Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful CD 2015

Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful
Nuclear Blast Records CD 2015

01 Shudder Before the Beautiful 06:29      
02 Weak Fantasy 05:23    
03 Élan 04:48      
04 Yours Is an Empty Hope 05:34    
05 Our Decades in the Sun 06:37    
06 My Walden 04:38    
07 Endless Forms Most Beautiful 05:07    
08 Edema Ruh 05:15    
09 Alpenglow 04:45    
10 The Eyes of Sharbat Gula 06:03    
11 The Greatest Show on Earth 24:00

Floor Jansen - Vocals
Emppu Vuorinen - Guitars
Marco Hietala - Bass, Vocals
Troy Donockley - Uillean pipes, Low whistles, Bodhran, Bouzouki, Vocals
Tuomas Holopainen - Keyboards, Piano
Kai Hahto - Drums (Additional)

Finally, ... Akhir dari rasa penasaran Terbesar Gw (Mungkin Juga Nightwish Fans .ed) ditahun 2015 adalah Mendengarkan full album Ke-9 Symphonic Power Metal Populer Finlandia, NIGHTWISH " Endless Forms Most Beautiful " sukses menjadi Penantian paling ditunggu sejak Band ini memiliki Vokalis Baru, Floor Jansen untuk berada digarda terdepan Band Metal yang terhitung sukses karir-nya menggantikan Vokalis sebelumnya Anette Olzon. terkenal memiliki Konsep Musik yang Catchy, Power, Operatic serta Nuansa yang Folk Epic, Mengantar band bentukan tahun 1996 pada karir gemilang-nya. sejak Munculnya nama Floor Jansen (sempat menjadi Impian gw jika Floor Jansen lebih Perfectly berada di Posisi yang ditinggalkan Anette, meski Kekuatan Kharakteristik kuat Band masih diakui ada di vokalis Pertama Tarja Turunen .ed) saat penampilan sukses mereka di Wacken Open Air Fest 2013, dimana Nightwish Secara Resmi mengumumkan Floor Resmi menjadi Vokalis baru setelah beberapa kali Hanya menjadi Additional Vocal untuk menyelesaikan Rangkaian Tour Panjang " Imaginaerum ". Meski Nuclear Blast Records Sendiri sudah memperkenalkan Single " Élan " yang mengenalkan Salah satu Track dari materi " Endless Forms Most Beautiful " sendiri, Single yang dibuatkan Video Clip " Élan " terbukti sukses membakar Ke-2 kali Rasa Penasaran Fans, Kerennya lagi, Single ini beberapa Kali Ludes dirilis dalam Berbagai Format saat Label sedang sibuk menyiapkan Full album ini. Untuk Pertama Kalinya juga Nightwish Tampil ber-6 dengan menambah Instrumen Uillean pipes & Tin whistle dari Troy Donockley yang resmi menjadi Anggota Terbaru formasi-nya, disela penggarapan materi, Khabar tak sedap pun muncul saat Drummer Asli Nightwish, Jukka Nevalainen membuka Statemen mengejutkannya, jika Jukka Harus mengambil cuti Panjang di Nightwish karena Masa Penyembuhan Penyakit Insomnia Akut-nya, sehingga pada Proses pengerjaannya Jukka Merekomendasikan kepada Drummer Sahabat baiknya, Kai Hahto untuk terlibat dalam proses rekaman " Endless Forms Most Beautiful ", tentu hal ini semakin menambah yang namanya penasaran akan materi Baru Nightwish. Melibatkan Groub Paduan Suara Terkenal asal London, Metro Voices dengan Pip Williams Sebagai Peng-aransemen Orkestral Sejak Materi " Once, Dark Passion Play, Nemo dan Imaginaerum " serta membantu Album solo Tuomas Holopainen, album ini juga menghadirkan Narasi dari ahli biologi evolusi, penulis dan seorang Profesor Pemahaman Publik Ilmu Pengetahuan yang pernah mengajar di Universitas Oxford, Richard Dawkins. Tetap Menggandeng Beberapa Enjiner Handal Langganan seperti Tero Kinnunen, Mikko Karmila dan Frontman/Keyboardis Tuomas Holopainen duduk sebagai produser dan Penanggungjawab penuh Music Nightwish sejak Awal. Well, Rasanya Sedikit Intermezzo ini mungkin semakin Menambah " Interest " tersendiri diantara rasa penasaran Fans akan progres Musikal Nightwish untuk Eksklusifitas Album ini dengan 1 Pertanyaan Serius, " Masih Mampu-kah Nightwish Mengulang sukses sebelumnya ?? ", Yuk Kita denger bersama sama saja rasanya lebih Komplit. pulled back a bit and did a more subtle, subdued, and lyrically mature album, without sacrificing any of the qualities that had made them popular in the first place.

Produksi Maksimal dan Epic Masih Nuclear Blast Records Persembahkan untuk Salah band sukses Kesayangan dengan Berbagai format siap memanjakan sekali Para DieHard Fans ! dan " Shudder Before the Beautiful " yang dimulai dari Narasi Richard Dawkins tentang teori etolog-nya, " The deepest solace lies in understanding, This ancient unseen stream, A shudder before the beautiful " jadi Opening Awal album " The Most Waiting 2015 ", meski sebelum2nya, Karakteristik Opening Album Nightwish selalu digebrak dengan sentuhan yang Megah, seperti " Dark Chest of Wonders " untuk " Once ", " Bless the Child " untuk " Century Child ", atau " Storytime " untuk " Imaginaerum ", nampaknya kini " Shudder Before the Beautiful " lumayan epic jadi Hot Opening-nya, meski pada Chorus Part-nya Citra Symphonic Power Metal-nya masih Begitu Kuat. any significant increase of orchestration as compare Still, the lack of the orchestra's prominence strikes me as something as a wasted opportunity. Dengan karakter Musikal terkini Nightwish (Era " Dark Passion Play " dan " Imaginaerum ") dengan Distorsi yang lebih tebal dan Kasar, Balutan Atmosfir Keyboard Blocking-nya masih The Best !!! Pembawaan Vokal Kuat Floor Jansen tentu tidak dapat diragukan Kemampuannya, Floor sendiri adalah Perpaduan Karakter Tarja dengan Anette, disamping Karakter Kuat-nya memang Andalan. Aransemen Operatic yang masih menjadi Komposisi " Hidup " Nightwish terasa lebih menggelegar Megah. noticeably retracted, at least his faster playing In exchange for the lightning fast keyboarding more contemplative atmosphere. Namun menjadi Point Melemahkan adalah Penampilan Skill Drummer Kai Hatto masih kurang Liar dibandingkan Dengan Aksi Jukka, Kai Hatto lebih dengan tempo yang Rapi namun kurang melakukan Progres Skill Drumming yang Gw Harapkan, Sehingga menurut Gw, Kehadirannya disini hanya sebagai pelengkap saja. " Weak Fantasy " seperti mulai memanaskan situasi dengan Heavy Thick Riff Sound Khas Gitaris Emppu Vuorinen tetap tidak tergantikan karakter kuatnya, It starts off slow and gradually becomes heavier faster, and more symphonic. In a number of ways, it simply repeats some of the same themes, and indeed, Sayang Citra Track ini menurut gw kurang menggelitik bahkan terlalu Biasa Banget untuk Nge-Hit Kemudian jika dibandingkan dengan Ballad Song Fantastis " Élan " lebih mudah tertangkap Esensi Melankolis aroma-nya, Ya Mungkin karena Track ini lebih dulu dikenalkan, sehingga Kuping Fans menjadi lebih terbiasa dan Menikmati-nya, apalagi Refrain Chorus Track nya begitu Anthemic menggugah Imajinasi. " Come / Taste the wine / Race the blind / They will guide you from the light / Writing noughts till the end of time / Come / Surf the clouds / Race the dark / It feeds from the runs undone / Meet me where the cliff greets the sea " akan membuat siapa saja terlarut dalam Harmonisasi Nada Vokal-nya yang Ekspresionis ! and is inarguably one of the album's best songs. Élan is another other slow and heavy song which stands out. I personally feel that it is one of heavy metal's greatest Ballad songs. Kekuatan Vokal Floor seperti menjadi Soul yang begitu menyatu sekali jika menikmati Track ini. Operatical Theme with Orchestral Consistency Are More Emotions Nightwish style, melenggang cadas kembali dengan " Yours Is an Empty Hope " sedikit mengingatkan karakter " Dark Chest Wonder " sekali, as well as a an overly subdued orchestra, prevented me from giving this album a perfect score. But aside for these minor weaknesses, this is the closest thing that I've ever heard to a metal equivalent of a full-fledged classical symphony. dengan pembawaan tempo Beat yang cepat dan Vokal Ke-2 dari Bassis Marco Hietala, Menambah kekuatan Vokal Floor menjadi lebih Buas meski sama sekali tidak menghilangkan Style dasarnya, layaknya mendengarkan Versi Baru dari " Ghost Love Score " juga nih, Marco's voice gave the Song the aggressivity it needed to really become a symphonic/power metal Track, not just a symphonic metal one. And sice then, Marco has kept on apporting his own style perform very high and sweet tunes. Kemudian " Our Decades in the Sun " akan memberikan Ruang kesejukan tersendiri diantara Beat & Sound yang Keras, Floor merasa lebih rilex menghayati setiap bait Slow track Epic yang menyentuh dengan Ritmik lembut dan Manis. In the lyrics there is a perfect mix of accepting the tragic realities of life, but also seeing the outstanding beauty it has to offer, and despite its darkness and misery there is an underlying tone of hope throughout the album. Pengen mencicipi Permainan Uillean pipes & Tin whistle-nya Troy Donockley ? Part awal Track " My Walden " cukup memberikan Nuansa Folky yang Sejuk, Chorus Track ini lebih mengingatkan kita dengan " Last Ride Of The Day " kayaknya hehehe, meski pembawaannya lebih Nge-Hit pada beberapa tune-nya yang kemudian terdengar Nuansa Folk Ballad yang Asyik. song cycle that is structurally similar to “FantasMic”, though slower in tempo and more ambitious in the atmospheric department. Rangkaian Fantasi Theme Album ini rasanya seperti tertumpu pada 1 Induk Karakter yang tertuang pada track " Endless Forms Most Beautiful " lebih menjadi Icon utama Nightwish Menyuguhkan Karakter Album ini. Beberapa Warna Khas aransemen nya tentu Familiar banget era " Imaginaerum ", terutama pada penekanan Beat Tempo Riff & Keyboard yang lebih Symphonic dan Operatic ! " Edema Ruh " Seperti menghanyutkan kita lebih dalam lagi tentang sebuah Mimpi dan Fantasi dengan Breakthrough Riffing Average-nya, dan Ga hanya sekali kita dapat menangkap Konsepsi Hampir semua Track ini cukup sekali mendengar saja, karena ada Nilai Artistik tersendiri hampir disetiap sentuhan Harmonius-nya. the orchestra and symphonic elements are as omnipresent as ever. They fit in pretty well overall though there are some instances that would’ve been best if executed in a more subtle fashion. The choral elements may sound great ! tetep Berlanjut dikejutan selanjutnya adalah " Alpenglow "dengan warna Yang lebih Melodius dan emosional, tetap menjaga kualitas Epik Nightwish hingga ke Track " The Eyes of Sharbat Gula " Meskipun hanya dituangkan dalam sebuah Orchestral Instrumen saja. Track Fantastis Pamungkas " The Greatest Show on Earth " diaransemen menjadi Penampilan hebat di dunia dengan Durasi 24 Menit ! yang didalamnya seperti mengembangkan Perjalanan Imajinasi Nightwish menjadi seperti sebuah " Intisari ", bisa dibayangkan memang jika Track ini akan mengaduk Emosional Pendengarnya dalam suasana apapun menjadi sebuah Meditasi Kultus. bener2 Sebuah Closing Track paling Menghipnotis ! The diversity is coherent in the whole, and the mental images the music itself brings out play a role in this. Dark colors, a shining moon and black waters, all these are motives in the lyrics and artwork, and one can surely feel this in the music itself. The band shows they are great musicians, no matter the style they decide to go to, and that is all that matters in the end. dan Untuk ke-2 kalinya kita mendengarkan Narasi Richard Dawkins yang memberi warna tersendiri dengan Konsep etolog Evolusi-nya. Meski " Song of Myself  " dari " Imaginaerum " menjadi Track dengan Durasi Panjang, kayaknya " The Greatest Show on Earth " siap lagi menjadi Track dengan Durasi Fantastis yang pernah Nightwish Buat untuk mengakhiri Durasi Total Album yang menyita selama 1 jam lebih ini.

" Endless Forms Most Beautiful " adalah Karir Baru Nightwish untuk mengenalkan Konsep dan Formasi Barunya, seperti membawa Dunia baru, Album ini akan mendatangkan Kesan tersendiri diantara materi sebelumnya, meskipun beberapa diantaranya kerap kita menangkap Warna " Lama " nya, Nightwish kembali melahirkan Simponi dan Harmoni yang bener-bener Hidup diantara pemilihan Karakter Vokal Floor Jansen telah menjadi perhitungan Matang bagi Nightwish, dengan Menambahkan Kental-nya elemen Folky dari Troy Donockley meski Permainan Drummer Kai Hatto masih jauh dari Harapan Gw, Sekali lagi kalo " Endless Forms Most Beautiful " menjadi Materi yang Kooperatif dengan Warna Musikal yang menantang meski tidak banyak kejutan yang dimunculkan ! Meski Bagi gw ini adalah Album yang Hebat, namun Bukan Luar Biasa seperti seperti yang Gw Bayangkan sebelumnya. certainly interesting, and it incorporates in orchestral form many musical motives you heard on the rest of the songs. However, it just feels...somewhat strange that after such a powerful song, the album just ends with no climax. So, in that regard, it's great sex that inexplicably falls flat at the orgasm. Sebuah produksi Yang tidak Meragukan bagi Nuclear Blast Records untuk menghadirkan Persembahan terbaiknya kembali kepada para Fans ! It's a nice album for Nightwish, With nothing more. Fans will certainly enjoy it, and there are definitely less appealing records out there; but it didn't end up the ingenious masterstroke many of us were expecting. Maybe the material will work better in the context of the movie it was meant as a soundtrack for, but this still remains to be seen. As a stand-alone album, it doesn't let Nightwish live up to their full potential.

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Finally, ... End of curiosity Largest Me (May Also Nightwish Fans .ed) 2015 is a full album Listen 9th Symphonic Power Metal Popular Finland, Nightwish "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" went on to become the most awaited Waiting since this band has New vocalist, Floor Jansen to be leading fronted Metal Band counted his career success replaces the previous vocalist Anette Olzon. known to have a concept Catchy music, Power, Operatic and Nuance Folk Epic, Usher band formed in 1996 in his brilliant career. since the emergence of the name of Floor Jansen (gw if the dream had become more Perfectly Floor Jansen is in the position left by Anette, despite strong Characteristic Strength Bands are still recognized in the First vocalist Tarja Turunen .ed) during their successful appearance at the Wacken Open Air Fest 2013, where Nightwish officially announced Floor Official became the new vocalist after a few times just be to complete the circuit Additional Vocal Tour Length "Imaginaerum". Although Nuclear Blast Records has introduced Single Alone "Elan" which introduces the One Track of the material "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" alone, single that made Video Clip "Elan" proved successful burn 2nd time Curious Sense Fans, Cool again, this Single Ludes released some time in a variety of formats currently busy preparing Full Label this album. For The First Time Shown Nightwish also air-6 by adding Instruments Uillean pipes and Tin whistle of Troy Donockley officially became Newest Member of its formation, interrupted the cultivation of material, Khabar odor arises when original drummer Nightwish, Jukka Nevalainen opening statement is startling, if Jukka Had to take time off because of Period Length in Nightwish Healing Acute Insomnia her, so that the process is the process Jukka Recommend to Drummer best friend, Kai Hahto to be involved in the process of recording "Endless Forms Most Beautiful", this certainly adds to the curious name New material Nightwish. Famous involves Groub Choir from London, Metro Voices by Pip Williams As Peng-orchestral arranger Since Matter "Once, Dark Passion Play, Nemo and Imaginaerum" and Tuomas Holopainen help solo album, the album also presents Narrative of an evolutionary biologist, author and a Professor of the Public Understanding of Science who has taught at the University of Oxford, Richard Dawkins. Stay Took Some Engineer Reliable Subscriptions like Tero Kinnunen, Mikko Karmila and frontman / keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen sits as a producer and a full Responsible Music Nightwish since the beginning. Well, It's Little Intermezzo may increasingly Adding "Interest" of its own among the curiosity Musical Nightwish Fans will progress to this album Exclusive with 1 Serious question, "Still Able-kah Nightwish Repeating previous success ??", Yuk We heard together it feels more Complete. pulled back a bit and did a more subtle, subdued, and lyrically mature album, without sacrificing any of the qualities that had made them popular in the first place. Maximum production and Epic Still Nuclear Blast Records Present for the Beloved One successful band with Various formats ready to spoil all the diehard fans! and "Shudder Before the Beautiful" which starts from Narrative ethologist Richard Dawkins about his theory, "The deepest solace lies in understanding, This ancient unseen stream, A Shudder before the beautiful "so Opening Early album" The Most Waiting 2015 ", although sebelum2nya, Characteristics Opening Nightwish album always digebrak with magnificent touch, like" Dark Chest of Wonders "to" Once "," Bless the Child "to "Century Child", or "Storytime" for "Imaginaerum", seems now "Shudder Before the Beautiful" tolerable epic so Hot Opening her, although the Chorus Part of his image of his Symphonic Power Metal still So Strong. any significant increase of of orchestration as compare Still, the lack of the orchestra's prominence strikes me as something as a wasted opportunity. With the latest musical character Nightwish (Era "Dark Passion Play" and "Imaginaerum") with Distortion thicker and rough, Atmospheric Wrap Keyboard Blocking- Her demeanor is The Best !!! Strong Vocal Floor Jansen certainly can not doubt His ability, Floor itself is a combination of characters Tarja with Anette, in addition to its Strong Character indeed mainstay. Operatic arrangement is still a composition of "Life" was more jarring Nightwish Magnificent. noticeably retracted, at least his playing faster In exchange for the lightning fast keyboarding more Contemplative atmosphere. But be Debilitating is Appearances Skill Point Drummer Kai Hatto still less than the Action Jukka Liar, Kai Hatto more tempo Neat but less doing Progress Skill Drumming that I Expect, So according Me, presence here only as a complement. "Weak Fantasy" as start heating situation with Thick Heavy Riff guitarist Emppu Vuorinen Sound Typical irreplaceable character remains strong, It starts off slow and Gradually Becomes heavier faster, and more symphonic. In a number of ways, it simply repeats some of the same themes, and indeed, dear Track this image in my opinion less tickle even too Ordinary Banget to Nge-Hit Then when compared with the Ballad Song Fantastic "Elan" more easily caught the scent Essence Melancholy her, Yes Maybe because this track first introduced, so Ear Fans become more familiar and Enjoy her, especially her Refrain Chorus Track so anthemic evocative imagination. "Come / Taste the wine / Race the blind / They will guide you from the light / Writing noughts till the end of time / Come / Surf the clouds / Race the dark / It feeds from runs undone / Meet me where the cliff greets the sea "would make anyone dissolved in Harmonization of his vocal tone Expressionists! and is inarguably one of the album's best songs. Elan is another of slow and heavy song stands out roomates. I personally feel that it is one of heavy metal's greatest ballad songs. Strength of Soul Vocal Floor like that so united into one if enjoy this track. Consistency with Orchestral Theme Operatical Are More Emotions Nightwish style, swing rock back with "Yours Is an Empty Hope" a little reminiscent of the character "Dark Chest of Wonder" at all, as well as a an overly subdued orchestra, prevented me from giving this album a perfect score . But aside for these minor weaknesses, this is the closest thing that I've ever heard to a metal equivalent of a full-fledged classical symphony. the carriage of tempo Beat fast and Vocal 2nd of bassist Marco Hietala, Adding strength Vocal Floor become more Blooded though totally eliminate Style Basically, like listening to the New Version of "Ghost Love Score" ya, Marco's voice Gave the Song the aggressivity it needed to really Become a symphonic / power metal track, not just a symphonic metal one. And sice then, Marco has kept his own style on apporting perform very high and sweet tunes. Then "Our Decades in the Sun" will provide its own coolness space between the Hard Beat & Sound, Floor feel more rilex appreciate each stanza track Epic Slow Rhythmic touching the soft and sweet. In the lyrics there is a perfect mix of accepting the tragic realities of life, but Also seeing the outstanding beauty it has to offer, and despite its darkness and misery there is an underlying tone of hope throughout the album. Want to sample the game Uillean pipes & Tin whistle his Troy Donockley? Part early Track "My Walden" provide enough folky Cool Shades, Chorus This track is reminiscent of the "Last Ride Of The Day" hehehe I think, though inherently more Nge-Hit on some of his tune then heard the Fun Shades of Folk Ballad . song cycle that is structurally similar to "Fantasmic", though slower in tempo and more ambitious in the atmospheric department. The series Fantasy Theme This album feels like concentrated on 1 Parent Characters contained in the track "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" is becoming a major Icon Character Provides Nightwish album. Typical arrangements of some of its color really familiar era of "Imaginaerum", especially in the emphasis Beat Tempo Keyboard Riffs & more Symphonic and Operatic! "Edema Ruh" As we blew some more about a dream and fantasy with its Breakthrough Average riffing, and No only once we can catch Conception Almost every track is pretty to hear it, because there is a separate Artistic Value almost every touch of his Harmonius . the orchestra and symphonic elements are as omnipresent as ever. They fit in pretty well overall though there are some instances that would've been best if executed in a more subtle fashion. The choral elements may sound great! tetep Continues next Surprized is "Alpenglow" with color More melodic and emotional, while maintaining the quality of the Epic Nightwish up to the Track "The Eyes of Sharbat Gula" Although just poured in an Orchestral Instrument alone. Track Fantastic Ultimate "The Greatest Show on Earth" arranged into a great look at the world with a duration of 24 Minutes! which includes such developing Imagination Journey Nightwish be like a "Digest", you can imagine it if this track will stir Emotional listener in any atmosphere into a meditation cult. Closing Track Reallys A most Hypnotize! The diversity is coherent in the whole, and the mental images Brings out the music itself play a role in this. Dark colors, a shining moon and black waters, These are all motives in the lyrics and artwork, and one can surely feel this in the music itself. The band shows they are great musicians, no matter the style they Decide to go to, and that is all that matters in the end. and For the 2nd time we listen to the narration of Richard Dawkins who own color with his concept of Evolution Ethologist. Although the "Song of Myself" from "Imaginaerum" to track the long duration, I think "The Greatest Show on Earth" ready again to track the duration Fantastic ever Nightwish Create to end the album that takes a total duration of 1 hour for this. "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" is a New Career Nightwish to introduce the concept and his New Formations, such as bringing a new world, this album will bring its own impression amongst the previous material, although some of them often we catch Color "Old", its re-birth Nightwish Symphony and Harmony who was really living among election Character Vocal Floor Jansen has become calculation Ripe for Nightwish, with its condensed Adding folky elements of Troy Donockley despite Skill Drummer Kai Hatto still far from my Hope, Again if "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" to be material Cooperative with challenging musical colors though not many surprises are raised! Although this is the album gw For the Great, but Not Extraordinary such as Imagine Gw previously. certainly interesting, and it incorporates many in orchestral form of musical motives Heard you on the rest of the songs. However, it just feels ... somewhat strange that after such a powerful song, the album just ends with no climax. So, in that regard, it's great sex that inexplicably falls flat at the orgasm. A production No Doubt for Nuclear Blast Records to bring back the best offerings to the Fans! It's a nice album for Nightwish, With nothing more. Fans will certainly enjoy it, and there are definitely less appealing records out there; but it did not end up the ingenious masterstroke many of us were expecting. Maybe the material will work better in the context of the movie it was meant as a soundtrack for, but this still remains to be seen. As a stand-alone album, it does not let Nightwish live up to Reviews their full potential.

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