Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Cannibal Corpse - A Skeletal Domain CD 2014

Cannibal Corpse - A Skeletal Domain
Metal Blade Records CD 2014

01 High Velocity Impact Spatter 04:06    
02 Sadistic Embodiment 03:17      
03 Kill or Become 03:50      
04 A Skeletal Domain 03:38    
05 Headlong into Carnage 03:01    
06 The Murderer's Pact 05:05      
07 Funeral Cremation 03:41    
08 Icepick Lobotomy 03:16    
09 Vector of Cruelty 03:25      
10 Bloodstained Cement 03:41      
11 Asphyxiate to Resuscitate 03:47      
12 Hollowed Bodies 03:05

Alex Webster - Bass
Paul Mazurkiewicz - Drums
Rob Barrett - Guitars
George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher - Vocals
Pat O'Brien - Guitars

Menandai di Usia Karir yang hampir Ke-26 tentu bukan pekara mudah menjadi sebuah eksistensi dengan Musikal Yang mereka usung sampai hari ini menjadi Ikon penting Perkembangan Death Metal Sejagad ! The Mighty Cannibal Corpse adalah nama Fenomenal yang tidak akan lekang oleh Waktu. Sajian Death Metal yang enerjik masih dengan tema2 Horor Berdarah menjadi bagian dari perjalanan Panjang band asli Buffalo, New York yang kemudian pindah Domisili ke Tampa, Florida. Masih sangat setia bersama Label Roster sejak awal Karir CC, Metal Blade Records masih menjadi sejarah penting CC menjadi Band Death Metal paling Kontroversial sekaligus sukses menjual Jutaan Kopi Karyanya. Berselang hanya 2 Tahun sejak album terakhir mereka " Torture " Tahun 2012, CC diam2 sudah menyiapkan materi baru sepanjang Tour album tersebut yang kemudian termuntahkan di " A Skeletal Domain ", menjadi album yang paling ditunggu karna dikhabarkan bakalan memiliki " Greget " yang lebih dasyat lagi selain akan membawa ke Kenangan Album2 Pertama CC yang memang menurut gw agak sedikit terealisasi di " A Skeletal Domain " ini. Banyak media mengatakan CC masih melakukan "Gambling" setiap Materi baru mereka kepada Fans untuk menilainya sendiri. en menurut Gw materi di " A Skeletal Domain " ini lebih mengangkat kembali Karisma " The Bleeding " serta " Butchered At Birth " namun dengan Karakter pengganti Baru George Fisher tanpa Chris Barnes. Apalagi 2 Member tersisa tetap menjadi penentu Warna Asli CC sejak terbentuk Tahun 1988 tak kan hilang meski beberapa Formasi telah terjadi Bongkar pasang. " High Velocity Impact Spatter " sedikit agak membawa kita ke ingatan CC di 90-an ketika " Butchered at Birth ", " Tomb of the Mutilated " serta " The Bleeding " menjadi begitu Konvensional Nuansa Epik Death Metal khas CC tengah menggelitik Skill Member untuk memainkannya kembali. Perhaps the best thing about this album is that it has something for every Corpse fan with The lighting fast tracks, the mid tempo, groovy tracks, and the downright dirty, talked with a bunch of Corpse fans ! pembawaan Vokal George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher memang terkenal dengan Raungan yang enerjik serta Liar-nya selama ini tetap menjadi Ikon Generasi Ke-2 CC sejak " Vile " seakan masih menjadi Magnet tersendiri pada era-nya dan terlalu sulit dibandingkan dengan Chris Barnes. Sayatan Solo Gitar Rob Barrett dan Pat O'Brien tetap memiliki Warna Asli Old School Death Metal USA style, Khusus-nya Florida Veins. Walau beberapa kali masih Gw menangkap Gaya2 CC Pasca " Vile " juga " Bloodthirst ". seperti sedang sengit bertarung dengan peradaban Musikal saja, CC seperti sedang sibuk menjawab Semua keinginan Kuat untuk dapat memainkan kembali warna Lama mereka. where the band's thrash roots were still highly visible, and the truth is that while there is a greater degree of overt Slayer tendencies in several of these songs, it falls just a tad short of morphing into early 90s death/thrash. The truth is, while this album doesn't take a huge jump into the past. Poin Penting CC yang tidak dapat disangsikan berubah adalah Karakter Kuat Sounding-nya yang Top Notch untuk dilupakan serta pantas memang kalo CC adalah Big Innovator Death Metal terbaik dunia !  cruising at a comparable tempo and feel of said album's most intense moments, and outdoing it in the brutality department by upping the ante on the amount of notes crammed into each riff ! Alhasil 12 Track Yang mengacak Emosi serta Ingatan kita pada Perjalanan Musikal CC akan masih sangat terasakan disini. Sebuah Tantangan Penting saat menikmati sendiri 12 Track dengan durasi total 45 Menit. Menghabiskan 4 Bulan penggarapan distudio Audiohammer Melibatkan untuk pertama kalinya peran Produser & Enjiner Mark Lewis (Masih Saudara-nya Vokalis Scott Lewis-nya Carnifex .ed) adalah mungkin salah satu pembuat Kesan Materi Baru ini terasa " Berbeda ". Artwork Karya Vincent Locke memang sejak Album pertama " Eaten Back to Life " tetap menjadi Art Epic Khas CC. tentu tetap tidak ada yang membuat sedikitpun kecewa untuk Masterpiece terbaru Dedengkot Death Metal ini. One particularly point of interest where things are a good deal stronger than the past couple albums has been the signature guitar solo sections, which have a needed degree of prevalence in the mix and has a biting tone that reminds heavily of a mid 80s thrash feel. It might be belaboring the point a bit, but it truly sounds like CC has turned the clock back a bit, possibly in reaction to the growing interest in older school death metal spurred by revival acts like Skeletal Remains and resurgent never-quite-were types such as Entrails.

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)

Marking The Age Jobs are almost certainly not the 26th Its Not easily become an existence with their musical The stretcher until today become an important icon Developments Death Metal Universe! The Mighty Cannibal Corpse is Phenomenal name that will not dim through time. Serving Death Metal energetic still with tema2 Horror Bloody become part of the trip length original band Buffalo, New York who later moved Domicile to Tampa, Florida. Still very loyal together Label Roster since the beginning of Career CC, Metal Blade Records is still a critical history of Death Metal Band CC be the most controversial at once successfully sold millions of coffee His work. Later only two years since their last album "Torture" In 2012, CC diam2 have prepared new material throughout the album tour which then termuntahkan in "A Skeletal Domain", became the most awaited album because rumored going to have "lost interest" more terrible again addition will bring memories to Album2 First CC which is in my opinion a little realized in "A Skeletal Domain" is. Many media said the CC still do "Gambling" any new material to the fans for their own vote. en by Gw material in "A Skeletal Domain" more lift back Charisma "The Bleeding" and "Butchered At Birth" but with Wildcards New George Fisher without Chris Barnes. Moreover, the two remaining Member remains a determinant Original Color CC since formed in 1988 was the missing although some formations have occurred Removal & Replacement. "High Velocity Impact Spatter" a little bit to bring us to the memory of CC in the 90s when "Butchered at Birth", "Tomb of the Mutilated" and "The Bleeding" become so Conventional Shades of Death Metal Epic typical middle tickle Skill CC Members to play come back. Perhaps the best thing about this album is that it has something for every Corpse fan with the lighting fast tracks, the mid-tempo, groovy tracks, and the downright dirty, talked with a bunch of Corpse fans! Vocal traits George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher is known for energetic and wild roar of his long remained the 2nd Generation Icon CC since "Vile" though still a separate magnet in his era and too difficult compared to Chris Barnes. Incision Solo Guitar Rob Barrett and Pat O'Brien still has original Colour Old School Death Metal USA style, his Special Veins Florida. Although a few times still I catch Styles CC Post "Vile" also "Bloodthirst". as being fierce fighting Musical civilization alone, CC like being busy answering All Strong desire to be able to play back their old colors. where the band's thrash roots were still highly visible, and the truth is that while there is a greater degree of overt Slayer Several of Reviews These tendencies in songs, it falls just a tad short of morphing into the early 90s death / thrash. The truth is, while this album does not take a huge jump into the past. Important Points CC that is undeniable change is Strong Character Sounding his Top Notch indeed deserve to be forgotten and if CC is the best Death Metal Big Innovators world! cruising at a comparable tempo and feel of said album's most intense moments, and outdoing it in the Brutality department by upping the ante on the amount of notes crammed into a riff call now! As a result 12 Track The emotions and memories we randomize the Musical Journey CC will still be felt here. An important challenge while enjoying yourself 12 Track with a total duration of 45 minutes. Spent 4 Months cultivation distudio Audiohammer Engaging for the first time the role of Producer & Engineer Mark Lewis (still his brother his vocalist Scott Lewis Carnifex .ed) is probably one of the manufacturer's impression of the new material feels "Different". Artwork Vincent Locke work since the first album "Eaten Back to Life" remains the Art of Epic Typical CC. certainly still no one made the slightest disappointed for the latest Masterpiece dedengkot Death Metal this. One particularly subject to a point of interest where things are a good deal stronger than the past couple albums has been the signature guitar solo sections, the which have a needed degree of prevalence in the mix and has a biting tone that reminds heavily of a mid 80s thrash feel. It MIGHT be belaboring the point a bit, but it truly sounds like CC has turned the clock back a bit, possibly in reaction to the growing interest in older school death metal revival spurred by acts like Skeletal Remains and resurgent never-quite-were types Reviews such as Entrails.

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