Jumat, 03 April 2015

Europe - War of Kings CD 2015

Europe - War of Kings
UDR Records CD 2015

01 War Of Kings
02 Hole In My Pocket
03 Second Day
04 Praise You
05 Nothin’ To Ya
06 California 405
07 Days Of Rock n Roll
08 Children Of The Mind
09 Rainbow Bridge
10 Angels (With Broken Hearts)
11 Light It Up

Joey Tempest - Vocals
John Norum - Guitars
John Levén - Bass
Mic Michaeli - Keyboards
Ian Haugland - Drums

Menyebut nama Band Hard Rock terkenal asal Swedia yang meraih popularitas tinggi di era 1980an sampai dengan awal dekade 1990. Awalnya Band ini mengusung Konsep musik yang lebih berbau Progressive Metal, Namun setelah menambahkan Elemen Keyboards di dalam musiknya, Europe mulai mendunia dengan Track paling Fenomenal serta Historial dengan " The Final Countdown " sangat didominasi riff keyboards yang mampu Membakar Soul Setiap Yang mendengarnya akan berubah Mood, adalah lagu yang melesatkan Europe sebagai salah satu band hard rock papan atas dunia Sejak dibentuk tahun 1979, Band ini telah berhasil menjual lebih dari 20 juta rekaman di seluruh dunia. Setelah sempat memutuskan untuk istirahat panjang sekitar tahun 1993, akhirnya Europe kembali ke blantika rock dunia pada tahun 2003 dengan formasi klasik mereka era " The Final Countdown "-nya, ada Joey Tempest, John Norum, Mic Michaeli, John Leven, dan Ian Haugland. Meskipun sempat ditawari, Sayang gitaris Kee Marcello memutuskan tidak ikut bergabung kembali pada reunian ini. kemudian pada Tahun 2004 Europe untuk pertama kalinya merilis album baru bertitel " Start From the Dark " yang ternyata mendapat sambutan cukup hangat kembali dari penggemarnya. Menampilkan warna Hard Rock yang lebih keras dan pekat dengan balutan gitar yang lebih kental, album ini terjual lebih dari 600.000 kopi. Warna musik yang disuguhkan album ini memang sangat berbeda dengan warna musik mereka di era 1980-an. disusul kemudian Tahun 2006 dengan Album " Secret Society " yang masih sewarna dengan album " Start From The Dark " Europe tampaknya memutuskan untuk tidak kembali ke sound mereka pada tahun 1980-an yang mereka anggap terlalu melodius menjadi lebih garang yang lebih menonjolkan distorsi gitar down-tuned dan roffel drum yang kuat. Sementara album Terakhirnya " Bag of Bones " mendapatkan banyak pujian juha karena menampilkan terus warna Hard Rock yang murni. nah dari perjalanan album2 sebelumnya inilah Kalian akan dibikin terkaget kaget dengan Materi Gress mereka di tahun 2015 dengan " War of Kings ", so jangan mengharap terlalu lebih jika Europe masih bakalan Ngotot terus memainkan Warna Hard Rock-nya, Karena " War of Kings " adalah materi yang sangat Mengejutkan sekali dengan sentuhan Oldish Rock banget In The Vein Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple hingga Black Sabbath era, lengkap dengan Rusty Classic Sound yang memang karakter-nya dibentuk sedemikian Khas dengan Sound Hard Rock di Era 70-an banget. minimalism is used to sublime and seminal effect; lyrically prominent, with melodies guitars and keyboards used to colourful and emotive effect. Meskipun sentuhan Nuansa Rockin yang begitu kuat masih menjadi Karakter Dasar band sendiri yang terdengar masih enerjik. like track that capitalises on its catchiness, the instrumentation lightly arranged to thicken the chorus and dissipate, adding breeze and flow to the verses; but then, if you would like to remind yourself of how Europe performs those killer, enormous, Euro-style choruses, this is the track to turn to. " War Of Kings " langsung ngebuktikan banget Kalimat Gw sebelumnya, jika gaya Klasik Sound Band ini mengarah ke-3 nama Legendaris diatas, As one could expect, the songwriting is spectacular; great thought obviously being put into choosing this piece as the album's first shot fired. Meskipun Range Vokalis Joey Tempest sudah tidak mampu menjangkau Oktaf tinggi, sehingga penampilannya disini masih " Biasa " saja, namun masih menarik dengan beberapa Refrain Panjang-nya yang memorable. " Hole In My Pocket " lebih kerasa Rock N Roll klasiknya seperti mendengar " Highway Star " nya Deep Purple mungkin, Synthetizer Classic Keyboard Mic Michaeli hanya melakukan Bloking Tune aja. Seperti mendengarkan Karakter Klasik Jamannya Led Zepplin " Praise You " menjadi Nomor yang Begitu Menghanyutkan Intonasi-nya. to a lilting, Bluesy and spacey series of verses is both jarring and relaxing, a strangely functional juxtaposition. dan Track Balada Menyentuh beat-nya adalah " California 405 ", sekedar menikmati setiap Feel-nya, Track ini memainkan Chorus yang sangat Memorable sekali. begitu Juga Warna " Rainbow Bridge ". Sajian Menarik sekaligus menjadi Irama Penyeimbang Emosional kita dalam situasi Boring Sekalipun " War of Kings " seperti menjadi Pukat Yang menghanyutkan Imaji kita dalam Gelapnya malam. When the guys said that 'War Of Kings' was the album that they always wanted to make, they clearly have excellent standards. I have played to this new record many times over (which really wasn't difficult) since it's release, and I have to say that this is Europe's best album in years, and the only one in recent times that I loved on first listen. It is in many ways like 'old Europe', and should satisfy their ever-growing fan base, particularly those who are old enough to remember their first five albums and I am a collector of good rock music albums and one just added to the top row on my rack.

IN ENGLISH (Sorry, Google Translate Use)

The name of the famous Hard Rock band from Sweden who won popularity in the 1980s until the early decades of 1990. Initially this band brings more music concept smelling Progressive Metal, but after adding elements in his music Keyboards, Europe began to worldwide with the most phenomenal and Track Historial with "The Final Countdown" is dominated riffs keyboards are capable of Burning Soul hear every thing will change Mood, is a song that Hits Europe as one of the top hard rock band formed in 1979 World Since, the band has sold more than 20 million records worldwide. After a break for a long break around 1993, Europe finally returned to the arena rock world in 2003 with the formation of their classic era of "The Final Countdown" was, there was Joey Tempest, John Norum, Mic Michaeli, John Leven, and Ian Haugland. Although it was offered, dear guitarist Kee Marcello decided not to join back at this reunion. then in 2004 Europe for the first time released a new album titled "Start From the Dark" which has received quite a warm welcome back from fans. Featuring color Hard Rock tougher and concentrated with a bandage thicker guitar, the album sold more than 600,000 copies. The color of the music presented this album is very different from the color of their music in the 1980s. followed in 2006 with the album "Secret Society" which is the same color as the album "Start From The Dark" Europe apparently decided not to return to their sound in the 1980s that they deem too melodic become more ferocious guitar distortion that further highlight the down- Roffel tuned and powerful drums. While his last album "Bag of Bones" get a lot of praise for showing continued Juha Hard Rock pure color. nah from previous album2 trip this contrived terkaget You will be surprised by their New material in 2015 with "War of Kings", so do not expect too much if Europe is going to insist continue to play its Color Hard Rock, Because "War of Kings" is material that is very surprising at all with the touch of Oldish Rock buildup In The Vein Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple to Black Sabbath era, complete with Rusty Classic Sound that his character is shaped in a way typical with Sound Hard Rock in the Era of the '70s really. minimalism is used to sublime and seminal effect; lyrically prominent, with melodies of guitars and keyboards used to colorful and emotive effect. Although Nuance Rockin touch that is so powerful is still a Basic Character own band that sounds still energetic. like tracks that capitalizes on its catchiness, the instrumentation lightly arranged to thicken the chorus and dissipate, adding breeze and flow to the verses; but then, if you would like to remind yourself of how Europe performs Reviews those killer, enormous, Euro-style choruses, this is the track to turn to. "War Of Kings" directly ngebuktikan really Gw previous sentence, if the style is Classical Sound Band-3 leads to a legendary name above, As one could expect, the songwriting is spectacular; obviously being put great thought into choosing this piece as the album's first shot fired. Although Range vocalist Joey Tempest has not been able to reach high octaves, so its appearance here is "Ordinary", but still interesting with some of his Refrain length memorable. "Hole In My Pocket" is fixed and Rock N Roll classics like hearing "Highway Star" Her Deep Purple possible, synthetizer Classic Keyboard Mic Michaeli just do Blocking Tune wrote. Like listening to Led Zepplin Character Classic era "Praise You" became a number that is soon washed away his intonation. to a lilting, Bluesy and spacey series of verses is both jarring and relaxing, a strangely functional juxtaposition. and Track Ballad Touching the beat is "California 405", just enjoy every Feel it, it plays Chorus Track highly Memorable once. so also color "Rainbow Bridge". Interesting dish as well as a rhythm Balancing Emotional us in a situation Boring While "War of Kings" as it became trawl The Imaji washed us in His dark night. When the guys said that 'War Of Kings' was the album that they always wanted to make, they have excellent standards Cleary. I have played to this new record many times over (which really was not difficult,) since it's release, and I have to say that this is Europe's best album in years, and the only one in recent times that I loved on first listen. It is in many ways like the 'old Europe', and should satisfy Reviews their ever-growing fan base, par- ticularly Those who are old enough to remember Reviews their first five albums and I am a collector of good rock music albums and one just added to the top row on my rack.

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