Rabu, 01 April 2015

Error / Antiphaty - We`re Here To Murder You ' Split CD 2014

Error / Antiphaty - We`re Here To Murder You ' Split
Playloud Records CD 2014

01 ErrorX - Kissing the Sin
02 ErrorX - Kill Your Attitude
03 ErrorX - Blame Your Idea
04 ErrorX - Let Us
05 ErrorX - God Save the Grind
06 ErrorX - Killing Machine (The Partisans cover)
07 Antiphaty - Anti Punk Fuck Off
08 Antiphaty - LAZY BOY
09 Antiphaty - DESTINY
10 Antiphaty - if..
11 Antiphaty - In My Hell
12 Antiphaty - Welcome Suckers

Split Apik yang siap menjadi temen Asyik disegala Suasana dengan Rebel Conception yang ternikmati Ancaman Kebencian lewat Track lagu-nya. Pertemuan Idealis antara 2 Band yang mengusung Warna Musikal Yang berbeda meski memiliki Beberapa Root yang sama. 6 Track Pertama didahului oleh Agresi Grinding Insanity dari Trio Grinder Asal Jakarta, ERRORX yang komposisi Musiknya sendiri adalah perpaduan mantap antara typical bermain Total Chaos, Exploited, SOB, Disrupt, Casualties dengan Gempuran Grinding Tajam Modern In The Vein Misery Index, Magruder Grind serta Phobia-nya seakan akan Begitu cepat menghancurkan dengan Harmonisasi sarkatis. " Kissing the Sin " begitu menggerus sejak Start Part awal-nya, dengan Attitude Bermusik yang berapi api sekali, setiap Bombardir beat-nya lebih menanamkan Enerji yang respectfully walau hanya tempo yang relatif singkat, Distorsi Swedish Raw Sound-nya memang begitu terasa tidak hanya dominan Fast Grinding Snare, Beberapa Groovy Breakdown Style menjadi Variasi yang Menarik serta Menghancurkan Moshpit area. Tidak Asal Berisik, Namun Sajian-nya memang Mengusik ! with maniacal speedy drumming this song fucking owns, and the main riff takes the song where it wants to be, enough said : its not like the band doesn't own on the rest of the verses, keeping it ripping. Rata2 Durasi Track-nya tidak sampai menyentuh 2 Menit, Almost 66 % of this record is blastbeats and the rest is either thrashy or punk beats. They are quite appropriate for this kind of music. ga kerasa memang kalo 6 track memang belum cukup Menikmati semua Kekacauan musikal ERRORX lebih komprehensif ! Kemudian Pioneer Crusty Punk asal Malang, ANTIPHATY kembali meniupkan Nafas Eksistensi-nya setelah beberapa Waktu tidak terdengar Geliat-nya. dengan Punk and Crusty beats on a raw distorted soundscapes-nya, Antiphaty kini dengan formasi berbeda-nya masih menampilkan kelas-nya sebagai Band Punk yang Eksplosif ! A boisterous chorus, some barking vocals commanding you to all of it makes you want to chug a Guiness and then break it over someone's head. " Anti Punk Fuck Off ", Komposisi beat Punk yang Agresif tertata Rapi dengan Skill Aural-nya. D-Beat Aromatic on an unsuspecting public's paranoia All in all a fun, rowdy listen and Anthemic ! beberapa sengatan Solo Conservatives masih menjadi Ciri Kuat Warna Antiphaty yang lebih mengingatkan dengan Musikal-nya The Exploited era " Beat The Bastard " sekali. Mengusung Lirik tentang Kebersamaan dan Kebebasan nyata, seperti menjadi Soul tersendiri bagi Mereka tetap melancarkan Beat-beat yang terus meledakkan Moshpit Sing a long-nya. In fact, each particular lyric reads as if the dosage of these two personalities have been doubled. Menyuguhkan 6 Track juga, menambah Poin Split ini dengan Skema Rebel terhadap Belenggu sistem yang lebih Antusias dan didukung dengan Good and Clean Sound memorable with writable and for possessing that rhythmic quality in the breakdown that propelled the prior Split Release  Only diehard fans of this band will want to pick up " FTS. " Yeaahh!!!. 

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

Split Charmingly are ready to be friends with Rebel Fun Atmosphere Conception in all the Satisfied Threat Track hatred through his songs. Idealists meeting between the two bands that carries Musical Different colors despite having few Root same. First Track 6 Aggression preceded by Trio Grinder Grinding Insanity of Origin Jakarta, the composition ERRORX The music itself is a mix between typical steady play Total Chaos, Exploited, SOB, Disrupt, Casualties by Onslaught Grinding Sharp Modern In The Vein Misery Index, Magruder Grind and Phobias As fast as it would destroy the Harmonization sarcastically. "Kissing the Sin" so eroded since its initial Part Start, with a fiery musical Attitude once, each bombardment beat her over the Energy embed Respectfully though only a relatively short time, Distortion its Swedish Raw Sound is so pronounced not only Fast dominant Grinding Snare, Some Groovy Style Breakdown be interesting variation and Destroy moshpit area. Origin is not noisy, but it did Annoys dish! with maniacal speedy drumming fucking owns this song, and the main riff takes the song where it wants to be, enough said: its not like the band does not own on the rest of the verses, keeping it ripping. Track Length her not to touch 2 Minutes, Almost 66% of this record is blastbeats and the rest is either thrashy or punk beats. They are quite NAMAs for this kind of music. ga is fixed is if 6 track is not quite Enjoy all ERRORX more comprehensive musical chaos! Then Pioneer Crusty Punk from Malang, ANTIPHATY back blew his breath existence after some time not sound Stretching her. with Crusty Punk and beats on a raw distorted soundscapes her, Antiphaty now with its different formations still showing his class as the explosive punk band! A boisterous chorus, some barking vocals commanding you to all of it makes you want to Chug a Guinness and then break it over someone's head. "Anti Punk Fuck Off", Composition beat Punk Aggressive Neat arranged with his Aural Skills. D-Beat Aromatic on an unsuspecting public's paranoia All in all a fun, Rowdy listen and anthemic! multiple stings Solo Conservatives still be characteristic color Strong Antiphaty more reminiscent to his musical The Exploited era "Beat The Bastard" once. Carrying lyrics about togetherness and real freedom, such as being separate for Soul Beat They remain launch-beat that continues to blow Sing a long moshpit her. In fact, a particular lyric call now reads as if the dosage of Reviews These two personalities have been doubled. 6 Track also serve, add this to the Scheme Split Points Rebel against Shackles system more enthusiastic and backed by Good and Clean Sound memorable with writable and for possessing that rhythmic quality in the breakdown that propelled the prior Split Release Only diehard fans of this band will want to pick up "FTS." Yeaahh !!!.

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