Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Within Temptation - The Q Music Sessions CD 2013

Within Temptation - The Q Music Sessions
Roadrunner Records CD 2013

01 Grenade (Bruno Mars cover) 03:45
02 Titanium (David Guetta cover) 03:57      
03 Let Her Go (Passenger cover) 03:43      
04 Summertime Sadness (Lana Del Rey cover) 04:06      
05 Radioactive (Imagine Dragons cover) 03:14      
06 Crazy (Gnarls Barkley cover) 03:31      
07 Dirty Dancer (Enrique Iglesias cover) 04:14    
08 Don't You Worry Child (Swedish House Mafia cover) 03:36      
09 Behind Blue Eyes (The Who cover) 04:19    
10 The Power of Love (Frankie Goes to Hollywood cover) 03:59    
11 Apologize (One Republic cover) 03:25

Jeroen Van Veen - Bass
Robert Westerholt - Guitars
Sharon Den Adel - Vocals
Ruud Jolie - Guitars
Martijn Spierenburg - Keyboards
Mike Coolen - Drums

Nama Within Temptation tentu masih menjadi Icon Kuat Perkembangan Genre Musik Gothic sejak mereka sukses dengan full album pertamanya " Enter " Tahun 1997 yang kemudian sempat menjadi Booming Pertumbuhan Genre Gothic Metal Tanah Air era 90-an, padahal pada kenyataannya Within Temptation lebih diakui masuk dalam Genre Symphonic Metal dan Bukan Gothic Metal, sebuah Kontradiksi yang salah kaprah waktu itu dan mungkin terjadi Hingga sekarang ini hehehehe ... Band asli Waddinxveen, South Holland, Netherlands yang eksis sejak tahun 1996 dengan nama The Portal yang dibentuk oleh sepasang Kekasih, Vocalis Sharon den Adel dan Gitaris Robert Westerholt yang kemudian mengajak Bassis Jeroen van Veen sebagai Member Asli WT yang tersisa hingga saat ini band menjadi begitu besar reputasinya. Perjalanan musikalitas WT sendiri juga setiap tahun mengalami pergeseran konsep bermusik hingga akhirnya lebih memasuki Ranah " Komersialitas " dan menjadi Symphonic/Alternative Rock karena mungkin peranan permintaan pasar dari berbagai penikmat telah memaksa band ini melakukan semua, dan ini memang sangat Mencolok jika kita bandingkan dengan 2 album pertama mereka yang masih kental gaya " Metal " nya, yeachh " Selling Out " adalah pilihan terakhir band ini sukses. setelah album Full terakhir " The Unforgiving " tahun 2011, kemudian WT hanya sempat merilis 2 Single sepanjang tahun 2011 karena jadwal tour panjang mereka, dan kemudian tahun 2013 WT melepas album " The Q-Music Sessions " ini, dan jangan kaget kalo ini bukan materi Full album mereka sendiri, melainkan album Tribute saja dari beberapa Band/Penyanyi yang mereka hormati dan kerap mereka bawakan sebelumnya dalam sebuah Siaran radio di Belgia dengan Program " Within Temptation Friday ", dan " The Q-Music Sessions " ini bertahan sukses selama 15 minggu mengudara sebagai pemanjaan Fans WT selama 15 tahun band ini terbentuk. informasinya Pada materi " The Q-Music Sessions " ini WT telah merekam 15 lagu, namun karena beberapa pertimbangan pihak label, akhirnya terpasang 11 lagu saja, sementara 4 track lainnya seperti " Paradise (Coldplay cover), Somebody That I Used to Know (Gotye cover), Little Lion Man (Mumford and Sons cover) dan Skyfall (Adele cover) " menjadi Unreleased Track yang tersedia secara Digital saja. Track Pertama " Grenade " yang aslinya adalah milik penyanyi Pop, Hip-Hop, Soul, R&B dan pencipta lagu asal California, Amerika Serikat, Bruno Mars yang bernama asli Peter Gene Hernandez, so pasti aransemen WT ini lebih melankolis dan Ciamik tanpa banyak mengurangi Karakter Beat Trance Hip Hop terpadu dengan sentuhan Alternative Rock WT. lalu " Titanium " milik David Guetta, bernama lengkap Pierre David Guetta adalah DJ berkebangsaan Perancis yang Jago Nge-Mix Dance Floor Trance dengan Ramuan Saktinya, dan Titanium ini yang menjadi Daya Tarik Hebat untuk WT membawakannya kembali dalam versi WT so pastinya. " Let Her Go " adalah single Milik Penyanyi British Passenger yang menambahkan Gaya Orchestra-nya, sehingga pembawaannya begitu klop dengan karakteristik bermusik WT. " Summertime Sadness " nya Lana Del Rey, Penyanyi Muda asal Amerika yang bernama lengkap Elizabeth Woolridge Grant dan banyak terpengaruh oleh nama besar Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, Eminem, dan Britney Spears dalam dirinya mengkomposisi karya lagunya yang bergaya Cinematic Sound artis2 Amerika era 50 dan 60-an. kemudian " Radioactive " Imagine Dragons, American indie rock band yang bermarkas di Las Vegas, Nevada. " Crazy " adalah single sukses pertama milik Gnarls Barkley, yang didasarkan atas sampel dari lagu Nel Cimitero Di Tucson ( Tahun 1968) oleh Gianfranco Reverberi. lalu " Dirty Dancer " nya Enrique Iglesias, yang bernama lengkap sebagai Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler, adalah penyanyi Pop Latin kelahiran Spanyol yang berdomisili di Miami. Penerima Grammy Award tahun 1997 and Latin Grammy Award tahun 2003 yang merupakan juga adik dari Chabeli Iglesias dan Julio José Iglesias. " Don't You Worry Child " Milik Swedish House Mafia, band bergenre pop elektronik asal Swedia. dan yang populer nilai klasiknya kali ini adalah cover song " Behind Blue Eyes " Milik The Who, Band Rock Klasik Asal Inggris yang eksis sejak Tahun 1964 yang dikenal dengan konser-konser yang energetik, termasuk perintis tontonan penghancuran instrumen di atas panggung dan dianggap sebagai satu dari tiga band terbesar di Inggris bersama dengan The Beatles dan The Rolling Stones. " The Power of Love " aslinya adalah milik Frankie Goes to Hollywood, band asal British yang sukses di pertengahan Tahun 80-an dengan gaya bermusik Dance, pop rock, synthpop, New Wave, dan Hi-NRG. kemudian track terakhir diisi oleh Track " Apologize " nya One Republic, adalah grup musik orkestra asal Polandia yang bermarkas di Warsawa bergenre klasikal, semakin lebih cocok saja pembawaan WT untuk mengaransemen karakter musiknya yang ga jauh berbeda. so ga ada yang baru disinikan selain kalian bisa mendengarkan irama irama penenang hati disaat galau saja kayaknya hehehe, pembawaan karakter WT dalam memilih lagu bisa kita rasakan attitude-nya dialbum Tribute komersial band ini. Spesial pokoknya buat yang sudah merasa jenuh dengan irama irama musik berat. Terapi Rileksasi ga selalu dengan irama musik Lembut dan pelan saja deh, Alunan musik memang diyakini bisa menghibur dan menenteramkan hati yang tengah resah karena mampu merangsang rasa bahagia yang dikirimkan oleh otak. Jantungpun akan berdetak sesuai irama lagu sehingga menimbulkan perasaan nyaman. hmmmmm .............

Within Temptation name would still be the Icon Music Genre Gothic Strong Developments since their success with her first full album "Enter" Year 1997 which later became a booming growth in the country genre Gothic Metal era of the 90s, when the truth is more recognized Within Temptation log in Genre Symphonic Gothic Metal and Non-Metal, a contradiction misguided at the time and may occur Until now hehehehe ... Original band Waddinxveen, South Holland, Netherlands which existed since 1996 under the name The portal is formed by a pair of lover, vocalist Sharon den Adel and guitarist Robert Westerholt are then invited bassist Jeroen van Veen as First Member WT remaining until the band became so great reputation. WT musical journey itself every year also shifted musical concepts to finally be entering the realm of "commerciality" and a Symphonic / Alternative Rock as possible the role of various connoisseurs demand has forced the band to do all, and this is indeed very striking if we compare it with 2 Their first album is still strong style "Metal" it, yeachh "Selling Out" is the band's last choice was a success. after the last full album "The Unforgiving" in 2011, then WT had only released two singles in 2011 due to their lengthy tour schedule, and then in 2013 WT release album "The Q-Music Sessions" this, and do not be surprised if this is not a matter Full album of their own, but only of a few album Tribute Bands / Singers that they respect and often they performed earlier in a radio broadcast in Belgium with the Program "Within Temptation Friday", and "The Q-Music Sessions" was a success last for 15 weeks Fans on the air as indulgences WT for 15 years the band was formed. In the information material "The Q-Music Sessions" is WT has recorded 15 songs, but due to some considerations party labels, eventually mounted 11 songs, while 4 other tracks like "Paradise (Coldplay cover), Somebody That I Used to Know (Gotye cover), Little Lion Man (Mumford and Sons cover) and Skyfall (Adele cover) "Unreleased Track became available in digital only. Track First "Grenade" which originally belonged to singer Pop, Hip-Hop, Soul, R & B and songwriter from California, United States, Bruno Mars, real name Peter Gene Hernandez, so definitely arrangements WT is more melancholy and ciamik without much reducing Character Beat Trance Hip Hop Alternative Rock integrated with a touch of WT. and "Titanium" David Guetta belongs, whose full name is Pierre David Guetta is a French DJ Jago nationality Nge-Mix Trance Dance Floor with his magic potion, and the Titanium is a Great Visit to WT WT brought back in this version so sure. "Let Her Go" is a single-Owned Passenger British singer who adds his Orchestra style, so his nature is so perfectly with the musical characteristics of WT. "Summertime Sadness" Her Lana Del Rey, American young singer whose full name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant and many big names affected by Elvis Presley, Janis Joplin, Eminem, and Britney Spears in her song composed works which style era American Cinematic Sound artis2 50 and 60s. then "Radioactive" Imagine Dragons, American indie rock band based in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Crazy" is the first successful single-owned Gnarls Barkley, which is based on a sample of the song Nel Cimitero Di Tucson (1968) by Gianfranco Reverberi. and "Dirty Dancer" Enrique Iglesias her, whose full name as Enrique Miguel Iglesias Preysler, is a Spanish-born Latin pop singer who lives in Miami. Recipient of the 1997 Grammy Award and Latin Grammy Award in 2003 which is also the younger brother of Chabeli Iglesias and Julio José Iglesias. "Do not You Worry Child" owned Swedish House Mafia, the electronic pop genre band from Sweden. and are popular this time value is the classic cover song "Behind Blue Eyes" The Who Owned, Classic Rock Band Origin UK which existed since 1964, known as an energetic live performances, including the pioneering spectacle of instrument destruction on stage and is considered as one of the three biggest bands in the UK along with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. "The Power of Love" originally was owned by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, a successful British band in the mid 80s with a musical style Dance, pop rock, synthpop, New Wave, and Hi-NRG. then filled by the last track Track "Apologize" One Republic it, is the origin of orchestral music group based in Warsaw Poland classical genre, the more suitable course for arranging carriage WT ga musical character is much different. so there's nothing new disinikan than you can hear the rhythm of the heart rhythm while upset tranquilizers just seems hehehe, WT character traits in choosing songs we can feel his attitude dialbum commercial Tribute band. Essentially special feel for who already saturated with heavy rhythm of the music. Relaxation therapy ga always with the rhythm of the music soft and slow just me, music is indeed believed to be comforting and reassuring anxious because being able to stimulate a sense of happiness that is sent by the brain. Jantungpun will beat to the tune of giving rise to a feeling of comfort. hmmmmm .............

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