Selasa, 17 Maret 2015

Gorelust - We Are the Undead CD 2015

Gorelust - We Are the Undead
PRC Music CD 2015

01 Lunacy Still Prevails... 00:43    
02 Rape the Rapist 03:08    
03 Entering the Kill Fest 02:53    
04 There Is No God 03:10    
05 We Are the Undead 03:48    
06 Penetrating the Weak 04:15    
07 City of the Cannibals 03:12    
08 Decapitate the Holy Whore 02:48    
09 Farewell to the Flesh 03:03    
10 Wretched Life 03:46

Jean Beaulieu - Vocals
Martin Fournier - Guitars
Pascal Chevrier - Bass
Francis Marmen - Drums

Kejutan Ga terduga sekali dari Salah Satu Pioner Death Metal tangguh asal Rimouski, Quebec, Canada yang sempat mencetak One Hit Wonder-nya di era-90-an dengan " Reign of Lunacy " tahun 1995, sayang memang kemudian Band ini malah memutuskan membubarkan diri setahun kemudian pasca Album rilis. Masih inget bagaimana Kepiawaian Band ini awal pertama mendengarnya meninggalkan Banyak rasa decak Kagum dengan Komposisi Death Metal yang begitu buas di-era-nya, more light weight than brutal death metal of today, ultimately reviving the old-school feel flawlessly ! Seperti terbangun dari MatiSuri-nya, Gorelust pun Seakan ga mau Ketinggalan untuk Bangkit lagi dari Tidur panjangnya sejak Tahun 2012 dengan menjajah beberapa Panggung. Meski usia tidak menghalangi Eksistensi mereka, Enerji formasi solid ini seakan tidak mengenal Istilah " Melambat ", walau Gitaris ke-2, Jeff Olivier tidak dapat ikutan dalam reunian ini, Kwartet Gorelust tetap memantapkan kembali karir barunya dengan menulis beberapa Fresh Track sejak hampir 20 Tahun Absen ! Alhasil, Gorelust masih Idealis mengusung Warna Death Metal " Klasik " nya seperti era " Reign of Lunacy " sekali, a well rounded variety between signature frenzied guitar work and frantic drumming that is associated with brutal death metal, along with slower, heavier riffs that chug along and give the songs an added weight. Hebatnya lagi Sound Album yang sudah mereka persiapkan sejak lama " We Are the Undead " dapat Menjadi layaknya " Reign of Lunacy " Part 2 , Yess !!! There are a plethora of melodiously structured high-fret guitar solos that pierce variously through the meaty slab that is Reign of Lunacy, composed mostly in a slower tempo that makes it stand out among the frenzy of instruments that lies underneath and comprised out of hammer ons/pull offs. Standing out more-so than in most brutal death metal, the bass is made very audible in fine spurts and is used in the same manner as the abrupt rests are, to gain the attention of the audience. The malevolent vocals unleash one gut busting assault after another, choosing growls over gutterals and displaying well refined skill in doing so. Nah Track awal aja " Lunacy Still Prevails... " yang disambut dengan " Rape the Rapist " sudah membuktikan Jika mereka masih rindu melanjutkan agresi Biadab " Reign of Lunacy " dijilid ke-2 nya. Raungan Vokal Agresif dan Liar sama sekali tidak berubah ! More Malevolent, Racikan Signature Dynamic Frenzied Riffing Martin Fournier masih Terjaga apik Kualitas Old School Sound-nya, sementara Pukulan Drummer Francis Marmen malah semakin Enerjik Pula, DAMN !!! 9 Komposisi Brutal Death Metal dengan Old School Touching Awesome disini rasanya masih menghidupkan kembali Kedasyatan Konsep Sadis mereka diawal karir, Pertemuan antara Cannical Corpse, Suffocation serta Malevolent Creation dengan beberapa Karakter ga beraturan namun terjaga Konsepsional-nya melahirkan Amunisi Death Metal yang lebih Buas ! Dengan Sound yang tetep Natural Banget ditengah Perkembangan Teknologi yang menyempurnakan diri dengan Triggering Tool, Bagi Gorelust tetap Haram Hukum-nya untuk perform Maksimal Mereka. alangkah beruntungnya Death Metal Freak hari ini dapat mengenal dan mencicipi kembali Karir Harum Gorelust dari tahun 90-an ini, dimana alternative Natural Sound bakal tetap menggelitik untuk dicari dan Nikmati. " We Are the Undead " adalah Bukti Nyata jika Gorelust memang tidak pernah berubah dan ada matinyeee !!! as a whole is structured keeps the content fluidly fluctuating and entertaining listen after listen. Recommended for old-school death metal fans and those who enjoy brutal death metal, however do not expect the brutal death metal standard of gutteral vocals.

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
Not Unexpected surprises once of One Of Death Metal tough Pioneers origin Rimouski, Quebec, Canada who had scored his One Hit Wonder in the era of the 90s with "Reign of Lunacy" In 1995, unfortunately it then this band instead decided disbanded a year then after the album release. Still remember how Expertise early first heard this band leaves Many flavors clicking sound amazed with the composition of Death Metal are so ferocious in-his era, more light weight than brutal death metal of today, Ultimately Reviving the old-school feel flawlessly! As awakened from his Dying, Gorelust was as though not want Missed to Rise again of Sleeping length since 2012 with colonized some stage. Although age does not preclude their existence, Energy solid formation seemed to not know the term "slowing down", although the 2nd guitarist, Jeff Olivier could not follow in this reunion, Quartet Gorelust keep re-establish his new career by writing some Fresh Track since almost 20 years Absent! As a result, Gorelust still carries Color Idealists Death Metal "Classic" it as the era of "Reign of Lunacy" once, a well rounded variety between signature frenzied and frantic drumming guitar work that is associated with brutal death metal, along with slower, heavier riffs that Chug along and give the songs an added weight. Best of Sound album they had prepared long ago "We Are the Undead" can become like "Reign of Lunacy" Part 2, Yess !!! There are a plethora of melodiously structured high-fret guitar solos variously that pierce through the meaty slab that is Reign of Lunacy, composed mostly in a slower tempo that makes it stand out Among the frenzy of instruments that lies underneath and comprised out of hammer ons / pull offs. Standing out more-so than in most brutal death metal, the bass is made very audible in fine spurts and is used in the same manner as the abrupt rests are, to gain the attention of the audience. The Malevolent vocals Unleash gut busting one assault after another, choosing growls over gutterals and displaying well refined skill in doing so. Well Track initial wrote "Lunacy Still Prevails ..." which was greeted with "Rape the rapist" has proved If they still missed the Savage continued aggression "Reign of Lunacy" bound her 2nd. Aggressive and wild roar vocals have not changed! More Malevolent, Dynamic Signature Blend Frenzied riffing Martin Fournier still Awake slick Old School Sound Quality her, while Punch Drummer Francis Marmen even more energetic Pula, DAMN !!! 9 Composition of Brutal Death Metal with Awesome Old School Touching here it still relive their sadistic concept Amazed beginning a career, meeting between Cannical Corpse, Suffocation and Malevolent Creation with some character ga irregular but maintained its conceptual spawned more Death Metal Ammunition Blooded! With tetep Natural Sound Technology Development Banget amid the perfect themselves by triggering Tool, For fixed Gorelust Haram his law to perform Maximum They. Death Metal Freak how lucky these days can get to know and taste the fragrant Career Gorelust back from the '90s, where alternative Natural Sound will still tickled to find and enjoy. "We Are the Undead" is the Real Evidence if Gorelust was never changed and there Deadly !!! as a whole is structured keeps the content fluidly fluctuating and entertaining listen after listen. Recommended for old-school death metal fans and Those who enjoy brutal death metal, however do not expect the brutal death metal standards of gutteral vocals.

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