Rabu, 08 April 2015

Children Of Bodom - Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth) CD 2012

Children Of Bodom - Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)
Spinefarm Records 2012

01 Hate Crew Deathroll 03:36      
02 Shovel Knockout 04:04      
03 Hate Me 04:45      
04 Everytime I Die 04:01      
05 Needled 24/7 04:09      
06 I'm Shipping up to Boston (Dropkick Murphys cover) 02:50      
07 Sixpounder 03:24      
08 Warheart 04:01      
09 Roundtrip to Hell and Back 03:48      
10 Trashed, Lost & Strungout 04:02      
11 Living Dead Beat     04:57    
12 Deadnight Warrior 03:21    
13 Blooddrunk 04:06    
14 Follow the Reaper 03:38    
15 Are You Dead Yet? 03:55    
16 Silent Night, Bodom Night 03:13      
17 Jessie's Girl (Rick Springfield cover) 02:58
18 In Your Face 04:16    
19 Angels Don't Kill 05:14      
20 Downfall 04:34

Sebagai salah satu Fans berat Children Of Bodom, gw pasti selalu mengikuti perkembangan band ini hehehehe, band Melodic Death/Power Metal dengan gaya dan Style yang mempesona melalui sayatan Melodius dan enerjik ini menjadi sebuah alasan kuat Gw menyukai hampir semua Rilisan lama band ini dan gw jujur masih mengesampingkan 2 album " Blooddrunk " dan " Relentless Reckless Forever " yang konsepnya masih belum bisa gw cerna dibanding beberapa masterpiece sebelumnya. sejak dibentuk tahun 1997 dari reinkarnasi Band sebelumnya yang bernama Inearthed pada tahun 1993 dengan telah merilis beberapa demo sampai Band Bentukan Frontman Gitaris & Vokalis Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho bersama dengan 4 rekan setianya, Bassis Henkka T. Blacksmith, Keyboardis Janne Warman, Drummer Jaska W. Raatikainen, namun sayang Gitaris Alexander Kuoppala memutuskan untuk cabut dari band ini sejak 2003 lalu dan digantikan oleh Roope Latvala hingga saat ini masih menebarkan virus kebencian mendalam dengan Musik Melodic Metal dengan beberapa sentuhan Power Metal yang kuat. sejak pertama pasca Bubarnya Inearthed dan lahirnya Children Of Bodom, band ini langsung merilis split bersama band Wizzard dan Cryhavoc sekaligus mengenalkan nama mereka dengan konsep musik yang lebih Fresh sehingga populeritas mereka mulai menanjak dan menjadi perhatian penuh label Berpotensi untuk Scene Finlandia, Spinefarm Records yang langsung buru2 meminang mereka dalam Rosternya. dan ga lama setelah itu Debut Pertama " Something Wild " adalah tiket sukses band ini menembus pasaran Internasional dengan Konsep permainan dasyat dan diterima hangat oleh Fans-nya, Children Of Bodom semakin melaju kencang dengan Track2 fenomenalnya seperti " Deadnight Warrior dan Lake Bodom ", dan perlu menjadi perhatian saja jika Proses rekaman album ini COB masih menggunakan nama Inearthed yang sedianya Album ini akan dirilis oleh Label Kecil Asal Belgia, namun akhirnya label tersebut malah Meng-Rip Off COB hingga akhirnya Spinefarm Records kemudian yang tertarik untuk merilisnya. disusul kemudian Tahun 1999, COB kembali semakin matang melempar album ke-2 " Hatebreeder " yang melanjutkan sukses ke-2 karir COB dengan Hampir semua Track2 disini menjadi andalan band ini dan masih kerap menjadi Playlist Stage COB sampai hari ini, siapa seh yang ga kenal track keren macam " Warheart, Silent Night, Bodom Night, Hatebreeder, Bed of Razors, Children of Bodom ampe Downfall " ?? dengan permainan yang kental Pentatonik Etnis Finlandia banget pada Struktur Riffing Gitarnya terpadu kompak dengan permainan Keyboard yang Menawan itu. dengan beberapa Harmonisasi Orchestral bergaya Mozart, Alexei memang menjadi salah satu kekuatan utama dan Khas bagi Komposisi Riffing COB selain Gaya Pentatonik Folky Finlandia-nya. kemudian yang selang 1 tahun dirilislah sukses karir ke-3 dengan Album " Follow the Reaper " tahun 2000 semakin melambungkan nama COB dikancah musik Metal internasional dengan angka penjualan yang selalu Fantastis dan Merchandise mereka selalu Sold Out Bak Kacang Goreng hehehhee, dan Album ini sangat dikenal sekali dengan Track Fantastis seperti " Everytime I Die " menjadi unggulan pertama sukses album ini selain track2 keren lain seperti " Bodom After Midnight, Hate Me ! dan Kissing the Shadows", dan album pertama kali COB menggandeng Peter Tagtgren dari Hypocrisy sebagai Produser Album yang dikerjakan di studio Rekamannya, Abyss Studio. hmmm memang Trilogi album inilah yang pantas menjadi Tonggak awal kesuksesan COB seperti saat ini. bahkan Komposisi musik COB sendiri menjadi lebih berkembang dan menjadi salah satu Pengaruh terbesar band2 melodic Death Metal di Asia, khususnya Jepang, Korea dan Taiwan, mengingat Banyak label Metal disana lebih melisensi hampir semua rilisan COB berdasarkan Permintaan fans yang tinggi. dan " Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth) " menjadi Album Kompilasi Hit Track COB yang ke-3 setelah " Bestbreeder from 1997 to 2000 " ( 2003 ) dan " Skeletons in the Closet " ( 2009 ) yang hampir semuanya memiliki Materi yang sama, yakni album 1,2, dan 3 COB menjadi salah satu Konten Track-nya selain beberapa Cover song Track. dan ditahun 2012 ini Spinefarm Records merayakan Usia 15 Tahun COB dengan kembali melepas track2 Terbaiknya serta 2 Lagu Cover version yang belum pernah dirilis sebelumnya, " I'm Shipping up to Boston " Milik Dropkick Murphys dan " Jessie's Girl " milik Rick Springfield. semakin memanjakan kembali para Fans COB yang masih sangat mengagumi karya2 Dasyat awal band ini serta ga lupa 1 lagu baru " Roundtrip to Hell and Back " yang akan menjadi Materi konsep album mereka selanjutnya. So here we are with Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth), a compilation of songs spanning all of their albums. The easiest way to sum this compilation up is by saying that it’s pretty much a portfolio of pretty much the best the band has to offer. There are tracks that I wish had made it on there, and others that didn’t; but I’m positive that every other listener has that same opinion. Holiday at Lake Bodom offers twenty songs, and I thoroughly believe these twenty are enough to satisfy both long-time fans and people who have never listened to the band before. All in all, a solid compilation that highlights everything good at Children of Bodom. If you’re a long-time fan or just an occasional listener, I recommend it. If you even have a passing interest in Children of Bodom, then I recommend it.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

As one of the heavy Fans Children Of Bodom, i would always keep track hehehehe band, band Melodic Death / Power Metal Style style and dazzling melodic and energetic through an incision into a strong reason Gw like almost all the old band and the release gw honestly still ruled 2 album "Blooddrunk" and "Relentless Reckless Forever" is the concept i still can not digest than some previous masterpiece. since it was formed in 1997 from a previous band called reincarnation Inearthed in 1993 to have been released several demos until Notching Band Frontman guitarist & vocalist Alexi "Wildchild" Laiho along with 4 fellow devotee, bassist Henkka T. Blacksmith, keyboardist Janne Warman, drummer Jaska W. Raatikainen, but unfortunately guitarist Alexander Kuoppala decided to pull out of the band since 2003 and was replaced by Roope Latvala is still spread the virus to the deep hatred Music Metal Melodic Power Metal with some strong touches. since the first post-dissolution birth Inearthed and Children Of Bodom, the band released a split with the band directly Wizzard and Cryhavoc well as introducing them to the concept of a name more music populeritas Fresh so they began to climb and become full attention Potential to Scene Finnish label, Spinefarm Records directly buru2 woo them in Rosternya. and ga long after Debut First "Something Wild" was the band's successful flight through the international market with the concept of the game enormously and warmly received by his fans, Children Of Bodom increasingly Track2 speeding with such phenomenal "and the Lake Bodom Deadnight Warrior", and should be a concern only if the process of recording this album COB still use the name that was originally Inearthed album will be released by the Small Label of Origin Belgium, but eventually even the label Meng-Rip Off Records Spinefarm COB until later that keen to release it. followed 1999, COB throw back more mature second album "Hatebreeder" which went on to successful careers COB-2 with almost all Track2 here is a mainstay of the band and is still often a Playlist Stage COB today, anyone know seh a ga cool track kind of "Warheart, Silent Night, Bodom Night, Hatebreeder, Bed of Razors, Children of Bodom ampe Downfall"?? the game is thick Finnish Ethnic pentatonic riffing His guitar really integrated in a compact structure with a charming game that keyboard. Harmonization with some stylish Mozart Orchestral, Alexei has become one of the main strengths and Typical Composition pentatonic riffing style folky COB than its Finnish. then the interval 1 year successful career dirilislah-3 with the album "Follow the Reaper" in 2000 further catapulted the name COB international arena Metal music sales figures are always fantastic and they always Sold Out Merchandise Bak hehehhee Edible Nuts, and this album is very well known Track all with fantastic like "Everytime I Die" became the first successful seed this album other than cool Track2 like "Bodom After Midnight, Hate Me!, and Kissing the Shadows", and the first album COB took Peter Tagtgren of Hypocrisy as a Producer album Working The record in the studio, Abyss Studio. hmmm does this album trilogy that deserves to be a milestone early success as COB today. COB own musical compositions and even a more evolved and become one of the biggest influence band2 melodic Death Metal in Asia, particularly Japan, Korea and Taiwan, given many labels over licensing there Metal releases almost all COB fans based on high demand. and "Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)" a Compilation Album to Hit the Track COB-3 after "Bestbreeder from 1997 to 2000" (2003) and "Skeletons in the Closet" (2009), most of whom have a material Similarly, the album 1.2, and 3 COB to be one of his Track Content other than some Cover song Track. and in 2012 Spinefarm Records is celebrating 15 Years of Age COB Track2 best to back off and 2 songs Cover version are previously unreleased, "I'm Shipping up to Boston" Dropkick Murphys Owned and "Jessie's Girl" Rick Springfield property. Fans spoil the return of the COB is still greatly admired the band's early karya2 terrible and ga forgot one new song "Roundtrip to Hell and Back" will be their next album concept material. So here we are with Holiday at Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth), a compilation of songs spanning all of their albums. The easiest way to sum up this compilation is by saying that it's pretty much a portfolio of pretty much the best the band has to offer. There are tracks that I wish had made it on there, and others that did not; but I'm positive that every other listener has that same opinion. Holiday at Lake Bodom offers twenty songs, and I thoroughly believe these are enough to satisfy twenty both long-time fans and people who have never Listened to the band before. All in all, a solid compilation that highlights everything good at Children of Bodom. If you're a long-time fan or just an occasional listener, I recommend it. If you even have a passing interest in Children of Bodom, then I recommend it.

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