Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

Viscera Trail - Treats Of Torture CD 2013

Viscera Trail - Treats Of Torture
Pathologically Explicit Recordings EP 2013

01 Face Removal 04:15    
02 Ripping of the Sack 04:56    
03 Gargling for Help 04:40

Tuval Refaeli - Drums
Tomer Hasenfratz - Guitars, Vocals
Shahaf Ostfeld - Vocals
Oz Shmuel - Bass

Salah Satu Band Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore dengan sentuhan Slamming element yang kental asal Hasharon, Hazafon, Israel yang sudah eksis sejak 2002 tentu sudah memikat hati gw sejak Ep pertama mereka " Piled Up Dead " Tahun 2005 yang kemudian disusul dengan full album Pertama " Humiliation-Ridden Evisceration " tahun 2009 Via Epitomite Productions, cukup mengangkat reputasi mereka sebagai band Brutal berpotensi dan berbahaya dari Israel Scene, apalagi Karakter Musikal yang mereka tawarkan ini juga banyak dibicarakan oleh Editor Musik Media Internasional. cukup sukses dengan sepak terjang tersebut, kembali tahun 2013 ini mereka menawarkan materi baru 3 lagu dalam format Ep yang memperkenalkan drummer baru mereka, Tuval Refaeli dari band Equilibrium dan Krampus menggantikan drummer sebelumnya, Yinon Tal serta bassis baru Oz Shmuel yang juga ikutan cuap cuap bersama gitaris Tomer, kian Variatif aja style yang disuguhkan dialbum ini hehehe .... sebuah Dinamika Musikalitas memang sering terjadi seiring terjadinya pergantian formasi, hal ini sangat berarti sekali jikalau kita coba membandingkan dengan materi sebelumnya. Komposisi Brutal Death Metal-nya menjadi lebih menarik dan Kompleks ! at least on this debut, provides a definitive blueprint for brutal slam death techniques, albeit a generic one that's about as interesting as arranging vocabulary blocks in kindergarten. Though the production levels are nothing to scoff at, and the musicianship is about as taut as you'd expect, there are simply no ideas here which haven't been lifted off ! Track Awal " Face Removal " cukup menggambarkan Tema Artwork Cover Ep ini, bagaimana kita mendengarkan Raungan Menyakitkan akibat penyiksaan kejam, dan memang kejam pulalah sajian berikutnya yang kita terima dengan hentakan musik berirama berat ! brutal death breakdowns, and then rendered down to the simple principle of palm muted belligerence entirely devoid of melody or truly interesting chord progressions. Take a few Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse or Earth Crisis chugs ! sajian Brutal Death Metal dengan gaya Breakdown Groovy Part slamming yang terinfluence oleh band2 genre Hardcore Old School !, Karakter Guttural Vocalis Shahaf Ostfeld yang terkadang terasa seperti orang bersendawa ini semakin lebih variatif dengan karakter Growling emosional dari Bassis Oz Shmuel dan Gitaris Tomer Hasenfratz saling mengisi Pattern Vokal secara Variatif, sementara drummer Tuval dengan begitu Powerfully menghentakkan setiap ketukan mantapnya dengan Skill Improving yang teknikal punya. are necessarily bad at carving out their niche on this debut, it's just that there are too few unexpected dressings, glimmers of hope or individual songs that distinguish themselves from one another (with one exception). dan kadang memang karakter bermusiknya gw teringat banget dengan gayanya Band TON era " Blind Follower " banget ! Once in a blue moon they'll break out some wilder, open chords, or even a small handful of more clinical harmonic patterns to the notation, but the lion's share of the material here is moving at a mid-paced groove and then occasionally lapsing into some slower chug, very often embellished with the same end-phrase squealing that has become so uninspired and drone-like to the genre. bagaimana gaya emosional Growling kerap Bersama berteriak bagaikan sebuah Anthemic Style untuk mengajak Audience melebur bersama dengan setiap ketukan musik yang ditawarkannya ini. " Ripping of the Sack ", semakin tajam menggerinda terus ! nothing in terms of atmospheric flourish, and I can only imagine, for example, just how much a little of that immediate, wondrous industrial resonance of the titular outro track would have improved the central songwriting if it had been induced to several of the bridges. Or what some eerie leads or melodies might have accomplished above the churning, fist-balling flesh of the rhythm guitars. The bass is clearly felt through the recording, but it never does anything besides cling to the guitar patterns...even a few fifths or individualistic runs could have dramatically upped the ante. Drums are mixed with an almost mechanical din to them, but otherwise they offer the proper balance of muscular double-bass rolls and grooves, and heavily favor the kicks and toms to the weaker cymbal strikes. dan track Keren bagi Gw " Gargling for Help " semakin memantapkan opini gw tentang Visceral Trails ini, memang aransemen bermusik yang semakin jauh dari kesan boring terlunasi dengan permainan yang variatif dan dinamis, Brutal Death Metal bertemu dengan New School Hardcore ! so Bagaimana kalian bisa bayangkan itu?? These chugging slamming death metal songs lurch and shift, fluidly, but inscrutably, with what seems like little regard for entertainment or the rock foundation of metal. But this is clearly the design of its authors, not a flaw. There is so much muted chugging and rhythmic shifting that whenever a slightly catchy riff or a sustained chord appears, it feels like a luxurious anomaly compared to its bleak, relentless surroundings. A lot of these tunes yield one really memorable hook, such as those heard in the concluding portions of EP highlights !! sayang sekali sajian berdarah ini cuman memuat 3 lagu aja, karena gw masih ingin menikmati lagi sajian dasyat mereka lainnya, Btw, sangat Gw rekomendasikan Bagi Fans TON, Abominable Putridity era " In the End of Human Existence ", Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse hingga Dying Fetus, siap siap untuk mencicipi hidangan mengerikan asal Israel Scene ini ! and as a result they seem to waste the opportunity. The drums aren't doing anything interesting stylistically, but they do sound annoyingly mechanical, not to mention they echo throughout the production job whereas everything else is muted like a brick slamming on a table. Apart from those precious few moments there is little here worth your time. Sure the production is good, but when the music is just a pointless chugfest with a bunch of breakdowns and some idiot gurgling incessantly over the top of it then the production doesn't really add anything to the experience. FUCKIN THE SLAM !!

One band Brutal Death Metal / Grindcore with a strong touch of origin Slamming element Hasharon, HaZafon, Israel, which has existed since 2002, would have captured the heart gw since their first Ep "piled Up Dead" in 2005 which was followed by the first full album "Humiliation -Ridden Evisceration "Epitomite Via Productions in 2009, simply pick up their reputation as a band and potentially dangerous Brutal Scene of Israel, let alone a musical character that they offer is also widely spoken by the International Media Music Editor. quite successful with the lunge, back in 2013 they offer new material in a format Ep 3 songs that introduce their new drummer, Tuval Refaeli from the band Equilibrium and Krampus replace previous drummer, Yinon new bassist Tal and Shmuel Oz who also picked burble burble along Tomer guitarist, increasingly Variatif aja style that served this dialbum hehehe .... a dynamic musicality is often the case as the change of formation, it really means a lot if we try to compare with the previous material. Brutal Death Metal Composition its become more interesting and complex! at least on this debut, provides a definitive blueprint for brutal slam death techniques, albeit a generic one that's about as interesting as arranging blocks in kindergarten vocabulary. Though the production levels are nothing to scoff at, and the musicianship is about as hard disk as you'd expect, there are simply no ideas here roomates have not been lifted off! Early track "Face Removal" Cover Artwork adequately describe the theme this Ep, how we listen to the roar of the cruel pains due to torture, cruel, and indeed also the next dish we receive with heavy rhythmic beat of the music! breakdowns brutal death, and then rendered down to the simple principle of palm muted belligerence entirely devoid of melody or truly interesting chord progressions. Take a few Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse or Earth Crisis chugs! Brutal Death Metal with a dish style Groovy Breakdown Part slamming the terinfluence by genre band2 Hardcore Old School!, Character Guttural Shahaf Ostfeld vocalist who sometimes feels like a burp is getting more varied with the emotional character of Growling Bassist and Guitarist Oz Shmuel Tomer Hasenfratz complementary Pattern Variatif vocal, while drummer Tuval so Powerfully stomping beats any steadiness with the Technical Skill Improving had. are necessarily bad at carving out their niche on this debut, it's just that there are too few unexpected dressings, glimmers of hope or individual songs that distinguish Themselves from one another (with one exception). and sometimes i think of her musical character is really in style TON Band era "Blind Follower" really! Once in a blue moon they'll break out some wilder, open chords, or even a small handful of more clinical harmonic patterns to the notation, but the lion's share of the material here is moving at a mid-paced groove and then occasionally lapsing Chug into some slower, very often embellished with the same end-squealing phrase that has Become so uninspired and drone-like to the genre. how often emotional style Growling like an anthemic shout Joint Style to invite Audience fused together with each beat of the music that is offered. "Ripping of the Sack", the sharper the grind continues! nothing in terms of atmospheric flourish, and I can only imagine, for example, just how much a little of that immediate, wondrous resonance of the titular industrial outro track would have improved the central songwriting if it had been induced to several of the bridges. Or what some eerie leads or melodies might have accomplished above the churning, fist-balling flesh of the rhythm guitars. Clearly the bass is felt through the recording, but it never does anything besides cling to the guitar patterns ... even a few fifths or individualistic runs Dramatically could have upped the ante. Drums are mixed with an almost mechanical din to them, but otherwise they offer the proper balance of muscular double-bass rolls and grooves, and Heavily favor the kicks and toms to the cymbals Weaker strikes. and track Cool for Gw "Gargling for Help" has established gw opinion on this Trails Visceral, musical arrangement is increasingly far from being boring repaid with varied and dynamic game, Brutal Death Metal meets with the New School Hardcore! so How can you imagine that?? Chugging these slamming death metal songs lurch and shift, fluidly, but inscrutably, with what seems like little regard for entertainment or the rock foundation of metal. But this is Clearly the design of its authors, not a flaw. There is so much muted Chugging and that shifting rhythmic Whenever a slightly catchy riff or a chord Appears sustained, it feels like a luxurious anomaly Compared to its bleak, Relentless surroundings. A lot of these tunes yield one really memorable hook, such as those heard in the concluding portions of the EP highlights!! unfortunately this bloody dish contains 3 songs cuman wrote, because I still want to enjoy the rest of their terrible dish again, btw, highly recommend Gw For Fans TON, Abominable Putridity era of "In the End of Human Existence", Suffocation, Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse up , ready to taste dishes prepared from Israel's terrible this Scene! and as a result they seem to waste the opportunity. The drums are not doing anything interesting stylistically, but they do sound annoyingly mechanical, not to mention they echo throughout the production job whereas everything else is muted like a brick slamming on a table. Apart from those few precious moments there is little here worth your time. Sure the production is good, but when the music is just a pointless chugfest with a bunch of breakdowns and some idiot gurgling incessantly over the top of it then the production does not really add anything to the experience. THE FUCKIN SLAM!!

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