Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Parasite of Human Side - Promo Demo MMXIII 2015

Parasite of Human Side - Promo Demo MMXIII
Eastbreath Records CD-R 2015

01 Uneternal Divinity 04:32    
02 Deviation of Inscrutable Things 03:46

Ihsan Maulana - Vocals
Ferdinand Julius - Guitars
Romelio - Guitars
(vocal on " Deviation of Inscrutable Things ")
Indra Yudha - Bass
Billy - Drums

Incorporating Elements of Melodic Riffing, Classic Experimental, technical style with melodic leads and solo guitar. Cukuplah rasanya jika kita harus berbangga dengan Scene Tanah Air kita makin lengkap serta Kickin Ass lagi terus melahirkan Talenta Potensial-nya untuk kita kenalkan kepada Dunia Internasional, Jika Indonesia Adalah Scene yang B.E.R.B.A.H.A.Y.A !!! seperti menjadi ungkapan resmi-nya diatas, Gw sangat terkesima dengan Hipnotis mematikan dari 2 Track Milik Technical Death Metal Keren asal Kota Padang, Sumatra Barat dengan Embrio matematis PARASITE OF HUMAN SIDE (POHS) sangat gw rekomendasikan sekali buat kalian yang tergila gila dengan Skill dan teknik bermain yang Gila-gilaan tentunya ! The usage of carefully constructed extremely melodic and emotionally expressive technical riffs and destructive tremolo picking sections coupled with a diversity of dissonant chords helps to create a dark, ominous, and spacey atmosphere with Taking the blasting and complex drum fills into account ! Ga nyangka memang Jika Kita punya Band setangguh POHS yang dengan Intens tekun mengerjakan Aransemen extra menantang banget, Sementara Scene kita sendiri masih terkadang terlalu berbangga di doktrin dan jejali dengan Konseptual yang Stereotype banget, sehingga dari situ Gw mengamati setiap perkembangan dari " Penyeragaman " saja. POHS hadir memberikan Tamparan gila Luar biasa dimana konsentrasi Pendengar akan dibikin terbengong-bengong ketika menikmatinya, yeah some interesting techniques you hear on here that you don't hear on other Band Maybe. Meski nama2 sebelumnya sudah mengundang Decak kagum, rasanya Gw bakalan menambahkan lagi Decak itu dengan Suguhan " Promo Demo MMXIII " POHS yang lebih matematis dan Dramatis. Yuk mulai Intip Track pertama " Uneternal Divinity ", tanpa Basa basi memang kita langsung diberikan Surprize dengan Sweep picking Blown melodies yang disertai Blastbeat excruciatingly ! Komposisi yang Mesti membutuhkan Konsentrasi tinggi sangat dibutuhkan banget untuk dapat mencerna hampir setiap Lick dan Bar Konsep POHS, bagaimana Duet Terror Ferdinand Julius dan Romelio sedang beradu Ego untuk mengulik Setiap Riffing-nya untuk tidak melakukan pengulangan, lebih menekankan Pada Free Style Ritmik Neoclassical dan Melodis, sehingga Komposisi dawai ini menjadi Motor Dominan konsep, meski Peran Permainan Bassis Indra Yudha juga ga mau ketinggalan mengimbangi kegilaan 2 Gitaris meski kurang menampilkan Karakter-nya secara jelas (Low Sound) sehingga hanya Blocking Range sound yang terasa Tebal. shredding death metal and that's exactly what you're getting here in a non-tedious fashion. Kadang Gw ngerasa sedang mendengarkan Pertarungan Seru antara Jason Becker dengan Yngwie J. Malmsteen sedang tangkas Mengolah Melodi-nya kedalam Death Metal Riffing saja ! power chord strikes that lead to a beautiful hypnotizing and Keep Ignore all the ignorant critics or anemic minds that can't comprehend highly complex and fast music, You Must Open Minded for This ! dan Ga kalah Gila juga permainan Drummer Billy seperti melengkapi Obsesi Gila yang mereka bangun sejak 2010 lalu. blasting the listener with wave after wave of violent sound !!! Sentuhan Epik Keyboard-nya makin menambah Horror taktis tersendiri rasanya sengaja memberikan beberapa Blocking Atmosfir yang menambah rapat Aransemen sound-nya, Amazing !!! dan Mungkin karena Gw (Mungkin) juga elo terlalu menikmati Intens Struktur Instrumennya, sehingga gw melupakan Vokal part-nya. Raw Rough Growling Vokal memang melengkapi meski kadang tidak menjadi bagian yang dominan Pattern-nya, Typical Metalcore Vokill rasanya bagi Vocalis Ihsan Maulana cukup menjangkau Range Karakter musikalnya, syalut tetep powerfully meski Konsentrasi antara member-nya tidak dapat dikendalikan Kompromi-nya. dan Track " Deviation of Inscrutable Things " meski direkam diwaktu yang tidak bersamaan, seperti tidak mengurangi sama sekali Setting Sound POHS, bedanya pada track ini Gitaris Romelio juga harus merangkap Posisi cuap cuap nya (Karena Vocalis Ihsan Maulana Belum berada dalam Band .ed). Track ke-2 ini juga ga kalah Sinting dengan sebelumnya, masih menampilkan Teknik serta Skill yang Maksimal sekali untuk dapat menciptakan Part2 yang Dasyat, although totally distracting from the music for that matter !!! Sweep Picking, Arpheggio, Downstroke, etc Teknik hampir semuanya diramu dalam Struktur Riffing yang Melodius sekali disini pokoknya, Edan !!! Ga kebayang memang selanjutnya Gw sedang bermimpi mendengarkan materi full album nanti? pasti isinya adalah bener-bener Kerja Keras, Konsentrasi dan Powerfully siap menguras segalanya, syalut memang untuk Kerja Gila POHS ini. as for chemistry between the members, now anyway, it is clear it did not work out too well. Rather than being a pioneering endeavor in straddling the divide between songwriting and rapid paced calisthenics, POHS are stands as the archetype of blurred, nebulously constructed fits of mathematically precise chaos under the death metal moniker that other acts innovation behind the bands technicality !!! YOU MUST HEAR IT !!!

ENGLISH VERSION (Sorry, Use Google Translate)

Incorporating Elements of melodic riffing, Classic Experimental, technical style with melodic guitar leads and solos. Suffice it if we have to take pride in our Homeland Scene more complete and Kickin Ass longer continue to bear his potential talent to introduce us to the World International, If Indonesia is a scene that is D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S !!! such as becoming the official expression of its above, I'm very impressed with Hypnosis lethal than 2 Track Owned cool Technical Death Metal from the city of Padang, West Sumatra with mathematical Embryo PARASITE OF HUMAN SIDE (POHS) so i recommend one for you crazy delirious with Skill and playing technique which Insanely course! The usage of carefully constructed extremely melodic and emotionally expressive technical riffs and destructive tremolo picking sections coupled with a diversity of dissonant chords helps to create a dark, Ominous, and spacey atmosphere with Taking the blasting and complex drum fills into account! not Expect indeed if we had a tough band POHS that by working diligently Intense extra challenging Arrangement buildup Scene While we ourselves are still sometimes too proud in doctrine and stuffed with the Stereotype Conceptual really, so from there Gw observe any development of "Unification" only. POHS attendees crazy slap Outstanding wherein the concentration of listeners will be constrained stunned when enjoyed it, yeah some interesting techniques you hear on here that you do not hear on other Band Maybe. Although nama2 previously been invited Admirations, it's going to add another I clicking sound with Featured "Promo Demo MMXIII" POHS more mathematical and Dramatic. Let's start Peek The first track "Uneternal Divinity", without bases stale indeed we are directly given Surprize with Sweep picking melodies accompanied Blown Blastbeat excruciatingly! Must compositions require high concentrations are needed really to be able to digest almost every Lick and Bar Concept POHS, how Duet Terror Ferdinand Julius and Romelio being collided Arrange Every Ego for his dueling for not doing repetitions, more emphasis In Free Style Rhythmic and melodic Neoclassical , so that the composition of these strings into Motor Dominant concept, although Role Games Bassist Indra Yudha also not want to miss compensate Madness 2 Guitarist even less to show its character clearly (Low Sound) so the only sound that feels Range Blocking thickness. shredding death metal and that's exactly what you're getting here in a non-tedious fashion. I sometimes feel are listening Great battle between Jason Becker with Yngwie J. Malmsteen was fielding its Rework melodies into Death Metal riffing alone! power chord strikes that lead to a beautiful hypnotizing and Keep Ignore all the ignorant critics or anemic minds that can not comprehend highly complex and fast music, You Must Open Minded for This! and Crazy also No lose Playing like Drummer Billy complement Crazy Obsession they built since 2010. blasting the listener with wave after wave of violent sound !!! Epic touch keyboard is increasingly adding their own tactical Horror feels deliberately give some atmosphere that adds Blocking Arrangement meeting his sound, Amazing !!! and probably because I (probably) also You too enjoyed Intense Structure The instrument, so i forget his vocal part. Raw Rough Growling vocals is complete although sometimes not be a dominant part of his Pattern, metalcore Typical Vokill for Vocalis Ihsan Maulana feels quite reaching Range musical character, powerfully keep salutes although concentrations between its members can not be controlled Compromise her. and Track "Deviation of Inscrutable Things" although recorded at a time when that is not the same, as does not detract at all from the Settings Sound POHS, the difference on this track Guitarist Romelio should also doubles its Vokills position (Because Vocalis Ihsan Maulana .ed Not to be in a band). Track-2 is also unCrazy defeated before, still showing the technique and skill to be able to create maximum once Parts a terrible, totally Although distracting from the music for that matter !!! Sweep Picking, Arpheggio, downstroke, etc Mechanical almost all mixed together in a structure that is melodic riffing once here anyway, Demented !!! No imagine dreaming is further Gw full album listening material later? Sure it is was really a Hard Work, Concentration and Powerfully ready to drain everything, syalut indeed for this POHS demented Work. as for the chemistry between the members, now anyway, it is clear it did not work out too well. Rather than being a pioneering endeavor in straddling the divide between songwriting and rapid paced Calisthenics, POHS are stands as the archetype of blurred, nebulously constructed Mathematically precise fits of chaos under the moniker of death metal that acts of innovation behind the bands technicality !!! YOU MUST HEAR IT !!!

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