Rabu, 08 April 2015

Grave - Endless Procession of Souls CD 2012

Grave - Endless Procession of Souls
Endless Procession of Souls 2012

01 Dystopia 00:35    
02 Amongst Marble and the Dead 05:21    
03 Disembodied Steps 05:42    
04 Flesh Epistle 03:23    
05 Passion of the Weak 04:36    
06 Winds of Chains 05:37    
07 Encountering the Divine 03:55    
08 Perimortem 04:39    
09 Plague of Nations 03:35    
10 Epos 07:45

Ola Lindgren - Guitars, Vocals
Ronnie Bergerståhl - Drums
Tobias Cristiansson - Bass
Mika Lagrén - Guitars

Salah Satu Pioner Swedish Sound Death Metal legendaris Swedia ini tetap mempertahankan nafasnya sejak band ini dibentuk oleh Frontman Gitaris dan Vokalis Ola Lindgren yang membangun band ini dengan nama awal Sebagai Putrefaction dan Corpse dan kemudian lebih memilih nama GRAVE sebagai Pilihan Utamanya, walau ada dari Scene Swedia sendiri band Heavy Metal yang menggunakan nama yang sama, yang jelas Grave milik Ola Lindgren adalah sebagai Icon Penting Perkembangan Swedish Sound yang diusung oleh Pendahulunya seperti Entombed, Dismember juga Carnage. Debutan album Full pertamanya " Into the Grave " tahun 1991 menjadi album icon Swedish Death Metal penting setelah Grave merilis banyak Demo, Ep dan Split ini selama hampir 24 Tahun ini tetap Konsisten dengan Idealisme mengusung gaya death Metal-nya sejak band ini terbentuk walau perubahan formasi kerap terjadi dalam tubuh band. sejak album terakhir " Burial Ground " tahun 2010, Grave hanya merilis beberapa Rilisan Ulang dalam Kemasan Boxset, Split dan Kompilasi, hingga tahun 2012 ini Grave akhirnya dapat memuntahkan materi terbarunya. Frontma Ola Lindgren beberapa Penghuni baru yang menjadi pilihan Kuat Ola Lindgren sendiri mempertahankan Eksistensi Grave. masih bisa gw tebak konsep Kuat Grave yang masih mempertahankan karakter Old School Death Metal dengan Swedish Sound metal-nya. A 100% all-natural Swedish Death Metal album, a fact proven by several men wearing white and who have important sounding prefixes before their names !! .. One of the longest-running Swedish death metal bands, GRAVE has created a sound and style which has been an inspiration on a number of the genre's more promising younger outfits kembali memuntahkan kekejamannya melalui 10 Track berdurasi Total selama 45:08, yang dimulai dengan Track Intro bergaya Doom metal banget " Dystopia " menampilkan Petikan Distortif Ola Lindgren selama 33 detik sebelum kita disuguhkan dengan Track " Amongst Marble and the Dead " yang menghadirkan kembali Nuansa Death Metal Old School yang di Eksplorasikan dalam Modern Konsep namun tidak menghilangkan sentuhan akar Kuat Gaya Khas Grave sendiri sejak 1988, masih tetap Powerfully stamina Ola Lindgren memimpin barisan terdepan Formasi Grave Saat ini. Yes, all the songs pretty much sound the same, but that very consistency is the beauty of " Into the Grave ", and it almost makes it too good for the shelves this year! dengan gaya Vokal yang Harsh Growling, tetap tidak memudarkan Citra Seorang Frontman Ola dalam spirit Grave yang sebenarnya, sehingga gw ga bisa cerita banyak untuk lebih menggambarkan materi terbaru ini, selain Produktif dan Eksis sang Legend tetap survive di era Millenium ini dengan tetap menjaga karakter serta Kualitas dengan pesat-nya perkembangan teknologi. This explains why I was disappointed at first when it was released. But let’s be honoust,this album is of course a classic death metal album. Any real death metal fan just has to love " Into The Grave " and all those other raging pieces of old school material. dan demi menjaga kualitas sound, Frontman Ola Lindgren pun harus turun tangan sendiri menggarap Proses rekaman materi ini sebagai Engineering, Mixing, dan Proses Mastering-nya. semakin terus bertambah Koleksi Grave elo dengan album terbaru ini deh hehehehe ... nonetheless, for its primitive, wall-rattling heaviness, this album is definitely deserving of praise as a milestone in death metal history. Very rarely does a metal album totally demolish the barriers and standards for heaviness within its genre, and Grave's debut is one such album.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

One Pioner Swedish legendary Swedish Death Metal Sound has retained his breath since the band was formed by guitarist and frontman vocalist Ola Lindgren who built this band as early as putrefaction and Corpse and then prefer the name GRAVE Primarily as a choice, though there are of Scene Sweden Self Heavy Metal band that uses the same name, which clearly belongs Grave Ola Lindgren is a Swedish Sound Icon Important developments are carried by predecessors such as Entombed, Dismember also Carnage. Full first debut album "Into the Grave" in 1991 to Swedish Death Metal album icon Grave released many important after Demo, Ep and Split this for almost 24 this year remains consistent with the idealism brought his style of death metal since the band was formed despite lineup changes often occurs in the body of the band. since the last album, "Burial Ground" in 2010, Grave just released some Boxset Release Re-Packaged, Split and Compilation, until the year 2012 Grave eventually spewing his latest material. Frontma Ola Lindgren some new residents to own option Robust Ola Lindgren Grave maintain existence. still i guess the concept of Robust Grave which still retains the character of Old School Death Metal with his Swedish metal sound. A 100% all-natural Swedish Death Metal album, a fact proven by several men wearing white and who have important sounding prefixes before their names! .. One of the longest-running Swedish death metal bands, GRAVE has created a sound and style roomates has been an inspiration on a number of the genre's more promising younger outfits back spewing his cruelty through 10 Track length total for 45:08, which started with Track Doom metal-style intro really "Dystopia" featuring excerpts of distorting Ola Lindgren for 33 seconds before we are presented with the Track "Amongst Marble and the Dead" which brings back shades of Old School Death Metal in the Modern Concept Eksplorasikan but does not eliminate the root touch Typical Strong Style Grave itself since 1988, is still powerfully stamina Ola Lindgren led the vanguard formation Grave Today. Yes, all the songs pretty much sound the same, but that very consistency is the beauty of "Into the Grave", and it almost makes it too good for the shelves this year! Harsh style Growling vocals, still does not diminish the image of A Grave Frontman Ola in actual spirit, so i can not tell you much new material to further illustrate this, in addition to the Legend Exist Productive and to survive in this Millennium era while maintaining the character and quality with its rapid technological developments. This Explains why I was disappointed at first when it was released. But let's be honoust, this album is of course a classic death metal album. Any real death metal fan just has to love "Into The Grave" and all those other pieces of old school raging material. and in order to maintain the quality of sound, frontman Ola Lindgren himself had to step in to work on the recording process of this material as Engineering, Mixing, and Mastering the Process. Grave increasingly growing collection elo with this latest album deh hehehehe ... nonetheless, for its primitive, wall-rattling heaviness, this album is definitely deserving of praise as a milestone in the history of death metal. Very rarely does a metal album totally demolish the barriers and standards for heaviness within its genre, and Grave's debut is one such album.

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