Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Sickening Horror - Overflow CD 2015

Sickening Horror - Overflow
Deepsend Records CD 2015

01 Interstellar 04:36    
02 The Winter That Never Came 04:47    
03 The Day the Worms Became Kings 04:15    
04 Fractal Maze 05:44    
05 Red Pill Initiation 03:15    
06 I, Explorer in Akashic Fields 07:01    
07 Of Lives Never Lived 04:24    
08 Versus Entropia 04:18    
09 May the Ground Not Receive Thee 05:01

Aspects of Diverse Nature in its own Unique Sound! Ungkapan awal yang sempat mancing rasa penasaran gw akan album barunya " Overflow ", meski Album pertama " When Landscapes Bled Backwards " sangat terdongkrak oleh penampilan drummer Jagoan-nya Greece Scene, George Kollias masih begitu memukau diingatan gw. impressionist paintings composed through brushstrokes of arpeggiated, dissonant chords and heavily distorted, winding tremolo melodies. They're not particularly memorable, individually, but they do end up coming together to make an album that sounds like itself more than anything else. Technical Death Metal Paling disegani di Greece Scene Bareng Frontman gitaris/Vokalis George Antipatis sepertinya masih terus Melakukan Eksperimen baru dengan tetap memasukkan elemen Keyboard pada Konseptual Musik-nya, sehingga diantara Deru Rapat Death Metal Jahat, Atmosfir Gelap cepat dapat segera terasa ternetralizir dengan Hadirnya sentuhan Lembut Instrumen ini.  " Overflow " sendiri menjadi Debut karir pertama Bagi Drummer Vasilis Antipatis Sejak dirinya bergabung dengan Sickening Horror tahun 2010 lalu, 3 kali Album 3 kali Ganti drummer ceritanya nih band yang ngotot ingin berekperimen terus dengan Karakter-nya. pastinya jangan mengharap lebih saat ini kalo Sickening Horror akan bertaburan Blastbeat yang meledak-ledak, " Overflow " ini akan mengajak suasana " baru " untuk menikmati setiap aransemen pokok-nya, meski beberapa Part masih ditemukan Blastbeat yang Menawan hati pukulannya. " Interstellar " memang menjadi Awal yang Manis saat kita menikmati Album ini, suguhan Epik Death Metal yang terasa begitu melodius dengan Sentuhan lembut Solo Ciamik, meski beberapa kali terpancing, riffing cepat George Antipatis, namun tidak serta merta Drummer Vasilis Antipatis akan membakar Intonasi beat-nya dengan Hentakan beat yang cepat, ketukan yang Skillfully meski terdengar Alternative banget, namun Pukulan Mantap Blastbeat-nya seketika menghancurkan persepsi seperti itu. infrequently but still significantly enough dotted by concessions like these that ultimately the purity of vision it's usually so good at portraying. It's really only the minor thematic diversions like these which prevent the album from really entering the upper echelon of modern progressive death metal; delete these moments, and you have something surprisingly remarkable. Pukulan mantap yang bikin gw melirik adalah " The Day the Worms Became Kings ", Kualitas death metal Dinamis-nya berulang-ulang lumayan bikin gw Asyik menikmatinya. Serta " Versus Entropia " Rasanya seketika akan mengeryitkan Alis kita dengan Sentuhan Progressive Musikal-nya, dengan Bumbu Sampling Synthesizer, Hampir keseluruhan Materi Album ini banyak menampilkan Sentuhan Teknikal Death Metal yang terasa romantis. didukung dengan sound yang Matang, Kayaknya elo mesti harus coba kejutan baru " Overflow " sebagai Masterpiece Konvensional dengan Teknik-teknik yang mereka anggap terlalu " Kaku " untuk dipertahankan. it's technical but atmospheric, complex but catchy, melodic at times but also very dissonant. The best moments seem to come from the more experimental and they pepper their songs with some evil Nice dissonant melodies which is to craft death metal very much in touch with the primal viciousness of its early roots but also moving things in an often technical direction, while injecting the music with dissonant black metal melodies, inspired lead guitar-work, powerful drumming, and prominent bass-work, all tied together with an inclination toward progressive flourishes.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Diverse Aspects of Nature in its own Unique Sound! Expression could start fishing curiosity will gw his new album "Overflow", even though the first album "When Landscapes Bled Backwards" highly boosted by the appearance of his drummer champion Greece Scene, George Kollias was so riveting my mind. impressionist paintings composed through brushstrokes of arpeggiated, dissonant chords and heavily distorted, winding tremolo melodies. They're not particularly memorable, individually, but they do end up coming together to a make an album that sounds like itself more than anything else. Technical Death Metal Most respected in Greece Scene Together frontman guitarist / vocalist George Antipatis apparently still continues Doing New experiments with fixed incorporate elements of Conceptual Music Keyboard on her, so that among the roar of Death Metal Meeting Evil, Dark Atmospheric quickly can immediately feel the presence of a touch neutralized This instrument gently. "Overflow" itself into a first career Debut For Vasilis Drummer Antipatis Since he joined Sickening Horror In 2010, the album 3 times 3 times Change drummer insists his story that the band wants to continue experimenting with his character. certainly do not expect much at this time will be scattered if Sickening Horror Blastbeat explosive, "Overflow" This will bring the atmosphere of the "new" to enjoy every arrangement of its subject, though some still found Blastbeat Part Impeccable heart punch. "Interstellar" has become a sweet start when we enjoy this album, treat Epic Death Metal that feels so melodic with a soft touch Solo ciamik, although several times provoked, fast riffing George Antipatis, but not necessarily Drummer Vasilis Antipatis will burn Intonation beats her with a fast beat, beats sounded Alternative Skillfully though really, but his blow Steady Blastbeat immediately destroy such perceptions. Significantly enough infrequently but still dotted by Concessions like these that the purity of vision Ultimately it's usually so good at portraying. It's really only the minor thematic diversions like these roomates Prevent the album from really entering the upper echelon of modern progressive death metal; delete Reviews These moments, and you have something surprisingly remarkable. Solid punch that makes me glance is "The Day the Worms Became Kings", Quality Dynamic his death metal repeatedly make gw Fun passable enjoy. And "Versus Entropia" It will instantly mengeryitkan Touch Blush us with his musical Progressive, with seasoning Sampling Synthesizer, almost the entire album is a lot of material featuring Touch Technical Death Metal that was romantic. Mature supported by sound, I think elo should have to try new surprises "Overflow" as Masterpiece Conventional techniques they consider too "stiff" to be maintained. it's technical but atmospheric, complex but catchy, melodic at times but Also very dissonant. The best moments seem to come from the more experimental and they pepper Reviews their songs with some evil Nice dissonant melodies the which is to craft a death metal very much in touch with the primal viciousness of its early roots but Also moving things in an Often technical direction, while injecting the music with dissonant black metal melodies, inspired lead guitar-work, powerful drumming, and prominent bass-work, all tied together with an inclination toward progressive flourishes.

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