Rabu, 29 April 2015

Anal Blast - Assault on the Hot Wet Blood Hole CD 2007

Anal Blast - Assault on the Hot Wet Blood Hole
Mutilated Records 2007

01 Crimson Smell (Demo '95) 01:41    
02 Smell Your Cunt 01:14    
03 Bloody Mary 02:41    
04 Pull A Train 00:38    
05 Staple Your Puss Lips Together 00:41    
06 Wings Flew Away 01:10    
07 Menstrual Pancake 00:11    
08 Pussy Blood Popsicle 01:50    
09 Diaretic Orgasm 01:38    
10 Honey/Blood Hole/Suck Your Slit 00:37    
11 Spraying Blood 01:16      
12 Farm Animal Hammer 02:08    
13 Ass Over Snatch 01:17    
14 Tampon Tea Bag 01:54    
15 I Only Hit You Because Your Pretty When You Cry 01:38    
16 Internet Cunt 01:15    
17 Obese 01:29    
18 Red Mist Rising 00:45    
19 Smells Like Fish/Tastes Like Chicken 00:45    
20 Beer Bong Enema 01:05    
21 High On Cunt Blood 01:16    
22 Cum Shitting Whore + Bonustrack 03:23    
23 Fucking Fat 01:36    
24 Bitch Suck A Cock 00:41    
25 Menstrual Munchies 02:05    
26 My First Period 02:35    
27 Wings Flew Away/Menstrual Pancake/ 03:25    
28 Lil Cunts (Bonus Track) 21:22

Mengundang banyak Kontroversi di awal kehadirannya sebagai salah satu band Death/grind Vulgar dan Fenomenal di Scene Metal Internasional sejak terbentuk tahun 1994, nama Anal Blast memang banyak meninggalkan kesan memorable bagi penggemar Musik Death/grind dengan Aroma Esek-esek yang Kental. sebelum harus terkubur bersama sperma Jahanam diliang kubur bersama dengan Frontman Fenomenal Vokalis Donald Shawn Decker alias Don "Lord Stomache" Decker yang telah meninggalkan Kebersamaannya dengan Anal Blast Untuk selamanya sejak 11 Oktober 2009 lalu karena penyakit Liver Akut yang dideritanya sejak lama, Anal Blast harus bubar jalan setelah tidak dapat lagi menemukan icon Kontroversial untuk band ini. sayang banget deh, gw sebagai salah satu fans berat band ini sejak Fallin in Love via album full pertama terbaik mereka " Vaginal Vempire " tahun 1998 telah menjadi Inspirator utama sejak Gw Ngeband di Total Anal Infection, Anal Blast memang memiliki Attitude bermusik yang liar dan Vulgar sepanjang masa. dan disamping itu perjalanan Awal band ini banyak menampilkan beberapa Musisi berbakat terkenal namun banyak juga meninggalkan Informasi Misterius yang ga banyak orang tau, yang jelas band ini pernah menampilkan 3 member Nu Metal populer seperti Slipknot dalam formasinya catat nama Drummer Joey Jordison, Gitaris James Root dan Almarhum bassis Paul Gray yang memang awalnya adalah lebih disebut sebagai musisi death metal lokal sebelum sukses bersama Slipknot ! kemudian Boleh gw catat lagi nama Drummer Nick Miller, yang mengisi Album terbaik Kataklysm Era " temple Of The Knowledge ", Drummer Berbakat Tony Garfield dari Band Incinerate, Gitaris Tony Williams dari band Pentagoria, Duane Timlin pernah membantu beberapa penampilan Panggung dan masih banyak lagi Nama2 yang pernah mengisi seringnya Bongkar pasang Formasi Anal Blast. mengumpulkan Track terbaik mereka dalam satu album kompilasi keren Anal Blast " Assault on the Hot Wet Blood Hole " adalah Merupakan Rilisan bersama Mutilated Records dan Label bentukan Vokalis Don Decker, Nightfall Records ini menampilkan materi " Puss Blood Pentagram Demo 1994, Vaginal Vempire full CD tahun 1998, Materi Split dengan Cephalic Carnage Perversion... and the Guilt After / Version 5.Obese tahun 2002 dan Album Ke-2 Battered Bleeding Bitch tahun 2004, terkumpul 28 lagu biadab penuh dengan aroma selangkangan wanita dan bahasa Humor unik gaya Anal Blast yang Kontroversial. dengan gaya bermusik Death/Grind yang liar dan Brutal, Anal Blast memang menciptakan aransemen yang serba Chaotic dari segi Riffing, Drumming dan Pattern, justru memang menciptakan Konsep Musik " unik " pula bagi mereka sehingga populer seperti sekarang ini. beberapa sentuhan Crusty Punk yang Intense dan Hardcore Style juga menjadi salah satu kekuatan Dasyat penciptaan karakter lagunya. ini seperti perpaduan antara Brutal Truth, Kataklysm awal, Deeds Of Flesh awal dan beberapa kesan Napalm Death serta Impetigo, dengan sound Musik yang Distortif, Anal Blast tetap menyuguhkan gaya permainan yang serba cepat dan mengguncang ! Perpaduan antara Deep growling dan Scream Insane Vokill seperti menjadi Trademark utama band adalah sebuah komponen mengapa band ini tetap disebut sebagai band liar dan Vulgar ! hal itu gw liat sendiri pada materi DVD " Spraying Blood Live " tahun 2008 sebagai Rilisan terakhir karirnya, terlihat sekali kalau band ini mengekspose tentang seksualitas dengan Imej Vulgar, seperti beberapa kali menampilkan Penari Striptease pada beberapa penampilan panggung lengkap dengan adegan Masturbasi-nya, belum lagi ulah Vulgar Vokalis Don Decker yang Senang Bermabuk mabuk'an dan Jajan dengan Pelacur2-nya hahahaa bener2 Totally Porn Death/grind Image banget ! apalagi Penampilan Imej terakhirnya Don Decker yang men-tatto Jidat kepalanya dengan simbol Pentagram menunjukkan perilaku satanism dalam dirinya. dan gw pernah tahun lalu melakukan kontak Email dengan sosok Don Decker ini, dan gw rasa walau memiliki Style Liar, Don ini adalah sosok yang bersahabat da selalu membalas email Gw. Kover Album Kompilasi ini dikemas masih dengan tema Vulgar pula yang terdapat dalam Sleeve Cover dalamnya, walau dengan Konsep Kartun, tapi cukup bikin mual perut aja bagi yang melihatnya hahaha ... Artwork karya Thomas Wisniewski memang mengadopsi Konsep Komik Manga jepang. fans The real Porn Grind Awesome? pasti ga akan pernah melupakan kesadisan nama mereka ini. Turn up your stereo as loud as it will go and make sure you have a fresh supply of tampons to soak up all the blood that will pour from your shattered eardrums. Hell, my stereo itself bleeds for three days at a time after I play this shit. . Congratulations, ANAL BLAST . Very few bands achieve to release an album with worse production than the 11 years before demo.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Use This Google Translate)

Invite a lot of controversy at the beginning of its presence as one of the band Death / grind Vulgar and Phenomenal at International Metal Scene since their establishment in 1994, the name of Anal Blast is a lot left memorable impression for music fans of Death / grind with Aroma Esek-Esek the Lumpy. before the sperm should be buried with grave diliang hell with Phenomenal Frontman Vocalist Shawn Decker Donald aka Don "Lord stomache" Decker who left being with Anal Blast For ever since October 11, 2009 and for which he suffered acute liver disease for a long time, Anal Blast should disband road after it can no longer find the icon for the band's controversial. really love me, i as a fan of this band since Fallin in Love via their best first full album 'Vaginal Vempire "1998 has been a principal since Gw Inspirator the band at Total Anal Infection, Anal Blast does have a wild musical Attitude and Vulgar all time. and besides that a trip Earlier this band a lot of talented musicians featured some well-known, but many also leave information ga Mysterious many people know, the clear band ever featuring 3 members of Nu Metal popular as the formation Slipknot Drummer Joey Jordison record the name, guitarist James Root and The late bassist Paul Gray, who was originally was more known as a local death metal musicians prior success with Slipknot! Perhaps then my name again gw Drummer Nick Miller, the best filling Kataklysm Album Era "temple Of The Knowledge", Talented Drummer Tony Garfield from Incinerate Band, Guitarist Tony Williams of the band Pentagoria, Duane Timlin had helped several stage performances and much more nama2 Unloading frequent ever fill plug Anal Blast Formation. Track gather their best in a cool compilation albums Anal Blast "Assault on the Hot Wet Blood Hole" is a joint release is MUTILATED Records and the label formed by vocalist Don Decker, Nightfall Records showing material "Puss Blood Pentagram Demo 1994, Vaginal Vempire full year CD 1998, Matter Split with Cephalic Carnage Perversion ... and the Guilt After / Version 5.Obese 2002 and Album All Battered Bleeding Bitch-2 in 2004, collected 28 songs full of savage female crotch scent unique style of humor and language that Anal Blast controversial. musical style Death / Grind wild and Brutal, Anal Blast does create a versatile arranger Chaotic terms of riffing, Drumming and Pattern, it does create a concept of Musical "unique" as well for them so popular as it is today. few touches Crusty Punk Intense and Hardcore Style are also one of the terrible strength of character creation of his songs.'s like a mix between Brutal Truth, Kataklysm early, Deeds Of Flesh early and some impression of Napalm Death and impetigo, the music sound distorted, Anal Blast still presenting style game fast paced and rocked! cross between Deep growling and Insane Scream Vokill such a Trademark of the band is a component of why the band is still referred to as the band's wild and Vulgar! gw liat it alone on DVD material "Spraying Blood Live" in 2008 as the last release career, it is so obvious that the band's expose about sexuality with Vulgar The image, like several times showing striptease dancer in several stage performances complete with her masturbation scenes, not to mention the act of Vulgar Vocalist Don Decker who Bermabuk mabuk'an and Snack Happy with his Pelacur2 hahahaa bener2 Totally Porn Death / grind Image really! especially The image appearance last Don Decker who download the forehead tattoo head pentagram symbol of Satanism behave in him., and last year i had email contact with the figure of Don Decker, and i think even have Wild Style, Don is a friendly figure da always reply to emails Gw. Coverage This compilation album is packed with theme Vulgar Similarly Cover Sleeve contained in it, even with Concept Cartoons, but nauseating enough stomach hahaha wrote to the viewer ... Artwork by Thomas Wisniewski did adopt Japanese Manga Comics concept. fans of The Real Porn Grind Awesome? definitely ga'll never forget their names this sadism. Turn up your stereo as loud as it will go and the make sure you have a fresh supply of tampons to soak up all the blood that will pour from your shattered eardrums. Hell, my stereo itself bleeds for three days at a time after I play this shit .. Congratulations, ANAL BLAST. Achieve Very few bands to release an album with worse production than the 11 years before the demo.

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