Rabu, 08 April 2015

Fetus Stench - Stillbirth CD 2012

Fetus Stench - Stillbirth
Abyss Records 2012

01 Meat Grinder Flesh Obliteration 04:29
02 Stillborn Son 03:35    
03 Brennkommando    03:54    
04 The Outer Island 04:26    
05 Severe Suffering 03:30    
06 Necrosis 02:23      
07 Bashed, Defaced and Disfigured 04:52      
08 Descending into the Realm of the Dead 05:32    
09 By Butchery Divorced 04:57

Andreas "Björte" Björnson - Guitars & Vocals
Christoffer "Illern" Ilberg - Guitars
Kristian "Bullen" Karlsson - Bass
Emil "Emil" Wiksten - Drums

Nampaknya Hari hari ini Gw sering menerima dan Menulis Stuff2 Band Brutal nih !! sesuai dengan salah satu Faforite Genre Gw selama ini, sehingga gw enjoy2 aja untuk menuliskan sesuatu disini hehehe ... Gw kenalin lagi nih band brutal Baru keren dari negeri swedia yang menampilkan Drummer Berbahaya, Emil Wiksten yang kita kenal bermain garang diband brutal kenamaan Norwegia, Blood Red Throne dan Slaughterous ! skill nya memang tidak dapat diragukan lagi untuk menghajar perangkat drum-nya secara keren abis dialbum " Brutalitarian Regime "nya Blood Red Throne Tahun 2011 lalu, Cowok asli Swedia ini pun berkumpul dengan temen2 akrabnya untuk membentuk Proyek baru dengan nama Fetus Stench, bersama Frontman Vokalis dan Gitaris Björte yang menjadi almamater-nya di band Slaughterous, Tahun 2011 secara resmi mendirikan Fetus Stench yang langsung direspon positif begitu mereka merilis Demo 2011, menawarkan gaya Brutal ngebut ala Vader, Blood Red Throne, Vomitory hingga Hate Eternal, Fetus Stench semakin diperhitungkan oleh beberapa media yang memuji kedasyatan konsepnya. The labour was quick and the delivery near faultless. The resulting offspring is anything but still; it’s charging about the place crashing against every surface. And like any ill-behaved baby, you can’t ignore it ! " Meat Grinder Flesh Obliteration " langsung menggebrak Jumpa awal dengan Brilian Brutal Konsep Fast Drumming yang melaju kencang karakter musiknya mengingatkan gw dengan keganasan Konsep ngebut ala Vader dan Hate Eternal, hmmmm memang ga diragukan banget skill bermain Drum Emil yang menjadi Poin Plus penting sukses konsep Fetus Stench. exceedingly complicated in terms of the raw rhythmic patterns, but an appreciable percussive mesh to levy the blunt vocals, which recall the Morbid Angel/Hate Eternal camp lent the subtext of a more visceral snarl. gempuran beat membabi buta-nya terkadang juga memang mengingatkan dengan ganasnya Typical Malevolent Creation, gaya Rollin Dark Riffing tremolo kerap digeber dengan speed type dan kerap menciptakan Nuansa yang gelap dalam struktur bermusiknya. karakter Vokill Björte yang lantang dan Emosional mengingatkan sekali dengan Peter-nya Vader dan tepat aja untuk menjadi Karakter Band ini sendiri. " Stillborn Son " terus melakukan Grinding mematikan melalui ketukan Grinding blasting sinting dan Konstan, Stamina Emil memang terdengar Powerfully dalam mengolah Fast Konsep Riffing. is a veritable whirlwind of blasting and double bass sequences which keep the momentum up to snuff with the more contemporary, technical acts in the field, but most of the actual guitar progressions alternate between early tremolo grinding, choppy death/thrash breakdowns !! " Brennkommando " terus melaju dengan Harmonisasi Riffing Hitam menjadi Fast Blastbeat mantap diawal part track ini, Its Fucking Blast Memorable !! suasana sedikit mereda dari siksaan Blastbeat ketika Track " Severe Suffering " dimuntahkan dengan Gaya Khas Morbid Angel banget ! dan kembali meledak lagi melalui track selanjutnya " Necrosis ", Irama Kegelapan yang dihadirkan dalam Nuansa Super Brutal intens ! dan Track " Descending into the Realm of the Dead " lebih banyak mengingatkan pada Konsep Cannibal Corpse pada part awal sebelum akhirnya digrinding lagi dengan beberapa Fast Blastbeat andalan. 9 lagu keren memuntah irama grinding brutality dalam Durasi 37:38, cukuplah untuk mencabik cabik Jiwa lemah manusia melalui Kekejaman Brutal Death Metal Konstans. Stillbirth is that sort of album which straddles both a nostalgic territory and a more youthful impulse. You're not getting anything new or nuanced out of the songwriting, but the means by which they hone their 90s influences into a formidable, brickhouse slugfest loaded to the fists with tempo and riffing variation will nonetheless have you twisting your neck out of its socket. debutan full album perdana yang siap membukakan mata metalhead, betapa talenta berbahaya baru telah lahir setiap harinya untuk menggantikan nama2 sebelumnya yang sudah ditelan oleh Congkak sombong reputasinya dikancah metal, Fetus Stench possess all the weaponry required in the death metal of today, with their feet firmly planted in the fundamentals. They pull off a taut and muscular debut here, but it wouldn't kill them to apply more atmospherics and striking riffs into the gestalt of their arsenal. BUY OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Today seems today Gw often receive and Writing Stuff2 Brutal Bands ya! according to one genre Faforite Gw far, so gw aja enjoy2 to write something here hehehe ... Gw kenalin nih New brutally cool band from sweden country featuring Drummer Dangerous, Emil Wiksten we know play ferocious brutal diband famous Norwegian, Blood Red Throne and Slaughterous! Her skill is undoubtedly to the beat of his drum is very cool dialbum "Regime Brutalitarian his" Blood Red Throne In 2011, the original Swedish guy was hanging out with temen2 familiar to form a new project under the name Fetus Stench, with Frontman Vocalist Björte and guitarist who became his alma mater in the band Slaughterous, Year 2011 formally established a direct Fetus Stench positive response as soon as they release a demo in 2011, offering style ala Vader speeding Brutal, Blood Red Throne, Hate Eternal Vomitory up, Fetus Stench increasingly taken into account by some media are praising kedasyatan concept. The labor was quick and the delivery near faultless. The resulting offspring is anything but still; it's charging about the place crashing against every surface. And like any ill-behaved baby, you can not ignore it! "Meat Grinder Flesh Obliteration" Meet kicked off early with Fast Brilliant Concept Brutal Drumming speeding musical character reminiscent gw with malignancy Concept speeding ala Vader and Hate Eternal, hmmmm very doubtful indeed ga skill playing the drums Emil Points Plus critical success concept Fetus Stench. Exceedingly complicated in terms of the raw rhythmic patterns, but an appreciable percussive mesh to levy the blunt vocals, roomates recall the Morbid Angel / Hate Eternal camp lent the subtext of a more visceral snarl. strikes blindly beat him sometimes it reminds ferociously Typical Malevolent Creation, Dark Rollin style tremolo riffing often lauched by speed type and dark shades often create musical structures. Björte Vokill characters are loud and Emotional reminded once with Peter Vader and his right to be a Character band wrote itself. "Stillborn Son" continues to knock Grinding Grinding blasting off through the crazy and Constant, Stamina Emil sounds powerfully in the process Fast Concept riffing. is a veritable whirlwind of blasting and double bass sequences roomates keep the momentum up to snuff with the more contemporary, technical acts in the field, but most of the actual guitar progressions alternate between early tremolo grinding, choppy death / thrash breakdowns! "Brennkommando" Harmonization proceeded with Black riffing becomes steady Blastbeat Fast track at the beginning of this part, Its Fucking Blast Memorable!! atmosphere of torment Blastbeat eased when the Track "Severe Suffering" spewed the typical style of Morbid Angel really! and burst back again with the next track "Necrosis", rhythms presented in Shades of Darkness Super Brutal intense! and Track "Descending into the Realm of the Dead" more reminiscent of the concept of Cannibal Corpse in the early part before digrinding again with some Fast Blastbeat mainstay. 9 songs cool memuntah grinding rhythm Brutality 37:38 in duration, it is enough to tear apart weak human soul through Brutality Brutal Death Metal Constance. Stillbirth is that sort of album roomates straddles both a nostalgic territory and a more youthful impulse. You're not getting anything new or nuanced out of the songwriting, but the means by roomates they hone their 90s Influences into a formidable, Brickhouse slugfest loaded to the fists with tempo and riffing variation nonetheless will have you twisting your neck out of its socket . Debutante full debut album is ready to open the eyes of metalhead, just how dangerous new talent is born every day to replace the previous nama2 been swallowed by the overbearing reputation Snippy metal arena, Fetus Stench possess all the required Weaponry in the death metal of today, with their feet firmly planted in the fundamentals. They pull off a link and muscular debut here, but it would not kill them to apply more atmospherics and striking riffs into the gestalt of their arsenal. BUY OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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