Rabu, 08 April 2015

Tarja - Act I CD 2012

Tarja - Act I
earMUSIC 2012

CD 1
01 Anteroom of Death 04:20      
02 My Little Phoenix 04:42    
03 Dark Star 04:44      
04 Naiad 07:34      
05 Falling Awake 05:15    
06 I Walk Alone 04:27    
07 Little Lies 04:23    
08 Into the Sun 04:31    
09 Nemo 05:03    
10 Never Enough 04:55      
11 Still of the Night (Whitesnake cover) 06:41
12 In for a Kill 05:07  

CD 2
01 Boy and the Ghost 04:29    
02 Lost Northern Star 04:38      
03 Ciarán's Well 03:40      
04 Tired of Being Alone (written with Schiller) 05:56    
05 Were Were You Last Night / Heaven Is a Place On Earth / Livin’ On A Prayer (Medley)     06 Underneath 05:40    
07 Oasis / The Archive of Lost Dreams 04:17      
08 Crimson Deep 07:35    
09 The Phantom of the Opera 06:48      
10 Die Alive 04:11    
11 Until My Last Breath 04:40      
12 Over the Hills and Far Away (Gary Moore cover) 06:07

Tarja Turunen - Vocals, Piano
Doug Wimbish - Bass
Max Lilja - Cello
Mike Terrana - Drums
Alex Scholpp - Guitars
Christian Kretschmar - Keyboards
Julián Barrett - Guitars
Kevin Chown - Bass

I'm really disappointed with Tarja. She's such a talented vocalist, but fails as a songwriter, yet all these Tarjatards you find around the internet claim she's a goddess of metal? Please! Tarja is rather overrated Talented Vocalist ! Tarja Turunen yang memiliki nama lengkap sebagai Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen Cabuli memang seorang Vokalis Cewek metal dengan karakter Soprano kharismatik yang mata dunia mengenalnya sebagai Mantan Vokalis Operatic/Symphonic Power Metal band Nightwish yang ia bentuk bersama Keyboardis Tuomas Holopainen dan Basiss Erno Vuorinen tahun 1996 yang sekaligus melambungkan namanya sebagai Vokalis Soprano Metal yang sukses dan akhirnya setelah bersama Nightwish selama 9 Tahun, tepatnya tanggal 22 Oktober 2005 dirinya dipecat secara tertulis oleh Frontman Keyboardis yang terkenal memiliki sifat arogan, Tuomas Holopainen karena alasan yang sebenarnya sampai saat ini belum diketahui, lantas ga membuatnya patah semangat untuk berkarya terus, lalu diambilah jalan untuk bersolo karir atas segala dukungan terbesar dari para fans yang tetap mengagumi karakter bernyanyinya yang luar biasa itu. dan solo album pertama dibuktikan dengan perilisan full album pertamanya " Henkäys Ikuisuudesta " tahun 2006 yang dimulai dengan 2 single di tahun 2004 saat dirinya masih bersama Nightwish, dan tentu saja respon yang didapat begitu hangat walau Tarja sendiri tidak lagi menampilkan gaya bermusik seperti di Nightwish, namun Proyek solo-nya ini benar2 dikagumi oleh banyak media selain Musik metal. kemudian beberapa single dan Ep-nya sangat diminati oleh fans Tarja dan baru, dan kemudian album ke-2 " My Winter Storm " Tahun 2007 begitu fantastis mendapat Respon kemudian juga album ke-3 nya " What Lies Beneath " Tahun 2010 Tarja semakin solid bersolo karir dengan angka penjualan yang selalu mengagumkan. dan setelah merilis 2 single sebelumnya, akhirnya Tarja berhasil melepas DVD pertamanya " Act I " yang juga dirilis dalam Format Album Live, nah album live dalam kemasan Double CD ini yang rupanya menarik perhatian Gw lagi karena memang menampilkan permainan yang enerjik dari tarja begitu Powerfully tarikan Soprano vokalnya. tetap terdengar Full Stamina Prima, Talenta Tarja dalam olah Soprano metal vokal tetap sedasyat Kharisma-nya sewaktu di Nightwish. rekaman album live ini sendiri adalah versi audio dari DVD-nya yang diambil saat 2 hari penampilannya di Rosario, Argentina, pada tanggal 30 - 31 Maret 2012 di Teatro El Círculo. dibantu oleh musisi panggung berbakat seperti Bassis Doug Wimbish, Bassis Studio yang biasa mengisi Musik rap/hip hop untuk label Sugarhill Record juga bermain diband Funk metal bernama Living Colour, Doug juga pernah kerja bareng dengan musisi kenamaan seperti Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, Madonna, George Clinton, Paula Cole, Bomb the Bass, Depeche Mode, Joe Satriani, dan Mos Def, nama Dough lalu dikenal sebagai Pioner Bassis musik hip Hop dengan teknik unik dan Fretless Bass. kemudian pemain Cello Max Lilja, mantan pemain cello band Apocalyptica, dan eksis di band Eilera, Hevein dan mulai tahun 2009 banyak membantu materi2 Tarja. Drummer Mike Terrana yang juga sejak tahun 2009 mulai banyak membantu Materi2 Tarja ini dikenal memiliki reputasi drummer terbaik yang pernah maen di band Artension, Axel Rudi Pell, Downhell, Emir Hot, Empire, Proyek solonya sendiri Mike Terrana, Razorback, Roland Grapow, Zillion, Proyek solo Kiko Loureiro, Hanover Fist, Masterplan, Metalium, Rage, Savage Circus, Squealer, Tony MacAlpine, Yngwie J. Malmsteen dan Masih banyak lagi Proyeknya, lalu Gitaris Alex Scholpp dari band Farmer Boys, Sinner dan Tieflader, lalu pada Gitar ke-2 ada Julián Barrett dari band Adrián Barilari, Asspera dan Lörihen, sementara pada Keyboard ada Musisi Berbakat asal jerman, Christian Kretschmar yang membantu tarja sejak tahun 2010 era album " What Lies Beneath " dan nama terakhir adalah pemain bass Kevin Chown yang pernah maen di band Artension, John West, Magnitude 9, Tiles, Tony MacAlpine, Edwin Dare juga Proyek solo Mike Terrana. benar2 Tarja memilih sendiri Kualitas yang terbaik untuk Masterpiece karya2 solonya ini dengan merekrut talenta2 luar biasa untuk mendukung suksesnya selama ini dipanggung. dengan tata panggung spektakuler semakin mendukung kualitas prima Tarja selain formasi yang solid, tarja juga membawakan 2 lagu yang sebelumnya belum pernah dirilis " Into the Sun " dan " Never Enough ", selain itu Tarja juga membawakan " nemo "nya Nightwish yang sukses menjadi Soundtrack Film Animasi Sukses Walt Disney, Nemo, karena memang Tarja memiliki andil besar pada lagu ini sehingga Ia juga memiliki hak untuk menyanyikannya disini. dan juga ada Cover version " Still of the Night " Milik  Band Whitesnake yang telah banyak memberinya Inspirasi dalam berkarir, " Over the Hills and Far Away " Gary Moore dalam Versi Nightwish dan Medley Track yang terakhir memainkan lagunya " Livin’ On A Prayer " nya Bon Jovi dan " Heaven Is a Place on Earth " nya Belinda Carlisle. She was amazing in Nightwish, but without Toumas's command of the English language and his eye for songwriting, Tarja on her own is a flop. Tarja has an amazing voice yet pitiful songwriting skills. Yet, I know I'll be amazed when her third album comes out and I just hope she finally finds a soul to put into her music. Which is doubtful. kualitas sound rekaman yang Fantastis sehingga terdengar megah dan Powerfully akan semakin menambah kekuatan album live ini memiliki Daya tarik tersendiri, apalagi kalau elo tonton sendiri penampilan visualnya di format DVD. sepertinya sebuah alternatif baru untuk Fans Nightwish yang merasa bosan mendengarkan konsep baru mereka yang membosankan, karena nyawa sebenarnya Nightwish memang tetap dibawa oleh seorang Tarja. No doubt many of us greatly miss her singing with Nightwish; their heavy symphonic power metal was the perfect backdrop to her strong beautiful vocals, and her early solo efforts were not very encouraging. But What Lies Beneath finally establishes a new and exciting though quite different chapter in Tarja’s career, a chapter I eagerly look forward to following; even though I wish she still sang for Nightwish. . Overall, Tarja's sophomore album is a solid one that could be enjoyed by the most of her fans and fans of the genre. It is easy to get into (albeit rather easy to get out off, too), with a small handful of breathtaking tracks scrambled in with some rather mediocre ones.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

I'm really disappointed with Tarja. She's such a talented vocalist, but fails as a songwriter, yet all these Tarjatards you find around the internet claim she's a goddess of metal? Please! Tarja is rather overrated Talented Vocalist! Tarja Turunen has a full name Tarja Soile Susanna Turunen as Cabuli is a metal chick singer Soprano character charismatic eyes of the world knew him as the former lead singer Operatic / Symphonic Power Metal band Nightwish which he has formed with keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen and Erno Vuorinen in 1996 Basiss at once catapulted him as a successful Metal Soprano Vocalist and finally after with Nightwish for 9 Years, exactly on October 22, 2005 he was fired in writing by the famous keyboardist Frontman arrogant properties, Tuomas Holopainen as the real reason until now unknown, then ga made discouraged to work on, then gettin way to solo careers of all the biggest support from the fans who still admire the character singing was incredible. and the first solo album proved with the release of his first full album "Henkäys Ikuisuudesta" in 2006 that began with two singles in 2004 while he was still with Nightwish, and of course the response obtained so warm although Tarja itself no longer displays musical styles such as Nightwish, but his solo project is rights admired by many media besides metal music. then a few singles and Ep his very enthused by Tarja and new fans, and then the 2nd album "My Winter Storm" in 2007 so fantastic got responses then also his 3rd album "What Lies Beneath" In 2010, Tarja getting solid solo sales career with the always awesome. and after releasing two singles before finally Tarja managed to release his first DVD "Act I" which was also released in the format Albums Live, a live album ever in the packaging of this CD Single I apparently attention because it displays an energetic game of tug Tarja so powerfully Soprano vocal. Full Stamina Prima muted, though Soprano Talents Tarja in metal vocals remain the charisma sedasyat while in Nightwish. This live recording of the album itself is an audio version of the DVD that was taken at 2 days appearance in Rosario, Argentina, on March 30 to 31 2012 at the Teatro El Círculo. assisted by such talented musicians onstage Bassist Doug Wimbish, bassist Music Studio usual filling rap / hip hop label Sugarhill Records also play diband Funk metal called Living Colour, Doug has also been working together with famous musicians such as Jeff Beck, Mick Jagger, Madonna, George Clinton, Paula Cole, Bomb the Bass, Depeche Mode, Joe Satriani, and Mos Def, Dough name became known as hip hop pioneers bassist with a unique technique and fretless bass. then Max Lilja Cello player, former band Apocalyptica cellist, and exist in Eilera band, and starting in 2009 Hevein helped materi2 Tarja. Drummer Mike Terrana is also since 2009 began much help Materi2 Tarja is known to have a reputation for the best drummer in the band ever maen Artension, Axel Rudi Pell, Downhell, Emir Hot, Empire, his solo project himself Mike Terrana, Razorback, Roland Grapow, Zillion, Kiko Loureiro solo project, Hanover Fist, Masterplan, Metalium, Rage, Savage Circus, Squealer, Tony MacAlpine, Yngwie J. Even more Malmsteen and his project, and guitarist Alex Scholpp of the band Farmer Boys, Sinner and Tieflader, then on the second guitar was Julián Barrett of the band Adrián Barilari, Asspera and Lörihen, while the keyboard there Talented Musicians German origin, a Christian Kretschmar helped Tarja era since 2010 album "What Lies Beneath" and the last name is Kevin Chown bass player in the band ever maen Artension, John West, Magnitude 9, Tiles, Tony MacAlpine, Edwin Dare Mike Terrana solo project as well. benar2 Tarja handpick the best quality for this solo creates Masterpiece by recruiting outstanding talents to support the success during this stage. with the stage spectacular the support of prime quality in addition to the formation of a solid Tarja, Tarja also performed two songs previously unreleased "Into the Sun" and "Never Enough", but it also brought Tarja "nemo" her being successful Nightwish Movie Soundtrack Successful Animation Walt Disney, Nemo, because Tarja had a big hand in this song that he also has the right to sing it here. and there is also a cover version "Still of the Night" Owned band Whitesnake has given inspiration to many a career, "Over the Hills and Far Away" Gary Moore Track Version Nightwish and Medley last played the song "Livin 'On A Prayer" her Bon Jovi and "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" Belinda Carlisle him. She was amazing in Nightwish, but without Toumas's command of the English language and his eye for songwriting, Tarja on her own is a flop. Tarja has an amazing voice yet pitiful songwriting skills. Yet, I know I'll be amazed when her third album comes out and I just hope she finally finds a soul to put into her music. Which is doubtful. Fantastic sound quality recordings that sounded magnificent and powerfully will further increase the power of this live album has its own charm, especially when watching their own elo visual appearance in the DVD format. like a new alternative for Nightwish fans who feel bored listening to their new concepts are boring, because real life Nightwish is still carried by a Tarja. No doubt many of us greatly miss her singing with Nightwish; their heavy symphonic power metal was the perfect backdrop to her beautiful strong vocals, and her early solo efforts were not very encouraging. But What Lies Beneath finally establishes a new and exciting chapter though quite different in Tarja's career, a chapter I eagerly look forward to following; even though I wish she still her for Nightwish. . Overall, Tarja's sophomore album is a solid one that could be enjoyed by the most of her fans and fans of the genre. It is easy to get into (albeit rather easy to get out off, too), with a small handful of breathtaking tracks scrambled in with some rather mediocre ones.

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