Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Morgoth - Ungod CD 2015

Morgoth - Ungod
Century Media Records CD 2015

01 House of Blood 02:34    
02 Voice of Slumber 04:52    
03 Snakestate 04:45    
04 Black Enemy 03:45    
05 Descent into Hell 03:28    
06 Ungod 06:13    
07 Nemesis 04:20    
08 God Is Evil 03:57    
09 Traitor 03:58    
10 Prison in Flesh 03:31    
11 The Dark Sleep 05:00

Karsten Jäger - Vocals
Harald Busse - Guitars
Sebastian Swart - Guitars
Sotirios Kelekidis - Bass
Marc Reign - Drums

Well, Apa Khabarnya MORGOTH ??!! ..... Salah Satu Legendaris Death Metal Asli Jerman ini setelah Tahun 1998 Membubarkan diri pasca merilis album terakhirnya " Feel Sorry for the Fanatic " tahun 1996. Mencuat namanya sejak EP " The Eternal Fall " dan 2 CD nya " Cursed " dan " Odium " Morgoth menjadi salah satu Death Metal Inovator paling Inspiratif discene-nya. meski dialbum terakhirnya " Feel Sorry for the Fanatic ", Band ini secara drastis menjadi pengusung warna Industrial Rock, WTF !!! sebuah kegagalan konsep yang mengharuskan Mereka harus tutup Karir tahun 1998 meski pengaruh rilisan awal mereka masih yang Empirik, like emulators in any style, these mad Teutonic killers were a couple years behind their inspiration. setelah desakan para fans untuk Morgoth melakukan reunian, terealisasi tahun 2010 lalu Band ini terbukti telah kembali untuk siap menebus " Kekalahan " karir terakhir mereka dengan Respon Buruk dan Kekecewaan Fans. Telah melalui Penantian yang super panjang, Akhirnya terbayarkan dengan Debut Full Album ke-4 nya ditahun 2015 ini " Ungod " dan Century Media Records terbukti masih menjadi Roster setia mereka. Sebuah album yang akan membayar kekalahan Morgoth dengan mengusung kembali Karakter " kuat " band era Konsep awal-nya lagi, asyikkk !!!! Namun sayang Vocalis Asli Marc Grewe justru ga ikutan rekaman dialbum " Ungod " ini dan digantikan oleh Vocalis Karsten "Jagger" Jäger dari Band Death/Thrash/Sludge Metal Jerman, Disbelief. Sekaligus ini adalah Karir awal bagi Drummer Marc "Speedy" Reign, Bassis Sotirios Kelekidis dan posisi baru Sebastian Swart sebagai Gitaris (Sebelumnya maen Posisi Bass .ed). " Ungod " seperti mengajak kita ke era EP " The Eternal Fall " dan 2 CD nya " Cursed " dan " Odium " sekali, rasanya cukup membayar kecewa gw dengan Materi " Feel Sorry for the Fanatic ", Komposisi Death Metal 90-an yang kembali menjadi sajian paling menyejukkan diantara Invasi Modern Metal yang kadang bikin telinga jadi bete, Sentuhan Death Metal yang melodius dan Sludgy menjadi suguhan yang gw tunggu ! already showed strong musicianship and intelligent topics with a German twist The main riff is nothing less than supreme and hypnotising and the vocals are really good here rhythmically the song progesses little resulting in one creepy tale. " House of Blood " jadi Opening yang langsung mengingatkan kita akan nuansa Kuat Old School Death metal Headbanging, having a fair number of traditional elements mixed in with a lot of groovy and hauntingly melodic interludes. dengan sound yang masih " Orisinil " terjaga karakter asli Morgoth, Low Growling vocalis Karsten Jäger memberi sentuhan yang makin Kuat saja, mengingatkan dengan Gaya Almarhum Chuck-nya Death sekali. Meski membawa beberapa nama baru, frontman Gitaris Harald Busse ternyata masih mampu mempertahankan Karakter dan Kualitas Morgoth Sound, sehingga rasanya kita seperti sedang mendengar kejayaan Morgoth seperti pada era 90-an banget. Tidak terlalu Membutuhkan Konsentrasi yang lebih untuk bisa mencerna setiap Bar Aransemennya selain tetap Menggerakkan Leher Headbang saja untuk keseluruhan Materi " Ungod " ini. Karakter-nya Masih Seperti kita mendengarkan " Scream Of Bloody Gore " atau " Leprosy " Nya Death Banget kayaknya, Death Metal Standard yang dipenuhi dengan Adrenalin pembakar Headbang Attitude, over-simplified grooving at mid tempo that's a little too tame and restrained for the occasional fits of thrashing ! yang menarik Adalah Instrumental Track Akhir " The Dark Sleep " cukuplah untuk melelehkan lelahnya hawa malam untuk kita segera berangkat memejamkan mata menikmati Mood Mellow Death Metal Epik yang Morgoth Tawarkan. secara keseluruhan ini adalah Album pengobat rasa Rindu kita akan materi Awal Band yang masih dijaga kuat pesona-nya di Album ini. a total blasturbation fest with oodles of riffs, over triggered drums, and not much feeling or atmosphere This is Old School and proud of it.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Well, What's Up Morgoth ?? !! ..... One of the legendary Death Metal Original Germany after 1998 Dissolve yourself after releasing her latest album "Feel Sorry for the Fanatic" in 1996. Sticking his name since the EP "The Eternal Fall" and his second CD "Cursed" and " Odium "Morgoth become one of the most Inspiring Innovators Death Metal discene her. although the final dialbum "Feel Sorry for the Fanatic", this band dramatically to color bearers Industrial Rock, WTF !!! a failure concept that requires They should shut Career in 1998 despite the effect of the initial release they still are empirical, like emulators in any style, Reviews These Teutonic mad killers were a couple years behind Reviews their inspiration. after urging the fans to do a reunion Morgoth, realized in 2010. The band has again proven to be ready to make up for the "defeat" of their past career with Poor Response and disappointment Fans. The wait has been through a super long, finally paid off with the debut full-length album to his 2015-4 is "Ungod" and Century Media Records proved to still be loyal Roster them. An album that will pay defeat Morgoth, by bringing back characters "strong" band era its initial concept again, Yummy !!!! Unfortunately Original vocalist Marc Grewe precisely follow-recording ga dialbum "Ungod" and was replaced by vocalist Karsten "Jagger" Jäger from the band Death / Thrash / Sludge Metal Germany, Disbelief. Once this is beginning to Drummer Marc Career "Speedy" Reign, bassist Sotirios Kelekidis and Sebastian Swart new position as guitarist (Previous mainly Position Bass .ed). "Ungod" like inviting us to the era of the EP "The Eternal Fall" and his second CD "Cursed" and "Odium" once, it feels quite pay disappointed gw with Matter "Feel Sorry for the Fanatic", Composition Death Metal 90s are back be the most soothing dish among Invasion Modern Metal that sometimes makes the ear so cranky, Touch of Death Metal melodic and Sludgy be a treat that i wait! Showed already strong musicianship and intelligent topics with a German twist The main riff is nothing less than the supreme and hypnotising and the vocals are really good here rhythmically the song progesses the resulting in-one creepy little tale. "House of Blood" so Opening directly Strong shades reminiscent of Old School Death Metal Headbanging, having a fair number of traditional elements mixed in with a lot of groovy and hauntingly melodic interludes. with a sound that is "Original" original character awake Morgoth, Low Growling vocalist Karsten Jäger give more strength alone touch, reminiscent of the style of his late Chuck Death once. Although bring some new names, frontman guitarist Harald Busse was still able to maintain the character and quality of Morgoth Sound, so we felt like being heard Morgoth glory as in the 90s really. Not too Requires more concentration to be able to digest any arrangement other than the fixed Moving Bar Neck headbang only for the whole material "Ungod" is. His character is still As we listen to "Scream Of Bloody Gore" or "Leprosy" His Death more think, Death Metal Standard filled with adrenaline burner headbang Attitude, over-simplified grooving at mid tempo that's a little too tame and restrained for the occasional fits of thrashing! interesting is Instrumental Track End "The Dark Sleep" is enough to melt the night air exhausted to us immediately departed closed her eyes to enjoy the Mellow Mood Death Metal epic that Morgoth Offer. overall this is a healer album Homesick sense we would Beginning Band material which still maintained its strong charm in this album. A total blasturbation fest with oodles of riffs, over-triggered drums, and not much feeling or atmosphere This is Old School and proud of it.

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