirik berbahasa Jepang di Booklet Cover-nya. Seperti tidak mengenal yang namanya kehabisan Ide menciptakan Harmonasi Beat yang Catchy, Gitaris Magnus Lindvall tetap Gagah menuangkan Ide2 Cemerlangnya dibeberapa Track Berikutnya meski beberapa diantaranya mengalami Sedikit Pengulangan. Frank Rini Selanjutnya Ikut bernyanyi di Track " O.O.O / T.T.T (One On One - Toe To Toe) " dengan sentuhan Death'n' Roll yang Ciamik dipart awalnya siap membuat kesan berbeda dari track2 sebelumnya. Frank Rini seperti sedang menemukan Kebahagian yang terenggut beberapa tahun silam untuk tidak bernyanyi, pada track Selanjutnya " Vale Tudo ", Berkoar-lah Lagi deh.  Bassis/Vokalis Henrik Crantz yang terhitung Brilian serta cerdas menulis lirik2 yang Nyata serta Menarik adalah saat menuliskan Lirik track " C21H23NO5 (Heroin) " lengkap dengan simbol senyawa-nya en entah bagaimana Henrik Melafalkannya hahaha ... Well Secara Keseluruhan Durasi Setengah Jam lebih lewat 10 Track masih tetep memberikan Sajian yang menyenangkan buat enjoy menggerakkan Anggota tubuh dengan Harmonisasi Irama yang Nakal menggelitik. Buat yang udah terbiasa Mendengarkan Materi " Crime Syndicate ", Album baru ini sebenarnya menawarkan sesuatu yang tidak berbeda jauh selain kita menikmati Kembali Ide2 Fresh SOF memainkan Musikal Groovy yang extra menendang selain penulisan Lirik yang semakin Asyik Pula sebagai bentuk Gambaran Nyata kehidupan keras yang terjadi disekitar mereka ! displays a more unique death metal style and has more consistently great songs break-down crunches the midpaced grooves, and the all out blast sections of riffwork, really show how goddamned good these axemen are. ENJOYED THE GROOVY BEAT, YOU MUST WATCH THIS !!!

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Hey What Up The best Groovy Master Pride Sweden Soils OF FATE? ... Yupz long weve really yes we Not listen Productivity Slam Groovy Stuff Trio them since 2nd Full Album They "Crime Syndicate" In 2003, the original band Stockholm, Sweden who Exist Starting his career in 1995 which gave birth to the work of His First Demo "Pain ... Has a Face" and "Blood Serology" which although not too bring a touch Condensed when SOF set his career passing Seriously First Full Album "Sandstorm" In 2001 it enjoyed as Album with Serious Style SOF more Nuance Brings New Slam York-style Groovy Internal Bleeding also Dying Fetus, then play it with more emphasis SOF On the Beat Ajib2 to Slam Party and Head Shake headbang! From there, I was assaulted, Violated, and let's face it - molested, by a barrage of absolute brutal-death-grind bliss, Surprisingly! Character Yupz this band is very well known fact since the first album "Sandstorm" The idea of ​​pouring more remarkable Catchy Music Scene dikala They are filled with the genre Black Metal and Melodic Death Metal her. Featuring brilliant idea Condensed Element Internal Bleeding also Pyrexia and Most New York Death Metal 90s with the beat of the Groovy Beat Extra Condensed it more inviting We do not stop to enjoy every groove Beat Ajojing her, the which gets dangerously close to Biohazard territory during the breakdown section! yupz in other words most of the presumption SOF thicker ngemainin Hip Hop Beat element, Breakdown and Groovy without removing Type A lot of his Death Metal. 2003 in Attracting Talented Drummer SOF holding The name jumped at the time, Kevin Talley popular with his fantastic skills in Dying Fetus Era "Killing On Adrenaline" and "Destroy The Opposition" then draw interest SOF using merit was to play on the album Into -2 "Crime Syndicate" Drastic boost Populeritas band that is increasingly looming. Then Due to the crowded bustle outside of music then forced They stop career while SOF until 2005, and then remove the label Forensick Compilation Album "Highest in the Hierarchy of Blasting Sickness" as Party Band started being unproductive! and SOF was lost in period left many sweet memories while still keeping the breath of life .... after waiting a long time without news, finally SOF began to back his new materi2 Writing a Statement of her in The Social Network, and finally "Thin the Herd" Fans SOF is a long answer to hear back work Fresh Trio Elegant Swedish Death Metal's Groovy! Yeaahh SOF Is Back !!!! groom by Brutal Label from Italy, Permeated Records, SOF back shake Public Metal with Death Metal Attack Typical Groovy her! Gw which became one of the fans of this band weight since two previous best album feel gayuh intercepted if the band has again showed again Existence dasyatnya! this album is at its best when the band stretches things out and explores all the possibilities within Reviews their highly varied styles instrumentally. Curious ?? Let us Unloading their new material here which begins immediately with "Weaponry Wisdom" as early Ajojing Tumbal grind without Bases stale, Oh Shitttt !!!! SOF still maintains its Sound & Style 2 album really since most Gw Faforite-right! Amazing !!! still with Extra downtune and Breakdown Hardcore riffing that is very viscous, Deep Guttural Growling and naturaly Snare Drum "Typical" Her Since "Sandstorm", Even More Powerful Feels really Sound era of "Crime Syndicate" it once, blend very Complete course for SOF make his illegal act scrambles moshpit area. Guitarist and musical drafter SOF total, Magnus Lindvall still shows how Groovy his riffing Breakdown fixed Biting! Here to introduce also the drummer to-3 (Every Album SOF always different drummer .ed) Fredrik Widigs the skill certainly can not be underestimated've been playing for a few well-known bands such as Marduk Mainland Sweden, Repulsive Dissection, Witchery (live), ex-Demonical, ex-Overtorture, ex-Vomitous, ex-Facing Death, and ex-Carnalized to believe they can bring back Skill Kevin Talley as the era of "Crime Syndicate" is paid off deh hehehe ... Can I Explain glance if "Thin the Herd" is the 2nd Part of "Crime Syndicate" really! with Downtune Breakdown riffing "Thin The Herd" SOF continues to invite us to sway while berheang Continuous Banging! the thuggish hardcore guitar interacts properly with the style syncopated drumming, it just works beautifully! Still save big Nyali SOF still not at all lost its character indeed, Cool! gw as previously predicted, if this new album material is Part advanced "Crime Syndicate", which the "Brotherhood (Omerta Part II)" could be proof Track Cool "Omerta" still has further Strength. then Track Title "8.9.3" is unique enough to mention showing Guest Vocalist Frank Rini, former vocalist of Internal Bleeding Era "voracious Contempt" and "The Extinction of Benevolence" became very Influentalis for SOF since the beginning, ga cuman Frank Rini aja , together with its Takanori Fujioka Vomit Remnants Lyrics Japanese language text gets in his Booklet Cover. As not know the name ran the idea of ​​creating Harmonasi Beat Catchy, guitarist Magnus Lindvall remains Gallant pour some brilliant IDE2 Track Next although some of them suffered Little Repetition. Frank Rini Then Come sing on Track "OOO / TTT (One On One - Toe To Toe)" with a touch of Death'n 'Roll ciamik dipart initially ready to make an impression different from previous Track2. Frank Rini as being find happiness that ripped a few years ago to not sing, the next track "Vale Tudo", boasting Again. Bassist / vocalist Henrik Crantz counted Brilliant and intelligent writing lyrics the real and interesting is when writing lyrics track "C21H23NO5 (Heroin)" complete with its compound symbol en somehow Henrik pronounce hahaha ... Well Overall Length Half Hour is passing 10 Track still tetep provide a fun dish for Members enjoy moving the body to the rhythm Harmonization Naughty tickle. Those who already accustomed Listening Material "Crime Syndicate", the new album is actually offering something different not far apart we enjoy Back IDE2 Fresh SOF play Musical Groovy that extra kick in addition to writing lyrics are increasingly Fun Pula as a form of picture real hard life that occur around they are! displays a more unique style of death metal and has more consistently great songs break-down crunches the midpaced grooves, and the all out blast sections of riffwork, really shows how good Goddamned Reviews These are axemen. ENJOYED THE GROOVY BEAT, YOU MUST WATCH THIS !!!

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