Rabu, 08 April 2015

Slavebreed - Dethrone The Architect CD 2012

Slavebreed - Dethrone The Architect
L'Inphantile Collective 2012

01 A New Plague Upon Us 01:54    
02 Avaritia 01:41    
03 Diluted's Canticle 01:56    
04 Failed Sepuku 01:56    
05 Plebeians 01:36    
06 Flagellants 01:59    
07 Dethrone The Architect 01:41    
08 Inside The Jaws Of Famine 03:07    
09 Maleficium 02:29    
10 Penal Colony 02:18    
11 Preaching To The Fallen 01:08    
12 Dog Eat Dog ( Disrupt Cover ) 01:36    
13 Chironex Fleckeri 00:57    
14 Sailing The Styx 07:17

Thanasis - Bass
Tolis - Guitars
Smirnoff - Vocals
Kostas - Drums
Pavlos - Guitars, Back. Vocals

Invasi Musik Cadas dari Greece memang semakin Tambah marak saja dengan perkembangan Pesat band2 metal berpotensinya, salah satunya adalah SLAVEBREED, yang sejak awal kemunculannya lewat album pertama " Pain Syndicate " tahun 2008 yang sebelumnya nama mereka dikenalkan lewat Demo 2007 Live Rehearsal, Band asal Athens, Attica, Greece yang terbentuk sejak tahun 2004 ini memang memiliki Typical bermain Death/grind dipadu dengan Crust/Hardcore yang keren dari segi Musikalitas dan Sounding-nya yang terkadang mengingatkan dengan beberapa Typical bermain band seperti Leng Tch'e, Mumakil, Warscars, Squash Bowels, Regurgitate, Nasum, Ingrowing, Blockheads hingga Terrorizer yang dihadirkan kembali dengan Modern Sound yang Cool as Fuck !! masih bernaung dibawah Roster Label Asal Czech, L'Inphantile Collective, untuk ke-2 kalinya Slavebreed kembali memuntahkan Materi barunya disini tanpa kehadiran Vokalis ke-2 mereka sebelumnya, John yang mengundurkan diri karena sesuatu hal, sehingga Peranan Pattern Vokal disini tetap diisi oleh Vokalis Smirnoff yang dibantu oleh backing Vokal gitaris Pavlos. " A New Plague Upon Us " langsung menendang setelah dimulai dengan sebuah Intro selama 32 Detik, dan rasakan sendiri sensasi Killer Sounding band ini yang memang asli tetap terjaga sejak album pertama. Kualitas rekaman yang benar2 Profesional dari enjiner Haris Zourelidis di Feedback Sound Studio memang mencapai sebuah Titik maksimal klimak Sound Slavebreeds yang asli Garang dan Berat persis dengan Nuansa Pada album pertama yang digarap juga ditempat ini ! Hentakan Mantap drummer Kostas tetap menjadi Konspirasi menghancurkan bersama Frontman Pavlos menciptakan aransemen musik yang bener2 bisa melumatkan Biji peler elo hahahaha ... Grinding Snare yang dipadukan dengan Typical Crustcore dan Hardcore Beat memang menjadi salah satu elemen penting selain Typical Death Metal yang kental. apalagi Track berikutnya " Avaritia " semakin menebalkan Artikulasi Grinding Death Metal attack Slavebreed yang Mematikan !! beberapa fast Part bergaya Unik dan Industrial Riffing cukup menawarkan sebuah sentuhan Berbeda dan Blasterr !!! " Diluted's Canticle " semakin tetap tidak mengecewakan Grindcore fans !, kendati digeber dengan Durasi singkat, Komposisi Sadis  di album gress ini semakin menunjukkan kekuatan yang Powerfully ! Pertemuan tak diinginkan antara Death Metal dengan gaya Death/grind yang liar memang menjadi Incaran Utama band ini sejak dibentuknya. total 14 Track Ganas siap mencincang dalam Durasi Total 31:35, rasanya pantas menjadi terapi Otak para penguasa Bodoh di Negeri Indonesia yang selalu Mengeluarkan Kebijakan berdasarkan urusan perutnya sendiri dimana ga melihat Kondisi masyarakat yang semakin tersiksa, Damn dan Burn Them all !!! Kemasan Kover yang dihiasi oleh Artwork keren karya Seth Siro Anton, yang Frontman Band Papan atas kebanggaan Scene Greece, Septic Flesh pun semakin menambah Nilai Plus untuk Rilisan wajib Death/Grind freak yang tetap mendambakan sajian serba Memekakkan telinga ini. dan jangan Lupa Nikmati juga salah satu Track dari Band yang banyak memberi Inspirasi Slavebreed dalam bermusik, " Dog Eat Dog " Milik Crustcore legend semacam Disrupt yang diaransemen menjadi semakin Liar dan ganas lagi disini. Wandering How we ended Up Like This ... Remembering The Past, day Of Prosperity, Days Of development, Our Etes Staring At The Route Of Pleasure, Our ears Shut To The Cries Of Help, We Could Not Hear Back Them, or had We Persuaded Ourselves Not To?

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Invasion Music Rocks of Greece is increasingly Add flare only with the development of Rapid band2 berpotensinya metal, one of which is SLAVEBREED, which since the beginning of its emergence through the first album "Pain Syndicate" in 2008 before their names were introduced through 2007 Live Rehearsal Demo, Band from Athens, Attica, Greece formed in 2004 it does have a Typical play Death / grind combined with Crust / Hardcore cool in terms of musicality and his Sounding sometimes reminiscent Typical playing with some bands like Leng Tch'e, Mumakil, Warscars, Squash Bowels , Regurgitate, Nasum, Ingrowing, Blockheads presented by Terrorizer back with Modern Sound Cool as Fuck!! still shelter under the Roster Label of Origin Czech, L'Inphantile Collective, for the 2nd time Slavebreed back spewing his new material herein without the presence of the 2nd Vocalist them earlier, John who resigned for one thing, so that role Pattern Vocals here remain filled by Vocalist Smirnoff attended by Pavlos guitarist backing vocals. "A New Plague Upon Us" direct kick after starting with an intro for 32 seconds, and feel their own sensation Killer Sounding original band that was maintained since the first album. Professional recording quality of engineers benar2 Zourelidis Haris in Live Sound Studio is reaching a point of maximum water mark Slavebreeds original Sound Garang and the weight just by Nuance At first album that worked well in this place! Steady beat of drummer Kostas remains a devastating conspiracy with frontman Pavlos create musical arrangements could squash seeds bener2 peler elo hahahaha ... Grinding Snare combined with Hardcore Beat Typical Crustcore and has become one of the important elements besides Typical Death Metal is thick. let alone the next track "Avaritia" increasingly bold articulation of Death Metal Grinding Slavebreed Deadly attack! Part some fast riffing style is quite unique and Industrial offers a touch of contrast and Blasterr!!! "Diluted's Canticle" still does not disappoint the fans Grindcore!, Despite lauched with a short duration, composition Sadistic gress album is getting a powerfully demonstrates the power! The meeting between Death Metal unwanted style Death / grind the wild has become a main target band since its formation. total 14 Track Malignant ready mutilate the total duration of 31:35, it deserves to be therapy in the brains of the rulers Stupid Affairs of Indonesia which is always Removing policy based on its own affairs stomach condition where ga see people getting tortured, and Burn Them Damn all!!! Coverage packaging is decorated by cool artwork Seth Siro Anton's work, which the Board Band Frontman Scene pride Greece, Septic Flesh Plus are increasingly adding value to mandatory release Death / Grind freak who still crave a versatile dish is deafening. and Do not Forget Enjoy one of the many Band Track grant Slavebreed Inspiration in music, "Dog Eat Dog" Owned Crustcore kind Disrupt legend who arranged into increasingly wild and fierce again here. How we ended up wandering Like This ... Remembering The Past, day Of Prosperity, Days Of development, Our Etes Staring At The Route Of Pleasure, Shut Our Ears To The Cries Of Help, We Could Not Hear Them Back, We had persuaded Ourselves or Not To?

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