Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Sabaoth - Unholy Divinity CD 2015

Sabaoth - Unholy Divinity
Dismembered Records CD 2015

01 Genesis (intro) 01:08    
02 Rotting Religion Disbelieve 03:29    
03 Bapthized by Hate 03:18    
04 Fear and Trembling 03:59    
05 Truth in the Eyes of Your Bigotry 03:14    
06 Choir of the End Times 04:42    
07 Your God...Not My God 03:36    
08 Liturgy of Perversion 03:44    
09 Pray of the Unholy 05:20    
10 Revelation (outro) 02:21

Boy - Vocals
Rio - Guitars
Ivan - Bass
Marcel - Drums

" Unholy Divinity " Siap Menjadi Rilisan Death Metal Frontal Asli dari Manado Scene, SABAOTH yang harus kalian Antisipasi ditahun 2015 ini ! Acquainted with the Aforementioned Phrase get Straight to the Point, Surprising Debaucheries occur among Relentless Brutality !!! Tanpa ada Tendensi Melebih-lebihkan Kenyataan, " Unholy Divinity " ini adalah bentuk Death Metal Brutal paling emosional yang tertata lebih Rapi serta Konsisten dengan karakter-nya. Sabaoth learned pretty quickly that brutality does not necessarily have to eschew musicality. Sehingga wajar memang ini adalah kejutan yang siap menampar jika kalian Cuek dengan sebuah eksistensi dan terlalu asyik menikmati Doktrin Palsu dari orang yang sering kalian kagumi sehingga tidak percaya dengan Insting sendiri, Fatal ! Saatnya lebih percaya dengan Kuping sendiri untuk menikmati sebuah Kualitas !!! there is just enough musicality and exploration, Pure accelerated death metal arrives, carrying a load of hefty blast beats and high speed picking that somewhat makes one resentful for having gotten themselves into listening to this in the first place ! Memang Surprize banget saat mendengarkannya, ini adalah Straightforward Death Metal Accurate selangkah lebih Matang dari Perjalanan Karir Musikal Sabaoth, Downtune Groovy and Pummeling Distorted Chord Riffing, More Gurgling Guttural Grunt Vokill and more of a malicious battery Drumming storms brutality that reigns emerge from the shadows of the night and cut the throats of the non believers to pieces. Pertarungan Intensitas Meledak Hebat antara Suffocation, Brodequin, Gorgasm dengan Racikan Sedap beberapa Slam Groovy kuat Dying Fetus serta Soils Of Fate lumayan menjadi Bumbu sedap pembantaian ala Sabaoth di Full Perdana yang dikerjakan dengan maksimal ! Coz 10 Track disini akan menjadi Playlist Berisik Serius paling setia di Boring Time Kalian. And I hold this in higher regard is that it really finds the perfect balanced between the genre's penchant for brutality and the more musical tendencies !

Seperti mulai mempermainkan Emosional layaknya, diparuh awal Full album ini dimulai dengan Intro " Genesis " cukup bikin suasana Horrific plus mencekam Lebih menggambarkan Artwork serta Kebanyakan Lirik di " Unholy Divinity ", seperti cooling down dulu, abis itu kita langsung dicincang dengan " Rotting Religion Disbelieve " lewat Hentakan Twin pedal rapat, Depth Distortion Riff dan Deep Guttural Vokal sudah langsung membakar Adrenalin dengan Atmosfir Gelap Menghancurkannya ! are rarely felt through the composition, and it lacks some of the incendiary lead work that provided a number of the highlighted moments, but all in all the balance of riffing and tempo variation here Keep superior. Sejenak Gw mendengarkan sendiri ada banyak Kemajuan pesat memang dengan Sabaoth jika Kecepatan beat tidak menjadi Sesuatu yang Terus Mendominasi Komposisi Musikalnya, Buktinya disini Sabaoth banyak Meracik Ramuan Death Metal yang lebih Berbobot dan berbisa ! ultimate it has generic written all over it and the fact that they simply move from riff to riff systematically throughout every song makes the entire album seem completely forgettable. Raungan Powerfully Deep Guttural Boy lebih menambahkan Kesan Mantap abis penyempurna Komposisi Konspirasi Antara Gitaris Rio dan Drummer Marcel memberikan Kerangka Brutalitas Harmoni yang simply passable at best death metal Construction ! Tidak banyak mendapat sentuhan yang Terlalu Modern, Sabaoth Masih kuat Mempertahankan Karakter US Brutal Death Metal Sound dengan beberapa sentuhan yang dinamis tidak melulu memprioritaskan Beat tempo yang meledak-ledak, namun banyak sekali terselip Slam Groovy Fantastis diantaranya. memfasilitasi Kebiadaban selanjutnya adalah " Bapthized by Hate " tetep menuangkan Harmonisasi Sadis lengkap dengan Kebencian sebagai Semangat Abstrak, Jika Sabaoth memang dibaptis untuk memainkan Brutal Death Metal yang lebih systematically And completely forgettable ! Sudah kita cicipi sebelumnya Jika " Fear and Trembling " adalah Track Kejam yang telah mengalami Transformasi bentuk baru-nya,  It's insanely spastic from beginning to end and not in somehow manages to be smooth and cohesive. It's more than a Bunch of Strong together Add induced riffs, nope there's actual songs here. Wow!! Pengen yang lebih Bikin kepala Goyang lagi lewat Sentuhan ciamik Slam Groovy Elegant ? Coba Track " Truth in the Eyes of Your Bigotry ", meski Hanya Mempesona selama 30 Detik, First Part Track ini membawa sentuhan mengagumkan kemudian pada komposisi yang tertata indah dan rapi, Quite simply this is awesome awesome stuff. I've never been highly proficient at adequately describing a band's particular sound, but for want of a highly-less trivial way of putting it, this album sounds kind of like Krisiun's razor-sharp attack only with bludgeoning sledgehammers coupled with lethal intent to use such force. Suasana Kembali Mencekam lagi saat Intro Track " Choir of the End Times " mengontrol emosi kita yang teraduk sebelumnya, Melewati 40 Detik mencekam barulah kita merasakan kembali Gempuran Hypersnare rapat lagi. Bentuk baru Track lain kemudian adalah " Your God...Not My God ", dimana partisi Bar-nya tersusun lebih dari sebelumnya, sehingga pesona Brutalitasme kian lebih Emosional ! tetap Menggerinda dengan " Liturgy of Perversion ", menjadi serangan yang semakin memanas dengan enerji emosional terluapkan begitu konstan.  tidak memerlukan Waktu tersendiri untuk menikmati Komposisi yang ditawarkan oleh Band ini selain Ketukan Musikal yang simple namun Menyimpan Aransemen yang Dasyat ! Kekuatan Vokal makin memperjelas Obyek Konsep, The vocals implement a lot of atmospheric, sustained Gurgling which are often panned against one another to create a more cacophonous haze above the instrumental punishment. " Pray of the Unholy " Kembali membuat suasana Mencekam di intro track-nya, ya wajar memang kalo Atmosfir musik yang Padat dan Rapat beberapa Kali menggempur indera dengar kita mendadak Cooling down hehehe " Pray of the Unholy " mengakhiri Penyiksaan sistematis Sabaoth lewat Progres Emosional, Ga terasa memang jika selama Hampir 35 Menit Konsentrasi kita bener2 Tersiksa. There are tons of blasts, double-bass, and stop-on-a-dime changes. The vocals are indecipherable Guttural esque Grunt that fit with the music perfectly. The production on this album makes all of these elements easy to hear separately, but still blends them into a powerful whole. Thanks to the combination of the killer songs and the flawless production, " Unholy Divinity " was definitely worth the wait.

Nyata memang jika Distortif Sound, Natural Nice Drumming (No Use Fucking Midi & Triggering Tool)serta Powerfull Guttural Gurgling menjadi Komponen paling Berbisa dalam Musikal Sabaoth yang tidak terlepas dari Idealis tetap mereka pertahankan saat ini. disaat Fenomena dan perkembangan Musik semakin pesat, Ide dan Pesan Gila yang masih Idealis tetap menjadi Jati diri Band tentang sebuah konsep agar tidak Kemana mana. Produksi Sound yang Killer dan Maksimal yang dikerjakan oleh Januaryo Hardy lewat Insidious Soundlab-nya sangat memberi Polesan Hasil Finishing yang Deadly Sound banget ! Coretan Sakti Artworker Ryo Oscaryzm memberi Kesan lebih Gelap serta Blasphemic dan Kemasan Produksi Maksimal Dismembered Records adalah Yang Paling The Beast !!! Saat nya membuka Mindset Death metal yang lebih luas dari Banyak band Potensial scene tanah air ini, Saatnya menambah lagi Playlist Berbahaya dan mulai menyingkirkan Playlist yang mulai Bagi kalian membosankan ! with odd time signatures from time to time, this is their most ambitious effort in that regard, and the results are, as the cliche says, " FUCKING BRUTAL DEATH METAL AWESOME " And You should get this Important Release Now.

IN ENGLISH (Use Google Translate)
"Unholy Divinity" Ready to Release Original Frontal Death Metal Scene from Manado, Sabaoth, which should you Anticipating this 2015! Acquainted with the aforementioned Phrase get Straight to the Point, Surprising Debaucheries occur Among Relentless Brutality !!! Without any tendency Exaggerating fact, "Unholy Divinity" This is the form most emotional Brutal Death Metal are arranged more Neat and consistent with his character. Sabaoth learned pretty quickly intervening Brutality that does not necessarily have to eschew MUSICALITY. So naturally it is indeed a surprise ready to smack if you does not matter with an existence and too busy enjoying the False Doctrine of the person you admire so often did not trust his own instincts, Fatal! Time to have more confidence with their own ears to enjoy a quality !!! there is just enough MUSICALITY and exploration, Pure accelerated death metal arrives, carrying a load of Hefty blast beats and high speed picking that one makes somewhat resentful for having gotten Themselves into listening to this in the first place! Indeed Surprize freely when listening, this is Death Metal Accurate Straightforward step Mature Musical Career of Sabaoth, Downtune Groovy and pummeling Distorted Chord riffing, gurgling Guttural Grunt Vokill More and more of a malicious battery Drumming Brutality storms that reigns emerge from the shadows of the night and cut the throats of the non-believers to pieces. Great Exploding intensity bout between Suffocation, Brodequin, Gorgasm with Also Mixing some strong Groovy Slam Dying Fetus and Soils Of Fate passable into savory seasoning Sabaoth style massacre at Full Premium Working with the maximum! Coz 10 Track Playlist Noisy here will be the most loyal in Boring Serious Time You. And I hold this in higher regard is that it really finds the perfect balanced between the genre's penchant for Brutality and the more musical tendencies! As it starts playing Emotional withdrawal, half of the initial full album begins with the intro "Genesis" enough to make the atmosphere tense More Horrific plus describe Artwork and Most Lyrics in "Unholy Divinity", like cooling down first, after that we immediately chopped with "Rotting Religion Disbelieve "Twin pedal through the buffeting meeting, Depth Distortion Riff and Deep Guttural vocals already directly burn with Atmospheric Dark Adrenaline Destroy! are rarely felt through the composition, and it lacks some of the Incendiary lead work-provided that a number of the highlighted moments, but all in all the balance of riffing and tempo variation here Keep superior. I moment listening to yourself there are many rapid progress with Sabaoth, if indeed not be beat Speed ​​Continues to Dominate Something musical composition, proof here Sabaoth many dispensing Potion of Death Metal is more weighted and poisonous! Ultimate it has generic written all over it and the fact that they simply move from riff to riff systematically throughout every song makes the entire album seem completely forgettable. Powerfully Deep Guttural roar more added Impression Steady Boy Abis falsifies Composition Conspiracy Between Rio and Drummer Guitarist Marcel provide Brutality Framework Harmony simply passable at best death metal Construction! Not much got a touch too modern, powerful Still Maintaining Character Sabaoth US Brutal Death Metal sound with some dynamic touch not only prioritize Beat explosive tempo, but a lot of them tucked Fantastic Slam Groovy. facilitate further outrage is "Bapthized by Hate" Harmonization Sadistic tetep pour complete with hatred as Abstract Spirit, if indeed baptized Sabaoth to play Brutal Death Metal is more systematically And completely forgettable! Already we tasted earlier if "Fear and Trembling" is Track Cruel which has undergone transformation of his new form, It's insanely spastic from beginning to end and not in somehow manages to be smooth and cohesive. It's more than a Bunch of Strong together Add induced riffs, nope there's actual songs here. Wow !! Want more Make heads Shake again through Groovy Elegant Touch ciamik Slam? Try Track "Truth in the Eyes of Your Bigotry", even if only for 30 Seconds Enchanting, First Part of this track brings a touch of awesome then the composition landscaped and neat, Quite simply this is awesome awesome stuff. I've never been highly proficient at adequately describing a band's particular sound, but for want of a highly-less trivial way of putting it, this album sounds kind of like Krisiun's razor-sharp attack only with bludgeoning sledgehammers coupled with lethal intent to use Reviews such force. Atmosphere Back Smelled again when Intro Track "Choir of the End Times" to control our emotions are stirred earlier, 40 Seconds Past tense back then we felt the meeting Hypersnare strikes again. Track another new form then is "Your God ... Not My God", where his Bar partition composed more than ever, so that increasingly more Emotional Brutalitasme charm! remains Grinding with "Liturgy of perversion", became increasingly heated attacks with emotional energy terluapkan so constant. does not require a separate time to enjoy the composition offered by this band apart Beats Musical simple yet Saving Arrangements are terrible! Increasingly vocal strength clarify Object Concept, The vocals implement a lot of atmospheric, sustained gurgling Often roomates are panned against one another to create a more cacophonous haze above the instrumental punishment. "Pray of the Unholy" Re-create the atmosphere Smelled in his intro track, so fair indeed if Atmospheric Solids music and meeting some time we suddenly heard pounding senses Cooling down hehehe "Pray of the Unholy" end the systematic torture Sabaoth through Emotional Progress, Not was indeed if for almost 35 minutes we bener2 Tortured concentration. There are tons of blasts, double-bass, and stop-on-a-dime changes. The vocals are indecipherable Guttural esque Grunt that fit with the music perfectly. The production on this album makes all of Reviews These elements separately easy to hear, but still blends them into a powerful whole. Thanks to the combination of the killer songs and the flawless production, "Unholy Divinity" was definitely worth the wait. Real indeed if distortive Sound, Natural Nice Drumming (No Fucking Use Midi & triggering Tool) and Powerful Guttural gurgling be most Venomous Components in Musical Sabaoth, which can not be separated from their fixed Idealists maintain current. while phenomenon and increasingly rapid development of music, ideas and messages is still Idealists Crazy identity remains a band on a concept that is not where the Where. Killer Sound Production and Maximum done by Januaryo Hardy through its Insidious Soundlab very giving Gloss Finishing Results Deadly Sound really! Graffiti Way Artworker Ryo Dark Oscaryzm give more impressions and Blasphemic and Packaging Production Maximum dismembered Records is The Most of The Beast !!! When it opened Mindset Death metal wider than Many Potential band scene this homeland, Time to add another Playlists Playlists Dangerous and start getting rid of those guys who started boring! with odd time signatures from time to time, this is their most ambitious effort in that regard, and the results are, as the cliche says, "FUCKING BRUTAL DEATH METAL AWESOME" And You should get this Important Release Now.

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