Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Dehumanization - Meat Exposition CD 2014

Dehumanization - Meat Exposition
Morbid Generation Records CD 2014

01 Meat Exposition 03:22    
02 My Favourite Sextoy (Is a Chainsaw) 03:08    
03 Fucked Like a Dog, Killed Like a Pig 02:37    
04 Necrophilic Mass Desecration 03:02    
05 Abandoned 02:50    
06 Rotten Rectum Rape 02:57    
07 Give Birth to My Fist 03:42    
08 Crowbar Violation 03:50    
09 Slamming Riffs and Footlong Spliffs 02:22

Loek Van Der Drift - Vocals
Mike Hoogesteger - Guitars
Stijn Gertzen - Guitars, Vocals
Mike Boogaard - Bass
Huub Catshoek - Drums

Dutch Slam Death Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan lembut Hardcore Beat menjadi alasan kuat dibentuknya DEHUMANIZATION Sejak 2009 lalu, meski mengalami Keterlambatan dalam Mengabadikan Musikal mereka, Namun suguhan Materi full perdana " Meat Exposition " ini menjadi Bagian terpenting dalam sejarah Eksistensi Band dengan Komposisi dan Karya yang matang meskipun menurut Gw pengerjaan Materi disini masih belum maksimal dari segi Sound dan Aransemen, Namun Gw Yakin ini adalah Awal Semangat 5 Remaja Asal Goes, Netherlands lebih berani unjuk Taring-nya bersama Label Asal Jerman yang menjadi Roster teduh Band mengawali Karir. do each of these different styles fairly decently, neither excelling nor dropping the ball when it comes to any one of them in particular, although the guitar tone a monstrously bass-heavy, knuckle-dragging crunch lends it self particularly well to the slams and the breakdowns over the beatdown. dengan penggabungan Typical yang typical telah dimainkan oleh pendahulunya, Devourment, Acranius, Dying Fetus serta Abominable Putridity cukup terasakan diantara part 9 Track-nya. kerap dimulai dengan part yang Blastbeat, Deep Guttural Snoring Vokill serta Downtuned Sound memang kerap mengalami Pengulangan yang Dramatis. Every now and again, they break out something like a hardcore riff put to tremolo over either a blast beat or a thrash beat, although these are mostly pretty superfluous; generally speaking, they're neither very interesting on their own merits, nor very successful in building up tension for the slams or the breakdowns. Menjadi Track yang Monumental, ga salah memang jika " Meat Exposition " menjadi Spirit Powerfull bagi Attitude Band, seketika memang Gempuran Blastbeat Seperti langsung menyerang meski kemudian Breakdown Tune menjadi Sajian Spasial untuk menggoyang Audience dengan Moshpit dan Headbang Party ! it takes center stage and introduces the upcoming breakdown, those tremolo sections are pretty much the only riffs where the bass has any real presence. The drumming, which boasts that quintessentially hardcore tight snare tone, doesn't exactly aspire. Deep Guttural Pig Snore Vocalis Loek Van Der Drift Rupanya lumayan Maksimal meski harus terasah lagi Karakter dan Pattern-nya, Seteman Sound Gitar yang Garing dan Kurang terasa Tebal meski Kehadiran double Gitar diharapkan dapat menutup Celah ini dan Hanya Mengandalkan Heavy Tune Level-nya pada Pemain Bass, seperti mengingatkan rasanya dengan Karakter Sound Dasar " Molesting The Decapitated " nya Devourment. Beberapa Penampilan Slam Groovy nya cukup menarik Adrenalin untuk menjaga Konsentrasi Headbang Act-nya seperti di Track " My Favourite Sextoy (Is a Chainsaw) " atau " Necrophilic Mass Desecration " tapi " Give Birth to My Fist " boleh Juga Komposisi-nya. Well, meluangkan waktu hampir setengah Jam'an kayaknya dapat memberikan Nuansa enjoy tersendiri akan Musikal Band ini. Sentuhan Death Metal yang masih Terasa Old School dengan perpaduan Modern Style, rasanya Membawa Sentuhan Asyik tersendiri pokoknya dalam 9 Track yang dipersiapkan disini. Ironically, my qualm with the band that has the audacity to throw the three dumbest genres of music into a blender have been employed a little more frequently to add some more emphasis when they're in beatdown mode seem to be widely praised within the current slam scene.

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Dutch Slam Death Metal with some gentle touch Hardcore Beat a strong reason establishment DEHUMANIZATION Since 2009, despite a delay in Musical Capture them, but treats the full prime material "Meat Exposition" has become the most important part in the history of the band with the composition of the existence and work of a mature although according to the workmanship Gw material here is still not optimally in terms of sound and arrangement, however I sure this is the beginning of Origin Teen Spirit 5 Goes, Netherlands more adventurous show its fangs together Labels German origin who became Roster shaded band career started. do call now different styles of Reviews These fairly decently, excelling Neither nor dropping the ball when it comes to any one of them in particular, the guitar tone Although a monstrously bass-heavy, knuckle-dragging crunch particularly subject lends it self well to the slams and the breakdowns over the beatdown. with the incorporation of the typical Typical been played by his predecessor, Devourment, Acranius, Dying Fetus and Abominable Putridity quite unfelt between 9 Track his part. often begins with the parts that Blastbeat, Deep Guttural Vokill and downtuned Sound Snoring is often experienced a dramatic repetition. Every now and again, they break out something like a hardcore riffs put to tremolo over either a blast beats or a thrash beat, Although These are mostly pretty superfluous; Generally speaking, they're Neither very interesting on their own merits, nor very successful in building up the tension for the slams or the breakdowns. Become Track Monumental, ga wrong indeed if "Meat Exposition" become Spirit Powerful for Attitude Band, immediately it strikes Blastbeat As a direct attack, although later Breakdown Tune into Spatial dish to shake Audience with moshpit and headbang Party! it takes center stage and introduces the upcoming breakdown, tremolo Reviews those sections are pretty much the only riffs where the bass has any real presence. The drumming, the which boasts that quintessentially hardcore tight snare tone, does not exactly aspire. Deep Guttural Pig Snore vocalist Loek Van Der Drift Apparently the maximum tolerable again despite having honed his Character and Pattern, Seteman Sound Guitar Crisp and less noticeably Thick despite presence of double guitar is expected to close this Cracks and Only Rely on its Level Heavy Tune in Players Bass, like reminding taste with Character Sound Basic "molesting The Decapitated" it Devourment. Some Groovy Slam appearance was quite interesting adrenaline to keep his concentration Act headbang like in Track "My Favourite sextoy (Is a Chainsaw)" or "Necrophilic Mass Desecration" but "Give Birth to My Fist" Also be its composition. Well, take the time almost half think can provide its own nuances will enjoy this musical band. Death Metal touch that still feels Old School with a blend of modern styling, distinctive taste Bring a Touch of Fun principally in 9 Track prepared here. Ironically, my only qualm with the band that has the audacity to throw the three genres of music Dumbest into a blender have been employed a little more frequently to add some more emphasis when they're in beatdown mode seem to be Praised Instant confirmation within the current slam scene.

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