Rabu, 08 April 2015

Shot At Dawn - White Trash Metal Brigade CD 2012

Shot At Dawn - White Trash Metal Brigade
Negative Vibe Records 2012

01 Crush Your Enemies 01:19    
02 Battle Royale 04:13    
03 Welcome to Your Destruction 03:41    
04 Stop at Nothing 04:10    
05 White Trash Metal Brigade 04:17    
06 Shaping Tomorrow 04:12    
07 Written in Scars 03:49    
08 Revenge Is a Dish Served in Warm Blood 04:08    
09 Black Venom 04:53    
10 Thunders from the North 04:30

Espen Hagås - Bass
Aki Johannes Viitala - Drums
Ogee - Guitars
Christopher Marchand - Guitars
Jonathan Kjeldsen - Vocals

Tentunya masih Terkenang banget dan memorable saat pertama kali Gw melakukan Interview dengan band Melodic Metalcore/deathcore ganas asal Oslo Norwegia Beberapa Edisi tahun sebelumnya Tahun 2007-2008 an ( klik http://lostinchaos.site90.net/interview_shotatdawn.html ) bersama dengan Gitaris Christopher Marchand, namun sayang di Official Website Band ini, masih terpasang link Interview dengan Url alamat http://users.cjb.net/lostinchaosmedia/interview_shotatdawn.html, dan Memang parahnya CJB net sudah menutup Link tersebut, damn !!! makanya Gw pindah ke server baru. Saat pertama kali mendengar demo lagu hingga album pertama mereka " Tahun 2008 dan Ep " Seize the Night  " Tahun 2010, hingga sampai hari ini gw masih terpesona dengan konsep musik Dasyat yang mereka mainkan ini, Amazinggg !!! bergabungnya 1 gitaris hebat lagi, Ogee semakin menambah matang Konsep musikalitas band ini untuk menyerang Industri Musik Mainstream dengan Ganasnya talenta yang mereka miliki. dan Gw sarankan banget mendengarkan Kualitas bermain band ini yang asli diatas rata2 dalam mengaransemen dan Komposisi musik secara Brilian dan Cerdas ! ketimbang elo harus terpesona dengan band2 Post, Emo atau Deathcore Trendy hari ini, SHOT AT DAWN jelas Yang terbaik ! bukannya gw semakin membesar2kan band ini, karena memang Talenta yang mereka miliki sangat menyita perhatian gw. Sukses tampil bareng 2 Raksasa Metal seperti Suicidel Tendencies dan Sepultura beberapa waktu lalu, apalagi Band Terkenal seperti Suicidal Tendencies Tertarik untuk menggunakan Merchandise Topi Band ini. bergabung dengan Negative Vibe Records, label asal Kampung Mereka sendiri mengemas Materi CD terbaru dan Matang dengan Memasang Titel " White Trash Metal Brigade " dengan artwork yang sangat keren dan dijamin menarik perhatian, dimana Para Mosher pit Zombie seperti sedang haus akan sajian musik cadas dibawah panggung ! langsung dibuka dengan Intro " Crush Your Enemies " dengan nuansa Epic Horror selama Durasi 1:19 dan langsung kemudian dibantai abis abisan dengan Track " Battle Royale " gendang telinga Kita akan dikoyak tanpa ampun dengan Konsep Musik Cerdas Metal Shot At Dawn. Playing a blend of metal with influences from everywhere and inbetween with an attitude that definitely comes from somewhere the world hasn't been ready for yet, it leaves you feeling fulfilled in more ways than you could imagine. Mixing cowbells, banjos and high fives into hard-hitting melodic metal, they run rampant over any stage they play, not shy of showing off their delicious upper bodies and brutal beatdowns. sekelumit kata tersebut akan bisa menggambarkan Konsep bermain band ini yang merupakan perpaduan Gaya bermain Unearth, Shadowfalls, Bleeding Through, At The Gates Hingga All Shall Perish, bagaimana Siksaan Beatdown Melodic Riffing yang Dasyat saling Bertarung dan Mengisi dari Gitaris Chris dan Ogee menjadi sebuah Kekuatan yang bersinergi dengan skill diatas rata2 dalam menciptakan Komponen musik yang luar biasa, ditambah dengan gempuran mantap dan Skillfull drummer Aki Johannes Viitala yang semakin terasah kemampuannya kemudian disempurnakan lagi dengan Emosional Growling vokalis Jonathan Kjeldsen yang kadang membalutnya dengan gaya Clean Vokal yang dinamis. sepertinya gw sudah kehabisan kata2 untuk menggambarkan betapa Kerennya Konsep Musik yang mereka ciptakan di CD ini, jelas saat ini walo Industri Musik Metal sedang dipenuhi dengan Trend musik Deathcore maupun Post Fuck Hardcore, Kayaknya Shot At Dawn ga perlu harus ikut terseret dengan Arus booming tersebut dan tetap menjaga Kualitas bermain band yang sebenarnya, its Cool Style !! " Welcome to Your Destruction " yang sebelumnya mereka kenalkan dalam Situs Youtube rupanya menjadi kekuatan Nyata Dasyat band ini untuk terus menawarkan Element Melodic Metalcore dengan sentuhan Beatdown Deathcore yang mempesona, hmmm sudah seharusnya Elo harus lebih mengenal Shot At Dawn sebagai band Ampuh dalam daftar Band2 Faforite elo yang semakin membosankan dengan nama2 Band Trendy " Ga Jelas " saat ini. Sayatan melodius Solo2 Gitar Chris dengan Ogee terdengar semakin Gila disini. dan sedikit candaan kata dari band ini " Who likes them, you might ask? Well, for one, they are friends with the almighty Optimus Prime, and have thrown parties even rednecks have crashed. That's not impressive, you say? A robot isn't cool enough for you? How about He-Man then? Dancing. If that's not cool, nothing is. Oh! And there's the ex-ballet dancer in the band. Doing split jumps when his pants allow him to " hahahahaha .... " Stop at Nothing " bukannya lagu milik Dying Fetus lohh, ini juga asli Aransemen Shot At Dawn yang tetap terus menyiksa Gendang telinga Gw dengan sayatan dan aransemen musik yang semakin Cerdas ! kemudian " White Trash Metal Brigade " tepat rasanya bila Part awal Christ Menawarkan Part Solo Gitar yang terasa Rockin dan old School Thrashin ala Suidal Tendencies sebelum kembali tampil garang dengan hentakan Melodic Metalcore yang terasa Nuansanya Unearth in the vein ! Track ini pas banget jika menjadi Anthemic Song Shot At Dawn diatas panggung lengkap dengan suasana Moshpit yang Chaotic ! dentuman2 beatdown yang mantap semakin membuat sempurna Kesan Headbang. Total 9 lagu berdurasi Total 39:12 adalah sebuah bentuk matangnya musikalitas yang mereka gali selama ini, sehingga Kesan Boring akan Berada pada Titik Jauh, coz ramuan Sinting setiap Track-nya begitu mempesona dan Mematikan ! Rugi Banget kalo ga elo coba sendiri kegilaannya ini, coz gw sendiri aja sampai kehabisan kata kata untuk menggambarkan Kerennya materi gress ini. An album that has received a great reception with everyone who has heard it. The few who didn't like it have mysteriously dissappeared. Aki claims he doesn't know where they are, but we don't believe him. This is the time! Shot At Dawn in your face! All over it! Always! BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Of course, still very fond and memorable first time doing My interviews with the band Melodic metalcore / deathcore malignant origin Oslo Norway Several years earlier edition's Year 2007-2008 (click http://lostinchaos.site90.net/interview_shotatdawn.html) along with guitarist Christopher Marchand, but unfortunately at the Official Website of this band, still attached link http://users.cjb.net/lostinchaosmedia/interview_shotatdawn.html Interview with the Url address, and the severity of CJB net It has close links it, damn! I so moving to a new server. When you first heard the demo tracks to their first album "In 2008 and Ep" Seize the Night "in 2010, up to this day I'm still fascinated with the concept of music they play is terrible, Amazinggg! Again joining a great guitarist, Ogee increased the band's musical concept is ripe for attack ferociously Mainstream Music Industry talent they have. and I suggest really listening quality of the original band playing on in arranging and composition of music is brilliant and smart! than you've got fascinated with bands Post, Trendy or deathcore emo today, SHOT AT DAWN clearly the best! instead I was NOT getting Big Mouth band, because they have talent so I seized the attention. Success appeared together two giants like Suicidel Metal Tendencies and Sepultura some time ago, let alone the Famous Band like Suicidal Tendencies Merchandise Hats Attracted to use this band. joined the Negative Vibe Records, a label from the village they own packing materials and the latest CD by Replacing Mature Titles "White Trash Metal Brigade" with a very cool artwork and guaranteed to attract attention, where the Mosher Zombie pit was hungry for a dish like rock music under the stage! immediately opened with the intro "Crush Your Enemies" with the feel of Epic Horror during the duration of 1:19 and then slaughtered abis abisan directly with Track "Battle Royale" We will be torn eardrums without mercy by Intelligent Music concept Metal Shot At Dawn. Playing a blend of metal with influences from everywhere and inbetween with an attitude definitely comes from somewhere That the world has not been ready for yet, it leaves you feeling Fulfilled in more than you could imagine Airways. Mixing cowbells, banjos and High Fives into hard-hitting melodic metal, They run rampant over any stage They play, not shy of showing off delicious Their upper bodies and brutal beatdowns. bit word will be able to describe the concept of the band playing a blend of style Unearth play, Shadowfalls, Bleeding Through, At The Gates To All Shall perish, how torture is terrible Beatdown Melodic riffing and mutual Fight Charge of guitarist Chris and Ogee into a Strength in synergy with the above skill in creating outstanding music components, plus with a steady onslaught and Skillfull drummer Aki Viitala Johannes who honed his ability then refined again with vocalist Jonathan Kjeldsen Emotional Growling is sometimes wrapped in a dynamic style of clean vocals. seems I've run out kata2 Cool concept to describe how they create music on this CD, clear at this time walo Metal Music Industry is filled with music Trend deathcore and Post Hardcore Fuck, I think Shot At Dawn ga necessarily have to be dragged by the current boom and still maintain quality of the actual band playing, its Cool Style! "Welcome to Your Destruction "the earlier they are introduced in the Youtube site seems to be the strength of the Real terrible band to continue to offer the Element Melodic deathcore metalcore with a touch of dazzling Beatdown, hmmm Elo should be more familiar with Shot At Dawn as a band on the list Band2 Faforite Powerful Your increasingly tedious with names Band Trendy "Not Obviously " at this time. incision Solos melodic guitar sounds Ogee Chris with the crazy here. and a little joke from the band said "Who likes them, Might you ask? Well, for one, They are friends with the almighty Optimus Prime, and have even thrown parties rednecks have crashed. That's not impressive, you say? A robot is not cool enough for you? How about He-Man then? Dancing. If that's not cool, nothing is. Oh! And there's the ex-ballet dancer in the band. Doing jumps when his pants split allow him to "hahahahaha ...." Stop at Nothing "instead lohh Dying Fetus's song, this is also the original Arrangement Shot At Dawn which still continues to torment the ear drum incision me and musical arrangements are more intelligent! and "White Trash Metal Brigade" just like when Christ offers initial Part Part Rockin Solo guitar that feels and old-style Thrashin Suidal Tendencies School before returning with a fierce look that feels the beat of Melodic metalcore in the vein Unearth shades! Track this if it really fits into the anthemic Shot At Dawn song on stage complete with a Chaotic atmosphere moshpit! Immense steady beatdown more to make the perfect impression headbang. total of 9 tracks 39:12 total length is a form of mature musicality that they had dug for it, so that the impression will Boring Being at Long Point , coz Crazy concoction every track was so charming and Deadly! Loss More Not You try it yourself if this madness, coz I wrote to run out of his own words to describe this Cool gress material. An That album has received a great reception with everyone WHO has heard it. The few WHO did not like it have mysteriously dissappeared. Aki claims he does not know where They are, but we do not believe him. This is the time! Shot At Dawn in your face! All over it! Always! BUY OR DIE!!!!

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